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A different perspective on our football

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    A different perspective on our football

    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)

    Well written,I fully agree. Actually this is another addition to what I meant and mentioned in my post "Professionalism"
    HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
    you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.


      Thank you ali jaan........totaly agree............


        Originally posted by purple_haze View Post
        Well written,I fully agree. Actually this is another addition to what I meant and mentioned in my post "Professionalism"
        That is part of the professionalisem. It can't be mandated and created in one day. We can't cheat time. Progress needs time. Sepahn and Saipa are a few other clubs have taken the first steps, hopefully rest will follow.

        I am as frustrated as you are and wish there was a shortcut beleive me. I can't see a shortcut though.
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
          That is part of the professionalisem. It can't be mandated and created in one day. We can't cheat time. Progress needs time. Sepahn and Saipa are a few other clubs have taken the first steps, hopefully rest will follow.
          I am as frustrated as you are and wish there was a shortcut beleive me. I can't see a shortcut though.
          An important prerequisite is having a competent IFF head. It is absolutely critical.
          Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


            Originally posted by RaginG Inferno View Post
            An important prerequisite is having a competent IFF head. It is absolutely critical.

            Only if this competent head is allowed to work and given space to manouvre.

            In Iran , if it is not the clubs that have 1 million objections against the IFF , it is the fans and the media.

            Lord have mercy on the future IFF head.



              Originally posted by maij View Post
              Only if this competent head is allowed to work and given space to manouvre.

              In Iran , if it is not the clubs that have 1 million objections against the IFF , it is the fans and the media.

              Lord have mercy on the future IFF head.
              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                I had said it in another post...Ali-Jaan...............
                it is not complex....
                It is not cultural.....
                It is just pure capitalism,that will set us free !!
                The Fireing !!!
                Some responded, to mmy previouse post ( you included ), that we do have capitalism in Iran, and some whom have had it, steel have problems....But !
                What " The firing ", does is this :
                lets take " Iran Khodro " ( Iran,nasional) company :
                If we had pure capitalism, the workers, would have come from diverse back ground, some had had 50 jobs, before starting working for Iran-Khodro, they had had worked in grocery business, washing floors, retail,resturant,motor-cycle, frouts,cleaners, ...and had to go back to school, to better thier resume.....etc...........and these workers,had been fired more than 40 times, for many many reseaons,that all those reasons have stayed in thier minds !!
                Another thing that has stayed in thier minds, are, diverse methods of managements, they had worked under..............They now, look at thier employments, with diverse eyes, as well as understanding what it means t be unemployed, and what it means to produce, and what it takes to advance in the company !!!
                But, if you do not have that pure capitalism in ' Iran-Khodro "...the workers, may have only had worked only in just one another job....very little knowledge of production, or relationship between managment,and empolyee,and , job security !!!........All these workers hear, is how easy the other people's job may be....and they had never had to hear, heart breaking news of , not producing, and massive firing !!
                The answer, is in profond,systematic Fireing,and accountebility, from top to bottom, with transparensy, and result oriented system, with no mercy....
                You do that, and let me see, if any culture has any power to not obay !!


                  Originally posted by maij View Post
                  Only if this competent head is allowed to work and given space to manouvre.

                  In Iran , if it is not the clubs that have 1 million objections against the IFF , it is the fans and the media.

                  Lord have mercy on the future IFF head.
                  Damet garm. This is important.
                  Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                    Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                    I had said it in another post...Ali-Jaan...............
                    it is not complex....
                    It is not cultural.....
                    It is just pure capitalism,that will set us free !!
                    The Fireing !!!
                    Some responded, to mmy previouse post ( you included ), that we do have capitalism in Iran, and some whom have had it, steel have problems....But !
                    What " The firing ", does is this :
                    lets take " Iran Khodro " ( Iran,nasional) company :
                    If we had pure capitalism, the workers, would have come from diverse back ground, some had had 50 jobs, before starting working for Iran-Khodro, they had had worked in grocery business, washing floors, retail,resturant,motor-cycle, frouts,cleaners, ...and had to go back to school, to better thier resume.....etc...........and these workers,had been fired more than 40 times, for many many reseaons,that all those reasons have stayed in thier minds !!
                    Another thing that has stayed in thier minds, are, diverse methods of managements, they had worked under..............They now, look at thier employments, with diverse eyes, as well as understanding what it means t be unemployed, and what it means to produce, and what it takes to advance in the company !!!
                    But, if you do not have that pure capitalism in ' Iran-Khodro "...the workers, may have only had worked only in just one another job....very little knowledge of production, or relationship between managment,and empolyee,and , job security !!!........All these workers hear, is how easy the other people's job may be....and they had never had to hear, heart breaking news of , not producing, and massive firing !!
                    The answer, is in profond,systematic Fireing,and accountebility, from top to bottom, with transparensy, and result oriented system, with no mercy....
                    You do that, and let me see, if any culture has any power to not obay !!
                    Bahram Jaan;

                    I strongly suggest (as a younger brother or a friend) to read Goerge Sorus's book on Rise and fall of Capitalisem or Open society. Mind you Sorous is a stunch anti communist who fled Hungry and one of the richest man in the world.

                    The reason I suggested this, is the sort of full fledge capitalisiem that you are advocating in differetn posts. Read and see what Sorous says about what he calls Market Fundementalisem (this book was written in 1999 was beofere Sep 11 btw).

                    What you are suggesting has been tried in Iran, no workers protection (read about the Oil Industry strike for better wages and better living condition in Iran in 1324 around 1945). How Brits and central governemnt opened fire on them.

                    Beleive me pure capitalisem in the form you are advocating can't exist in today's world. Even in the USA, I personally fired a whole bunch of tech workers and you should see how companies in the USA are worried about what to say even during the exit interview. I personally got trained on how to do this, so I know what I am talking about. If you want that kind of so called pure capitalisem you need to go back 200 years. When there were no laws (workers had to work 12 to 14 hour shifts), no holidays, no nothing.

                    I assumed you know the May 1st (Labour day) is the anniversary of killing of American workers by American Police in Chicago (Hay market). I live in Chicage and there is a small plaque marking the place. The point is that ship ( pure capitalisem) has left the harbor long time ago.
                    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                      Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                      Bahram Jaan;
                      I strongly suggest (as a younger brother or a friend) to read Goerge Sorus's book on Rise and fall of Capitalisem or Open society. Mind you Sorous is a stunch anti communist who fled Hungry and one of the richest man in the world.
                      The reason I suggested this, is the sort of full fledge capitalisiem that you are advocating in differetn posts. Read and see what Sorous says about what he calls Market Fundementalisem (this book was written in 1999 was beofere Sep 11 btw).
                      What you are suggesting has been tried in Iran, no workers protection (read about the Oil Industry strike for better wages and better living condition in Iran in 1324 around 1945). How Brits and central governemnt opened fire on them.
                      Beleive me pure capitalisem in the form you are advocating can't exist in today's world. Even in the USA, I personally fired a whole bunch of tech workers and you should see how companies in the USA are worried about what to say even during the exit interview. I personally got trained on how to do this, so I know what I am talking about. If you want that kind of so called pure capitalisem you need to go back 200 years. When there were no laws (workers had to work 12 to 14 hour shifts), no holidays, no nothing.
                      I assumed you know the May 1st (Labour day) is the anniversary of killing of American workers by American Police in Chicago (Hay market). I live in Chicage and there is a small plaque marking the place. The point is that ship ( pure capitalisem) has left the harbor long time ago.
                      Ali jaan..............
                      We need to set some guide lines before,continueing this subject.....
                      One, is that , I am not advacating Capitalism, All I am saying,( Which marxism also agrees),that it will change people !!It will elianate them !, it will take thier culture away from them................which in case of iran, it may not be a bad thing !
                      For capitalism, to be pure, it needs to take the power away, from Government,it feeds a consumeing culture that in return that culture feeds capitalism, and creat a cycle.
                      It will take may be 10 generation to become a pure capitalist culture...,
                      Socialism, and Commonism, have failed misrebly.....and today's intelectuals, talk about a synthithes,of mixed capitalist-socialist, phenamena......
                      But, what we have understood,from failed experinces, is that people are bound to be elianated any way...either for a good cause,or not so good a cause !!.......As Central ,from the top, planning..would chanllenge, pure capitalism, to let the market detemine the faith of The Human's Future !!
                      ..........I do not mind to read the book you are recommanding,though, in my youth, I did read many as I was very Idealistic then.
                      Let me ask you a question !!
                      If, the gas tank on your car shows emptye sign, and you have may be 20 more miles to go,in a middle of hot desert with no water, in middle of no where.....what do you do ??
                      1-It is said, Openning the windows,would consume more gas that haveing Air-conditioning on.
                      2-It is also said, going 55 mile per hour,would consume the least gas .
                      3-It is also said, heavy objects consume too much gas as well.
                      So what do you do ?
                      Some times, it may be , possible, to forget logic, and go for top speed, as make the traveling time to its least, hence useing less gas.
                      Like wise, capitalism, may not be Humain way,yet, it will get you to the destination, and only then , you could try to remedy,the societi'es short comeings.
                      If , you are under immpression, that Pure capitalism can not exit.....I say, it may not, but, while in porsute of capitalism, many issues will be solved, or forgotten......
                      Gorbachov, thought, he could have democresy " from Above " his prostroyka.................The Chinese think, Economic improvement, is pre-requisit to social changes !!, and many smaller attempts through out the world,want moralize Capitalism with thier on culture......
                      All these, are naive attempts, as ....The will to be Free, and the will to want it all, will always over power any Idealistic ,and cultural agendas.
                      As long as " NEEDS ARE NOT FOOLFIELD ", Cultures, and Ideas can not change anything !!

