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IFF election

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    IFF election

    Some very valid points made by Dr.Ehsani, publisher of vision Asia in

    Conflict of interest, (I think this term does not have an exact equivalent
    in Farsi, but the term Zee-Naf is used, which is more like benefactor, but
    still conveys the message). How can Ali-Abadi as head of sports admin,
    also be a candidate for IFF head job (without even resigning from his
    previous job? and with many other responsibilities he already has)

    I am afraid our suspension has not gotten through the small brain some
    of these greedy officials have, and will cost our football dearly.

    According to Dr.Ehsani, some very qualified candidates are not even running
    due to the unhealthy atmophere created but the likes of Ali-Abadi.

    Get ready for real suspension. Yet another potential candidate
    refuses to participate as he sees it all as a show and not real elction:

    Safai-Farahani is observing a very important process and has a chance
    to effect it positively or just ignore everything for the pending disaster to
    take place.


      Originally posted by gol_kuchik View Post
      Some very valid points made by Dr.Ehsani, publisher of vision Asia in

      Conflict of interest, (I think this term does not have an exact equivalent
      in Farsi, but the term Zee-Naf is used, which is more like benefactor, but
      still conveys the message). How can Ali-Abadi as head of sports admin,
      also be a candidate for IFF head job (without even resigning from his
      previous job? and with many other responsibilities he already has)

      I am afraid our suspension has not gotten through the small brain some
      of these greedy officials have, and will cost our football dearly.

      According to Dr.Ehsani, some very qualified candidates are not even running
      due to the unhealthy atmophere created but the likes of Ali-Abadi.
      Conflict of interest = Ekhtelaf Manafeh


        The crook Aliabadi running is a sad joke becoming true. The way the things are going (true corrupt IR style) his chances are much higher (read pre determined) than others.
        HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
        you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.


          I hate to admit this, but maybe among the current candidates this crook (AliAbadi) is the best option.

          He is politically connected, can bring money and seems to be not much obssesed with himself to be in the media everyday. At least he was a manager of a large organization and undrestands something about planning (long term planning).

          A look at other candidates shows this was a choice among bad and worst. One of the other candidates was Kateerayee (former boss of Hefazet of the Tarbeeyat badani read Savama), Other one was Ajerloo who I wrote about enough already. I wish Safai farahani would run, but if he did, right now I think the current government will put a lot of choob in his charkh (create hurdles for him). So again, it is not like I am excited with AliAbadi, but among the koors yek cheshmeeyha soltan hastand.
          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


            ZZ jan Ekhtelafeh Manafeh is a literal translation but does not capture the meaning of the expression.

            Ali Agha, I have to respectfully disagree. I think someone at the helm of IFF must be
            well versed in Football, but also a person who simply goes by the rules and makes
            everything in Football operation transparent. In my view, future head of IFF must make
            regular appearance in 90 and be ready for questions and concerns.

            Ali-Abadi has proven time and again his bad judgment, including this nomination which makes no sense.
            He also has this un-earned confidence and arrogance, which makes him think he is above all.

            If we look at the success example of Volleyball and Basketball, there you have guys who are very much
            familiar with the sport and are left in charge with no outside intervention.

            I think Football needs the same. Of course it is very difficult because there is so much
            money involved and it is number one sport. But if a guy with a lot of power, but no
            accountibility was the answer why not take Ahmaghi-Nejad and put him as the head of IFF?

            Ali-Abadi has been creating all sorts of problem as the head of SA for IFF (an abuse of
            his position) but we should hope for IFF to be compeletely independent of SA instead of
            making their relation even more convoluted by having them both managed by same


              I agree with Ali-Chicago e aziz...............
              Ali-abadi, is the best choice.......the reason ?!
              In Iran, the justifications have different meaning than other countries...
              In Iran, in my opinion, the head of IFF, contrary to other countries, should NOT be independent, as an independent candidate, would not be able to do anything, as he has no inside connections to move things forward.

              according to :


              only, aliabadi and kafashian are left, and ajorloo and the others have been found disqualified.

              how ever, the main question now is : Will all these changes be satisfactory to FIFA ?......if they ask me, IT SHOULD NOT BE.


                It seems we are forgetting some very basic facts here. It is a FIFA mandate that pretty
                much makes someone who is head of SA in Iran (completely government run) ineligible for
                IFF head position. Separation of power, checks and balances are really good. We dont
                really need a dictator to turn things around, we need open process, if it takes long so be it.

                Fortunately at this juncture (or may be unfortunately), FIFA is watching us and we have
                a monitoring body to insure the above.


                  No matter how hard, our PFDC policy , states,
                  No matter how hard we try to seperate poletics and football.
                  No way, any one can Ignor the core issue of Iranian Stupid government,and its implications in IFF.
                  We have no choice but to shot up,and put up.


                    This is one confusing yet revealing article. First it says that the
                    transition committe has add 2 names to the list of candidates:
                    "Ajorloo and Mohamadi"
                    Then a member of transition committee (TC) named Regbati expresses surprise
                    and says he has no idea about these 2 being reconsidered for IFF head.
                    So first the TC names 2 new candidaets then a member of TC says we never
                    even received a complaint nor the form from these two.
                    هم*چنين مديركل حراست سازمان تربيت بدني مطلب غيرواقع مصطفي آجورلو با يكي از رسانه ها را دليل تاييد صلاحيت وي در عرصه انتخابات فدراسيون فوتبال از سوي سه نفر از اعضاي كميته انتقالي دانست و آنرا غير قانوني خواند.
                    I think ISNA writer (unless they are quoting directly) should pay more attention
                    to what they report. The above statement makes no sense and is contradictory.
                    But it gets better, as the head of "Herasat" ==> Irans Home Land Security
                    cheif at Sports Admin, denies he has any knowledge of these two being
                    added to the list, after being asked by Farahani. (i.e Farahani assumed
                    their name must have been added by the Herasaty guy) and states this
                    does not go well with FIFA regulation
                    Folks, prepare for suspension.


                      The link doesn't work. The article has probably been removed!


                        Originally posted by Guru View Post
                        The link doesn't work. The article has probably been removed!


                          According to latest news (Oct 7), FIFA election oversite group will be monitoring
                          IFF election. Still not clear to me if Ali-Abadi will resign from his current post
                          or wants to be head of Sports admin AS WELL AS IFF.


                            We all know how , any election works in n't we ?
                            Remmember, bring in 20 " Khodi ", candidates, and then, test them again by " commetee "as how khodi they are...............just how ahmadinejad became president...............
                            same old " Khayme shak bazi ", is going on for IFF..............
                            But, there are some seriouse questions here :

                            1- Are there elections fake or not ?

                            2-if they are, what is a right thing to do ?

                            Obviously, felleow Iranians in Iran, can not do anything about it.....
                            BUT WHAT ABOUT US ?
                            we can understand the PFDC's position of wanting to be nutral.....But,

                            3- do we, as memmbers should do the same ?

                            4-Is signing a petition by us all members, ( not on behalf of PFDC ),and giveing it to FIFA, a wrong thing to do ?

                            may be for once, we can do something,that is both good for our football,and for our country !!!!


                              Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                              We all know how , any election works in n't we ?
                              Remmember, bring in 20 " Khodi ", candidates, and then, test them again by " commetee "as how khodi they are...............just how ahmadinejad became president...............
                              same old " Khayme shak bazi ", is going on for IFF..............
                              But, there are some seriouse questions here :
                              1- Are there elections fake or not ?
                              2-if they are, what is a right thing to do ?
                              Obviously, felleow Iranians in Iran, can not do anything about it.....
                              BUT WHAT ABOUT US ?
                              we can understand the PFDC's position of wanting to be nutral.....But,
                              3- do we, as memmbers should do the same ?
                              4-Is signing a petition by us all members, ( not on behalf of PFDC ),and giveing it to FIFA, a wrong thing to do ?
                              may be for once, we can do something,that is both good for our football,and for our country !!!!
                              Good questions, and I don't have the answers but here is my suggestions:
                              IFF election is 6 days away. Since there is absolutely no reason for this process
                              to be secret (it is football not national security), unless the list of candidates --eligible
                              candidates and the ones disqualified is posted on an official site (how come IFF
                              does not have an official site?) and the reason for disqualification is clearly stated
                              we should file a formal complaint to FIFA.

                              This can be done *before* election. It would help to know the name of officials
                              visiting Iran. At any rate, this is all related to sports. If anyone wants to make
                              it political by making elections secret or disqualifying candidates its they who are
                              trying to subvert not us who as fans simply like to insure due process is followed.

