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TM coaching selection!

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    but decent iranian coaches don't have enough influence within the IFF (not hezbolahhi enough one can say) to be hired....Jalali, Dr. Z and even Kazemi (despite his failure at a few clubs) are considered outsiders as far as Ali Abadi and his gang see it...GN was the perfect example of the type of kiss ass they are looking for in iranian coaches...what do you guys think about Dash gholam? can you imagine him saying after each TM game,,,,valaheh penalt bood...omidvaram eshteb kardeh basham, vali valaheh penalt bood" more power to the guy tho,,,he can also be considered if we are really talking about irooni coaches on temproray basis, [which I don't agree with I must say]
    Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


      dash gholam is very honest and gentleman, i don't think aliabadi gang would accept him.


        Originally posted by The-Red View Post
        but decent iranian coaches don't have enough influence within the IFF (not hezbolahhi enough one can say) to be hired....Jalali, Dr. Z and even Kazemi (despite his failure at a few clubs) are considered outsiders as far as Ali Abadi and his gang see it...GN was the perfect example of the type of kiss ass they are looking for in iranian coaches...what do you guys think about Dash gholam? can you imagine him saying after each TM game,,,,valaheh penalt bood...omidvaram eshteb kardeh basham, vali valaheh penalt bood" more power to the guy tho,,,he can also be considered if we are really talking about irooni coaches on temproray basis, [which I don't agree with I must say]
        Armin Jaan;

        I know Jalali is a very religious man persoanlly. He is from Ghom I beleive. So is Gholamhossein Payroovani. Lots of these guys are religious and work with regime and regime works with them I think.
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          I was watching my favorite club, barca , today, against the german champs.

          I just never fail to be moved by watching this team play its brand of football. Yes, there are times they are frustrating, but more often than not they are like a symphony on the pitch.
          ( wait, I'm getting to its relation to the thread.)

          Barca, started with half of their second string players. giovani, the 17 year old mexican started instead of messi. they also brought even more second stringers for stars like xavi, Gudy , ... .
          And what struck me was that no matter how many new faces and youngsters ( teen agers ) were brought in, the style of their team, movement, formation, .... did not change!

          so the argument that barca is barca becoz of ronaldinho, messi, eto'o, .. is right out of the window. It's the CLUB PHILOSOPHY. Even when they have something like 4-5 under 21 players playing in a champions league game, against the champions of germany ! and that's saying a LOT.
          And I believe their staff and coaches are all in line with this philosophy.

          today, instead of rajkaard , barca's head coach, it was Johan Neeskens who coached this B side. and he did well.

          Neeskens may not be available now.
          But rumor has it that Rajkaard may be leaving barca ( I hope not ). and that may just release Neeskens. believe me, although he is the second in charge, but he has shown he's a great prospect.
          and it may sound too much like wishful thinking, but I think leading a team at the WC for such a coach would be enticing enough to perhaps lead Iran at the WC.

          so even if we start the preliminary round of WCQ's with not the exact choice we want, we still may have a shot at something very exciting.
          I'd even say even if Rajkaard chooses not to leave ( I'm keeping my fingers crossed ), we still can approach Neeskens for a shot at WC2010.

          He isnt big enough to demand the A tier fees. But he's extremely good enough and more importantly, is from a philosophy that clearly is among the most advanced footballing ones in the world today.

          apart from the barca factor, I am of the belief that teams like TM and Iran do NOT need the extreme expertise of coaches like lippi, capello, morinho, ... becoz simply the elements are not aligned and dont fit together. the ultra professional levels of spanish, italian, english football will NOT fit well with our semi-pro attitude and set up.

          we need a more nurturing and developing mind set and philosophy of the likes of french and dutch. these two leagues are famous for developing and building future stars and preparing wonderful players who once reaching maturity and professionalism, move onto the top ( and ultra pro ) leagues of spain, english, italy, ... .


            Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
            Armin Jaan;
            I know Jalali is a very religious man persoanlly. He is from Ghom I beleive. So is Gholamhossein Payroovani. Lots of these guys are religious and work with regime and regime works with them I think.
            Peyrovani's entire family is from Shiraz and Jalali is shomali.


              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
              Peyrovani's entire family is from Shiraz and Jalali is shomali.

              I know Jalali is from Ghom. At least that is someone that I trust very much told me. When I said So i Peyroonvani. I meant he is religious too. Not he is from Ghom. Everyone is Iran knows Payroovani is from Shiraz from his playing days in Jaame Takhte Jamsheed.
              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                I know Jalali is from Ghom. At least that is someone that I trust very much told me. When I said So i Peyroonvani. I meant he is religious too. Not he is from Ghom. Everyone is Iran knows Payroovani is from Shiraz from his playing days in Jaame Takhte Jamsheed.
                Majid Jalali is Yazdi.


                  yup, jalali is yazdi

