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Goalkeeper problem; What to do?

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    Any position on a football team, has a psycology of its own.....
    For example, usualy, good forwards are arrogant,and flashy,and opportunistic.
    The center defenses,are usualy calm and relax,and confident.
    And best Goalies,are confident,and take charge kind of guys....goalies such as Oliver Khan,Hejazi, Abedzadeh,Tomajavsky,yashin,etc....were all,take charge guys,and some of them were captains as well,such as the Goalie of South Korea.......They were smart,they also had played other positions,as well as understood,how forwards,and opponants play....
    Just by, size, and jumping high, ( as Branko thought was enough about mirza) is not enough.......A great Goalie,must before anything, be Sharp !......
    ............Considering,all these, and considering,the lack of talent we have at this moment, and considering,haveing have to choose one from this options...........Talebloo, is less of a problem.


      another sad thing is we ( our football, actually ) do NOT believe in developing and grooming players from youth level till they reach seniors.

      If you see a player who has indeed gone thru' the rungs, it is HIS OWN INDIVIDUAL effort and certainly not the nat'l coaches at different levels.

      one example is Ghasemi, who was a very good GK at U-19 level that qualified for the WC, under monajati.
      now, in any other country, once this level is passed, the senior nat'l coach would invite him to groom him as an alternative or even among his main keeper choices. was he? NO !
      you know why?
      becoz he was playing in FAJR and not pp or ss.
      and playing in obscure and little-supported teams means the worthy players dont get their chances and are forgotten quickly.

      another great prospect in that U-19 team was their captain Bahram Ismaili, whose game resembled shojaei's. and again, after the WC, he was left to his own device and forgotten !

      haddadi, daghagheleh, falahi, ... are other examples of that team that never got their due.
      all becoz they were in teams like fajr, traktorsazi, naft, ... !!

      of that TM, only the paas players ( bayatinya, nekunam, lotfi, nosrati ), saipa ( kazemian ), Mobaali ( foolad ) ... have been invited to continue their progression. why?
      most of them were in tehran.
      and the odd one that wasnt - mobaali- was the pivotal player in foolad's championship which gave him the press coverage & high profile needed.

      our system is SICK and disorganized.
      we dont value our youth and certainly dont know how to "develop" players for senior TM !
      our TM coaches also fall prey to media's monopoly on tehrani teams, especially the two sogoli ones !
      hence when the youngster needs to be given confidence and importance and reassurance at youth level to continue his pursuit of the ultimate dream ( playing at TM seniors ), he's left to his own and slowly forgotten !

      ironically, suddenly at TM call ups, we clamor left and right to find a suitable player, either as alternative or even as first team choice. and we dont find many suitable options.
      simply becoz we dropped them like hot potatoes as soon as youth level tournaments are done with !


        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
        another sad thing is we ( our football, actually ) do NOT believe in developing and grooming players from youth level till they reach seniors.

        If you see a player who has indeed gone thru' the rungs, it is HIS OWN INDIVIDUAL effort and certainly not the nat'l coaches at different levels.

        one example is Ghasemi, who was a very good GK at U-19 level that qualified for the WC, under monajati.
        now, in any other country, once this level is passed, the senior nat'l coach would invite him to groom him as an alternative or even among his main keeper choices. was he? NO !
        you know why?
        becoz he was playing in FAJR and not pp or ss.
        and playing in obscure and little-supported teams means the worthy players dont get their chances and are forgotten quickly.

        another great prospect in that U-19 team was their captain Bahram Ismaili, whose game resembled shojaei's. and again, after the WC, he was left to his own device and forgotten !

        haddadi, daghagheleh, falahi, ... are other examples of that team that never got their due.
        all becoz they were in teams like fajr, traktorsazi, naft, ... !!

        of that TM, only the paas players ( bayatinya, nekunam, lotfi, nosrati ), saipa ( kazemian ), Mobaali ( foolad ) ... have been invited to continue their progression. why?
        most of them were in tehran.
        and the odd one that wasnt - mobaali- was the pivotal player in foolad's championship which gave him the press coverage & high profile needed.

        our system is SICK and disorganized.
        we dont value our youth and certainly dont know how to "develop" players for senior TM !
        our TM coaches also fall prey to media's monopoly on tehrani teams, especially the two sogoli ones !
        hence when the youngster needs to be given confidence and importance and reassurance at youth level to continue his pursuit of the ultimate dream ( playing at TM seniors ), he's left to his own and slowly forgotten !

        ironically, suddenly at TM call ups, we clamor left and right to find a suitable player, either as alternative or even as first team choice. and we dont find many suitable options.
        simply becoz we dropped them like hot potatoes as soon as youth level tournaments are done with !
        Good post, I enjoyed reading it.

        Although Mohammadi is not perfect, he is the best option. He is the best alternative.
        Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.

