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The last Chance to get it right !

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    The last Chance to get it right !

    Komite e enteghali, of IFF,just stated, in 10 days,they are going to intruduce the new head coach for TM,who will defenetly be a forign coach.
    now, these questions will come to mind .

    1-if,in 10 days,the coach will be named,does that mean,he has already been contacted ?

    2-Is komiteh e enteghali actualy the one who chooses coach, and not IFF ?

    3-Will there be another 3 rate coach,who will not charge IFF much, hence saveing money ?

    4-We all hears,all said by the system, after the world Cup,as we should have,and we could have,etc.......have they learned thier lesson ?

    5-European coach ?,South American coach ?,or a turkish one ?

    6-Is Iran willing to pay top money ?

    7-have they consulted Afshin Ghotbi,as whom he would recommand ?

    8-The komiteh enteghali, has stated,3 important qualifications,namely,.....Age of 40 to 55......experince of coaching a nation...and motivation to win in the world cup.........are these enough? and will these qualifications,be honored ?

    9- Will new IFF,be willing to set long term camps in Europe ?,and prepare meaningful freindly games ?

    10- Is this our last chance with Islamic republic,to get it right ?

    bahram jan, I agree totally.

    there are a couple of scenarios possible at this moment.

    1- one is they choose the coach. I beleive they've had time to decide on a few and then short-list it to a couple. and if they've had brains and sense, they'd have finished with their assessments and are already in contact with the two possible coaches. ( denizli & trousier are the names flying around. and I think they are the final 2 options indeed )
    this way whichever coach says "aye" the sooner, they'll announce it and push some large list of probable players in front of him so he can finish the selection before this date.

    here, denizli has a major advantage as he already knows 80-90% of our players and is familiar w our football as well. which makes his decisions and selections much more realistic and acceptable.
    Trousier does NOT know our football, neither does he know our players. so his final list of 50 could be either set for him ( we know the problems with such cases ) or worse, he chooses them using the influence of some dude the IFF pushes to him as adviser !

    2- in the other scenario, they may actually hold off choosing the coach (!!!! quite a brainless thing to do ) but choose his assistant from the available vatani crop, who in turn, chooses the final 50 players.
    this way, they have already satisfied the criteria of fifa & afc of proposing the players' list.
    now, they'd have more time to decide on the head coach.
    dont ask me why they'd need more time, as :

    A) the choices are NOT plenty, despite what those little children say in the kindergarten forum. there aint many coaches who are ready to come to Iran on a NORMAL day. but in a time that war looms in the horizon? forget it !
    so a HUGE sect of available int'l coaches are ruled out here, in one stroke.

    B) We cant pay huge salaries of the likes of morinho or lippi or capello. again, this limits the possibilities and rules out another section of coaches.

    C) we may get some idiots like Haan, whose salary falls in the range and is mad enough to coem to Iran. but are also gutless and wimpy enough to run away as soon as the first trouble rears its head. haan "ESCAPED" Iran on not one, but 2 occasions becoz he didnt have the guts to face them !

    ( which makes those who HAVE stood by and have faced our football's problems and still did something, ppl worthy of our praise and gratitude. ppl like bonacic, vingo, denizli, ... .
    which category does Trousier fall into ? something worth pondering on. coz neither japan nor qatar have problems such as ours ! )


    I must, however, question you on the ghotbi thing.
    why are we making ghotbi into some sort of messiah and saviour of our football, and the god of football for that matter, to make HIS DECISION count for something !

    I'm afraid we Iranians tend to over-do or hype ppl up like a balloon and some, perversely enjoy seeing their own creation, burst !
    who is ghotbi for the IFF or this committee to "consult" and take "advice" from?
    lets not make "bott"s out of ordinary ppl.
    one day, king. next, emperor. now, adviser to IFF. what next? the freaking leader ?

    by hyping ppl up, all we do is CREATE ENEMIES for such ppl !
    coz then, ppl will be even more ready to pounce on such personalities if they fail. and the attacks will be out of proportion to normalcy, .... just as the praise was out of proportion

    there IS some truth to the saying:


      payman jaan,....
      With all due respect,I have a feeling,the coach will not be Denizeli !!
      Something is telling me, they are looking for a drastic change !,and he is not that drastic.
      Regarding Ghotbi............I like you to hear me,with an open mind
      You make the call :

      1- Bouch of hezbullahis,and mafia,know what is going on ,in todays' football,and what it takes to make it,in qualification of WC.


      2- Ghotbi,who has been liveing in WC camp for actualy last 12 years,and reads English articles & internet,and has spoken to people who are in the cutting edge,on WC ?


        bahram jan, brother,
        on ghotbi, all I am saying is let us not make him look bigger than what he REALLY is.
        yes, he's educated in the west and has been in the last WC's ( but not as a head coach or even a coach. but an analyst only ) and all this makes his experiences valuable.
        But to portray him as the epitome of modern football and an authority , IN MY OPINION, is not right and will not end well. not for him, nor for his fans.


        Beleive me, I'd be the happiest person to see someone like Lippi or Capello to come to Iran and take over TM.
        I think that day would be a great day for our football ( not that it will solve all our problems, but shows we think positively and that some steps are being taken in the right direction ... no matter how small).

        but we know none of such high profile coaches even entertain the idea of Iran, nor would they dare come here , given all the political and int'l controversies and threats.

        At this point, I'd be happy even if we appointed MK and got the TM going.
        we are losing big and vital time and this dilly-dalying is NOT helping at all !

        I just hope our officials , for once, act wiser than how they look !


          good thread and very valid questions

          1-if,in 10 days,the coach will be named,does that mean,he has already been contacted ? YES

          2-Is komiteh e enteghali actualy the one who chooses coach, and not IFF ? YES, ONLY IN IRAN AMONG ALL NATIONS ON PLANET EARTH

          3-Will there be another 3 rate coach,who will not charge IFF much, hence saveing money ? YES

          4-We all hears,all said by the system, after the world Cup,as we should have,and we could have,etc.......have they learned thier lesson ? NO

          5-European coach ?,South American coach ?,or a turkish one ? PASS

          6-Is Iran willing to pay top money ? LOL NO, OR WHAT DO THEY MEAN BY TOP COACH IS THE QUESTION

          7-have they consulted Afshin Ghotbi,as whom he would recommand ? NO, THEY RATHER CONSULT AMONG THEMSELVES

          8-The komiteh enteghali, has stated,3 important qualifications,namely,.....Age of 40 to 55......experince of coaching a nation...and motivation to win in the world cup.........are these enough? and will these qualifications,be honored ? GOOD QUESTION!

          9- Will new IFF,be willing to set long term camps in Europe ?,and prepare meaningful freindly games ? NO, TOO MUCH HASSEL AND TRAVELLING COSTS

          sadly, the above is becoming a joke.

          Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


            I really can't undrestand why we care so much about the nationality of the coach? European, south American, Turkish.

            A coach needs to be evaluated based on his strengths and weaknesses not his nationality. If they bring Ivitch today to Iran, despite him being a Croat, I have no beef against the guy. If Branko comes back I do.

            Two Brazilian coaches won't be the same, or dutch or German.

            I think we need a coach who undrestand what it means working in an unorganized sheer to sheer system.
            Somoene who realizes he won't have a lot of typical things he had access to and despite that, he is willing to stick it in.

            Some who has balls and is extermely ambitious.He uses this opportunity (coaching our team to WC) to make a name for himself in the world and in the process make us better too.
            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


              Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
              I really can't undrestand why we care so much about the nationality of the coach? European, south American, Turkish.
              A coach needs to be evaluated based on his strengths and weaknesses not his nationality. If they bring Ivitch today to Iran, despite him being a Croat, I have no beef against the guy. If Branko comes back I do.
              Two Brazilian coaches won't be the same, or dutch or German.
              I think we need a coach who undrestand what it means working in an unorganized sheer to sheer system.
              Somoene who realizes he won't have a lot of typical things he had access to and despite that, he is willing to stick it in.
              Some who has balls and is extermely ambitious.He uses this opportunity (coaching our team to WC) to make a name for himself in the world and in the process make us better too.
              Ali jaan......long time no see !!
              The saudi's have been consistantly hireing latin coaches,and it seems it works with thier culture and thier style the best....
              South Koreans,have done the same,with Europeans,particularly Dutch.
              Although,I am yet to figure out what our TM style is, but more or less,with have had,eastern Europeans .............and god knows, if that style realy fits our culture or not, as some may believe, the South American style may be better for our individualistic culture................
              So, it does make a difference, where the coach might be from.


                Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                I really can't undrestand why we care so much about the nationality of the coach? European, south American, Turkish.
                A coach needs to be evaluated based on his strengths and weaknesses not his nationality. If they bring Ivitch today to Iran, despite him being a Croat, I have no beef against the guy. If Branko comes back I do.
                Two Brazilian coaches won't be the same, or dutch or German.
                I think we need a coach who undrestand what it means working in an unorganized sheer to sheer system.
                Somoene who realizes he won't have a lot of typical things he had access to and despite that, he is willing to stick it in.
                Some who has balls and is extermely ambitious.He uses this opportunity (coaching our team to WC) to make a name for himself in the world and in the process make us better too.

                very well said.

                mere "names" will not do, as we have 100's of shortcomings for every syllable of his name. will he put up with all this crap?
                how long?
                in what way. meaning, will he remain resolute on his own principles and rules .. or will his spine crack and turn to a wimp and the "yes man" to our officials ?

                altho' I agree with Bahram to the extent that not ALL styles apply for our TM.
                I mean I can put TM's ( actually based on the style of our star players ) somewhere in between a european and a bit of latin style. the closest teams that plays a european football w latin flavor is Portugal or argentina.
                ( note1 : dont laugh. the "style" is very similar. the difference is "HOW" we fail to accomplish it on the pitch, in its true form ... and end up displaying a haphazard bastardized cousin of the style !! )
                ( note 2 : argentina isnt exactly similar to brazil's out and out latin fiesta )

                so while it is not 100% correct, but one can have a degree of comfort in stating the coaches from different regions usually have adopted that region's style of football.

                I mean how many eastern european coaches actually advocate an attacking football?
                how many german coaches rely on individualistic spice in their teams?
                how many latin americans rely heavily on their defensive form?

                so the region matters to some extent.
                but at the same time, as ali jan said, that particular person's abilities and resilience is very much important and a priority.


                  Poorheidari is rumored to have been proposed for TM's technical director and he he seems to have accepted the post as well.

                  As already mentioned in this post :
                  many of us did foresee such a scenario.

                  now, what does this news really mean?

                  to me, it means a couple of things:
                  1- the officials have NOT been able to satisfy any of those "top coaches" they keep touting so far. Or have moved so bloody late that the negotiations are still under way.
                  either way, they have wasted time and this is not good.

                  2- hence, to avoid getting screwed ... ala SS' ACL fiasco, they have decided to appoint some figure of authority ( I thought perhaps an assistant coach. but frankly speaking, a tech director is an assistant coach of sorts anyway ) who will at least select the 50 ( or is it 40 ? ) nominated players for the WCQ's to the AFC HQ.

                  we all know the post of tech director is not one of those "vital" or "significant" ones. at least it shd NOT be.
                  ( unless they suddenly try to screw the poor head coach and replace him with an already well-placed man in the staff !!! just like talebi taking over from Ivic. But I hope this doesnt happen and I seriously doubt the officials wld be this STUPID ). Lets assume they have learned from their lessons and do NOT entertain such evil thoughts and want to merely have a well respected authority figure beside the staff.

                  Now, for such a post, obviously, in Iran, seniority is important. and among the senior personalities, I think Poorheidari is not a bad choice . he is well respected and a gentleman to boost. Almost all players will respect such a figure which will be needed. I also doubt he has ambitions of becoming the head coach of TM anymore. So, if we dont see any foul play, I believe his appointment is a good move.
                  so while the officials are taking their time to choose the head coach, PH can finish the list , which I believe wouldnt be very wrong.


                  In other news, khabar sports news claims the french "Aime Jaques" ( of france's WC winning team fame ) is the prime candidate for the job.

                  I dont know how true it may be. knowing our media, it could be bogus.
                  but IF it is true, then I will be extremely happy and excited about such an appointment. and see it as a coup on part of the committee to be able to wangle such a high profile coach for TM.
                  It will be a very hectic time for the staff and PH to familiarize Jaques with Iranian football. as he wouldnt be familiar w our football and certainly the role of PH and any assistant in the staff would be greatly increased to put Jaques thru' a crash course of the terrible chaos of Iranian football !
                  I also am not sure about his age. certainly his age doesnt fit the criteria put forth by the committee and his advance age may be a reason for his decline of the offer too.
                  I dont know.

                  we shall wait and see, though.... and keep our fingers crossed , hoping for the best )


                    khob khodaro shokr footbalemoon dorost shod khareji miyad bah bah

                    I had said that long ago, based on what has gone on in elections, etc...and to deviate infrastructure and whats right we will spend millions for another one that will come and go and nothing will fundamentally change!
                    deerooz, emrooz, farda
                    The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                    Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                      So, it seems......

                      1- Poorhaydari...............Modire fani

                      2-50 players will be chosen by Poorhaydari,and given to FIFA.

                      3-The coaching Staff wll consist of 9 coaches and assistants.

                      4-The Head coach will be given long term contract,and IFF would commit to him for long term.

                      5-The top two candidates,will be French " Aime Juaqe "...., and, German " Luther Mathues ",whom was contacted by ali daei.



                        Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                        So, it seems......
                        1- Poorhaydari...............Modire fani
                        2-50 players will be chosen by Poorhaydari,and given to FIFA.
                        3-The coaching Staff wll consist of 9 coaches and assistants.
                        4-The Head coach will be given long term contract,and IFF would commit to him for long term.
                        5-The top two candidates,will be French " Aime Juaqe "...., and, German " Luther Mathues ",whom was contacted by ali daei.
                        Emil Jaques!!!! Well, see how long the French Don Juan last in Iran without his Wine and dookhtar bazi. Hope he will.
                        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                          Besides all the other facts, Jaquet is too freaking old (66 yrs) and will have serious health problems in the process.
                          HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
                          you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.

