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TM & Legionnaires

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    TM & Legionnaires

    Originally posted by maij View Post
    NOW...let's pick up another fight ....argghhhhh I mean another topic

    here's one:

    which legioners truly deserve to be called for the upcoming 4 WCQ's ?
    note I'm not counting the subsequent stage. only the present stage.

    let me start the .. ahem ... fight here:

    I am going to base my points on the PRESENT FORM of these players and not just their names.


    1- KIA:
    he just recuperated from an injury and he hasnt been exactly fit. his team hasnt been using him all that ofetn either.
    my verdict:
    call up ? YES
    Fixed in starting line up ? NO


    2- ZANDI:
    he's been in pretty good for, judging from what we news tidbits read about him. although in a very weak league, nonetheless, he is in form and playing.

    Call up ? DEFINITELY.
    Fixed spot ? ....errrr..... not yet. but very very close. depends on how he performs at TM camp.


    3- NEKOUNAM:
    He just finished his massive injury and started playing the odd minutes here and there.

    Call up ? NOT TOO SURE.
    Fixed spot ? I DOUBT IT.
    I say let the lad rest and regain his form. then use the guy in the next stage.


    He's been a bench warmer literally throughout the season. and it HAS affected his game. He isnt all that bright in going forward or passing. but he's the old "energizer rabbit" in the middle of the park, intercepting the sh*t out of every ball which is very useful.

    Call up? YES.
    Fixed spot? Not too sure, but pretty good chance, especially since Neku isnt in form.


    He isnt much better than Ando. he does get the odd minutes here and there, but he hasnt been scoring either. he is getting on in years and I'm afraid it is slowly telling. But given our problem at scoring goals, I still say he's worth banking on.

    Call up ? YES.
    Fixed spot ? Maybe. Needs to be paired up with someone to get some weight off his shoulders.


    6- SHAPOORZADEH:The lad seems pretty good. But his unfamiliarity with TM and lack of attention given to him until today works against any chance of thinking he'd fit in TM's immediate plans.

    Call up ? I'd like to see him there in the camp.
    Fixed spot ? Not yet.


    7- REZAEI

    Well he hasnt been having a great season. and he's been away from TM also. he also may be looking for a new club. But we cant discount his experience.

    Call up ? If he decides he's not retired - YES
    Fixed spot? Not yet.


    Sadly, that's all the euro contingent for us !
    now, we turn to the persoan gulf region:

    1- KARIMI:
    The guys has been a revelation in recent TM games and from what I hear, he's been doing well at qatar. If he plays as he has played in the last few TM games, I'd DEMAND for his presence and starting the game.

    Call up ? DEFINITELY
    Fixed spot? DEFINITELY


    He has been ripping though uae league and frankly, I dont see why he doesnt deserve to start at TM. unless Zandi displays fantastic form and coordination at TM camp.
    Call up ? DEFNITELY
    Fixed Spot ? MOST PROBABLY


    3- MOBAALI
    He's on the same boat as Madanchi and he's been pivotal in al-shabaab making a great run for championship under his leadership. Given TM's desperate need for a playmaker, I'd say he is needed in the camp.

    Call up ? DEFINITELY
    Fixed spot? Cant decide. based on Daei's arrangement & formation. and what Jabbari has to say about the spot.


    He's been slow in getting to know the new league and has scored a few goals so far. given the desperate conditions at the front , I'd say:
    Call up ? YES
    Fixed spot ? Most probably along with VH


    He's been playing some of his best football in the past year. and the fact that Kia's form may be dubious and kaabi not exactly his old self, I'd say he deserves to be there in the camp.
    Call up? YES.
    Fixed spot? Depends on kia, kaabi, daei.


    6- ENEYATI
    Yes, enayati. He's been scoring regularly against arabs. and it is the very same arabs we're facing. not mexico or france. he is in form also and we NEED scoring strikers up there.

    Call up? YES.
    Fixed spot? Perhaps not just yet.


    7- KHATIBI

    The exact comments as Enayati's case


    8- SAMEREH

    His form has dropped a bit from a few months back. but if Daei doesnt call up either of enayati or khatibi, then samereh would be the next candidate for trial.

    Call up ? Maybe
    Fixed spot? NO



    The exact case as Samereh.


    10- SHOJAEI
    He's been having a pretty good season and I would be disappointed if he wasnt rewarded by a call up at least.
    Call up ? YES.
    Fixed spot? Depends on jabbari, karimi, mobaali, daei ....


    Finally, the true PURPOSE of the thread :
    we DO have some pretty exciting and dependable lads INSIDE Iran at the moment who do as well if not better than the legioners.
    That's why I'd say the legioners shdnt rely on their past laurels and name and expect deferrential treatment.

    guys like the following, can easily challenge the legioners for their spot and take it away from them;
    JABBARI (mid)
    KHALILI (forward)
    BENGAR (def)
    AGHILI (def)
    HOSSEINI (def)
    ASHTIANI (left mid)
    ZENEIDPOOR (left mid)
    HAJSAFI (left mid)
    ASGHARI (forward)
    BIGDELI (forward)
    HAMOUDI (right mid)
    RAHMATI (def mid)
    NOURI (mid)
    NOURI (left def)
    KOLAH-KAJ (mid)
    .............. etc.

    If I was the head coach, I would invite ALL.
    What is there to lose ?...some meals at the camp's resturant ?
    Why not, inviteing 60 a mounth long camp......and no one should play if they do not attend the camp.....hence, let the competition settle the selection.

    .................................................. ...............................................

    Never theless,From the European bunch,I like:

    1-Kia............we need the consistancy of crosses,set pieces,advance passes he brings ,even with his old yet battle tested body...we still do not have any one to replace this old man with.Being a step behind in European football is still fast enough for iranian football.

    2-Hashemian...........the guy,thinks he is " messi ", but we are too thin at his position.

    3-Nekounam..............We should build the TM around him.

    All other Euro legioners can prove themseleves in the camp.

    .................................................. ................................................

    Among Arab legioners :




    all other arab legioners can prove thier worth in the camp.

    .................................................. ..................................................

    Also, among locals......Bagheri should be invited once again.

    .................................................. ...........................


      bahram jan, it is not as if we can have an unlimited roster.
      obviously the final 22 or 23 roster is in mind.
      the 4 games are spaced so closely that u can be sure there wont be any changes to the final 22. daei has to close the team urgently.
      ... well, at least logic doesnt allow that.
      the sooner he closes the team, the sooner he can get the core of the team corodinated and build the main team around them.
      if he has 60 ppl to decide from, he will LOSE TIME considerably, when he could use that time on BUILDING the team.
      coz our BIGGEST problem is lack of coordination. and continuous changing of players doesnt help at all.

      for the next stage, however, we have a freer hand and luxury to experiment.


        They do that in the needs just one mounth....
        Divide 60 in three teams......and interchange , offense with defense....
        let team A offense play with team B defense, and etc.....
        Every week, the head coach would eliminate 10 players..The competition will be so tough, and the real talents, and hard workers will show the themselves...and by the end of the camp, all will be in great shape.
        It just needs, huge coaching staff...may be 20 coaches.


          I don't find the automatic call of legionnaire's for Team Melli camps as either ethical or clever.

          The factors that should dictate that are :
          1) Current form....not reputation or how many goals he scored a decade ago!
          2) Suitability for the line up and game plan, including integration with other team members.
          3) Dedication and willingness to be in the team. Hunger and desire to represent his country, which is not necessarily the priority of some of legionnaires.



            majid jan, I agree that legioners shd not think they have closed the deal on the starting line up. but they certainly deserve to be among the top 22 roster. unless they are injured or are absolutely horrible.

            bahram jan, unfortunately ( or fortunately ) this is not NFL and what goes on there doesnt play here. especially with the time constraints.
            the present situation of TM is quite unique and shd be handled very carefully.


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

              bahram jan, unfortunately ( or fortunately ) this is not NFL and what goes on there doesnt play here. especially with the time constraints.
              the present situation of TM is quite unique and shd be handled very carefully.
              I have always been very impressed with the NFL management...and I believe it is the management at its highest.....,and I know it is only wishful thinking to even dream such job in Iran....

              The legioners , it seems to me, are in a strange situation.....and unfortunatly,I think they have become like You and a sence,that Iran is no longer thier HOME !....and I doubt any of them would go back after thier playing years are finished...which will be great loss for Iranian coaching !...more over, seems by passage of every day, they are less in tune with Iranian football.....and may have become " MIS_FITS ".both as far as playing style,and as far as they seem to have detachted themseleves from what is going on in Iran.


                Could someone calrify: can the list include other than the 50 announced
                in January?

                If there is no limit, as many players (including the 5 top socrer, top 5 assisst
                leaders and all legioners should be called). As Daei said himself, even bench
                warmers in Europe get better training than IPL. But time is short.

                BTW, I hope all of you who hated the idea of a "remote coach" cause TM
                needed a full time coach agree that was just a trap set by AliAbadi and all
                you good people fell for it No one asked back then, if 7 or 8 of our TM
                consists of legioners, wouldn't having a coach that lives in Euorope and
                comes to Iran be a big pluse (ok, ok none of them is getting playing time,
                but at least the coach could have monitored the training).

                My main concern having watched most of the top IPL teams (Perhaps with
                exception of Sepahan) is that unfortunately most of our players are what
                I call 45 minute players (as best exemplified in WC 2006), but watch PP,
                EsEs and most of other IPL teams and they simply can't sustain a 90 minutes
                game (including our top score Khalili).

                On the plus side, the 3/4 day schedule of IPL has helped get some players in

                Anyways, invite as many as you can and let the hungry one take the job.
                The biggest concern I have is team coordination, which will not happen with
                all fresh faces, as tempting as the idea of hungry domestic players is.

                BTW, Nekounam stated he has not received any invitation from Daei (as of
                two days ago, and he did not sound very happy).


                  ^ dast rooye delam nazar baradar !
                  we never knew we're going to get a visiting coach ANYWAY, in the end !
                  otherwise I'd have agreed with the foreign one.

                  but seriously, I thought whoever the coach , he'd have resigned from his club in order to dedicate his time fully to TM. a few games with his club and the club would find a replacement and things would be normal after that.
                  I had no idea Daei would NOT let go of the club.

                  I also had no idea that the league commission would be so foolish & stupid to cram so many games in the end. I thought they'd do the more intelligent thing of postponing a few final weeks to the other side of WCQ's.

                  so in hindsight , we didnt get a good deal by letting clemente go.


                  TM is already picked:
                  26, which is reasonable.
                  ( more than 30-35 would have been absolutely unreasonable, due to LACK OF TIME to assess players and ... )

                  here are the players:

                  از سوی علی دایی 26 بازیکن به اردوی تیم ملی فوتبال کشورمان جهت دیدار با امارات دعوت شدند.
                  به گزارش خبرنگار مهر، اسامی بازیکنان دعوت شده به اردوی تیم ملی فوتبال کشورمان به شرح زیر است:
                  سیدمهدی رحمتی ، ابراهیم میرزاپور، سیدجلال حسینی ، رحمان رضایی، مرتضی اسدی ، ستار زارع ، هاشم بیگ زاده ، مجتبی شیری ، مجید غلام نژاد ، مهدی مهدوی کیا، جواد نکونام، آندرانیک تیموریان ، مازیار زارع ، ابراهیم صادقی ، سیدمحمد علوی ، میلاد میداودی ، امیر شاپورزاده ، غلامرضا رضایی، محمدرضا خلعتبری، فریدون زندی ، علی کریمی ، مسعود شجاعی ، مجتبی جباری ، رضا عنایتی ، هادی اصغری ، روح الله بیگدلی.

                  این بازیکنان باید ساعت 30/11 دقیقه صبح روز یکشنبه هفته آینده خود را در کمپ تیم های ملی به کادر فنی معرفی کنند.

                  قرار است اسامی بازیکنان دعوت شده تیم های سپاهان و پرسپولیس پس از دیدار فردای این دو تیم در رقابتهای لیگ برتر معرفی شود.

                  new guys that werent there in kuwait game:
                  asadi - good call for LB post
                  asghari - scores a lot these days
                  shiri ( done well at ss-A defense )
                  shapoorzadeh - good call
                  Gh. Rezaei
                  Bigdeli - done extremely well at SS-A
                  Zandi - finally he got in
                  mirzapoor - he's back , but in what shape?
                  and the biggest name ( in terms of news worthiness ) - ENYATAI - good call

                  no mobaali
                  no madanchi
                  no kazemian
                  no samereh
                  no VH
                  no A sadeghi
                  no ashtiani
                  no zeneidpoor
                  no K rahmati

                  I'd question alavi & sadeghi invites though.
                  I'm sure we'd have better guys than these two outside this list.

                  I can only assume he's going to pick aghili, bengar, perhaps hajsafi from sepahan
                  and pick niki, kaabi, khalili and perhaps nosrati & Va'ezi from pp.

                  in summation, I think he's changed a LOT of names from the kuwait line up.
                  he's called a LOT of new guys who werent called for the bahrain-kuwait games.
                  and he's dropped a few also, with no trials like madanchi, ashtiani, sadeghi, mobaali, rahmati, abasfard, ...
                  I'm very curious on some of the names dropped and some of the called .


                    my understanding of ebrahim sadeghi is that ebrahim sadeghi is a fighter, something like teymourian and hossein kazemi. he isnt as creative as karimi or jabbari, isnt as systematic as zandi, but is a player who runs a lot and pressurized the opponent a lot and has a lil of creativity at the same time helping in offense at times.

                    so if daei decides to play 4-2-3-1, he will probably be one of the 2 DMs cos of his endless running. maziar zare in my opinion lacks this fighting ability.
                    karimi, jabbari, navidkia, mobali, shojaei none of them have this attribute which sadeghi has.
                    Originally posted by siavasharian

                    بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                    بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده

