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sepahan - wahda game

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    sepahan - wahda game

    I just watched the game and I must say the game didnt satisfy me at all, except the score-line.

    1- sepahan played good football only for the first 30 minutes and then dissolved into a team too cautious and defensive , thus mistake prone!
    the mistakes became even more detrimental in the second half !

    they may have won the game, but they did not play it to make fans rest easy ! and had it been a 2-1 , things would have been very VERY difficult for them in the return leg, if they planned to play like THIS !


    2- I dont know who is at fault, but someone decided 1-0 was enough after the first 30 minutes !
    the players totally lost their teeth and hunger!
    if they had kept up the intensity, they'd have steamrolled the wahda , especially the wahda that was so error-prone in their passing in 2nd half!

    is it a croatian thing to be satisfied with the absolute MINIMUM advantage?
    I dont know.
    or was it the lack of experience among the players that suddenly saw them potentially reaching a stage that they hadnt even imagined ( final of AFC ) ?
    this lack of "championship character" is VERY disturbing. and will decide their fate if they advance to the final.

    the team lost its focus and started to play an all too cautious game that allowed the weaker wahda team to get back into the game.

    bonacic and his staff MUST work on the character of their players if they want to achieve anything.


    3- once again, there was not enough width in the team !
    why does he ignore this vital point?
    it was better than their game in japan, but not enough.
    bonacic's team insisted on attacking from the middle and frankly, we must admit, they scored their goals MAINLY becoz of wahda's weak & confused defense and mistake-prone keeper, than doing something on their own.

    first goal and second goals were both due to confusion and mistakes of the defenders. if they'd cleared the ball well, sepahan would have been in trouble.
    no coach shd rely on the mistakes of the opponents.

    ( this wahda , with such mistakes , would have been torn to pieces by the japanese kawasaki team )


    4- the penalty was more correct than incorrect.
    on replays we saw the defender did extend his arm and blocked karimi's twist and in fact hit him in the face, before retracting his arm.


    5- the ref was just too in-experineced for this level of football.
    in the first half he reduced wahda to 10 men. I say it was a fair decision.
    but no ref shd try to "make up" or try to "restore a balance" for such things! this ref DID that.
    he did not allow the correct foul done on navidkia and denied sepahan of a penalty, in the first half.
    I just knew he was too zealous to "balance things out" as he handed a couple of bad yellows to sepahan, trying to look "fair & just" !!
    but it took guts to call the second penalty.

    the assistant ref also was too hasty in calling a couple of offsides that were clearly NOT. who knows what karimi would have done had he been allowed to advance, late in 2nd half.


    6- weakest players for sepahan: haj sayfi and lovinian ( to some extent ).
    I dont know why bonacic kept the more energetic and specialist akbari on the bench so hajsayfi ( his mistake in clearing led to whada's goal later ) remain on the pitch !

    then again I can never figure out what goes on bonacic's mind ! he does take strange decisions often times.

    whereas navidkia showed signs of coming back to his old form, which is good.
    Mohamadi also saved our arses again and with these 2 games' displays I say he deserves a call up to TM camp.


    7- shots!
    what is wrong with our players, in general?
    a team that has kazemi, navidkia, akbari, ... shd be taking more long range shots.
    look how whada almost scored against us. long ranger.
    why cant our lads do the same more often?

    i have not watched the game yet and intend on watchin on ondemand (thnks staff) but seeing the result is amazing. We are almost there to the finals!

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      My general comments on Sepahan and generally on most of Iranian teams are still the same (varying in intensity perhaps , but essentially remaining the same.)

      1- Iranian players are far too slow thinking for modern football.
      2- Iranian football are physically slow.
      3- Iranian players are too complacent.
      4- Iranian players are too selfish and individualist rather than team members.

      In General , Sepahan did quite well but like the Doc mentioned , I felt it was uncomfortable and they could have done much better. The goal conceded was a shame , but then again I already mentioned Complacency !

      Other Asian teams are not much better than Sepahan and the standards are quite close. If Karamah can reach the finals , then Sepahan can certainly win it.

      I trust that Sepahan will make it to the finalks , barring a disastrous performance in Abu Dahbi in 3 week's time. In fact , I think they might even play better.

      If Sepahn wins the ACL this year , I think you will see a whole lot of changes in Iran's football.



        I haven't watched it yet. Even on demand, kept freezing last night and I was too tired to deal with that non-sense.

        But congrats to Sepahan. Actually that one goal maybe hunt the Sepahan in the return leg. Mind you they played with 10 players and the third goal came from a Penalty. On the other hand one can argue, Sepahan, is a good team with Counter Attack (with Karimi and Papi being so fast), so they may get goals when AlWahda will be in full attack mode.

        As for Agha Maij' comments, I agree, but Maij jaan, I sugeset u remember one thing, these traits will be obtained while playing againt opponents who play at a higher level football. Iranian players, most of them dont' get a chance like that, so in turn they dont' get a chance to develope those skills.
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          Maij e Aziz
          1- Iranian players are far too slow thinking for modern football.
          2- Iranian football are physically slow.
          3- Iranian players are too complacent.
          4- Iranian players are too selfish and individualist rather than team members.

          I agree whole heartedly............
          And I add....all these charactoristics are , not just for our football, but for our culture...
          the 1-, 2-,3-,and 4- comments you made...has so much to do with how Iranians are at thier work place also......
          Slow, non-produceing, demanding,individualistic, selfish,and conservative.

          as more productive countries in europe, whom may have better business managements, have more effiecient playing culture.


            I agree. Sepahan got 3 points and it's very good but the way they played was not as impressive as many have made it.

            First of all, let me say this once and for all, cause I'm kinda sick of hearing people saying things like: Sepahan, despite being team e shahrestani, they have done what many bigger clubs in Iran haven't done in a long time, they are carrying our national pride and this and that alone, they have outdone themselves by being in the semi's and so on......

            Why am I sick of hearing it? I tell you why. Because it seems Sepahan is treated like the little cute kid, the darling youngster whose every step surprises everyone just because he's just a kid and taking steps is quite an achievement for the child. What people, usually the parents, happen to forget with time, is that the kid grows up but they seem to look at him with the same eyes as before when he still was a kid!

            The former kid, Sepahan is grown up and is not a little cute kid anymore, whose baby steps should surprise and amuse everyone. They have been grown ups for quite a while.
            Just show me another club, with their economical wealth in Iran. Have they ever had problems paying their players? Have they had problems going to wherever they wanted for training camps? Have they ever had any problems buying any player they wanted to?
            Many praise their youth development program and it's admirable, but not exclusive for Sepahan alone.
            Be ghole maroof, rahe door nemirim, was it not this very Sepahan team who bought 3 of Zobahan, another esfehani team who are notorious youngster developers, players very simple because they would pay them more than what Zob was able to? It's pro football and it's a normal thing and considering money and opportunities, there's no other club more pro than Sepahan in our country.
            They won IPL as the first ever shahrestani team a long time ago, they have their own hard core fans so they have the fan base covered too. They have been playing in the asian champions league for several years now so they have the international exposure too.

            So in reality, they have no excuses not to be successful and it is indeed very justified to demand good football from them. From a team, a set of players that have played together for such a long time and have lost less key players than any other team in the entire league! From a team whose player never have had to worry about getting paid in time, never have had to be drawn into side issues each and every season, haven't ever felt managerial problems and don't even know the meaning of it.

            So again the kid example: The kid has grown up in a wealthy environment, has been provided with everything he ever needs and never has had to witness a fight between his parents, let alone feel and experience their split up. It's only natural to expect success and glory from them.

            Instead I still hear people looking at them, like they were that cute little child taking baby steps and get surprised.
            This mentality in itself is a hinder for Sepahan. Thinking that they have outdone themselves and surprised everybody will just satisfy their thirst prematurely.

            Excuse the metaphorical storyline, but I hoped it would help making my point.


            On the other hand we have 2 other former kids on the block, the red and blue of tehran. What seems to be the fashion these days is to degrade and ridicule these 2 former darlings and make every step of the new kid into a big stone and hit them on the head because they're considered to be grown ups that we expect much more from. What we have to consider as well is the circumstanses surrounding these two. While their original parents were killed, expelled, exiled or split up, they have been driven out on the streets with no real shelter, yet they are being leached at from left and right, but in reality they have no security, not even knowing if they have money to make the day go by or who'se gonna take advantage of them the next day. Just something to think about next time we bash EsEs & PP.

            __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
            HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
            you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.


              Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
              As for Agha Maij' comments, I agree, but Maij jaan, I sugeset u remember one thing, these traits will be obtained while playing againt opponents who play at a higher level football. Iranian players, most of them dont' get a chance like that, so in turn they dont' get a chance to develope those skills.
              Very true indeed , but the reality is that the teams that Iranian players are not exactly feeble , amateur cash stripped clubs. Apart from the Syrian clubs , all other Persian Gulf countries are quite advance in football. Almost all of them surpass Iran in facilities , infrastructure , wealth and organization. They bring the best coaches their money can buy , at least 2nd fiddle to Europe and Latin America and recently they have been importing players to European leagues.

              In the seventies , and Iranian club would visit one of these nations and beats the hell out of their national teams. It is not quite the same now. Iran football has been struggling at youth level for many years and cannot even claim to be in the top 5 countries at that level.



                Originally posted by zzgloo View Post

                I agree whole heartedly............
                And I add....all these charactoristics are , not just for our football, but for our culture...
                the 1-, 2-,3-,and 4- comments you made...has so much to do with how Iranians are at thier work place also......
                Slow, non-produceing, demanding,individualistic, selfish,and conservative.

                as more productive countries in europe, whom may have better business managements, have more effiecient playing culture.
       is a cultural issue that needs serious addressing. I think it is a wishful thinking to expect a massive changes in the mentality of the people anytime soon. Iran is a nation with a rich culture and and massive resources, but political turmoils and sets after sets of corrupt , dictatorial and disorganized political regimes have had it toll on the nation.

                But without diverting too much into politics, I still beleive that football can progress even under dictatorial systems , if it is organized and financed properly.



                  it all comes back to the unnecessary "laas baazi" with the ball by players.
                  if Freud was consulted he'd have come up with a good explanation for it :
                  anything "gerd o gholombeh" and our sex starved ( bahram shd like this one ) and horny ppl will try to "man-handle" and do "laas baazi" !!

                  BLOODY HELL !!!
                  they just dont want to let go of the bloody round, smooth thing !
                  baba ... bi khial ! velesh kon. bedeh bereh !

