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Sepahan's under-currents ??

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    Sepahan's under-currents ??

    I just read this piece in IV.
    I know we cant really trust iranian media, and agree.
    But there are issues brought forth that do make sense and ring a bell.

    Like luka's well known rough and tough attitude. His borderline abrasiveness in insisting discipline and treatment of all players. Or had it not been for the strong management at sepahan, this team would have been just another also-ran like fajr or zob. or ... etc.

    I dont know how much of it is true and how much baseless conjecture.
    But some issues ring bells and some actually sound alarms.

    رفتارهاى چندگانه
    هنوز به ياد داريم كه اين مرد كروات چطور قيد محمود كريمى را زده و به باشگاه اعلام كرد كه كريمى را نمى خواهد. اگر گلزنى كريمى در فينال جام حذفى مقابل پرسپوليس نبود و ساكت وساطت نمى كرد معلوم نمى شد مهاجم ريزنقش تيم اصفهانى امروز با پيراهن كدام تيم به ميدان مى رفت. لوكا باز هم در مورد كريمى افكارش به شكل ناگهانى تغيير كرد. روزى تصميم مى گيرد با محرم نويدكيا بهترين رابطه را برقرار كند. او يك روز محرم را محرم اسرار خود مى خواند و به او مى گويد در اين تيم فقط به او اعتماد دارد. به همه امر مى كند تا زمانى كه محرم از پاى ميز غذا بلندنشده كسى حق ندارد بلند شود و ميز را ترك كند. چه بسا كه يكى از بازيكنانى كه سهوا چنين اتفاقى برايش رخ مى دهد به شدت از سوى بوناچيچ توبيخ مى شود اما همين لوكا به يكباره از نويدكيا دل مى برد و او را مقابل خود قرار مى دهد. چنانچه در اوايل فصل لوكا با عماد رضا همين رويه را در پيش مى گيرد كه البته در حالت عكس آن! او امروز با حميد عزيززاده همين مشكل را دارد. بى اعتقادى بوناچيچ به اين بازيكن به حدى است كه از باشگاه خواسته او را به تيم سپاهان نوين انتقال دهند! معلوم نبود اگر مديريت سپاهان به دست ساكت نبود چه اتفاقى براى اين تيم رخ مى داد! رفتارهاى دوگانه سرمربى سپاهان به طور ناخودآگاه بر روابط بين بازيكنان اثر گذاشته و هر يك با نگاهى بدبينانه و شايد گاهى هم خوشبينانه به يكديگر نگاه مى كنند.

    معمايى به نام زادمحمودراز بازى كبيربلو
    به همان اندازه كه بازى ندادن زادمحمود مثل معمايى حل نشده باقى ماند، بازى گرفتن از كبيربلويى كه تا همين چند وقت پيش در تيم سپاهان نوين حضور داشت عجيب است و سؤال برانگيز.
    معما خيلى پيچيده نيست. حضور كبيربلو در اصفهان رد پاى يك مدير برنامه را پشت سر خود دارد. شايد طى چند هفته گذشته و باز شدن بحث پيشنهاد سرمربيگرى تيم ملى به بوناچيچ از سوى كميته انتقالى (كه دروغى بيش نبود) هم بتوانيم همين جاى پا را ببينيم. آيا نمى توانيد معما را حل كنيد؟! كمى جلوتر برويد تا كمكتان كنيم. چه آوردگاهى بهتر از جام باشگاه هاى جهان براى نشان دادن بازيكنى مثل كبيربلو! او بايد در چه تورنمنتى بهتر از اين بازى مى كرد تا به خريداران حوزه خليج فارس معرفى شود؟ لوكا قيد نويدكيا، كريمى و... را زد و آنها را مصدومان سپاهان معرفى كرد. نويدكيا دو ۹۰ دقيقه روى نيمكت دم برنياورد چون به مديرعامل قول داده با جملاتش عليه سپاهان جوى منفى درست نكند. آيا اوضاع آنها را روبراه مى دانيد؟ شايد اگر پرسپوليس يا استقلال دچار اين مشكلات مى شدند، حالا تك تك اتفاقات آنها را همه مى دانستند. مديريت سپاهان در تلاش است مشكلات پيش آمده را حل كند... اما در چه فرصتى؟

    Sorry DD Jan,

    It is in the nature of some of us not to ever be happy or thankful. The article, is very sly, in that where it lacks solid evidence it tries to fill it with innuendos and speculation.

    The fact it can not dispute: the third place finish of Foolad, and after so many years of absence of any IPL league, a 2nd place finish in Asia. Then it tries to put the rest of the [I]accusations and allegations [I] at the same level as the facts.

    Now I dont know Bonacic at all, but looking at the content of this article, one basic question pupped to my mind:

    What exactly is the point of this article?

    And here are what it tries to imply:
    -That Bonacic is a cold individual that does not make emotional bonds!!?!
    -He is too rigid, and gives too much training to players(ookh bemeeram)
    -That he is using players to sastify some others agenda

    I watched just one day prior to Sepahan WC game, someone calling Zahab show and saying she was the mother of a player who Bonacic does not treat well, rather than Zahab hanging up, he continued to converse and then she gave a made up name. A whole bunch of other people, even on this forum raised some issues right before the game about Bonacics character.

    So what if a player is sleepy and plays? It is not like driving a truck is it? It is not like Bonacic made this silly schedule, why is he getting blamed for it? Who has more motivation for Sepahan winning AFC, Bonacic or an agent presumably pushing his guy?

    I see a different agenda: Whoever is successful in our culture, it seems we have to crash and burn, so the mediocrity and the underachivement we are all used to can prevail.

    Only in Iran after all, the bulk of the focus and flame has been on Sepahan and Perspolis coaches, Both of whom have delievered so far. Else why not talk about the coach of Pegah or Saipa?


      granted, there are various elements of conjecture, even bias and half-truths within the piece. That is very much visible.

      But at the same time, what really caught my attention and prompted me to post it here is some of the issues that were mentioned. I'd add a couple of mine too.

      1- navidkia:
      fact is navidkia, even during their game against kawasaki was sort of critical of luka's decisions and strategies.
      without getting into mechanics of student-teacher relation and rules, to me what moharam said made sense.
      Luka was unnecessarily defensive and did make a few bad judgments. but since sepahan ultimately advanced, as usual with our football, all faults and mistakes are swept under the rug.

      navidkia also was rumored to have been ready for the quarter final clash in world club champs. but was not used.
      now, before one says is luka mad to deny his team of its best player or ... , I must say I dont know what really went on in luka's mind.
      but considering his ultra-strict attitude and his iron-hand rule it isnt such a far fetched idea that disciplining navidkia would serve a longer term goal than winning another game in WCC. as sepahan and luka were already glorified for having reached such a stage anyway.
      ( I'm just acting as a devil's advocate here and shooting in the dark )
      we know there are coaches who put more emphasis and importance on discipline than victories or satisfaction of a sect of ppl or fans. so it isnt exactly unheard of.

      2- Karimi's absence.
      No matter how I look at it, I just dont see ANY reason why luka kept his second best player out of the starting line up.
      and why Bello ? in such a crucial game?
      (unless he didnt see this game so crucial as he has already proven his worth and quality by doing what we havent been able to achieve in quite a few years . read above point )

      3- all the points regarding zad-mahmood, karimi falling in and out of favor, ... are FACTS. and I know these are true.

      4- the role that scouts and agents play in our football is also undeniable. unfortunately.
      and it would not the first time to hear some agenda set by agents , set in motion in our football for the wrong causes.

      so what is left ( for me ) is a niggling feeling based on a scattering of facts and clues that just doesnt sit right for me. I somehow feel there's more to things than what we are told or have seen.

      Having said that, I still think luka is one of the few quality coaches we've had in a long time and he has proven his worth. with foolad, ss-a and sepahan.


        Sorry Doc , I stopped reading after the second line.

        I never heard of the author and hence , so I can vouch for his authenticity , knowledge or credibility.

        If you were only with us in China or Malaysia to watch closely what these journalist where like , it would have put you off Iran sport Journalism for a long time...remember , these were supposedly the best that were sent to the far east !!!!



          Originally posted by maij View Post
          Sorry Doc , I stopped reading after the second line.

          I know, bro.
          But the points brought up in the matter do ring a bell.

