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Feerooz Karimi, evil or savior ?

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    Feerooz Karimi, evil or savior ?

    We all know what happened after the SS-Naft game with Karimi forcing a bunch of SS players to run up & down the pitch after the loss.
    I know it is the most unprofessional act a coach , even karimi, can commit. and if it was to humiliate or even merely punish the players, he was wrong to do it in front of the spectators.

    BUT there could be another side to this charade also.

    if you notice the players are all either young, recent additions or not very famous ones.
    maniee, shafi'ee, yousofi, pooladi, ravankhah, ... .

    at this moment, I'd like to know :
    1- where are the more famous and senior players ?
    2- where are hejazi and hajiloo ?

    If these above mentioned names were in the dressing room, I could be wrong, but I think those guys could be getting an even worse treatment from the top brass of SS. but away from the crowd and attention. perhaps saving the seniors their dignity from getting thrashed by hajiloo & hejazi in front of the younger players?

    I could be wrong, though.
    But I think near the end and after the whistle even, the way karimi kept on looking back and saying something towards the bench , he may have been coordinating or discussing things with hajiloo & hejazi.

    3 - also: why were two of the better ss defenders : montazeri & sadeghi, sitting out the whole game?
    could it be that this match was the final chance for a bunch of players who havent been exactly setting the pitch on fire lately and have more egos than performances to boast about?

    I wouldnt be extremely surprised to find out a whole crop of senior SS players have been either fired or let go. and the younger guys running in the pic up here, are actually survivors of this deal.

    now, I may be wrong. but putting 2 and 2 together here.
    most of the seniors were either too old, or were playing badly anyway.
    karimi also may be one of those coaches who doesnt like to bow to the ego of players. and he may have ran it by ppl like hejazi & hajiloo for a brand NEW SS roster and team.
    notice this was ss' final game of half-season. and they can hire new players even tomorrow.

    once again, I could be wrong. but nothing's impossible in Iran.

    just sounding out some possibilities.

    Talebloo's outburst may have something to do with the eventuality of being fired anyway?

    I mean some ppl on the verge of being fired do resign to preempt the boss.
    it'll not be the first time.

    if it is so, then it is one MAJOR coupe by karimi and SS management.
    we do know karimi is not your run of the mill coaches. so anything's possible.

    its just a relfection of unprofessionalism!

    people like karimi are the typical wasters that occupy most of offices and organisations in iran, their egos are massive! all their interested in is in maintaing their own party and thinking their important! karimi needs to stop thinking he is some funny man and concentrate on football!!!!!

    Also, SS players like Navazi and Mansurian in particular are the typical big headed arrogant wasters, they play for themselves thinking their massive stars, when infact there careers amount to nothing

    everyone at SS needs to get their head down, and start working hard as a team, firouz and hekazi need to stop talking crap like 'were going to put four past abadan'!!!!!!

    its utter and total lack of proffesionalism, and brings the IPL into disrepute not that it already has a million and one problems already!!!

    anyway a good three points for Abadan!

    oh yeh i must add, karimi is a talented manager no doubt, i wont take that away from him, just he needs to start acting professional!
    Last edited by Libertine; 12-14-2007, 05:22 PM.


      Originally posted by Libertine View Post
      oh yeh i must add, karimi is a talented manager no doubt, i wont take that away from him, just he needs to start acting professional!
      That's highly unlikely because it is part of what F.Karimi is all about. He lives on being the center of attention and playing first role.

      Look at his resume, he works in a club and usually brings up a bunch of youngsters and some star players may develop under him, but when they start to make a name for themselves he's already on his way out of the club to the next. He simply has to be the biggest name and the main star!
      HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
      you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.


        i still cant tell, eventhough this running incident is really hilarious!

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          hajiloo and hejazi were both there. hajiloo did not sit on the bench because of feerroozkhans assistants he did not have any room to BS that this may sound...and hejazi was there in the stands

          last but not least karimi is a showman, a sheeshtayee and a perfect match for the akhoonds team...
          deerooz, emrooz, farda
          The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
          Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


            No , no.
            I know DURING THE MATCH, they were there.

            but I didnt see ( TV didnt show them, so I dont know ) them when karimi was forcing these players to take laps .
            at THAT moment, they could have been anywhere, dressing room with the rest of seniors, for one.


              I have no philosophical disagreement with the notion of making the players work harder if they have lost. But to humiliate them publically(selectively, too! All were not present!) is uncalled for.
              Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                I have not really followed Fairuz karimi's career that closely , but since he has no championship title under his belt , I can't categorize him as successful.

                What he has done is really deploring , but even worst he selected the youngsters or the less famous while the ones that were the culprits were spared the humiliation .!!!!!!!!!

                Punishment is part and parcel of life, there is no denying this fact. But this is not a dignified act. Not that SS played horribly , it was lack of conecentration and discipline that allowed the opposition to win. Many people still question Karimi on his player selection , and I am one of them.

                Saying all that , I believe that Esteghlal needs a fresh mentality starting right from the top. I think it was a mistake to recruit Majidi , the man has a chip on his shoulder and continues playing as if he is the only player on his team. Mansourian should retire before a young 17 year old player from one of the Shahrestani teams runs circles around him again and humiliates himself further.

                Some SS players are far too arrogant and indisciplined and lack stamina....
                All these factors are affecting the team and increases the pressure on the club .... but still...... there are civilized ways to deal with such problems..this season is wasted for SS...start from NOW to build a solid team for the coming season and for heaven sake get a decent coaching team.



                  majid jan, he HAS championship title ... oon ham che championship-ha'ee !!!

                  he got azadegan's title with Paas ( with estili, khakpoor, garoosi, modir-roosta, yusefi, gholampoor, aghajanian, ... ) and then got the title of asian club champs the next year.
                  I think it was 1992.

                  apart from that, being a "journey man" ( as they say in the west ), he's been quite successful with many smaller teams and lower division ones. usually getting them promoted to the top leagues. But never stayed in one place for too long ! dont know why.
                  his teams also always have shown gritty football mixed with good tactical displays.
                  perhaps his mentality is that of irreverence towards stars and big names.

                  I know he, being a military man, used to have some problems with the military and they even restricted him from traveling outside Iran. that was more than a decade ago.


                  as for the matter of arrogance, I completely agree.
                  somehow arrogance and esteghlal have been a pair for a long long time now. and it doesnt restrict itself to the present roster.
                  they have always been arrogant.

                  and more peculiar is pp players is weirdly not as arrogant as ss players !!!
                  oh, they do have a chip on their shoulders too. but it shows in different ways.
                  cant put my finger on it.


                    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                    majid jan, he HAS championship title ... oon ham che championship-ha'ee !!!

                    he got azadegan's title with Paas ( with estili, khakpoor, garoosi, modir-roosta, yusefi, gholampoor, aghajanian, ... ) and then got the title of asian club champs the next year.
                    I think it was 1992.

                    apart from that, being a "journey man" ( as they say in the west ), he's been quite successful with many smaller teams and lower division ones. usually getting them promoted to the top leagues. But never stayed in one place for too long ! dont know why.
                    his teams also always have shown gritty football mixed with good tactical displays.
                    perhaps his mentality is that of irreverence towards stars and big names.

                    I know he, being a military man, used to have some problems with the military and they even restricted him from traveling outside Iran. that was more than a decade ago.


                    as for the matter of arrogance, I completely agree.
                    somehow arrogance and esteghlal have been a pair for a long long time now. and it doesnt restrict itself to the present roster.
                    they have always been arrogant.

                    and more peculiar is pp players is weirdly not as arrogant as ss players !!!
                    oh, they do have a chip on their shoulders too. but it shows in different ways.
                    cant put my finger on it.

                    My Apologies , I stand corrected . I never realized he was Pas coach and never thought he was the coach of Pas Asian Championship team. I was in the stadium when Pas won that championship!!! I thought either Habibi was the coach !!!

                    Funny you mentioned PP players in terms of arrogance. I think you are right , PP players are not the type of arrogant players at least from what I see of them on the field. And for whatever reason , generations after generation of Perspolis players seem to be real fighters and dedicated to the team until the last minute. Kind of never say die attitude.

                    if Only their style of play was as good as their player's manners .... !!!



                      yes. PP players are more fighters and never say die kind.

                      but pp has had its MAJOR share of laats and wild thugs like moharami, ansarian, rahbarifard, ... while ss worst players were not as bad as these guys.

                      Both clubs are in DIRE need of cultural upheaval and restructuring.


                      majid jan, if you were in the stadium, then u must have seen them donning those green head bands after the final whistle and pray in a group.
                      I'd seen that pic in IV.
                      karimi was right there between the players.

                      in fact I came to know how shrewd he was during this asian comp.
                      when he didnt use two of his best players & strukers ; garoosi & modir roosta in the league round ( it used to start w a league round, then quarters ... . all in ONE country )
                      he got a draw with a pakistani ( ? ) or bangladeshi club and a loss !
                      so nobody even counted them as any threat when alshabab of ksa was in the running.
                      but advancing with absolute minimum points from the group was a risky thing to do. but he pulled it off.

                      he introduced these two in the quarters and surprised all the coaches with a tough style of football . and finally won the trophy.


                        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                        yes. PP players are more fighters and never say die kind.

                        but pp has had its MAJOR share of laats and wild thugs like moharami, ansarian, rahbarifard, ... while ss worst players were not as bad as these guys.
                        First of all I have to apologize to everyone in this thread for drifting away from topic but as a PP supporter and one who doesn't hide it, I've been fighting myself not to say anything Peyman jan, but...

                        As soon as I thought you for once in a lifetime were gonna say something other than all out negative about PP, you just had to blend your personal emotions into it about the reds.

                        PP has had its share of laats and wild thugs, no question about that, just like ANY other team. What's interesting is that you take 3 past PP players and hang them out like criminals and that in direct comparison to no other team than EsEs just makes it a tad hmm...well suspicious(I say suspicious based on your constant claim on disliking both the red and blue).

                        Since you made a direct comparison between these 2 teams, I don't even have to mention other teams, but I don't even have to go back too far to remind anyone about Fekri and Akbarpour for example, who certainly were not exactly angles, were they? So even if I think this all is beyond the point but I just thought it's rather unfair to say "...while ss worst players were not as bad as these guys." That's a rather strong statement and rather contradictory towards your claim of being unbiased and indifferent about the 2 teams.
                        HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
                        you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.



                          dont worry, PH jan.
                          I totally agree ss also has had its share of scum like akbarpoor and fekri.
                          ( but perhaps not as many as pp )

                          and in no way I was trying to side with either of the two teams or raise one in comparison to the other. THAT, I hope you are sure of.


                            just to make another unbiased comment from the otherside, the team which has been a fighter till the last minute the past few seasons has been esteghlal. god knows how many times they have scored in the dying minutes. this season, things have changed however!

                            doctor jan, please stay biased!

                            so back to topic again
                            Originally posted by siavasharian

                            بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                            بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

                              dont worry, PH jan.
                              I totally agree ss also has had its share of scum like akbarpoor and fekri.
                              ( but perhaps not as many as pp )

                              and in no way I was trying to side with either of the two teams or raise one in comparison to the other. THAT, I hope you are sure of.
                              Ok, cool. Even if you do side however, it's still cool as it'll at least make Yashar happy

                              Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
                              just to make another unbiased comment from the otherside, the team which has been a fighter till the last minute the past few seasons has been esteghlal. god knows how many times they have scored in the dying minutes. this season, things have changed however!

                              doctor jan, please stay biased!

                              so back to topic again
                              Actually what you said is both true and topic-related. They did in fact score many goals in the dying minutes.
                              HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
                              you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.

