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IFF election

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    Originally posted by gol_kuchik View Post
    DD Jan,

    My understanding of current hold up is that it has nothing to do with the
    rewrite of the law, but mostly revolves around the person of AA being the
    head of IFF. (the rewrite was satsifactory). Unfortunately, when you read
    most of the communication betewen
    these people, they are so vague (on purpose) that it is hard to understand
    what the real contentions are. It seems to me when it comes to IRI policies,
    every one is considered "Khodie" (insider) including the American, Russians, Chinese, Brits etc, except for the people of Iran, if you know what I mean.
    There are other examples of people in the governemnt who are the head of Football Federation as well. Bangladesh is one example. So it isnt' like Iran's case will be the first. The whole issue is that head of IFF shouldn't be choosen through election. If Aliabadi or Haveej for that matter wins the election, let them be. This is a power struggle SF and comapny are playing. It isn't like other candidates are better. Ajerlou is a former torturer in Ewin (see my earlier thread abotu Ajerlou). Kafasheyan has been for year in the olymopic comitte and it isn't like he is a star either.
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


      Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
      There are other examples of people in the governemnt who are the head of Football Federation as well. Bangladesh is one example. So it isnt' like Iran's case will be the first. The whole issue is that head of IFF shouldn't be choosen through election. If Aliabadi or Haveej for that matter wins the election, let them be. This is a power struggle SF and comapny are playing. It isn't like other candidates are better. Ajerlou is a former torturer in Ewin (see my earlier thread abotu Ajerlou). Kafasheyan has been for year in the olymopic comitte and it isn't like he is a star either.
      Well, AliAbadi (who coincidenatally is also assisstant to president) decided to finaly give up his bid, after Ahmadi Nejad told him to do so. I guess you can say he loved and cared so much for Iranian Football that:

      1-He did not want to give up his position as POE head nor his assisstant to presidents job.

      2-He waited for a whole year to do so, and to the last minute.

      3-There was not a single word from him after Ahmadi Nejad told him to step down?! (like, but I think I can really help only with my 20%)

      If I had to guess, the Football Loving, God fearing individual AliAbadi is (not), he will make every attempt to insure in the given 2-3 weeks nothing goes smoothly. Although Safi Farahni, must act quickly and openly to push what is best for Iranian Football and TM forward. He is head of transition comittee and he should have no fear of AhmadiNejads baseless insinuations.

      One thing that worries me a lot, is that the list of players must be submitted before Jan 5th to AFC. Otherwise it will be EsEs (elimination) all over again. And as they say: the first time it was tragedy, but the second time it will be comedy. A tasteless joke on Iranian people, and the rest of the world laughing.


        I hope Safi Farahani and the transition committe announce the list of all the candidates along with their autobiography. We need a transparent process with a powerful head of IFF, to make the decision on the next coach as it has become apparent the coach will not be selected by TC.

