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Sepahan's chances in the Final?

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    Sepahan's chances in the Final?

    ...Are slim to none in my opinion...and I hate myself for saying that...I think Sepahan is a great team, the most professional team in Iran at the moment and deserves to be in the final...however, as much as I know about Urawa Reds and the J-league,,,,this team is way better than Sepahan and our entire league for that matter....I think we all saw how Sepahan struggled against Kashima in the quarters and how we were outplayed for most parts of both games against the Japanes outfit and only due to keeping miracles we managed to beat them in PKs, but this is probably the best Japanese team of the past 3-4 years and I see too much difference in class to have any hope for Sepahan...all that said; it's football and if we can go to Japan with some hope, we might get lukcy and win the title, but realisitically, I see Sepahan lose both games against the japan side.
    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.

    Originally posted by The-Red View Post
    ...Are slim to none in my opinion...and I hate myself for saying that...I think Sepahan is a great team, the most professional team in Iran at the moment and deserves to be in the final...however, as much as I know about Urawa Reds and the J-league,,,,this team is way better than Sepahan and our entire league for that matter....I think we all saw how Sepahan struggled against Kashima in the quarters and how we were outplayed for most parts of both games against the Japanes outfit and only due to keeping miracles we managed to beat them in PKs, but this is probably the best Japanese team of the past 3-4 years and I see too much difference in class to have any hope for Sepahan...all that said; it's football and if we can go to Japan with some hope, we might get lukcy and win the title, but realisitically, I see Sepahan lose both games against the japan side.
    While what you are saying is very logical and makes sense, this is football and anything can happen. Remember Greeks winning the UEFA or Turky coming third in WC 2002? As a matter of fact, Sepahan has a much better chance again attack minded teams Vs. defensive minded teams. The speed of Karimi, Papi and the whole offensive transition of Sepahan combined with a fairly good defensive structure make them a very tough team to beat (probably not much entertaining football to watch but very hard team to beat). Bottom line, I dont' think Sepahan is still is an underdog but their chance isn't as slim as you are suggesting.
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


      sepahan's shown to be a very capable team to absorb attacks and hit on counterattacks.

      If they are able to hold the japanese attack at bay and not concede, there's always a chance that their speedy forwards can do some damage and maybe score a goal ... if they dont lose their heads and keep a level head on their shoulders.

      there WILL be opportunities for them to pounce on. only if they work on their finishing. So while the balance tips towards the japanese team, sepahan certainly do have a good chance too.


        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
        While what you are saying is very logical and makes sense, this is football and anything can happen. Remember Greeks winning the UEFA or Turky coming third in WC 2002? As a matter of fact, Sepahan has a much better chance again attack minded teams Vs. defensive minded teams. The speed of Karimi, Papi and the whole offensive transition of Sepahan combined with a fairly good defensive structure make them a very tough team to beat (probably not much entertaining football to watch but very hard team to beat). Bottom line, I dont' think Sepahan is still is an underdog but their chance isn't as slim as you are suggesting.
        forgive me for saying this but greeks were teh best team in that tourney and
        Turkey was also great and actually HAD SUBSTANCE.. so none of those things were luck... a tourney cant be just luck...Sepahan is there and I think they deserve to be, I do not know how their oponents are but if we are going to just bank on luck then we are screwed...that said I am not as pessimistic as the red is, I think Sepahan has a shot at it and its not all that low...granted lower than the oponent but still we are Sepahan and no we are not a cinderella team, not his team anyway, Luka is great...
        deerooz, emrooz, farda
        The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
        Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


          Originally posted by The-Red View Post
          ...Are slim to none in my opinion...and I hate myself for saying that...I think Sepahan is a great team, the most professional team in Iran at the moment and deserves to be in the final...however, as much as I know about Urawa Reds and the J-league,,,,this team is way better than Sepahan and our entire league for that matter....I think we all saw how Sepahan struggled against Kashima in the quarters and how we were outplayed for most parts of both games against the Japanes outfit and only due to keeping miracles we managed to beat them in PKs, but this is probably the best Japanese team of the past 3-4 years and I see too much difference in class to have any hope for Sepahan...all that said; it's football and if we can go to Japan with some hope, we might get lukcy and win the title, but realisitically, I see Sepahan lose both games against the japan side.
          I tend to disagree ( only at Sepahan chances, but not the rest of the post which is factual and accurate).

          One great football coach said once, winning a football match , has a lot to do with the desire of the team and the hunger for victory, no matter how good the opposition is ..."

          I tend to agree with such philosophy..... If Sepahan is hungry to win this championship , half of the job is done before the kick-off.

          On tactical term and only by watching the two semi finals of Urawa and the Koreans , I have no doubt that they play modern football. Their discipline on the field is frightening , they are like a clockwork ...... it gives them the edge over Sepahan , fair enough but that is not all. Football is incredibly unpredictable and no super computer can accurately decide the outcome of any game.

          GO Sepahan......



            when it comes to a final of a tournament, logic, tactics, technique etc do not matter as much as nerves and willingness to win matters!

            Final knows different rulez. Gheyrat matters!

            so i see the chances 50:50

            Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


              Originally posted by perspolees View Post
              forgive me for saying this but greeks were teh best team in that tourney and
              Turkey was also great and actually HAD SUBSTANCE.. so none of those things were luck... a tourney cant be just luck...Sepahan is there and I think they deserve to be, I do not know how their oponents are but if we are going to just bank on luck then we are screwed...that said I am not as pessimistic as the red is, I think Sepahan has a shot at it and its not all that low...granted lower than the oponent but still we are Sepahan and no we are not a cinderella team, not his team anyway, Luka is great...
              Obviously you and I have different rules and point of view in watching football. Greeks in UEFA 2004 won on pure defense and dumb luck. If it wasn't for the very obvious mistake of the ref in the Italy South Korea game for disallowing the Italy's goal, Italy would have come up not South Korea, and Turkey Italy would have been a totally different game. Not to mention the fastest goal that Turkey scored on South Korea in less than a minute. If these aren't luck, I dont' know what do u call luck.
              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                Originally posted by maij View Post
                I tend to disagree ( only at Sepahan chances, but not the rest of the post which is factual and accurate).

                One great football coach said once, winning a football match , has a lot to do with the desire of the team and the hunger for victory, no matter how good the opposition is ..."

                I tend to agree with such philosophy..... If Sepahan is hungry to win this championship , half of the job is done before the kick-off.

                On tactical term and only by watching the two semi finals of Urawa and the Koreans , I have no doubt that they play modern football. Their discipline on the field is frightening , they are like a clockwork ...... it gives them the edge over Sepahan , fair enough but that is not all. Football is incredibly unpredictable and no super computer can accurately decide the outcome of any game.

                GO Sepahan......
                But that is exactly how they can be stopped. East Asian teams and at a higher level British based systems are somewhat mechanical and both of these teams tend to play a game that doesn't have much of an improvising in it. That is why teams like these are easier to play against. Having a guy like Karimi on his hey days or Lionel Messi, gives a totally different dimension to a team. A factor that East Asian teams generally lack.
                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                  But that is exactly how they can be stopped. East Asian teams and at a higher level British based systems are somewhat mechanical and both of these teams tend to play a game that doesn't have much of an improvising in it. That is why teams like these are easier to play against. Having a guy like Karimi on his hey days or Lionel Messi, gives a totally different dimension to a team. A factor that East Asian teams generally lack.
                  Yep.... I quite agree.

                  I think Sepahan has a defensive edge on Urawa. Bengar and Aghili can be like a firewall against the Japanese network attacks. The rest depends how Karimi and co.....



                    well, you guys have valid points, and most of my prediction really comes from the quarterfinal games which sepahan played against kashima and to me, the J league team could have taken both games...not to take anything away from sepahan, but this is a better japanese team and has much much better finishers than kashima...sepahan has probably the greatest defense in asian club competition at the moment and Urawa one of the best offenses,,,with that in mind, and based on history, when these two styles face eachother, the offensive side usually prevails...but then again, this is football...sepahan just needs to be at its best in both games against Urawa, I simply don't see an average sepahan team have a chance against Urawa, that's probably the bottom line for me...
                    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                      if a computer program was to predict the winner of this match, it would be Urawa for sure. But as majid said, things dont always ends up as they do on paper.

                      I just hope that whatever happens, Sepahan players give all they have.

                      The key for Sepahan's success is to hold on as much as they can and disrupt Urawa's offensive gameplan. If Urawa scores early on, I am not sure if Sepahan can hold on but if they can frustrate the opponant long enough, then it will be anybody's game.


                        Originally posted by Adesor Vafaseya View Post
                        when it comes to a final of a tournament, logic, tactics, technique etc do not matter as much as nerves and willingness to win matters!
                        Final knows different rulez. Gheyrat matters!
                        so i see the chances 50:50


                          The better or luckier team will always win .. that is how football is played!
                          And despite of all that may suggest the outcome on the paper, I still think Sepahan is a decent team and has the ability to win against the Japanies opponent. No doubt!

                          GO SEPAHAN GO ...


                            Actually Turkey's 3rd place finish at the WC '02 was very much based on luck more than anything.

                            Yes, sure they had a good squad, but just look at the teams they played:

                            * China
                            * Costa Rica (they drew!)
                            * Japan
                            * Senegal (golden goal)
                            * South Korea

                            Twice they played Brazil and both times they lost.

                            Now out of all those teams, none are really world class. Yes sure, Japan was playing at home, and Senegal beat a crappy France team, but come on, its not your average 1/8 and 1/4 teams you normally see in a WC.

                            Turkey probably had the easiest road to the semi-finals ever!

                            The 2 times they had to play a strong opponent, they both lost (against Brazil). It will most probably never happen again.
                            Persian Pride running through my veins!

                            Esteghlal for life!!

