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Our Real Power !

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    Our Real Power !

    Although, clemente after failier of his contract said, IFF waisted his time, and was not happy with IFF's changeing demands,and his initial desire to stay in spain,etc.......yet, he set aside his tough stand, and said he was humbled ,by the Iranian fans...and a " FANTASTIC RECEPTION " from Iranian fans, and sent a massage to Iranian fans that he is sorry !!!
    he said, he could feel the massive football love in Iran.....and he thought he could have done a good job for those fans.
    We also, remmember what the German media said about Iranian fans, and compaired it with Brazillians, and were exteremely impressed .
    We the members here on PFDC , along with our brothers and sisters in IRAN, are the real power behind our football, and this is what many countries realy envy us for.
    God bless us !!!

    sorry bahram jan, I think what he sent to "iranian fans" is mere formality and protocol .... more than coming from deep within him.

    or perhaps I'm such a cynic when confronted with such acts that look more pretentious than genuine.

    and it's not only that, bahram jan.
    his attitude towards us didnt seem very respectful either.

    see this:
    Originally posted by mkbf2
    MADRID, Feb 20 (Reuters) - Javier Clemente said he was surprised and disappointed by the Iranian Football Federation's decision to back out of an offer to appoint him as national team coach because of his refusal to live in the country.
    "For me it was a disagreeable surprise because I had gone to a lot of trouble and was really looking forward to giving them a helping hand especially after the reception they gave me when I went there," the former Spain and Serbia coach told sports daily AS on Wednesday...........
    first of all, I blame IFF for a LOT of screw ups in this.
    and hold them highly responsible on many issues.

    but this condescending attitude from clemente just reeks of arrogance.
    what does he think we are? nepal ?
    he tries to look as if he's gone to a place where they dont know jack sh*t about football and have no facilities and no football to speak of or .... etc. !!!!
    and he's doing us a MAJOR FAVOR by coming here and accepting the crappy job of coaching a crappy team?

    ahaaay, matador.
    nakhasteem, amoo.
    hamoon behtar ke natoonesti biyaee, ke ehyanan yek vaght be reputation-e shoma zarbeh nakhoreh !... lest you're associated with a crappy team like "Iran" !!! OOOOoooo !

    hamoon ja , toye villa bemoon dadash.
    aghalan sar-e ma bad-bakht-ha MENNAT nazar.

    ma mellat-e kaleh-khari hastim va aslan O abadan MENNAT NEMIKESHIM, dadash.

    which reminds me of a shirazi pal of mine back in junior college who used to say this ... ALWAYS (!!) : "goosht-e ( excuse my french here ) ki*am ro mikhorom, vali mennat-e ghassab ro nemikeshom"

    it always cracked me up !
    but deep down it is true with kaleh-khar and ghod ppl like Iranians.


      Payman jaan..........
      Either I am too naive, or you are too pessimist .


        no, bro. I think I'm too pessimistic.

        But seriously, that remark by clemente really cut deep !
        dont you agree?


          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
          no, bro. I think I'm too pessimistic.

          But seriously, that remark by clemente really cut deep !
          dont you agree?
          Na payman jaan............
          I wished I could do like you and be able to get codes from diferent sites and show them here..............
          In general, he indeed was impressed with the fans, and had thought Iran to be a good place to implement his strategies...He realy was commited to coach Iran, yet did not want to show weak to begin with....even, in the statement you mentioned in your first did not pay attention to all parts of the statement....."" And I was looking forward to give them a helping hand ,SPECIALY AFTER THE RECEPTION THEY GAVE ME,when I went there "".
          And there was nothing wrong by saying " I had gone through a lot of trouble"......he was interviewed many times, he had said, he watched the game of TM in last 3 WC s, and also came to Iran ( which probebly he paid for the trip himself ), etc, etc..........
          Don't you think, that is a lot of trouble ?...for nothing ?


            but bahram jan, how can ANYONE implement strategies with 10 day visits before an official game ?

            becoz from the "10 days for official game" , I read "maybe I'll come, maybe I wont come for TEST games" and so on. ( it sure as hell doesnt sound like "commitment" to me !! )
            which means his time WITH THE TEAM is down to absolute minimums.

            now, add that to the characteristics of our football: we are semi pro but largely with an amateurish attitude and outlook towards the game. shoddy facilities and infrastructure. the level of training available to our players leaves a lot to be desired. the standard of our players, also, leaves a lot to be desired.

            how is he going to "implement his strategies" on THIS kind of player, from THIS kind of football, with THIS kind of facility in such a minimal time span?

            yes. if our football was like the germans, where everything is in place, players have all the requisites of a pro player and .... generally utopia in terms of material for a national team coach. there, clemente's methods may and most probably WILL succeed. ( just as klinsmann demonstrated ).
            but Iran is a century behind germany in all those categories, bro.

            we NEED more scrutiny, more attention, more time spent by the coach with the players and our football to extract the best clemente can offer.


            as for his "trouble", I must say watching 3 games is NEVER a trouble for any coach. even if the teams are nepal vs bangladesh. is that "trouble" ? really ? especially since he was supposed to take the job ?

            and I seriously doubt he spent HIS money to come to Iran. in fact I'm sure IFF paid for it.


              Payman jaan.....I also believe, as you do, that we need a "hands on", coach...and remote coaching will not work in Iran.....which that is why almost every body on this site, as well as in Iran, agreed with IFF to stand by clemente staying in Iran....................
              how ever, clemente did nothing wrong !.....He had said, on first hour of the first meeting ,that he wants to live in spain......he also asked for less money to be accumidated ./..,, he also signed three times, every thing they put in front of him....he talked to Neko, he came to Iran, watched the game with Syria, etc,etc,........he also needed to set relations stright, and did have his own demands.................
              He is gone, and we are only saying these to clear points for ourseleves...
              In my opinion,
              he was a very good coach.
              he had prepared himself to be the coach of Iran ( That is commitment ).
              he ,due to family matters, wanted to choose spain as his base. ( It is not unusual in Europe or USA to live away from where you work ).
              he was honest with his demands
              he also, was very impressed with our fans.


                well, baradar-e man,

                I absolutely agree he's a very good coach by ANY standards. and by our standards, he's magnificent.
                I agree he was honest with his demands.
                again, I may even agree that he was impressed by the fans.

                I also agree he signed and didnt ask for much money and ... . but he didnt ask for much money BECAUSE HE WANTED TO GO BY HIS "10 days before official game and ..." ( lets call it "watered down coaching" ) bit !
                that's all.

                if you remember ( it's somewhere here in F+ ), I scribbled something about some sort of compromise on the scheduling of his visits. a compromise borne out of knowing we'd never get such a top class coach and we're lucky to be getting him .
                for example I thought a 3-4 weeks visitation before an official game and perhaps 10 days to 2 weeks visit for friendly games shd be enough to start with. and lots of other stuff that to ME, looked close to fair.
                all the while thinking/hoping that once he comes here and actually gets used to tehran and all that's available for him, plus the near-2-month period of games #3-#6 he may change his mind and perhaps stay for longer periods ....etc.
                so it looked acceptable to ME, personally, given his status and ... .

                but when he says 10 days before an OFFICIAL game, that's just crossing the acceptable, viable line.
                becoz as mentioned earlier, we arent germany that such scheduling may work.
                our players need a lot to work with. and he wasnt willing to give them that time!


                and plz tell me you did NOT just compare the residence/work situation in europe?usa to this situation.
                ppl in europe and usa do live away from where they work. but they also COMMUTE everyday. or whenever necessary.

                clemente was NOT going to come to tehran every week. or even every month !
                how can the two situations be compared?


                  You are right payman jaan..............may be this was a case of an already millioner coach, whom has already started his the beaches of Spain.....may be coaching many years in La liga,and national responsibilities
                  took the toll out of this guy.....
                  For a burnt out coach the first step is local clubs, and when that is not avaielble.....a close by country,thrid rate coaching job, such as serbia....and even when that fails.......some rich third world country ! ( IRAN )...according to his mentality.................
                  The insistance of him wanting to stay in spain, brought doubts about his level of commitment....not just to Iran, but also for his next possible employer.


                    ^ spot on, bahramn jan.

                    I think, as you explained, he wanted an easy job with not much trouble and pains. and must have said, hey , I get some money out of it, go to the WC, while I at the most, spend about a scattering of weeks here and there, totaling about 2 months in a year.
                    so he'd be getting 360,000 euroes per year which is actually per 2 or 2 and 1/2 months !!
                    which makes his TRUE monthly payment ( even if we make it a total of 3 months ) = 120,000+ euroes per month !!!
                    not bad, eh?


                      To be honest, I think IFF didn't behave properly. Many of US Iranians are too nice toward forigners (kind of to the point of even being a kiss ass). As a reuslt they don't appreciate us. For example, Kafasheeyan as the head of the IFF should have met him on a very formal basis and briefly. The knid of treatment he got from the media and IFF board was way out of proportion.

                      I am not saying we should have been disrespectful toward him or anything, but when we are super nice, people interpret it as we are in a weal position.
                      "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                      Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                      Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                      Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                        To be honest, I think IFF didn't behave properly. Many of US Iranians are too nice toward forigners (kind of to the point of even being a kiss ass). As a reuslt they don't appreciate us. For example, Kafasheeyan as the head of the IFF should have met him on a very formal basis and briefly. The knid of treatment he got from the media and IFF board was way out of proportion.
                        I am not saying we should have been disrespectful toward him or anything, but when we are super nice, people interpret it as we are in a weal position.
                        Good to have you back...
                        either is Iranian kiss-ass, or European stupid arrogance against middle-easterns.

