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TM coaching selection!

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    TM coaching selection!

    I personally don't know much about the names mentioned, except their records and that they are all somewhat known coaches...however, for some reason I think that we just won't do so well with an english coach, assuming he will try to implement an english style of play to our team! I know that this 'reed' guy, I mean 'Reid' guy rejected IFF's offer, but for some reason, I think a "Dutch", or a Brazilian would be the best option...again, it all comes down to the inidividual coach and his nationality might be irrelevent, but speaking overall, and assuming IFF is really after a foriegn coach and all these are not just a game and "saro seday alaki", perhaps we should stay away from English coaches.
    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.

    We will end up, with a coach who is so desprate, and unemployed,and unwanted,that would say, what the hell, I will go suffer in iran !!, and when he come to iran, he will act as he is doing a faivor,and has lowered his class by comeing to Iran, ...and eventualy, get the money, accomplish nothing, and leave !!
    No body want us,..thanks to Islamic Republic .


      I don't know whose brilliant idea was to recruit Peter Reid ???? Honestly , this is a horrible choice on several fronts.

      There is NO Englishman today who can even be remotely referred to as World standard never mind world class. They are failures.....Period

      I honestly think the East Europeans are MUCH better value than the others. NOT too impressed with Brazilians either.



        If we are going to end up, with " Mr.Coach nobody ", who not only is out of juice,and out market, but also,when he comes to Iran,the enviroment will make him not to do his best........WHY NOT " AFSHIN GHOTBI " ?


          ^^ my thoughts too

          if there is nobody left, why not him?

          Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


            /\ the reasons might be that the IFF doesn't wanna risk the Ghalenoi - Esteghlal - TM triangle again. Cuz I doubt Qotbi will be giving up in pp. So he would stay in two teams and we saw what miracle it brought us the last time


              I agree Qotbi would be great, assisted with Zolfaghaarnasab.



                Originally posted by Agha Kasra View Post
                /\ the reasons might be that the IFF doesn't wanna risk the Ghalenoi - Esteghlal - TM triangle again. Cuz I doubt Qotbi will be giving up in pp. So he would stay in two teams and we saw what miracle it brought us the last time
                well I think it is also more the other way round. PP doesn't want to give up Ghotbi so quickly...
                so lets agree that the timing is really bad...

                Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                  Ghotbi ????????

                  A good man , but a pretty bad idea at this stage ...



                    in the past few weeks I have read so many names and articles and news about TM coach that it just doesnt interests me anymore and I just ignore all the "breaking news" type of threads and ... . It depresses me !

                    1- an english coach is absolutely useless outside the isles.
                    and that's usually where you find them working.
                    Iran & english style simply dont mix !
                    who was the absolute MORON of the first order who suggested his name anyway? hope it wasnt farahani.

                    2- we really LOVE hyping ppl up dont we?
                    we are just too desperate for a "hero" or someone to hail !!
                    hype. hype. hype !

                    3- I'm afraid, given the situation & time wasted and time left, even if we get Cappelo or Lippi, we'd be doing worse than if we hired someone who knows our football.
                    seriously. I really mean it.

                    Imagine if they had struck a deal with him while he visited Iran recently. we'd have our list of 50 done.
                    in fact we'd have a smaller list of perhaps 30 hopefuls by now. and the team would have got together, practiced and started to gel.
                    who knows. maybe played a couple of games against local teams.
                    tried a few hopefuls in forward position, which at the moment is of VITAL importance to us.
                    got some sense of where we are and what more we need to do by now.
                    and so much more.

                    all that could have been accomplished if IFF wasnt so adamant about their BOGUS claims of getting a "first class int'l coach" ... which, btw, hasnt materialized yet. and wont, anytime soon.


                      At this stage, I would be happy if they put a "Haveej" and let Haveej (ok I am exagerating here) look choose the players. Guys this is unbelievable, we have to play in 45 days in Tehran agaisnt Syria and we even don't have a coach!!!!!

                      This goes back to the whole discussion about GN era, when everybody said he sucked and stuff and I kept asking ok he sucks but do we have a viable forigen coach to replace him. At this stage, I will be happy with even an intrim Iranian coach, Dr Z or Karimi or heck even Ghotbi to select players or at least send 30-35 player's list to AFC (leave 15 players for when the perm coach comes).
                      "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                      Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                      Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                      Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                        It's an absolute disgrace that we're even discussing this with so little time left until our first game.

                        Although I hate to say it, there is no way a foreign coach is feasible at this point in my opinion. We need a coach who does not need the "get to know the players/our football" stage.

                        We need someone who has been involved in our football and capable of choosing a couple of names for TM that deserve to be there - that's about it at this stage.

                        The time for "planning tactics" and all of that nonsense is B.S as far as i'm concerned. We have one friendly if I'm not mistaken?

                        We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                          Originally posted by faraz View Post
                          Although I hate to say it, there is no way a foreign coach is feasible at this point in my opinion. We need a coach who does not need the "get to know the players/our football" stage.
                          Good point. We need a local coach at least as an intrim coach to get the ball rolling and later they can add a permanent forigen coach.
                          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                            We have been there , Done that !!.............
                            We actualy have been in worse situation before, and even changed coaches even a week before a big game.............
                            So, with Iranian standard !!, we are not so late, and we can go even , as far as, after these level, and prepare to get a good coach, for next set of games,when there will be chanllenges with,top asian teams....
                            So, lets, go with our own standard, and wish, IFF, can find a decent coach, in next 3 mounths !!


                              Story of our National Team caoch reminds of me that story I heard when I was in Iran. This guy's mother was sick and he thought to himself, it wouldn't be that bad, if my mother dies, my father marries again and maybe that woman has a daughter and I can flirt with her. Mother recovered but father suddenly died and mom married a guy and guy happen to be a pedophile, so he was doing the mom at night and was after the boy as well.

                              Now we were complaining about Branko/GN not being good and want better coaches, see what happened to us. At this stage, I am just happy to see someone introudced as the head caoch.

                              Bahram Jaan,
                              What you are refering to only happened before the Austraila game for WC98, where that idiot Vierra came and coahced us for a few weeks. But even then, the team had been through the group stage and even played and lost a a game to Japan before the Asutralia game. So team was formed and in place for the most part. This time there is no team. Even after that when Ivitch came and finally was removed after the 5-1 or 7-1 loss to Roma, Jalal Talebi was as an assistant with team and team was formed and selected. This time it is totally different. There is no TM in place, we have a bunch of pretty much older legioners that, due to different reasons aren't as hungry for victory or simply over the hill. Whole bunch of youngesters like Kazemian, Mobali, Baoo, Madanchi, Akbarpoor, Ooladi who want to herald a new era in TM. This is a huge transition time for our TM and we need a head coach to make this transition is the most smooth way possible.
                              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)

