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اخراج ملي پوشان به خاطر گيتار و اتومبيل آل

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    اخراج ملي پوشان به خاطر گيتار و اتومبيل آل

    اخراج ملي پوشان به خاطر گيتار و اتومبيل آلبالويي

    نويسنده: مهدي حدادپور

    انقلاب اسلامي ايران در بهمن 57 حاکميت رژيم را دستخوش تحول کرد. اين انقلاب ارزش هاي حاکم بر جامعه را نيز دچار تحول کرد. تا اواخر سال 59 سرعت تحول ارزش ها بسيار کند بود.رئيس دولت موقت مهندس مهدي بازرگان با کت و شلوار و کراوات بر سر کارش مي آمد. حتي سردمداران ورزش هم از بين آدم هاي معمولي گزينش شده بودند مثل ناصر نوآموز رئيس فدراسيون فوتبال و حسن حبيبي سرمربي تيم ملي که شکل و شمايل آنها با دوران تاريخي انقلاب هم شان و منطبق نبود. از اواخر سال 59 تغيير در ساختار ارزشي سرعت بيشتري به خود گرفت.

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    فوتبال ايران که بعد از ناصر نوآموز و پايان عمر دولت موقت با مديريت هادي طاووسي پوسته نو نينداخته بود از ابتداي سال 1360 رو به تصفيه اعتقادي آورد و به تبع آن عناصر فعال آن سال ها تا ساده ترين اجزاي جامعه فوتبال به تبعيت درآمدند.

    مصطفي داوودي رئيس وقت سازمان تربيت بدني سراغ مرداني رفت که نشانه هايي از تحول ارزشي انقلاب را در ظاهر خود داشتند. درگيري هواداران بني صدر و شهيد رجايي )عناصر حزب الله( در روز 14 اسفند 59، شکاف بين عناصر متحول شده و سايرين را بيشتر کرد. حسين آبشناسان رئيس جديد فدراسيون از اهالي فوتبال و بازيکن سابق تيم شعاع تهران بود. يک مهره مذهبي در کلاس مربيگري دتمار کرامر را گذرانده و برادر شهيد سرلشگر آبشناسان بود. مدير جديد براي استفاده از سرمربي جديد به چهره هايي که اسناد و عکس هايشان در اين دوره گواهي سلامت ارزشي آنها را صادر نمي کرد روي نياورد و به جاي ياوري، مهاجراني، اصغر شرفي، رنجبر و... پرويز ابوطالب فرزند حجت الاسلام ابوطالب را به سمت سرمربي تيم ملي انتخاب کرد. ابوطالب بازيکن سابق ديهيم، تاج، راه آهن و موسس تيم معروف بوتان بود. پرويز ابوطالب در سال هاي 49 تا 51 سرمربي تيم ملي جوانان فوتبال کشورمان هم بود اما وجاهت حرفه يي او در اين دوران به تبع وجاهت ارزشي او برايش شکل گرفته بود. اولين حکمي که ابوطالب از سازمان تربيت بدني گرفت، اين بود: حميد درخشان، عبدالعلي چنگيز، حميد عليدوستي، حميد فرزام نيا و حبيب خبيري نبايد براي تيم ملي بازي کنند. ابوطالب سراغ مسوولان وقت رفت و علت را پرسيد. جواب آبشناسان عجيب بود: درخشان به خاطر اتومبيل بي ام و آلبالويي رنگ، عليدوستي به خاطر گيتاري که شب ها در منزل مي زند، فرزام نيا به خاطر موهاي بلند و صافش که هنگام دويدن تکان مي خورد و چنگيز به خاطر ريش پروفسوري از همراهي با تيم ملي محروم هستند.

    بعدها که شهيد بهشتي بزرگوار اين محروميت را ديدند، با خنده گفتند: ما که در آلمان بي ام و سوار مي شديم هم بايد محروم مي شديم،

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    بازي هاي آسيايي 1982 در سال 61 برگزار شد و تيم ملي از جمع ياران ثابت جام جهاني 1978 حتي يک نفر را هم نداشت. ابوطالب نتوانست در پايان بر سر حضور اين پنج نفر حريف سازمان شود و از مسووليت خود کنار رفت اما بشنويد از بلايي که بر سر تيم ملي فوتبال در بازي هاي آسيايي 1982 دهلي نو آمد. در آن تيم، حميد درخشان به خاطر نزديکي با دادکان و وجاهتي که دادکان در مناسبات اجتماعي آن زمان جامعه داشت، تعهد کرد که مسائل اخلاقي را رعايت کند و به تيم ملي برگردد.

    اما فرزام نيا، عليدوستي و چنگيز چوب مو و ريش و گيتار خود را خوردند و به تيم ملي دعوت نشدند. فقط اين سه نفر نبودند که چوب تفکرات مسوولان وقت سازمان را خوردند بلکه دو گروه ديگر دقيقاً به دليل چنين تفکراتي از تيم ملي دور ماندند. گروه اول کساني بودند که در خارج از ايران بازي مي کردند. اين در حالي بود که بسياري از آنها در اوج آمادگي و سلامت جسماني بودند. نظري و حسن روشن 27سال و قاسمپور، برزگري و حسين فرکي 26 سال داشتند. مسوولان وقت عنوان داشتند که اين نفرات در اوج جنگ کشور را تنها گذاشته و رفته و مجازاتشان اين است که به تيم ملي دعوت نشوند. شايد اگر آن روز آنها مي فهميدند که آدم هايي چون ابراهيم قاسمپور بايد خرج زندگي 40، 50 نفر از افراد جنگ زده فاميل خود را که در آبادان همه چيز خود را باخته بودند بدهد از ادعاي خود صرف نظر مي کردند. گروه ديگر هم مرداني بودند که بيشتر از 27 سال سن داشتند. پروين، حجازي، نصرالله عبداللهي و... اين نفرات بودند.

    تيم ملي در سال 61 بدون حضور 70 درصد از ستارگان خود به دهلي نو رفت. شايد غايبان مي توانستند تيم ملي اصلي حاضر در دهلي نو را شکست دهند اما در آن سال ها با اينگونه خودمان را به دست خودمان خلع سلاح کرديم.


    and you'd think we'd learn from past mistakes !!!!!


      It is comical ......



        On the funny side.............
        If ever, one asks,who was the all time, " GHERTI " player ?
        I would name : Massoud Mojdehi and Bahram Mavadat !.....may be a little mohamadreza adelkhani................
        These guys , may have recieved slashes ,had they stayed in Iran !!


          Thanks for the article. But I am sure there where still other reasons as to why the likes of Hejazi, Roshan, Jahani, Ghasempour... were left off of TM.
          I think there was also one player who was executed because he was a member of MKO, can't remember his name.


            Originally posted by maij View Post
            It is comical ......
            a comic tragedy


              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
              I think there was also one player who was executed because he was a member of MKO, can't remember his name.
              Shadravan.....HABIB KHABIRI

              Executed at Evin prison (29 years old). Captain of Team Melli and the player who will always be remembered for his ferocious 40 meters goal against Kuwait
              in one of the most memorable matches , when Mohajerani defied the odds and fielded a team full of youth against the powerful Kuwaitis, coached by the Brazilian legend Mario Zagalo, looking for revenge.

              Habibi was member of Homa team.



                You guys think this is funny. I don't remember exactly what year was it, but probably even before that, first camp for the TM was held in Kazeroon or some really unknown place, I think Ali Parvin took poeple there that were invited to the TM. Hezbollahis' said football is Taghooti and camp got disband.

                This is not secret that after the revloution league got disabanded and all the big naem players of that time, Fathabadi, Changheez, Deraskhashn, Ali Parvin, Nalcheghar and many others were playing in this field in west of Tehran on Fridays for the neighborhood team (the fiedl called Zameene Eram and it was located a bit south of Dempezeshki and north of Hashemi street fairly close to Mehrabad airpot. There wasn't a sight of grass in the field and Changheez because he was fast and of course marked doggedly by defenders by the end of the game was bleeding all over, since he was tackled to the ground on the dirt and sand and god know whatever else was in the field (even broken glass). People in the neighborhood were sitting on their roof and watch the game (around the field of course was full of spectators only few yards away from the players).

                My team played against the team that changheez played in and we lost 2-1. I think Gholam Fathabadi was playing in the team that Changheez played in as well.
                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  ...and that sums up what is STILL going on in Iran,,,yes, not fair to say that it still happens in the same fashion, but within today's definition of "akhlagh" I.R officials still do injustice to footballers and coaches in Iran. (of course same goes for the other 70 million of the polpulation)
                  Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                    Unfortunatly, today's players are totaly desolved in the system.....
                    There are no lavasani, Ghelichkhani, let alone Khabiris !!!
                    most players, wear ti-shirts,under uniform,with slogans about Imam hossain, or Abalfazl.......same as rezazadeh in weight lifting.......
                    No player has defected , even after many chances !!
                    players are used to attend " namaze Jomeh ", and many are even informers...
                    In the WC before the last , where, mojahedin made the big deal in the stedium, all players made sure, they were disassociated with anything against the system........
                    I belive, it is safe to say : Poletical non-conformism is " dead " in Iranian Football.


                      Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                      Unfortunatly, today's players are totaly desolved in the system.....
                      There are no lavasani, Ghelichkhani, let alone Khabiris !!!
                      most players, wear ti-shirts,under uniform,with slogans about Imam hossain, or Abalfazl.......same as rezazadeh in weight lifting.......
                      No player has defected , even after many chances !!
                      players are used to attend " namaze Jomeh ", and many are even informers...
                      In the WC before the last , where, mojahedin made the big deal in the stedium, all players made sure, they were disassociated with anything against the system........
                      I belive, it is safe to say : Poletical non-conformism is " dead " in Iranian Football.
                      I think most Iranians pro or anti-IR would try to stay as far as possible from MKO punks. They really ruin the game atmospheres.


                        hehehe, I remember I was stopped several times and arrested fewer for wearing jean and driving BMW 320.

                        Good old days.


                          Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                          hehehe, I remember I was stopped several times and arrested fewer for wearing jean and driving BMW 320.

                          Good old days.
                          Driving a BMW got you arrested , Haji Ja, !!!!!!

                          I think you should have sued BMW for exposing you to dangerous bodily harm

                          This reminds of my first visit to Iran after the revolution...As I used to wear ties most of the time and definitely when traveling on airplanes (part of attire requirement by the company ) I was warned against doing so in Iran by friends and relatives......

                          Well , being the type who never shies from a confrontation, I did wear a tie and went through Mehrabad airport immigration and custom without even a strange look...... I guess thy thought this "Ajnabi" is a troublemaker...avoid him



                            Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                            Unfortunatly, today's players are totaly desolved in the system.....
                            There are no lavasani, Ghelichkhani, let alone Khabiris !!!
                            most players, wear ti-shirts,under uniform,with slogans about Imam hossain, or Abalfazl.......same as rezazadeh in weight lifting.......
                            No player has defected , even after many chances !!
                            players are used to attend " namaze Jomeh ", and many are even informers...
                            In the WC before the last , where, mojahedin made the big deal in the stedium, all players made sure, they were disassociated with anything against the system........
                            I belive, it is safe to say : Poletical non-conformism is " dead " in Iranian Football.
                            Well, Bahram Jaan, what did you expect? Indocternation of people through mass media, and kids from first grade all the way to University, inflaction, lowering the life standards, high rate of divorce (all are gifts of IRI to Iranians). So I won't be surprised if after all the indocternatiuon of the kids throughout the educational system, the new generation is much more religious and stuff.

                            As far political non-conformisem I wouldn't say it is dead, remember the 16 Teer a few years ago? Still regime is arresting oppositon groups and to some degee tolerates the oppositions papers. There aren't days that they dont' arrest students in the universities in Iran.

                            Points is IRI dictatorship killed and executed a lot of political activist and for a while pushed back the opposition against IRI, but despite the set backs, IRI was never able to kill that spirit in Iran.

                            This spirit can't be killed no matter how harsh the dictatorship acts, since this opposition is rooted in basic issues of a Iranian society that one way or another needs to be addressed (democratic government, some sort of social justice, rule of rationalisem, freedom of speech, etc, etc.)
                            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                              Originally posted by maij View Post
                              Well , being the type who never shies from a confrontation, I did wear a tie and went through Mehrabad airport immigration and custom without even a strange look...... I guess thy thought this "Ajnabi" is a troublemaker...avoid him
                              They used to put their welcoming face in airport and give you the other treatments into the streets. Trust me Majid jan, I witnessed several times people were dragged out of their car by their ties. Well, I am talking about 1360-62 (1981-83), before and after was not as bad.

                              Tie, long hair, jean, BMW and walking with a girl were the attractions for those brothers who never knew how many men their mothers seen, that's why they thought every body is their potential brother.

