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sepahan wants azadi for AFC final !!!!!!!! why ???????

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    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
    پيشنهاد سپاهان به AFC
    فينال در ورزشگاه آزادى
    بازى مى كنيم
    ايران ورزشى - مسؤولان باشگاه سپاهان تصميم دارند در صورت صعود و مهيا شدن شرايط، بازى نهايى ليگ قهرمانان را در ورزشگاه آزادى برگزار كنند.
    ستاد آسيايى باشگاه سپاهان در جلسه اى كه برگزار كرده است پيشنهاد بازى نهايى ليگ قهرمانان آسيا در ورزشگاه آزادى را داد.
    ظرفيت كم ورزشگاه فولاد شهر و استقبال قابل توجه طرفداران سپاهان از بازيهاى اين تيم در ليگ قهرمانان آسيا، دليل اين تصميم است.
    مسؤولان سپاهان هنوز در اين خصوص در خواست رسمى به فدراسيون فوتبال ارايه نكرده اند.
    I absolutely disagree.
    one of the main things that makes playing english teams very intimidating is the fact that their fans are right in your face and in close proximity to the action and the opponent players.
    their screams and shouts are that much louder and it does affect the opponent & visiting teams.
    now, sepahan has such a stadium.
    but now they want to go to a stadium that is rarely filled more than 40 , unless either of ss or pp are playing .
    and where the fans are so far that they cannot intimidate the visitors.
    lets discard with the ( now ) "myth" of azadi being hell for visitors.
    when was the last time any of you saw Iranian fans cheer/scream/support an Iranian team CONTINUOUSLY FOR 90 MINUTES?
    a month back?
    a year back?
    a decade back?
    when was that?
    we all have seen iranian fans are so wimpy and idiotic that they start their chants hours before the game ( lets not even go to "what they chant about", coz it;s usually about ss or pp, even when neither of the two soosool teams are playing that day !!!!!! ), so much that by the time the game starts, these idiots are all pooped up and tired !!
    and from then on, their cheers are intermittent and irregular !
    so why is sepahan trying to drag its ( and its fans' ) arse from esfahan to tehran is beyond me !
    do they really think all pp and ss fans will even care ?
    I doubt sepahan would get the same amount of fans had pp been playing a league game !
    I hope AFC doesnt bend to this request.
    I agree they should play in Isfahan but the main issue here is, where will they be able to perform better? Does Azadi have a better pitch?


      all that and I forgot to mention this:
      the game is to be held mid-week.

      now how many tehrani fans will come to support a shahrestaani team midweek?
      they hardly fill it to half capacity for any tehrani team aside from ss and pp.

      lets face it. tehrani fans have become too lazy and indulged. they also have shown to have the wrong priorities.

      I dont see ANY reason why sepahan shd ask for azadi.


        ایسکانیوز:ساکت در رابطه با اخبار منتشره مبنی بر برگزاری فینال جام باشگاه ها در استادیوم آزادی تهران گفت: این خبر کذب محض می باشد و اگر تیم ما به فینال جام باشگاه ها راه یابد، حتما بازی خود را در اصفهان برگزار خواهد کرد چرا که اعتقاد دارم این فینال حق مردم اصفهان است و فوتبال دوستان برای دیدن فینال باید به اصفهان بیایند.
        Saaket denies any claims about this issue.


          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
          all that and I forgot to mention this:
          the game is to be held mid-week.

          now how many tehrani fans will come to support a shahrestaani team midweek?
          they hardly fill it to half capacity for any tehrani team aside from ss and pp.

          lets face it. tehrani fans have become too lazy and indulged. they also have shown to have the wrong priorities.

          I dont see ANY reason why sepahan shd ask for azadi.
          ddjan I know that all know tht I am persepolisi but please do not call persepolis fans and ss fans the same, and lazy

          we filled up azadi for a mid week draw against azadi, I think if there is a plan to fill that stadium then they may get it done
          also if they arrange for free tickets or travel of isfahani fans that would work also
          only important thing is IF they have all these plans in place, otherwise the point is mute
          deerooz, emrooz, farda
          The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
          Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


            Originally posted by perspolees View Post
            we filled up azadi for a mid week draw against azadi, I think if there is a plan to fill that stadium then they may get it done

            My friend, surely you are NOT comparing the ss-pp game with ANY other game. are you.

            aside from my view on this "derby" and how ( for more, see the jalali thread in the "kindergarten forum" ) .... anyway, begzarim ... I dont think for a second that the same crowd would show up for a sepahan game, midweek.

            secondly, mere "bums on the stands" is not the point.
            it is tehrani fans' lack of enthusiasm, lack of energy, lack of stamina, lack of organization, lack of direction, lack of heeheehee ..... which IS the point.
            when they kill themselves 3 hours before a game. shout scream and what-not ... so they run out of steam when the game starts , I say they are plain dumb !
            when they scream "cheekar ... sooraakh" 2-3 times, every 20 minutes, and then keep quiet for another 20 minutes, I say they are lazy bums.
            when they scream and shout for ss and pp players .... when none of these two sogoli teams are playing, I say they are useless.

            you HAVE been to azadi , havent you?
            tell me if I'm wrong.


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              you HAVE been to azadi , havent you?
              tell me if I'm wrong.
              I will check it for you this upcoming winter How high or low their IQ is


                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

                I dont see ANY reason why sepahan shd ask for azadi.
                I got several reasons :

                1- Sepahan is intending to pose itself as " THE " team of Iran, and wants to attemp to replace Esteghlal and perspolis at " THE " team.

                2-I totaly disagree that a stedium in Esphahan going to be any intimidating to opponants.........., On several forign football news, they have called,AZADI, as laud,and intimidating,plus, with a 16 million residents,There will be at least 5 times more fans,and against forign teams,they cheer for Sepahan.

                3-Sepahan makes more money , if they play in AZADI.

                4-Luca, also wants,fans to get used to him reperesenting coaching staff for IRAN, and think of him for TM.


                  bahram kan, apparently you havent read any of the posts in this thread !!

                  otherwise you wouldnt be saying :
                  1- azadi loud or intimidating ( aside from quoting foreigners who merely look at the capacity ) . plz do observe the fans and their ( lack of ) intimidation.

                  2- sepahan making money off the game in azadi !
                  or ANY team making money out of sale of tickets in Iran !

                  a bit far fetched in assumptions, I say.


                    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                    bahram kan, apparently you havent read any of the posts in this thread !!

                    otherwise you wouldnt be saying :
                    1- azadi loud or intimidating ( aside from quoting foreigners who merely look at the capacity ) . plz do observe the fans and their ( lack of ) intimidation.

                    2- sepahan making money off the game in azadi !
                    or ANY team making money out of sale of tickets in Iran !

                    a bit far fetched in assumptions, I say.
                    payman jaan,
                    You asked for reasons, and I gave mine, could certainly disagree...
                    after all, it is a free country !
                    You did not comment on my other reasons, and only on Azadi not being intimidating, which I again disagree.....From player's psycological stand point, there is no doubt....when a player plays in Azadi, he is twice as motivated, the place is gigantic, and intimidating...rather than back yard atmospher of Isphahan's .


                      Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                      payman jaan,
                      You asked for reasons, and I gave mine, could certainly disagree...
                      after all, it is a free country ! .
                      aint gonna do, bahram jan.
                      I dont believe in democracy. It hampers progress. slows things down !
                      I actually favor DICTATORSHIP.
                      ( hurrrraaay for reza-khan )

                      .... and I'm NOT joking.
                      I swear.


                      but to answer you:

                      I totally agree the "PLACE" is gigantic.
                      but first it has to be FILLED UP.
                      it hardly gets filled up.
                      and a half empty stadium with huge gigantic spaces open is more embarrassment for us than pressure for the opponents.
                      look at Omid's qualifiers. and that is when our fans supposedly "demanded" olympic qualification !! look at the attendance ! ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC !
                      and that was our NATIONAL TEAM and not merely a club from shahrestaan !

                      secondly, even when filled, the spectators shd create that pressure by making themselves heard.
                      if you've been going to azadi anytime during the past 10 years, you'd know it just doesnt happen.
                      we have to face the truth. we have LOUSY spectators in our football !
                      they are not organized. they dont know how to cheer. they dont know how to put pressure on the opposition. they cant sustain their noise and cheer. they .... !

                      it is a point of shame for them to get DROWNED OUT by 200-300 korean or japanese fans , even though they were 15-20 thousands !!!
                      absolutely pathetic !


                        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                        My friend, surely you are NOT comparing the ss-pp game with ANY other game. are you.

                        aside from my view on this "derby" and how ( for more, see the jalali thread in the "kindergarten forum" ) .... anyway, begzarim ... I dont think for a second that the same crowd would show up for a sepahan game, midweek.

                        secondly, mere "bums on the stands" is not the point.
                        it is tehrani fans' lack of enthusiasm, lack of energy, lack of stamina, lack of organization, lack of direction, lack of heeheehee ..... which IS the point.
                        when they kill themselves 3 hours before a game. shout scream and what-not ... so they run out of steam when the game starts , I say they are plain dumb !
                        when they scream "cheekar ... sooraakh" 2-3 times, every 20 minutes, and then keep quiet for another 20 minutes, I say they are lazy bums.
                        when they scream and shout for ss and pp players .... when none of these two sogoli teams are playing, I say they are useless.

                        you HAVE been to azadi , havent you?
                        tell me if I'm wrong.

                        I have been to Azadi many times!
                        lets get that clear
                        1. we filled azadi in midweek against rah ahan and no the derby is not the one that I am talking! and that was for a 0-0 draw

                        2. In proportions again those tehrani fans that you feel are lazy, etc. are still THE LOUDEST FANS IN IRAN dont doubt it because I have been to stadiums in Mashad, Shiraz, Isfahan and tabriz..they still are teh loudest..

                        3. Bringing the game to azadi will make no sense if there is no plan to knock the doors open with free seating for all, fly in or drive in as many as isfahani fans that would have filled naghshe jahan and ask for persepolis fans to show up and perhaps with proper planning even sepahan could lets say draw for 2-3 cars or something like that and get the crowd going for one smashingly huge showing in Azadi...anything but that kind of planning would make the venue change absolutely stupid...and thats all I am saying..
                        deerooz, emrooz, farda
                        The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                        Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                          its a sensitive issue... I believe a pact Azadi with free seatings for all, where we get minimum 100.000 ppl in, wouldn't be bad. However the tast of victory is much more sweater on the hoemground in Isfahan.
                          CHECK OUT OUR FORUM RULES HERE:

                          Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                            s there any further clarification regarding the venue of this game? I read contradictory reports about this and it seems to be a good chance for the first leg being held in fooladshahr.


                              btw i doub that it will go through cause it is aainst fifa rules..
                              deerooz, emrooz, farda
                              The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                              Future of true professional football if any in Iran!

