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TM shd be formed TODAY, with or without head coach.

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    TM shd be formed TODAY, with or without head coach.

    Apparently Iran has only up to Jan 4th to decide on the list of 50 players.
    And that is just about 3 weeks Bonacic or Denizli , the only two choices and ask them pick the 50.
    Believe me, even if the new coach by default likes to pick his own players, would NOT mind this list given the time restrictions. So T.C. or IFF have nothing to worry about.

    Once the 50 are chosen, life becomes a little less difficult for all. Players included.
    Now they know they have an in and must do their absolute best to stay in.
    Perhaps Mr. Komaasi , who did a brilliant job at AC07, can start his physical fitness regimen right away and deliver a more fit and ready set of players for the coach to filter and choose from.

    You see, once we take the first steps, no matter how small, things will look more organized and more do-able. Time also will not be wasted for yet another 3-4 weeks without having done anything.

    indeed even with a temporarily coach, the TM MUST be formed today, we need game praxis until the Gentleman of IFF make up their mind

    at this point any domestic coach, will do good to TM!

    Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


      payman jaan.......we need you as manager for TM !! got my vote !!
      exactly.............................some one like Zolfagharnasab, can right now go ahead, and start the camp, and invite players.........


        Totally agree. Urgency is in the air. They should have a technical committe in place at least to select the initial 70-80 potential invitees. So wheneever the head coach is selected (specially if he is a foriegner), he can focus on the smaller pool of players (due to lack of time).
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          ali jan, why 70-80 , bro?

          that 50 is confusing enough for ANY coach, even those who know our football !
          also do consider the time left. and the period needed to practice as a team and apply tactics and strategies AFTER shrinking it down to about 30.

          70-80 makes it even more difficult.
          hamoon 50 ta adam felan kafiyeh. 70-80 peesh-kesheshoon !


          thanks bahram jan.
          I might just announce my candidacy for the team manager.
          when ghotbi claims he can coach two teams, one leading a league table and the other an international one, what's to keep me from claiming I can manage TM ?

          but seriously speaking, I think a group of ppl deciding the list is far more advantageous... in so many ways.
          1- ONE person doing it , the list will reflect HIS team or HIS desires and will be according to HIS style and preferences. and chances are it wont be the same as the coach's.

          but a group, means variety in styles incorporated, many factors for selection, variety in criteria for selection, .... . easier for the coach to sift through and find HIS kind of players.
          I think it is safer if about 5-6 ppl did it.

          2- and if something goes wrong, no-1 can get pinned for the f**k up !
          you gotta always think about and have contingency plans for eventual f**k ups


            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
            ali jan, why 70-80 , bro?

            that 50 is confusing enough for ANY coach, even those who know our football !
            also do consider the time left. and the period needed to practice as a team and apply tactics and strategies AFTER shrinking it down to about 30.

            70-80 makes it even more difficult.
            hamoon 50 ta adam felan kafiyeh. 70-80 peesh-kesheshoon !


            I said 70-80 so the list be as comprehensive as possible, so when the foriegn guy comes can look at everyone and from that list select the 50 player's list. I thought there should be stattistics for all these 70-80 players available, their stats (heigh weight, position, average running per game etc. etc.) sicne there is no way the foriegn guy can watch all of these 70-80 players. From this 70-80 the head coach can select the initial 50 players. All of this, since we don't ahve a head coach right now.
            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


              but even 50 is comprehensive enough if we go by the criteria you mentioned.
              he wont have time to chk out all players.
              he still needs a large number of candidates, but 50 is as good ( and less confusing ) as 70-80.

              we are to end up with 20-23 players only.
              that is more than 50% reduction in a list of 50 anyway.

              and what kind of scrutiny and qualitative assessment will anyone ( lets say the absolute best coach on earth ) have within a span of a week to remove 20-30 players from a list of 70-80. all of whom he has absolutely no idea of and has no time to discover or learn about ?

              we dont want to scare the poor fellow.
              it takes enough courage to come to Iran and coach, as it is.
              we shdnt add to his problems & confusion.

              yes. it was possible if:
              - if we had a couple of months to decide
              - if we appointed the coach today itself
              - if we provided all the means for him to test and observe the players
              - if the clubs released all these players on time and whenever he wants them
              - if the players were fit and in form and more importantly, not temporarily out of form or unavailable for testing ( navidkia for example ).
              - if ....
              too many if's . no?


              you were a coach, man.
              tell me how easy it is to pick a team if you had such a short time and didnt know any of the players?
              50 or 80?

              one exercise you can do to be convinced is this:
              1- make a list of 50 .

              after finishing that one,
              2- make a second list, adding 20-30 more names.

              now, look at the second list ( of 20-30 extras ).
              you'll see you certainly CAN do without these. no?


                Simply put....the TEAM MUST BE ANNOUNCED even without a coach!

                NO other option.



                  Originally posted by maij View Post
                  Simply put....the TEAM MUST BE ANNOUNCED even without a coach!
                  ( thank you.
                  I was trying to say that only, but went on babbling about this and that. )

                  ... coz we can still attend the qualifiers with a team with no coach.
                  but I doubt we could do that with a coach, but no team.


                    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

                    you were a coach, man.
                    tell me how easy it is to pick a team if you had such a short time and didnt know any of the players?
                    50 or 80?

                    one exercise you can do to be convinced is this:
                    1- make a list of 50 .

                    after finishing that one,
                    2- make a second list, adding 20-30 more names.

                    now, look at the second list ( of 20-30 extras ).
                    you'll see you certainly CAN do without these. no?

                    Payman Jaan,
                    Even in the US at the high school level where I coached, I had about 50 players showing for the tryout. At the natiaonl level, 70-80 to be under the radar I think is the right number. Head Coach himself won't look at everyone, he has a bunch of analzers, assistant coaches, etc, etc, to look at these guys.

                    Anyhow, I am not stuck up with 70-80, but if you consider that our A team in AFC was about 35 players initally, plus 35 players in the B team who won the WAFF, it comes to 70 players. Of course whole bunch were eliminated. Now this was for teh case of GN and his staff who knew the players. If a foriegn guy comes I think he has to start with 70-80 player list and eliminate as times goes by to make sure no talent is left out.

                    Our TM will go through a major transition, very soon. Whole bunch of new starters will emerge for WC qualifications. GN's team was pretty much Branko's team more or less. This will change and for that we need to look at a large pool I think. Anyhow that is my opinion, it doesn't mean it is the absolute truth.

                    P.S, Nabi mentioed in an interview that Bin Hamam is asking the FIFA to dealy Asia's WQ qualifications. Don't know how much one can trust these guys, but just relaying what I heard in the news.
                    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                      ali jan two things :

                      Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post

                      ......... but if you consider that our A team in AFC was about 35 players initally,

                      .........If a foriegn guy comes I think he has to start with 70-80 player list and eliminate as times goes by to make sure no talent is left out.
                      1- AC07 or ANY team that enters football tournys is usually made up of 20-24 only. so double of that ought to be fine.

                      2- but he does NOT have time. and he does NOT know our players.

                      3- did you make the 2 lists?
                      what was ur feeling about the second list?


                        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                        ali jan two things :
                        3- did you make the 2 lists?
                        what was ur feeling about the second list?
                        I don't follow Payman Jaan. Which two lists? In high school coaching you mean? Please explain.
                        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                          this one:
                          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                          one exercise you can do to be convinced is this:
                          1- make a list of 50 .

                          after finishing that one,
                          2- make a second list, adding 20-30 more names.

                          now, look at the second list ( of 20-30 extras ).
                          you'll see you certainly CAN do without these. no?
                          what I meant was once you have set ur list of top 50 players, you are pretty much covered for getting the best of the best.

                          the second list ( of 20-30 ) in retrospect will look dispersible.


                            Originally posted by maij View Post
                            Simply put....the TEAM MUST BE ANNOUNCED even without a coach!

                            NO other option.

                            at this point a team announcement with any temporarily coach or without must be done.

                            I doubt the gentleman of IFF realize this, or do it in the very last minute...
                            CHECK OUT OUR FORUM RULES HERE:

                            Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                              How about,..if Domestic club coaches be asked, to nominate some players from thier clubs to TM camp ??

