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so now we got our coach...

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    so now we got our coach...

    I don't know what this guy can do with TM in 20 some odd days or whatever until our first qualifier, but wouldn't a candidate from within Iran have been a better choice?

    can this guy gather a list of players in time?

    does he have any clues as to how we play?

    does he know his assistant coaches?

    does he know our opponents in asia?

    will he be able to bear the pressure from the media?

    I think going after a name was the wrong choice, but at least we can breathe a sigh of relief and go into our qualifying matches WITH an effin coach!
    We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.

    well, I doubt he'd play a major role in listing the 50 players. I assume ebrahimzadeh would be the guy who'll ultimately do it.

    how fast he can get the team prepared totally depends on how fast we can get the 50 players to attend the TM camp. From then on, I guess it will depend on how he observes them or what he looks for in them.

    I am sure he'd been given a few of our games to know what he's getting into. and now that he's been selected, he'll be ( shd be ) flooded with more tapes of our TM games showing him the preferred style , players, weaknesses and ... of the team.

    will he bear the pressure? given his age, I'm not too sure.
    but lets keep our fingers crossed.


      I know, we should not start with negative thoughts....But, the situation of this guy's hireing is , " SAD ", if not funny !!
      The whole " komitehe enteghali ", tarbiat badani, and even the office of ahmadinejad, are involoved, and it can not get any bigger MESS !
      پایگاه خبری جام جم آنلاین، منتشر کننده آخرین و به روزترین اخبار سیاسی، اقتصادی، حوادث، فرهنگی، اجتماعی و ورزشی ایران و جهان

      And, not only they had repeated mis-chances, but also, there has been big fights, within,and no body knows who should make the decision !
      پایگاه خبری جام جم آنلاین، منتشر کننده آخرین و به روزترین اخبار سیاسی، اقتصادی، حوادث، فرهنگی، اجتماعی و ورزشی ایران و جهان

      I know, ISNA has said, Arthur Jorje is going to be the coach, but, it says it,as, " although,it has not been official,but yek manba e agah,say it will be jorje...."..........
      1- this decision may not be final.
      2-The athurity of the decision makers are in question.
      3-The whole country , was poleticaly cripled,and there was a major rush, to do something fast,as things as appeared could not resolve the coaching issues....
      4- The selection may have been,the only availble coach that was willing, as 10 other names whom where contacted, could not reach agreement, with the komiteh e enteghali...and time was running out fast, and the Government was in major panic.
      5-this guy has been seating on his home sofa, for the last 6 years,and the last team he coached was early 2002.
      We as fans, have been constantly short changed,!!, and bounch of stupid , good for nothing, out of desperation ,and admitance of 'inability',had to do something fast,as FIFA's shadow on thier back, and office of presidency,in panic, made them to jump, with an ill selection !


        from what I heard and gathered in the past few days, I think santini is no longer an option.

        that leaves jorge, nuerurer ( or whatever the spelling is ) and possibly zeman.

        Zeman, not many ppl are talking about him. I dont know why. perhaps he has also refused.

        that leaves jorge and nuerurer.
        between these two, I'd rather have Jorge. His resume is better and definitely much more experienced. although in the past 7-10 years he hasnt done anything impressive to write home about.

        however, I absolutely agree with the theory of the knee jerk reaction by PEO to get someone, no matter who , to save face after farahani exposed their delays and procrastinations in 90.
        But what's do0ne is done.
        now, like faraz, we shd look forward.
        lets make the best of what minimal blessings we've received.

        having a comparatively easier first round opponents is another blessing as we can use it to hone and fine-tune the team for the final round of WCQ's.
        we shd keep our fingers crossed this gamble works.


          I refuse to look at the black side of the equation......Regardless to what , when and how this selection was finalized , the important issue is that someone at last has got the job....just a reminder that Arther George appointment is not official yet.

          YES...YES...YES..Every possible candidate would have been the subject of scrutiny and criticism , even if he is the best possible coach in the world !
          The usual pack of questions , whether he knows the players, understands the culture and so on , will always be on the mind if he is a foreigner ...If he is a Vatani , the other side of the coin , like is he experience enough , is he up to speed with advances tactics, does he have the respect of the players...and so on.

          At the end of the day...SOMEONE had to make the decision and the decision is made.....To me this is the important fact under the circumstances.

          People just don't want to realize that Iran is not exactly the heaven for foreign coaches , it is not even so glittering for the locals !!! Such unrealistic expectations such as why the likes Capello and Wenger are not selected for coaching Iran, will only depress those fans and deprive them from enjoying Team Melli for what it is.........

          Nothing wrong with having grand aspirations , but keeping it within realism will go a long way in ensuring that the fans enjoy Iran's football rather that being in continuous mourning and grieve.



            Originally posted by maij View Post
            I refuse to look at the black side of the equation......Regardless to what , when and how this selection was finalized , the important issue is that someone at last has got the job....just a reminder that Arther George appointment is not official yet.

            YES...YES...YES..Every possible candidate would have been the subject of scrutiny and criticism , even if he is the best possible coach in the world !
            The usual pack of questions , whether he knows the players, understands the culture and so on , will always be on the mind if he is a foreigner ...If he is a Vatani , the other side of the coin , like is he experience enough , is he up to speed with advances tactics, does he have the respect of the players...and so on.

            At the end of the day...SOMEONE had to make the decision and the decision is made.....To me this is the important fact under the circumstances.

            People just don't want to realize that Iran is not exactly the heaven for foreign coaches , it is not even so glittering for the locals !!! Such unrealistic expectations such as why the likes Capello and Wenger are not selected for coaching Iran, will only depress those fans and deprive them from enjoying Team Melli for what it is.........

            Nothing wrong with having grand aspirations , but keeping it within realism will go a long way in ensuring that the fans enjoy Iran's football rather that being in continuous mourning and grieve.
            maij jaan, ..very realistic and mature way to look it........
            but , you must admit, at least, we, in forign lands get to see a glimps of what is like to live in Iran.....since, IFF, may be the best management one can find in Iran, let alone other parts of daily life in Iran.


              As long as those five friendlies take place we should be fine. I hope they take place or Jorge will have a difficult time building a new team ready for qualifications.
              The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


                Has any one wondered, why all of the sudden, Mohajerani whom had been ignored for all these years, and never given any responsibilities, is invited to join and help set up IFF ?................
                The reason, may be , that komiteh enteghali, is so much in panic, and so much afraid of FIFA,....they are bringing the only one they are sure FIFA will accept.hence buying respectibility they don't have.


                  Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                  Has any one wondered, why all of the sudden, Mohajerani whom had been ignored for all these years, and never given any responsibilities, is invited to join and help set up IFF ?................
                  The reason, may be , that komiteh enteghali, is so much in panic, and so much afraid of FIFA,....they are bringing the only one they are sure FIFA will accept.hence buying respectibility they don't have.
                  Simply put... It was all politics!



                    Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                    maij jaan, ..very realistic and mature way to look it........
                    but , you must admit, at least, we, in forign lands get to see a glimps of what is like to live in Iran.....since, IFF, may be the best management one can find in Iran, let alone other parts of daily life in Iran.
                    I know it is difficult for many to have he right picture of Iran while living abroad. We tend to follow our emotion and be selective in accepting which stories to believe. I have/had the same problem. When outside the country , people within, drew all sort of gloomy picture to a degree that I thought I am going backwards to the middles ages if I take a trip to Iran.

                    The reality was something entirely different. Admittedly , Tehran was NOTexactly Paris but it was not Calcutta either. I found most of he problems were created by the people themselves rather than the government and authorities ( which has a fair share of the blame).

                    In a sense , I feel the Iranians in general have very high expectations from others (by others I mean relatives , friends, government ...) while they refuse to share responsibility or put an effort. They are hyper critical and distrustful or the regimes ( Pahlavi & akhonds all the same!) , and blame everything on the admin and government , yet in this present situation they do very little to show their discontent. They are obsessed with rumors and conspiracies. Every Minister is corrupt , every football personality had a few rumors attached to him !!!

                    Ok ...perhaps not to that extreme....

                    It is a sign of frustration , normally brought up by economical situation. This social frustration spills into the football culture and you can see it clearly the football culture....distrust of anything official.

                    I simply believe that they need to chill down...Not everyone in Iran is corrupt or incompetent , including government officials.



                      i have no idea what to day about this guy...don't want to say anything negative as it might not be fair and be a prejudgment, but his record doesn't really make him qualify to coach TM either with almost no success whatsoever in the past....i will leave the discussion about him for two months from now but reading your thoughts is really interesting and adds to my our knowledge.
                      Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                        Originally posted by khabalood View Post
                        As long as those five friendlies take place we should be fine. I hope they take place or Jorge will have a difficult time building a new team ready for qualifications.
                        i agree, im just happy we got 5 friendlies, that should give arthur some idea of how to start off with our TM campaign..
                        Originally posted by siavasharian

                        بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                        بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                          Last edited by Adesor Vafaseya; 12-28-2007, 05:44 AM.
                          CHECK OUT OUR FORUM RULES HERE:

                          Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                            guys, dont put too much in store of the first few friendlies , ... except perhaps the coach getting to know some of our players ( something that appointment of denizli would have made redundant and he'd have started on tactics and strategies ! alas ! ).

                            it's almost new year and I guess the coach will only arrive, at earliest on Jan 2nd.
                            then we have a game after 3 days !! Jan 5th.

                            followed by another, after 4 days.
                            and then another after 4 days again !!
                            ( based on : )

                            even clubs who have a streamlined roster and system and are coordinated dont perform well in such a tight schedule - 3 games in 9 days !
                            let alone a team that upto 3-4 days prior to the first game did NOT EXIST !!!!!!

                            the only possible and logical tact , if I were in charge, would be divide the 50 into 3 groups and play different group for each game.
                            let the 3 separate groups practice together, as separate teams.
                            then at the end of the first 3 friendlies, pick the best of each group and hope to make a logical list of 30.

                            I dont see any other way of a new coach getting to know his new players, in such a short time, given the schedule. But the first 3 friendlies are not going to serve the final TM in any shape or form in terms of coordination, strategy, system, ... . generally the stuff that we shd be getting them down pat by now.

                            my belief is the only friendly we can start benefiting properly is the last one against costa rica on Jan 30th.
                            ..... errrr ... that is if the clubs release their players and gher o ghamish nayaan !


                              Have you guys decieded what name we are going to call him ? or have the Iranian media has ?
                              Jorje ?
                              George ?
                              Arthur ?
                              Artor ?
                              "Sibil " ?

