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Will we be ready ?

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    Will we be ready ?

    We advanced to the next round............Thanks to TM's efforts dispite distractions and lack of preparedness.....

    The Arab media, and Fifa site believe TM has internal problems and is not as strong as it used to be.......

    But : Are TM's problems of a kind that can be fixed before the next round ?

    Possible reasons for TM being behind schedual are :

    Lack of friendlies.?
    Late caoching assignment.?

    What has been in the past, should not concern us at the moment, and we want to see what can be done with the situation at hand.....

    I personaly belive, at the moment, the single most important reason for our TM not being where it should be is : The Effects of loseing up to 20 top Iranian players whom have left Iran, and problems thier incorporation back to TM have cuased.
    But what ever the reasons may be...our competitions will have no mercy when the time comes.....will we fix everything by then ? or our problems are too deep for the time given?

    Bahram jan, we suffer from many deficiencies and shortcomings.

    some can be remedied in short term. some need fundamental approach.
    and some problems CAN be dealt with but we know will NOT BE, due to many side issues and outside factors.

    but if we have to talk about ur list;
    1- I must say IFF can and SHOULD start talking to teams for friendlies for the next 2 and half to 3 months.

    we have close to 3 months time till the next stage.
    our kuwait game can be considered a great friendly as we dont need the points anymore, so the best approach for daei is to try out some new players ( especially in place of those failures like zareh and sadeghi ) , new tactics and strategies.

    beyond that, we'll have 2 and half months. if IFF gets its act together and really applies itself, they can arrange for at least 3 , if not more, good friendlies with good teams. and I'm being very conservative here. any other fed'n could have got 5-6 test games.
    in the meantime, TM has to have frequent camps ( now that the club season is over ) and maybe a couple of tours to europe, playing a few test games against some local clubs to get in shape and coordinate.


    2- change of coach, with daei qualifying , is very difficult now.
    afterall he has advanced the team and hardly anyone can pick on anything tangible against his team management.

    but that doesnt mean there are no issues that are less tangible and that need to be addressed.
    personally, I think Daei did acceptably for this round. but he will be out-muscled and out-thought in the next stage.

    when we dont have a greatly coordinated team with excellent performances, we better have a great coach as compensation to cover the team's shortcomings.
    Daei may be very good by vatani standards. but we all know he isnt experienced and he has shown some flaws in his judgment as well. and that worries me, personally. not expecting everyone to share this worry, though.


    3- Iran has been wedded to "hashiyeh", my friend.
    no matter who we have or where or when we are at. we'll always have hashiyeh.
    the only thing is how our players and staff manage to deal with and counter it.
    that needs a strong character, which daei certainly has and experience, which he doesnt have too much of it.
    same thing with players.


    4- players.
    I dont think this is up to the players as much as it is in the hands of the selecting person.

    we have seen there have been some deserving and in-form players who are left out of teams, while we see some inferior players get the nod and enjoy the favors of the coach.
    and this is not restricted to Daei only.

    so I dont think we can say it is up to the player to prove himself and it is in HIS hands.
    we know it is not.
    afterall, a player can excel at his game, win accolades and awards and recognition from all around. so much that he is left wondering "what else shd I be doing to get noticed, apart from running naked in the pitch?"
    what does that get him with respect to TM?
    as long as the coach doesnt like him, he could well be ronaldinho's grandfather, he wont get his due at TM !

    so this factor is directed back to the coach, and not the player.

    ================================================== ==

    it all comes back to TIME.
    so far Daei has had the luxury of "lack of time" as his alibi for any shortcomings in the team. and that is the truth. he did NOT have enough time to work with his team.

    but he will NOT have this luxury or excuse for the next round.
    if he misses it, HE will be held responsible.
    if he doesnt get it right, HE will be held accountable.
    if his team doesnt play like a team, HE is the first person to point the finger at.
    if his team shows weaknesses in areas that could have been remedied, HE will have to answer for them.

    so far we could say he didnt have time to attend to many of the above aspects of TM .
    but from today onwards, he does NOT have that luxury anymore.


      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

      when we dont have a greatly coordinated team with excellent performances, we better have a great coach as compensation to cover the team's shortcomings.
      Daei may be very good by vatani standards. but we all know he isnt experienced and he has shown some flaws in his judgment as well. and that worries me, personally. not expecting everyone to share this worry, though.

      we have seen there have been some deserving and in-form players who are left out of teams, while we see some inferior players get the nod and enjoy the favors of the coach.
      and this is not restricted to Daei only.

      so far we could say he didnt have time to attend to many of the above aspects of TM .
      but from today onwards, he does NOT have that luxury anymore.

      Payman E Aziz;

      I share all these I could not have said it any better.....
      The coaching issue, we need to forget our preferences, as Daie is here to stay, till qualifying for WC , and during the WC....or till our disqualification......
      therefore.......The coaching issue is settled....

      The friendlies , appears to be a little better than Branko's the new IFF appears to be more commited.....
      I personaly, considering the practical dificulties Iran has.....the African teams are Ideal !....................Just last week, in Africa WC qualification, all top 8 teams of Africa all lost to countries I did not know existed !!..............Africa will be a good pouching bag !

      The karimi Issue, and tough stand of Daei against any famouse player may be growing Hashieh, as well as growing handicap !......
      Although, we have a country that produces talents in great numbers....yet, I personaly do not believe, we are that good to Ignore our legioners....specialy with inexperinced coaching...............

      We need to start incorporating better legioners as soon as possible, so TM can be built around them and new players mesh with them as well...useing up-comeing friendlies.

