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Iran - kuwait ( azadi )

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    Iran - kuwait ( azadi )

    What can I say for a meaningless and insignificant game that was wasted by putting in the main team players instead of trying out our options? ( shall we call ali daei, Ali Ivanko-Daei-ovic from now on? )

    I have a few points to make only.

    1- I’d like to say one thing about our first goal :
    Thank God sadeghi was incapable of stopping the easiest of passes ( that my 5 year old nephew could ) , which rolled onto Nekunam to take his shot.
    Thank god for sadeghi’s useless presence in the path of the ball.
    Coz if HE had been able to stop that slow ball, we would not have scored that goal !
    So I suggest we put this one as an “assist” by sadeghi ( through his incompetence and inability ). Anyone agrees with crediting him with the “assist” ?

    BTW, very nice shot by Nekunam. Mashalaeh. That;s what we want to see more from the team.


    2- the game was absolutely inconsequential. We could have lost 23-0 and still nothing would have happened to our advancement.
    So I ask why the hell did Daei put in 3 def-mids in the middle ?
    What was he so scared of?
    What instilled such mortal fear in him that he played all 3 defensive mids he had : nekunam, ando & sadeghi ?
    Where was Daei’s well known guts and hunger ?
    Wait. There’s more to it.
    3 def mids against the WEAKEST team in the group, IN TEHRAN !!!!!!!!!!!

    I may have to start calling Branko gutsy, judging by this wimpy arrangement.

    3- No wonder we didn’t have creativity in the middle!
    No wonder our team, in transition looked like novices and amateurs, desperate to make something out of nothing !
    No wonder our forward, Meydavoodi, was never fed properly except one occasion!
    3 def mids and NO PLAYMAKER !


    4- I don’t know what happens to the yellow cards in this round, but if they do count, I’d like to ask daei “was it worth it for you to play all the big guns in the game so they get yellows or get injured ?”
    we couldn’t have played the likes of gholamnejad or khalatbari or shiri or … anyone who was on the bench ??
    we HAD TO risk injuries and suspension becoz we desperately NEEDED the points of this game? Really ?

    for example, what kind of logic says Shiri shd come at minute 92 for merely 30 seconds?
    What was the purpose of that subbing?
    To waste time ? in THIS game?
    You mean Shiri didn’t even deserve to play a half in a meaningless game, against the weakest team in our group?
    If not, then why the hell did you call him?


    5- The players:
    - saedghi, as usual, was one of the poorest performers.
    - Zandi, as usual , was out of commission after the first 50-55 minutes
    - Zareh , for a change, had his best game, … which means, by any standard you look at it, was at best, an average game …. But, against a very impotent and weak team … which doesn’t change the fact that he has been one of our poorest performers, along with sadeghi.
    - Ando is still struggling and frankly, with nekunam getting his groove back, I don’t see any point in playing ando in the team. Unless we feel we have to “fill our team with big NAMES” !!!!

    - The serial of "pathetic set pieces" continues at TM !!
    horrible corners and freekicks !
    God knows when daei will address this.
    or if he even notices it !!!!!!!!!!


    6- Rahmati – wasn’t troubled except on a couple of occasions. But on those occasions, he reacted wonderfully.
    Excellent reflexes. He proved he is our best keeper at the moment.

    A note on Rahmati:
    If a year ago, we had come and said lets put Rahmati in the team ( not even give him the starting position ), I am sure there’d be an outcry and mass ridicule aimed at those who suggested such a thing.
    Becoz everyone was convinced he is a useless case and we don’t need such players in TM. I remember the names he was called and how everyone made fun of him.
    Today … after a year of proving his worth, by playing well and winning all round accolade, he was justifiably called to the camp and with Va’ezi’s injury, he took the center-stage and was given the chance to show hi worth. He was shown the trust of the coach and with a couple of games, he cemented his position in the goal, so much that now, we don’t dare replace him with another.
    The very same Rahmati who was vilified and ridiculed. Strange, right?

    Now, THIS is what we are saying about a coach shd show his trust in the player and shd allow him time to show his capabilities.
    Mere 15-20 minutes here and there will never give the player the time or chance to prove himself.
    Instead of allowing Rahmati to start game after game, had Daei given him one half and then discarded him for another, today, we would NOT have benefited from Rahmati’s wonderful reflexes and saves.

    Now, I hope all those ppl who didn’t want to understand what we were talking about ( mobaali, enayati, kazemian, …. ) recognize this fact and comprehend what it means to a player to see his coach TRUSTS him and gives him TIME to settle in and show his worth.
    Today, Rahmati, is the perfect case that proves this point.

    Man, you always complain. We won 2-0 with that oh-so-defensive lineup and this oh-so-incompetent players when the players weren't really motivated to break their legs for TM. Do you honestly believe that with another lineup we would have crushed Kuwait 7-0?

    And don't you slowly start wondering that you constantly disagree with professional coaches who still get the results? Did you even ever consider to possibility that when the coach would lineup the team like you liked (eg. 4-1-3-2 with Morteza Asadi) the results actually could only be worse than three wins in three games with 5-0 goal difference?


      Dr Jan harfe dele maro zadi, I don't get the role of sadeghi, he's more of an obstacle rather than help TM, maybe I'm wrong, maybe he needs more time, but why shouldn't we give a chance other alternatives?

      daei has one rib


        the first paragraph clearly shows you never understood the point of such posts.
        if you see that as complaints only, then I really cant help you. perhaps you shd look elsewhere.

        I also didnt say we shd crush kuwait.
        since you havent understood the post, let me put it in simple words: I said did a meaningless & inconsequential game, against the weakest team in the group, warrant using all the main team players?
        did that game warrant using the players who were constantly playing sub-par football in the past few games?
        shdnt we be trying new players in such games, to make sure we have reliable alternatives to nekunam, rezaei, zandi, kaabi, .... ? and certainly proper replacements for sadeghi & zareh ?

        this is what we all used to say during branko's nonsensical insistence on using only the first team in meaningless games. and that is what ppl like you kept on repeating.
        look what happened in the end. when we needed a good, experienced alternative to VH, karimi, kia, ... we didnt have one and we crumbled.

        if you dont learn from the past experiences, that's your business & problem, not mine.


        ^ kaveh jan,
        I'm afraid Daei is doing the exact thing that branko used to do to him: vilifying his favorite player by constantly playing him even when he isnt playing well !
        that sensitizes the fans and they will start reacting to the player's presence on the pitch.

        one would think Daei, having gone through that rubbish, would have learnt his lesson ... !!!!!!


          Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
          Man, you always complain. We won 2-0 with that oh-so-defensive lineup and this oh-so-incompetent players when the players weren't really motivated to break their legs for TM. Do you honestly believe that with another lineup we would have crushed Kuwait 7-0?

          And don't you slowly start wondering that you constantly disagree with professional coaches who still get the results? Did you even ever consider to possibility that when the coach would lineup the team like you liked (eg. 4-1-3-2 with Morteza Asadi) the results actually could only be worse than three wins in three games with 5-0 goal difference?
          I think the fact that our goals were from a wonderful long range shot and a defensive mistake plays into the fact that Peyman pointed out: we do not have a creative midfield.

          I am also wondering why 3 DMs were played and what is worse is that Gholamnejad was also seen as viable to try in the centre. Then some of our fans wonder why others get upset to not see Mobali played in the middle.


            Originally posted by kaz View Post
            I am also wondering why 3 DMs were played and what is worse is that Gholamnejad was also seen as viable to try in the centre. Then some of our fans wonder why others get upset to not see Mobali played in the middle.

            one could be forgiven if he thought this is all a part of lajbaazi to say something like " hamineh ke hast. hich kas ham nemitooneh zer bezaneh" !

            that and other matters like when we all are trying to get karimi back to the team, he suddenly gives karimi's jersey to the W.O.R.S.T. player on the team; zareh ! by themselves these may be inconsequential. but put all these together and you get a person who is knowingly doing things to inflame ppl.

            other matters like in the beginning, calling mobaali to the camp amidst the widespread discussions in media and fans about whether he would call mobaali or not. and then not bother to put him in the final 18 ( screw starting or even being a sub ) of those games, and without a second of playtime, strike him off the list (!!!).... at the time mobaali was being crowned the MVP of another pro league !!!
            ironic, isnt it ?
            that literally kills the lame argument of "maybe mobaali isnt in form" !!!!!


            we didnt have ANYONE more suitable for the center than gholamnejad, who plays the right back in ... surprisingly ... saipa , of all teams ! so we cant even say "oh daei isnt familiar with where he plays in his club" ( much like daei ignoring the fact that zareh plays right midfield in his club also )!


              Ok, my simple point - without reading the whole book you wrote in that initial posting - was that if Daei makes a decision you don't understand, you might start considering the problem might be you not understanding, rather than Daei's decision. Hey, I managed to make my point in 3 lines - without any colored or bold parts


                Well Martin jaan, isn't it why we have this forum here, to discuss the team's performance/line-up/coach's decisions, our football in general?

                Peyman is asking why we didn't use more alternatives in this meaningless match and why we lined up 3 DM's; if he would've understood this (imo also strange) decision, he wouldn't have mentioned it here and asked "why?".

                Is Daei planning to make use of all these 3 DM's in the same match in the future as well?! If so, then God save us; but I guess he won't, so why did he start all 3 of them today? To test what?!

                I also agree that we lacked creativity in midfield today, which failed to fead our offensive line properly. So can someone, who understands Daei's views better than most of us, please enlighten us.

                Thank you.
                Persian Pride running through my veins!

                Esteghlal for life!!


                  ^^ good for you. I'm so happy for you for not using bold or colors.
                  here's me jumping with joy.

                  alas, it does not answer the question : what goes on in the mind of a coach, ... any coach, who given the characteristics of the game, which are: inconsequential ( the result didnt matter at all ), a perfect chance to try alternatives ( especially since we are a team that finds getting friendlies very hard ) for the good as well as horrible players we were using in the run up, and also the reason why anyone would play with 3 def mids.

                  no matter how much I thought about it, I could NOT come up with any logical reason. hence my question, which btw, hasnt been answered by anyone.

                  merely saying "oh, he knows best" ( deja vu, again !!! ) does NOT answer anything. especially since we already have gone through the EXACTLY SIMILAR SITUATION 2 years ago and we've seen the result of such decisions.

                  funny, hardly any of these questions are answered by ppl.
                  the replies are usually irrelevant or diversions. NEVER TO THE POINT !

                  hmmm.... wonder why ! ( Deja vu, again !!! )

                  I'm not saying ppl shd read the coach's mind. but can someone REASON as to why a decision was taken, according to their views?
                  MY view is that I cant find anything logical behind many of the questions laid out.

                  for example, if anyone has a reasonable answer to why shiri was kept on the bench, while zareh has been fumbling through the games, and was only brought in at minute 92 to play 30 seconds in a game that we didnt need to "waste time" or the result, for that matter.

                  to give him a cap?
                  ridiculous. he could have started or at least come in at halftime.
                  especially since we OUGHT TO be trying our options for the failing LB or oter posts that suspensions or injuries may force us to depend on the bench, in the future. ( Deja vu again )



                    Originally posted by kaz View Post
                    I think the fact that our goals were from a wonderful long range shot and a defensive mistake plays into the fact that Peyman pointed out: we do not have a creative midfield.

                    I am also wondering why 3 DMs were played and what is worse is that Gholamnejad was also seen as viable to try in the centre. Then some of our fans wonder why others get upset to not see Mobali played in the middle.
                    I gotta say, you took the words outta my mouth


                      By the players selection during the game with Kuwait, one can conclude that our coaching staff intended to win by all means neccessary.....,which that includes the best possible game plan our coaching could have come up with.

                      The good points are that, our Goal keeping and defence every day, looks better , and appears to be on track and getting ready for the next faze. ( with little more work on the left side )

                      The midfield , is not up to par, and only thing missing, is ,thanks God, what we have...,players such as karimi, Kia, and madanchi....who are offensive midfilders...and apparantly, our coaching has not find any replacements for those legioners.

                      Our,offense, is in very bad shape......both as far as being fed, and offensive we had hard time noticeing any offensive plans,even in our wins..........., the lack of players do not seem to be as much problem here, as it is more of a planning issue.


                        ^ exactly bahram jan, we shd recognize our "offense" is in bad shape. not our strikers.

                        merely changing x with y , then Z as the striker, then ... will not result in any real remedy.
                        I believe our strikers are very competent. all of them who have been called.
                        from khalili, to rezaei and meydavoodi up to enayati even.
                        all of them have proven they know how to score goals and have been doing exactly that in their clubs.
                        so we cant say X is "not a good striker". that doesnt make sense.

                        what they need is time to fit into the team and find their rhythm in the team arrangement. and a little more support from midfielders ( in terms of feeding the right balls ) and the supporting striker ( to creat spaces, provide an option to pass to, to feed , .... ).

                        our "TEAM offense" is not working properly or as it shd.
                        we need to address that.
                        for that, we need to acknowledge it needs addressing. we ought to accept there are problems , first.
                        denial of the problem will never solve anything.


                        for me, the trio of kaabi-hosseini-aghili are the best we have at the moment.
                        zareh simply doesnt fit. not by any standards.
                        even in this last game, he had an average game. the sort of game that if you'd put ANY other player, we could see the same results AT LEAST ( if not better ).
                        and kuwait's B side can not ... nay, SHOULD NOT be our measuring stick to gauge our defenders & defense.

                        I believe even the trio or kaabi, hosseini and aghili will be stretched THIN by the next round's opponents. let alone the player who cant block/intercept the syrians or kuwaitis or uae!
                        but this is discussed in its thread in F+.


                        I'd say the second half in syria , for me, has more reason to be optimistic than the whole 93 minutes of kuwait in azadi.


                          payman jaan.....I agree with all the points you made....and considering Kuwait's defense, recieveing the most goals among the teams in our group....our offense was very elementary....One wonders what this offense can do,with japaneas or Australian defense !...if Rezai could score two goals off of thier defensive mistakes ?
                          Ali Chicago said what we indeed need at this moment..regarding defensive, mid field and offensive transition...which he brought up the Russian team example.......
                          If there is one thing TM needs the most at this moment to work on for the next faze, is playing transitions to our offense.


                            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                            ^^ good for you. I'm so happy for you for not using bold or colors.
                            here's me jumping with joy.

                            Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
                            Peyman is asking why we didn't use more alternatives in this meaningless match and why we lined up 3 DM's; if he would've understood this (imo also strange) decision, he wouldn't have mentioned it here and asked "why?".
                            What's annoying me a bit is that he is not asking why, he is enraged about the coach making such stupid decisions, simply formulating this as a question. I mean noone can seriously believe Peyman is seeking an answer here, he believes he knows better than the coach and wants to express this. And that is the attitude I dislike and what I wanted to express. I hope I made my point, so I'm out of this thread you can go on asking for answers or go on explaining a coach, who will never read that, how to do his job - whatever you prefer or however you call it .


                              Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                              he believes he knows better than the coach and wants to express this.
                              no. he is asking for anyone to come up with a reasonable explanation or view on the matter, since he tried to explain it and he could not come up with a reasonable one !
                              that's why he is asking others, perhaps someone would have a different view or angle on the issue that has escaped him.
                              that's why

