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Time is of essence today.

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    Time is of essence today.

    1 - we have 8 more weeks of IPL to finish.
    that would mean roughly around end of May.

    2 - then we have at least 2 or maybe 3 more saipa games at ACL peppered in between this period.

    3 - We also have the hazfi cup games where sepahan, ss, foolad, ... players are engaged in.

    4 - So far IFF has not announced any plans for test games for TM in the 7 weeks leading up to UAE game.
    and we know this TM that we saw, desperately needs at least 2-3 good test games to get cohesive.

    5- this period ( today April 7th to June 1st ) is the only period TM can utilize to hone itself and become a TEAM. coz when the rapid-fire remaining games start, we wont have such luxury for test games !!!

    why the stress & urgency ?
    - points 1 & 2 mean Daei will be engaged with saipa's IPL and ACL campaign.

    - 1, 2 & 3 mean the IPL players will not have any free time to attend the TM camp ( if it is formed ) often enough to even train and practice together, let alone play test games !

    - the race to the IPL trophy, the red/blue end-games and the ACL games will dominate the football-related news in Iran, while time passes in a hurry and the fans dont notice how the length of time between the kuwait game and the uae game is spent for TM !
    I'm afraid things are not looking very good for TM !

    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
    1 - we have 8 more weeks of IPL to finish.
    that would mean roughly around end of May.

    I'm afraid things are not looking very good for TM !
    Payman Jaan........................I think it is safe to say, we all agree that TM does not look good, nor has ever been our expectations so low !
    May be we should see, if any one believes we are going to make it to the WC ?


      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

      4 - So far IFF has not announced any plans for test games for TM in the 7 weeks leading up to UAE game.
      and we know this TM that we saw, desperately needs at least 2-3 good test games to get cohesive.

      Its simply ridiculous. There is no other word for it. A competent federation would have been working its ass off to secure as many friendlies as possible for tm, after their disasterous results. Instead we have no new friendlies announced against any club or country. Not even traktor sazi !!

      Moreover 3-4 is the minimum we need. As outrageous as it sounds, I believe this team would need at least 10 friendlies to work out all their problems and test enough players to get the best on the field, and that is if no laj bazi takes place.
      The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


        Payman I admire your dedication and positive attitude.
        With the whole federation saga and the TM situation, it is very hard to remian optimist.

        I read with sadness that AFC has forced Sepahan to play in Azadi against Alitahad. See how "bee Orzeh" is our federation and clubs, that can't get a half decent stadium in Isfahan and AFC can push us around.

        As the farsi saying goes "Gol bood va be chaman, arasteh shood". Kafasheeyan, AliAbadi, Saket and our whole football managers in Iran should be in shame, when a country of our size and claim to high standing in Asian football is so "khar and Zaleel".
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          Payman jan. Iff is not going to do anything and as you stated Daei will most likely be busy with Saipa (Which is BS, either coach Saipa or TM) and he wont try and schedule much, i hope he proves me wrong...... based on that information I'm gonna to go and crawl back under my rock.


            hold on, chaps.
            there's more coming:

            1- postponing the league games to mid-june or early july will raise hell among the clubs, especially the ones on the extremes of the table.
            I think teams like pp, sepahan, saba, ss-A, ss along with naft, zob, rah-ahan, ... will complain and wont stand for it, nor accept it.

            2- now, if daei and IFF decide to call up players from these clubs and NOT RELEASE them for their last 2-3 games, there'll be even more vehement protestations.
            and god only knows how he'd behave about saipa's players in such a situation!

            3- IFF cant not end the league either. so the 34 weeks HAVE TO BE PLAYED OUT.

            4- They also cant postpone the last 2-3 weeks to the OTHER SIDE of the qualifiers as that'll be mid-July ( almost 2 month's gap ) !

            looks like the absurd religious holidays ( moharam ) that we impose on the league every year hurts time-tables again !

            going through all the scenarios, I think the only do-able, as half-arsed as it may be, option is the point 2 above.
            Daei & IFF to ENFORCE separation of all TM players from the clubs for at least 10-14 days before the uae game.
            ( what he'll do for saipa? dont ask me. but for his own sake, I hope he leaves saipa alone to his assistants at the club. doesnt like it? well, TOUGH SH*T. that's what one gets for having their hands in too many cookie jars at once ! )


            now, lets say the club managements in Iran all suddenly become compliant and flexible , as impossible as it may sound..... and allow for release of TM players for the last 10 days to 2 weeks of MAY.
            even THEN, we're not out of trouble.

            the team has to form. and it has to play and have a few training sessions before pushing it into a test game. otherwise, with no training and practice together, the test game will serve NO PURPOSE AT ALL !

            so lets say they'd need about 4-5 days of training before their FIRST test game.
            that's make the test game somewhere around last week of MAY.
            but now, it makes having a SECOND test game almost impossible, unless we pick some lousy team that wont put up a fight or cause much harm so close to the UAE game !

            so effectively we're gonna have just ONE USEFUL test game.
            .... and that is IF the clubs accept the enforced break , which is extremely unlikely !!!

            - oh, but wait.
            there's more trouble.
            saipa also will be facing its asian opponents in between.
            according to AFC, saipa ( and sepahan ) has games on Apr 9 & 23 + May 7 & 21.
            which makes scheduling even more chaotic


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              1 - we have 8 more weeks of IPL to finish.
              that would mean roughly around end of May.

              2 - then we have at least 2 or maybe 3 more saipa games at ACL peppered in between this period.

              3 - We also have the hazfi cup games where sepahan, ss, foolad, ... players are engaged in.

              4 - So far IFF has not announced any plans for test games for TM in the 7 weeks leading up to UAE game.
              and we know this TM that we saw, desperately needs at least 2-3 good test games to get cohesive.

              5- this period ( today April 7th to June 1st ) is the only period TM can utilize to hone itself and become a TEAM. coz when the rapid-fire remaining games start, we wont have such luxury for test games !!!

              why the stress & urgency ?
              - points 1 & 2 mean Daei will be engaged with saipa's IPL and ACL campaign.

              - 1, 2 & 3 mean the IPL players will not have any free time to attend the TM camp ( if it is formed ) often enough to even train and practice together, let alone play test games !

              - the race to the IPL trophy, the red/blue end-games and the ACL games will dominate the football-related news in Iran, while time passes in a hurry and the fans dont notice how the length of time between the kuwait game and the uae game is spent for TM !
              I'm afraid things are not looking very good for TM !
              TM is doomed



                Originally posted by Paradigm View Post
                TM is doomed

                hey, I gotta live up to my bloody name, eh?


                  Rumor that Bulgaria has agreed to a friendly. Lets hope it turns out to be true.
                  The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


                    Originally posted by khabalood View Post
                    Rumor that Bulgaria has agreed to a friendly. Lets hope it turns out to be true.
                    Source of rumor please.


                      the game against bulgaria will be useful ONLY IF TM HAS HAD A DECENT AMOUNT OF TRAINING & PRACTICE UNDER THEIR BELT.
                      so if it is held around May 20th-26th, it's fine.
                      after 26th, it's too much pressure too close to the uae game, for the players !!!
                      before 20th I doubt TM would have any realistic training !!!

                      otherwise it'll be a waste of time much like those friendlies before syria game where EZ gathered a bunch of players and trained for a couple of days for a SERIES of friendly games that didnt serve ANY purpose !


                        Originally posted by Dubxl152 View Post
                        Source of rumor please.
                        I read it on the ISP forum. Source is a bulgarian friend of another irooni who is supposedly well informed about bulgarian football. The source says its a done deal.

                        I'm still waiting for tm to play Brazil, Argentina and Portugal as we were promised previously.

                        Btw, since when do we need sources for rumors?
                        The REAL. The LEGEND. Since 2001.


                          GOOD NEWS:

                          IFF has decided to postpone the last 3 season games to beyond the WCQ's. a viable option already discussed above.

                          I believe it's an EXCELLENT DECISION.

                          It was the ONLY logical thing to do for the IFF.
                          yes, they are at fault for stretching the league unnecessarily ( for moharam and other hol's ) . but this decision, per se, is absolutely correct and I am behind it 100%.

                          this gives TM and daei 3 weeks ( slightly more, I think ) to work on team coordination and perhaps a couple of test games .

                          this also allows the rest of IPL players at TM to have a much needed rest ... comparatively. At least they wouldnt be dead tired after their league games.


                          but saipa has 2 ACL games during these 3 weeks.
                          what about these 2 games?
                          wll daei and saipa players leave TM camp ?
                          how, for how long, & when ?

                          This is when the dual duty coaching can make or break a team's fortunes and a coach's career.


                            DD jan,

                            I was away for a few days. I just got back and saw the proposed schedule. In my view we probably wont get the Egypt game and even Turkish B-Team is a may be. But TM needs
                            a full time coach. I just opened a poll in the main forum on this, aside from the tight
                            IPL schedule as you pointed out there is the 3 remaining games that Daei has to coach
                            for Saipa. I am afraid he will be the bottleneck not IPL.


                              just when you thought the idiots at IFF have made amends for their f**k ups in scheduling the season by postponing the last 3 weeks of the league, they come back and try to ruin everything with even more outrageous and ridiculous decision making !!

                              عزيز محمدي از درخواست باشگاه*هاي حاضر در ليگ برتر فوتبال براي برگزاري مسابقات ليگ به صورت فشرده خبر داد.

                              نايب رييس سازمان ليگ فدراسيون فوتبال با بيان اين مطلب گفت: باشگاه*ها اعلام كرده اند كه تمايل دارند بازي*هاي هفته*هاي پاياني ليگ به حالت فشرده و حتي دو تا سه روز يكبار برگزار شود، ولي مسابقات ليگ تعطيل نشود.

                              وي ادامه داد: سرمربي تيم ملي فوتبال نيز موافقت كرد كه از يكم خرداد ماه ملي پوشان باشگاهي را در اختيار داشته باشد، بر اين اساس اين قضيه از سوي كميته*ي تيم*هاي ملي در دستور بررسي است. تا جايي كه امكان داشته باشد سعي مي*كنيم تا قبل از مسابقات تيم ملي، ليگ برتر تمام شود.

                              محمدي گفت: طبق تصميمي*كه قبلا گرفته شده بود طبق توافق كميته*ي تيم*هاي ملي با سرمربي تيم ملي قرار بود كليه ملي پوشان باشگاهي در اختيار تيم ملي قرار گيرند، به همين دليل تلاش كرديم تا بازي*هاي ليگ تعطيل نشود كه نشد اما با درخواست باشگاه*ها و اظهار نظر سرمربي تيم ملي لغو تعطيلي ليگ دوباره در دستور بررسي قرار مي*گيرد تا به راه حل خوبي براي برگزاري مسابقات ليگ و از طرفي مسابقات تيم ملي فوتبال دست يابيم.

                              one wonders do they even have any brains by deciding ( or even contemplating ) to compress the last 6-7 games of teams they run the risk of mass injury and fatigue to the very players they are going to use at TM? Coz you can be sure after such a packed series of games, NO PLAYER will be fit or have enough energy to go through even more rigorous training and test games for the upcoming 4 WCQ’s, which btw, are yet again, packed themselves !!

                              now, lets go visit our TM coach :

                              دايي در پاسخ به سوالي مبني بر علت تعطيلي ۴۵ روزه*ي ليگ گفت: من مخالف تعطيلي ۴۵ روزه*ي ليگ هستم و به فدراسيون هم اعلام كرده*ام كه بازي*هاي ليگ فشرده برگزار شود و تا قبل از اردوي تيم ملي اين بازي*ها تمام شود. حتي به آنها گفتم كه مي*توانيم اردوي تيم ملي را از بيست و هفتم آغاز كنيم و تا آن زمان بازي*هاي ليگ به صورت فشرده برگزار شود كه بازيكنان، مربيان و خيلي*هاي ديگر صدمه نبينند اما، متاسفانه بازي*هاي جام حذفي هم وجود دارد و برنامه*ريزي*ها بايد از قبل صورت گيرد تا در اين زمان ما اين همه بازي انجام نداده نداشته باشيم.

                              And what the hell is Daei thinking anyway? One thing that ppl admitted when he was appointed was his international experience and exposure to top class football and system. So his acceptance of the new proposal to play the games in a more dense scheduling literally boggles the mind!
                              He, of all ppl, shd be opposed to that.
                              And for not one but two good reasons.
                              Apart from this decision’s impact on TM, his club, saipa will be even more affected by the packed scheduling !
                              Really. The more I see him at TM, the more I’m forced to revise my initial enthusiasm (albeit stuttering ) and optimism of him reigning the TM’s future !!

                              دايي ادامه داد: اما، اگر تيم ملي نتيجه نگيرد هيچ چيزي در فوتبال ما به درد نمي*خورد و همه*ي زحمات به هدر رفته است. شما هم به من حق بدهيد كه اگر تيم ملي بازي تداركاتي و تمرينات مناسبي نداشته باشد نمي*تواند يك مرتبه به مصاف امارات برود

                              well, dear coach, if you dont exercise ur authority as the coach of the most important team in Iran and disagree with the new packed scheduling plan, chances of the above happening will NOT be reduced.
                              you'll have more time with TM ( since you think u r superman and dont want to let go of saipa, and can handle 2 teams in 3 important campaigns at the same time with just ONE year of coaching experience !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) and can prepare it better.

                              now what do you say ?
                              in the very SAME interview, our TM and saipa coach explains why his team got defeated by the bottom table team, naft by TWO goals :
                              وي افزود: به تيم فوتبال نفت آبادان تبريك مي*گويم چرا كه آنها باهوش*تر از ما بازي كردند و موقعيت*هاي*شان را به خوبي تبديل به گل كردند. اما، بازيكنان ما به هيچ وجه فكر نمي*كردند كه بازنده*ي اين بازي باشند. البته خستگي و عواملي ديگر مي*توانست در اين بازي تاثيرگذار باشد اما، من دنبال توجيه نيستم و مي*گويم كه خوب نبوديم و باخت حق*مان بود

                              well, good morning Mr. "internationally exposed". wouldnt you say by packing the last 6-7 league games this fatigue, under-performance and then the resultant LOSSES will be even more common place ?

                              cant you put 2 and 2 together? you just did mention both the "2"s.
                              now ADD THE UP, plz. and see what a disaster you are walking into.

