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The plight of Ali Karimi

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    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
    But the method and timing could have been far better than this.

    you cant do it in the middle of a match or even right after a game.
    star players or personalities with ego ( like karimi or daei ) dont like to get caught off guard and be surprised like this. and that influences their judgment and decisions.

    I think the best way to go by this was to invite both, informing both of the intentions, sometime mid-week and go through the patch-up.
    that way both parties would have time to think and compose themselves and decide rationally, away from any peripheral stress and tensions.

    this was far from stress-free atmosphere !
    This is Iran, I think you have forgot how things work there, maybe you need to visit. being in the states for too long changes one's perspective of reality


      but arent we excusing everything and allowing a mediocrity to set in by justifying all this with "this is Iran" ?

      if we have our excuses and justifications so readily available for every mis-step and mishandling, then how are we to progress?

      imagine if someone told the chap who invented the ROUND wheel by pointing at the square wheel and saying "this is all we have and can have" !!!
      our cars would be chugging along on square tyres !!


        Peyman jan , I fully agree on a couple of points regarding the issues, which is

        1- At the moment , Kia is of much more significant for Team melli and his role more vital
        2- Karimi has the intelligence and experience that was evident in the goal that he scored against Bargh. Something that th eyounger players might not have at the moement.

        However , saying that , if a player himself is not willing (regardless to the reasons) to play for Team Melli , then it is pure waste of time to pursue the issue.

        People tend to undermine a vital piece of the saga and that is what Karimi has said about younger players and his inability to give 100%. That is very true in my opinion. Despite the undoubted skill of karimi , I am convinced that even if Karimi did not decide to give up playing for TM , he would have been exposed and perhaps his shortcomings would have been more evident at the international arena.



          Originally posted by maij View Post
          Peyman jan , I fully agree on a couple of points regarding the issues, which is

          1- At the moment , Kia is of much more significant for Team melli and his role more vital
          2- Karimi has the intelligence and experience that was evident in the goal that he scored against Bargh. Something that th eyounger players might not have at the moement.

          However , saying that , if a player himself is not willing (regardless to the reasons) to play for Team Melli , then it is pure waste of time to pursue the issue.

          People tend to undermine a vital piece of the saga and that is what Karimi has said about younger players and his inability to give 100%. That is very true in my opinion. Despite the undoubted skill of karimi , I am convinced that even if Karimi did not decide to give up playing for TM , he would have been exposed and perhaps his shortcomings would have been more evident at the international arena.
          Exactly, if he doesn't want to play, then it is useless to try to play him.
          Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


            oh, absolutely.
            as I said, now that he's made up his mind, I'm not going to hide my disappointment, but at least we can put some issues to rest and look elsewhere.

            if the mind is not willing, the body will never cooperate fully.


              Source: Iran Varzeshi 11th Dec. 2008



                >>>>AND the saga continues....

                Apparently , Perspolis management is as bad as Team Melli in Ali Karimi's point of view. So, strictly speaking , there isn't any team , including his own national team , in this region that deserves to have Karimi so he will either quit or worse , be kicked out.

                Since the Qatari's were not too thrilled with him and since the Iranian flavor is not the favorite one in UAE nowadays, it is difficult to imagine where Karimi will end up. The possibilities of him retiring is suddenly seems real.

                One thing that never seize to amaze me is the reaction of the fans regarding such incidents is the mass support for a player , or call it bias , Whenever or where ever a player starts babbling and opening his mouth criticizing the authorities or the establishment. Everyone jumps on the bandwagon and starts clapping , while never forgetting to mention the old cliche " The player is saying the TRUTH...and speaking his mind out "

                Well, truth my foot !

                How come one judge on a situation and pass an opinion without having facts and hearing it from both sides? How irrational these fans can be ?

                Karimi will always remain Karimi...... Hopes of settling down at the twilight of his career at his beloved club , was just a myth regardless to the outcome of this incident. He has lost heart and a man like Kaimi will hardly forget such a humiliation.

                But one must have sympathy towrds Ali Karimi. The pitch that he played on against Damash was a galaxy away from the facilities he has been used to in the last decade of his professional football career.

                The treatment he used to get in UAE at least , where he spent the bulk of his professional career is a world of difference than the one in Iran. It is different and it certainly shocking for him. In UAE they idolized him. His image was seen on the back of many car's in Dubai and he was treated like a real celebrity.

                In Iran , while he hardly has such status , he can be excused for feeling frustrated , demoralized and angry when his own club supporters start chanting and swearing profanities at him and his family or calling him names like "Be Ghyrat"..... It is certainly not the ideal situation for a player , who is in no dire need of money to survive...... Retiring suddenly seems a good option for him.

                ...And the saga continues....



                  Interesting short interview with Ali Karimi in 1999 when he was serving a 1 year global ban imposed by AFC on him after kicking a referee in Vietnam.
                  Attached Files



                    The absence of the secluded star from Football

                    The Football that did not acknowledge Ali Karimi ?

                    براى نابغه منزوى و گوشه گير فوتبال ايران

                    فوتبالى كه قدر على كريمى را ندانست؟

                    - مهدى نورى

                    ۱- صبح ديروز شاهد اتفاق جالبى مقابل دكه هاى روزنامه فروشى بوديم. هر كسى كه علاقمند به فوتبال بود و تيتر مطبوعات ورزشى را مى ديد، ميخكوب مى شد و با تعجب فراوان تيترها را يك بار ديگر مى خواند تا از اتفاقى كه افتاده مطمئن شود. براى خيلى از دوستداران فوتبال، اين خبر كاملاً غافلگيركننده و غيرقابل هضم بود اما واقعيت داشت. على كريمى از تيم ملى خداحافظى كرد. اين خبر به نوعى برخى از مردم را شوكه كرده بود و هر كسى به فراخور حالش نظرى مى داد.
                    ۲- بدون شك كناره گيرى على كريمى از تيم ملى اتفاق كوچكى نمى تواند باشد و در روزهاى آينده بايد شاهد واكنش افراد ريز و درشت زيادى در اين رابطه باشيم. حتى ممكن است رسانه هاى آسيايى هم به اين موضوع بپردازند. به هر حال على كريمى نام كوچكى در ايران و آسيا نيست و قطعاً او را بايد خبرسازترين چهره فوتبال ايران در يك سال اخير بدانيم. بازيكنى كه كوچك ترين اتفاقات مربوط به او هم بازتاب زيادى در بين علاقمندانش دارد، تصميم گرفته كه ديگر در تيم ملى بازى نكند.
                    ۳- على كريمى چه شخصيتى دارد؟ بهترين مرجع براى پاسخ به اين سؤال ابوالفضل جلالى است كه سالها در كنار اين بازيكن بوده و مى تواند در مورد او اظهار نظر كامل و درستى داشته باشد. او در مورد على كريمى مى گويد: على يك بازيكن منزوى، گوشه گير، بى انگيزه و بى علاقه به فوتبال بود چون اگر علاقمند به فوتبال بود در اين سن و سال از تيم ملى خداحافظى نمى كرد. واقعاً كريمى به فوتبال علاقمند نبود؟ او واقعاً انگيزه نداشت؟ اينها سؤالاتى است كه در مورد على كريمى مطرح است.
                    ۴- بازيكنى كه بيش از ۱۰۰ بازى ملى را در كارنامه اش دارد، بدون شك آدم قابل احترامى است. كسى كه به بايرن مونيخ آلمان مى رسد و مى تواند در تركيب اين تيم قرار بگيرد، فوتباليست كوچكى نيست اما چرا چنين بازيكنى تصميم مى گيرد در ۳۱ سالگى از فوتبال ملى خداحافظى كند؟ واقعاً چيزى على كريمى را آزار مى داد كه تصميم به چنين كارى گرفته است. بازيكنى كه قيد السيليه قطر را زد و به قول خودش با كمترين دستمزد براى پرسپوليس بازى كرد تا جلوى چشم باشد و دوباره به تيم ملى برگردد، چطور مى شود كه بعد از بازگشت به تيم ملى و انجام ۳ بازى تصميم به كناره گيرى از تيم ملى مى گيرد.
                    ۵ - اگر على كريمى با توجه به استعداد خدادادى كه دارد، پشتكار على دايى و همت وحيد هاشميان را داشت، امروز چه جايگاهى در فوتبال جهان داشت؟ جلالى مى گويد اگر اين اتفاق مى افتاد، قيمت كريمى به ۵۰ ميليون دلار مى رسيد و كانديداى توپ طلاى دنيا مى شد. واقعاً اگر على كريمى از اين نعمت الهى كه در وجودش هست، استفاده مى كرد، الان در فوتبال دنيا نام خودش و ايران را پرآوازه كرده بود اما چه فايده كه او همت بلندى نداشت.
                    ۶- بدون شك يكى از بزرگ ترين مشكلات على كريمى زبانش بود. او خيلى كم حرف مى زند اما هرگاه كه حرف مى زد، صحبتهايش براى خودش دردسر درست مى كند و گاهى اوقات دشمن تراشى هم مى كند. براى بازيكنى مثل على كريمى اين يك ضعف بزرگ بود كه مشكلات زيادى هم از اين بابت برايش ايجاد شد.
                    ۷- و اما كلام آخر، على كريمى ستاره اى ساده دل، گوشه گير، منزوى، بى انگيزه وكم حرف بود اما فوتبال ما هم نتوانست او را درك كند و راه تعامل با چنين ستاره اى را بلد نبود. اين ايراد فوتبال ما است كه چون اصول فوتبال حرفه اى را بلد نيست، نابغه اى مثل على كريمى را كه همه دنيا آرزوى داشتنش را دارند را در سن ۳۱ سالگى بازنشسته مى كند. قبول كنيم ما هم با على كريمى خوب رفتار نكرديم كه چنين تصميمى گرفته است. راستى، اگر كريمى در انگليس، اسپانيا، آلمان، ايتاليا يا فرانسه زندگى مى كرد، الان چه موقعيتى داشت؟



                      Originally posted by maij View Post

                      The Football that did not acknowledge Ali Karimi ?

                      براى نابغه منزوى و گوشه گير فوتبال ايران

                      فوتبالى كه قدر على كريمى را ندانست؟

                      - مهدى نورى

                      ۱- صبح ديروز شاهد اتفاق جالبى مقابل دكه هاى روزنامه فروشى بوديم. هر كسى كه علاقمند به فوتبال بود و تيتر مطبوعات ورزشى را مى ديد، ميخكوب مى شد و با تعجب فراوان تيترها را يك بار ديگر مى خواند تا از اتفاقى كه افتاده مطمئن شود. براى خيلى از دوستداران فوتبال، اين خبر كاملاً غافلگيركننده و غيرقابل هضم بود اما واقعيت داشت. على كريمى از تيم ملى خداحافظى كرد. اين خبر به نوعى برخى از مردم را شوكه كرده بود و هر كسى به فراخور حالش نظرى مى داد.
                      ۲- بدون شك كناره گيرى على كريمى از تيم ملى اتفاق كوچكى نمى تواند باشد و در روزهاى آينده بايد شاهد واكنش افراد ريز و درشت زيادى در اين رابطه باشيم. حتى ممكن است رسانه هاى آسيايى هم به اين موضوع بپردازند. به هر حال على كريمى نام كوچكى در ايران و آسيا نيست و قطعاً او را بايد خبرسازترين چهره فوتبال ايران در يك سال اخير بدانيم. بازيكنى كه كوچك ترين اتفاقات مربوط به او هم بازتاب زيادى در بين علاقمندانش دارد، تصميم گرفته كه ديگر در تيم ملى بازى نكند.
                      ۳- على كريمى چه شخصيتى دارد؟ بهترين مرجع براى پاسخ به اين سؤال ابوالفضل جلالى است كه سالها در كنار اين بازيكن بوده و مى تواند در مورد او اظهار نظر كامل و درستى داشته باشد. او در مورد على كريمى مى گويد: على يك بازيكن منزوى، گوشه گير، بى انگيزه و بى علاقه به فوتبال بود چون اگر علاقمند به فوتبال بود در اين سن و سال از تيم ملى خداحافظى نمى كرد. واقعاً كريمى به فوتبال علاقمند نبود؟ او واقعاً انگيزه نداشت؟ اينها سؤالاتى است كه در مورد على كريمى مطرح است.
                      ۴- بازيكنى كه بيش از ۱۰۰ بازى ملى را در كارنامه اش دارد، بدون شك آدم قابل احترامى است. كسى كه به بايرن مونيخ آلمان مى رسد و مى تواند در تركيب اين تيم قرار بگيرد، فوتباليست كوچكى نيست اما چرا چنين بازيكنى تصميم مى گيرد در ۳۱ سالگى از فوتبال ملى خداحافظى كند؟ واقعاً چيزى على كريمى را آزار مى داد كه تصميم به چنين كارى گرفته است. بازيكنى كه قيد السيليه قطر را زد و به قول خودش با كمترين دستمزد براى پرسپوليس بازى كرد تا جلوى چشم باشد و دوباره به تيم ملى برگردد، چطور مى شود كه بعد از بازگشت به تيم ملى و انجام ۳ بازى تصميم به كناره گيرى از تيم ملى مى گيرد.
                      ۵ - اگر على كريمى با توجه به استعداد خدادادى كه دارد، پشتكار على دايى و همت وحيد هاشميان را داشت، امروز چه جايگاهى در فوتبال جهان داشت؟ جلالى مى گويد اگر اين اتفاق مى افتاد، قيمت كريمى به ۵۰ ميليون دلار مى رسيد و كانديداى توپ طلاى دنيا مى شد. واقعاً اگر على كريمى از اين نعمت الهى كه در وجودش هست، استفاده مى كرد، الان در فوتبال دنيا نام خودش و ايران را پرآوازه كرده بود اما چه فايده كه او همت بلندى نداشت.
                      ۶- بدون شك يكى از بزرگ ترين مشكلات على كريمى زبانش بود. او خيلى كم حرف مى زند اما هرگاه كه حرف مى زد، صحبتهايش براى خودش دردسر درست مى كند و گاهى اوقات دشمن تراشى هم مى كند. براى بازيكنى مثل على كريمى اين يك ضعف بزرگ بود كه مشكلات زيادى هم از اين بابت برايش ايجاد شد.
                      ۷- و اما كلام آخر، على كريمى ستاره اى ساده دل، گوشه گير، منزوى، بى انگيزه وكم حرف بود اما فوتبال ما هم نتوانست او را درك كند و راه تعامل با چنين ستاره اى را بلد نبود. اين ايراد فوتبال ما است كه چون اصول فوتبال حرفه اى را بلد نيست، نابغه اى مثل على كريمى را كه همه دنيا آرزوى داشتنش را دارند را در سن ۳۱ سالگى بازنشسته مى كند. قبول كنيم ما هم با على كريمى خوب رفتار نكرديم كه چنين تصميمى گرفته است. راستى، اگر كريمى در انگليس، اسپانيا، آلمان، ايتاليا يا فرانسه زندگى مى كرد، الان چه موقعيتى داشت؟

                      What a rubbish article. Is this the way we gonna close the chapter on one of our best footballers... He hung his boots best time possible as oppose to ..... Ah forget it!
                      Team faghat PERSPOLIS


                        Originally posted by kami_kakashi View Post
                        What a rubbish article. Is this the way we gonna close the chapter on one of our best footballers... He hung his boots best time possible as oppose to ..... Ah forget it!

                        Well... I don't know if the timing is right or not (as if there is a perfect time for such disclosure !!) BUT ..rubbish or not it or not ....pretty or ugly , These are THE FACTS.

                        NOW , if you have anything to the contrary of these facts , then maybe you should provide some counter argument to oppose Mr. Jalali and the author Mehdi Noori...... But simply saying it is rubbish , does not really enrich this argument not the plight of Karimi.

                        BTW: I don't necessarily agree with all the contents , although disagreeing with Jalali is a bit awkward from my point of view.



                          Originally posted by maij View Post
                          Well... I don't know if the timing is right or not (as if there is a perfect time for such disclosure !!) BUT ..rubbish or not it or not ....pretty or ugly , These are THE FACTS.

                          NOW , if you have anything to the contrary of these facts , then maybe you should provide some counter argument to oppose Mr. Jalali and the author Mehdi Noori...... But simply saying it is rubbish , does not really enrich this argument not the plight of Karimi.

                          BTW: I don't necessarily agree with all the contents , although disagreeing with Jalali is a bit awkward from my point of view.
                          Why? Nobody except Karimi knows the truth... for someone who didn't believe anyone who said anything foul about Daei you are so eager to agree with Jalali and Noori!

                          Karimi loves the game... Just a simile revision of his games for Perspolis should tell us all... He is the only player who only played for the fans and only said truth and nothing but the truth about the corrupt IFF even if it meant his exclusion... But like I said forget it... feel free to get high on rubbish like this.
                          Team faghat PERSPOLIS


                            Karimi ,Kia, Shojaei, Nekonam, Kabi... won't play for national team anymore.
                            Their football future is limited to playing for their clubs.
                            Right or wrong , when they made their decision to get political, they were aware of consequences.
                            Nekonam will be missed greately.


                              Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                              Karimi ,Kia, Shojaei, Nekonam, Kabi... won't play for national team anymore.
                              Their football future is limited to playing for their clubs.
                              Right or wrong , when they made their decision to get political, they were aware of consequences.
                              Nekonam will be missed greately.

                              Your post is confusing? Are you saying if someone had the green wrist band shouldn't be allowed to play for the TM, now that Ahamdi Nezhad and company stole the selection? So if someone expresses his opinion, he shouldn't be allowed to play for the TM? TM belongs to every Iranian regardless of his political opinion (only criteria should be his footballing abilities).
                              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                                Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                                Your post is confusing? Are you saying if someone had the green wrist band shouldn't be allowed to play for the TM, now that Ahamdi Nezhad and company stole the selection? So if someone expresses his opinion, he shouldn't be allowed to play for the TM? TM belongs to every Iranian regardless of his political opinion (only criteria should be his footballing abilities).

                                I don't know if the players who had the green wrest band will be suspended or not (I highly doubt it ) but the intentions to do so is more than clear since that stooge Kafashian sent a letter to FIFA....

                                In principle , I disagree with mixing politics and/or religion with sport or using sporting arena for political propaganda.....but what I find extremely abhorring is the hypocrisy of the Iranian government.

                                How conveniently they forget all those political show offs in football stadiums and wrestling arenas , all those lofted pictures of Khomeini , all those head bands , all those banners , all those withdrawals and refusal to play against Israeli athletes .....and now , they want to ban players for wearing a green wrest band !!!!!!


