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Syria - Iran game

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    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

    آيا ايران با اين نوع از كيفيت قادر خواهد بود در برابر كره و ژاپن و ديگر دانه درشت*هاي آسيا اين چنين با خوش اقبالي از سد رقبا بگذرد؟ مهر و موم كردن لب انتقاد به قيمت روحيه بخشيدن به تيم*ملي مي*تواند عواقب بسيار بدتري داشته باشد.

    At the Branko's era, we were dealing with a single foerign coach who was intimidated living in a foerign land....and could not fight back all just and unjust criticisms........

    We now, are dealing with Mucho Azarbayjani, with highest levels of connections.

    Poor Branko !


      jabbari doesnt need to play like a defender.
      we already have far more players who are midfielders that defend well: neku, ando, zareh.

      there is NO NEED for yuet another def mid.

      one is more than enough, as we saw in our last game.
      ando is the alternative and zareh is his alternative.

      why the hell shd we pack the roster with 4 players who play one post ?

      and if you bring up the right mid, then he's in an even worse place .


        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
        My take on the game :
        First half :
        Pretty shoddy job by almost the whole team.
        The team looked very loosely incoherent and too cautious.
        Nothing much to say about the 30-35 minutes I saw. ( I missed the first 10-12 minutes )
        Second half1- Sattar ( Mr. turn-over) zarehbehind ONE HAND !!
        My good god, the guy is solely responsible for about 80% of our turn-overs and loss of possessions !! How bad can you get in passing a ball? Really !
        2- Sadeghi
        He, too, was in poor form , again. Although a bit less invisible for his one pass and one shot. But one pass and one shot shd never justify a player playing for 90 minutes and doing next to nothing !
        3- Shojaei training sessions . But judging from what we see in the games ( which matter far more than the sessions), I say Jabbari deserves to start games waaayyy before shojaei.
        Also, this is the third or fourth consecutive game where shojaei is assigned as the player for set pieces !!! and we still see over-hitting of balls that fly past everyone !
        If this had happened in the first game, we could excuse the wrong decision to keep him the responsible player for set pieces.
        Second game this happens, we could say ok, maybe he has learnt his lesson and the coach has instructed him what to do and what not to do.
        But there is NO EXCUSE for such wastage of set pieces and poor kicks by the third or pathetically, the fourth games !!!
        The guy is NOT good at set pieces. Either assign someone else or bring someone else in to take care of them.
        This is the lajbaazi we talk about.
        4- Nekunam
        The guy is on his way back to his old high performance self. We can clearly see the improving trend in his performance with each passing game. He performed quite well today and I guess we can now claim the old nekunam is back.
        5- Rahmati 6- Zandi
        He is hungry and a very classy player. Intelligent with a good sense of football. But he is NOT physically in shape for more than 45 minutes. Something has to be done.
        Daie did the right thing to get rid of Enayati and the result showed. Now he has to do something about letting go of Zare' and E. Sadeghi to really get the team together. My guess is he has a good relation with E. Sadeghi from Saipa and with Zare' from AC '04, and that's why he keeps inviting and using these two. A real pitty if he doesn't act professional as the country's head coach and confuses personal issues with the matters most relevant to the success of TM. We seriously need Mobali back in there.


          for our left side:
          I think we should build it up with Zandi. Put him back there and let it ride!
          ( he needs time to get in shape and sync, but he would do good there)
          deerooz, emrooz, farda
          The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
          Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


            zandi's fitness levels really puts a big question mark on the standard of cypriot league!

            how can he be the star of his team when he cant perform for more than 45 minutes ?

            really worrying.
            but if he gets fit, his class and intelligence is a huge boost for TM.

