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IFF never signed a contract !!!

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    IFF never signed a contract !!!

    I have just been on the phone with a friend of mine in London who works in the media and always been a source of reliable information.

    The source tells me that Charlton Athletic never signed a contract for a friendly game against Team Melli and none of the 2 Spanish clubs arranged a friendly during the TM camp in Spain.

    The whole story revolves around an agent ( same one that arranged the contract with Clemente) who promised these matches but never signed any official documents or never was any real commitment from those clubs to play friendlies against Team Melli.

    So, once again.......someone in Iran is not telling the full truth.
    Last edited by maij; 07-17-2008, 09:59 AM.


    Not surprised. I hope they are embaressed and exposed for the liars they have been and still are.
    As for the dalal, not suprising.


      Originally posted by maij View Post
      I have just been on the phone with a friend of mine in London who works in the media and always been a source of reliable information.

      The source tells me that Charlton Athletic never signed a contract for a friendly game against Team Melli and none of the 2 Spanish clubs arranged a friendly during the TM camp in Spain.

      The whole story revolves around an agent ( same one that arranged the contract with Clemente) who promised these matches but never signed any official documents or never was any real commitment from those clubs to play friendlies against Team Melli.

      So, once again.......someone in Iran is not telling the full truth.
      Majid jaan.......
      Iranian football system ,is desparately in need of ,professional,ethical,efficient , Agents.....who know how to communicate with the westerners .....This is more the key,than haveing top connections in Iran. ( You sure, it would not interest you ? )

      I have a feeling.......the reason, Shojaee was hired by osasona......had nothing to do with Iranians connections......Simply, Ossasona was happy about thier " SHEKAR " of Nekonam, ask the same agent,if he can find similar deal,with less money.........
      Shojaee was, the best,un-taped talent,who was willing to give even 90% commision, yet, the agent was smart enough to notice his the agent was smart..................and I am very sure, Shojaee will be a " Cost effective" pick for osasona ....

      according to that BBC article, the agents get up to 40% of first year salary, with addition of life time service and future transanctions which will be included and signed by the player's commitment....40% of 2 million euro is about 400,000 euro,off of only one transanction....and I assure you, Shojaee is very very happy, osasona is happy , and He is happy !


        It is truly pathetic how IFF operates on international level. One would have thought that they will learn from their mistakes and at least no open their big mouths to the media if they are not certain.

        YET.....the same old story....

        Mehdi Taj should answer to the public and also , Aliabadi has fallen in the trap expressing his opinion about the Charlton game cancellation. Obviousely Mr. Aliabadi was ill informed.



          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
          Majid jaan.......
          Iranian football system ,is desparately in need of ,professional,ethical,efficient , Agents.....who know how to communicate with the westerners .....This is more the key,than haveing top connections in Iran. ( You sure, it would not interest you ? )
          Bahram Jan.... you are giving me foods for thought

          Honestly , if I was living in Tehran , I would have had no hesitation.



            Originally posted by maij View Post
            Bahram Jan.... you are giving me foods for thought

            Honestly , if I was living in Tehran , I would have had no hesitation.
            In Tehran, you would not have had the clear mind this job requires from English speaking world !..............the world want to talk to people they can understand.................Iranians in Iran, even those who can speak English, have a mind set, totaly ellian to the westerners !


              ... and all three of them canceled the match because we didn't have any contract?

              Come on Majid jan. You know better. There is a bigger reason behind all these stories. There was verbal agreement and in the world (particualry in the west) is 99.999999% is reliable.

              There is a ill-reason behind that and it is true IFF got nothing in his hands since there was no contract.

              One more thing, who in earth play a natinal team vs a club (third rank clubs) and get busted for the commitment?

              It is not about the contract and not the agent. It's all about politics, dirty politics.


                ^ But slowly even the dumbest IFF official should realize it's time to sign contracts otherwise we will be screwed all the time.


                  What a bunch of pathetic amateurs.

                  Thanks for the news.
                  We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.


                    Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                    ... and all three of them canceled the match because we didn't have any contract?

                    Come on Majid jan. You know better. There is a bigger reason behind all these stories. There was verbal agreement and in the world (particualry in the west) is 99.999999% is reliable.

                    There is a ill-reason behind that and it is true IFF got nothing in his hands since there was no contract.

                    One more thing, who in earth play a natinal team vs a club (third rank clubs) and get busted for the commitment?

                    It is not about the contract and not the agent. It's all about politics, dirty politics.

                    One can't rule out political motives at all , but let us be realistic Faramaz Jan. IFF has to puts its house in order....and professionally.

                    Perhaps they have put too much trust in the agency , but for whatever reason (political or otherwise) you can't fault a side for breaking an agreement if one never existed.....

                    In any case...I doubt that Charlton had any political motives , bunch of ****neys hardly interested in the Middle East affairs.



                      OH yes....the Spanish clubs reason for cancellation is due to the extended holiday awarded to Spanish players after the winning of the European Championship , hence their late setting of camps.

                      We know that for a fact , because both Nekounam and Shojaei just joined Osasuna's training camp.

                      Whether it is acceptable reason or justified is another matter.




                        I'd be really enjoying this monkey charade of IFF had it not been for TM involvement !
                        what a bunch of morons.
                        big surprise there !


                          Originally posted by maij View Post
                          One can't rule out political motives at all , but let us be realistic Faramaz Jan. IFF has to puts its house in order....and professionally.

                          Perhaps they have put too much trust in the agency , but for whatever reason (political or otherwise) you can't fault a side for breaking an agreement if one never existed.....

                          In any case...I doubt that Charlton had any political motives , bunch of ****neys hardly interested in the Middle East affairs.
                          In a very rare occasion, I don't agree with you. When even the coach is happy with IFF's arrangment, I think it's not fair to beat the wrong horse in this occasion. To me, IFF had nothing to be ashamed of. They did every thing but, the world acted like a$$-h767le.... and that's not fair to our boys.

                          here is Daei's interview:

                          سرمربي تيم ملي ادامه داد: حتما بازي با مصر هم به دلايلي كه خودتان هم مي*دانيد، لغو شده است. با اين حال فدراسيون فوتبال تمام تلاشش را براي تدارك ديدن باز*ي*هاي تداركاتي تيم ملي انجام داده است.

                          وي در پاسخ به اين سوال كه آيا شما به عنوان يكي از اعضاي فيفا مي*توانيد براي جلوگيري از دخالت سياست در ورزش كاري انجام دهيد، گفت: همه*ي دنيا مي*دانند كه فوتبال و ورزش ارتباطي به سياست ندارد. اما، چه بخواهيم و چه نخواهيم ورزش جزيي از سياست شده است و ورزش به عنوان ابزاري در دست سياستمداران مورد استفاده قرار مي*گيرد. اين تنها يك شعار جهاني است كه مي*گوييم "ورزش و سياست ارتباطي با هم ندارند". همه*ي دنيا با سياست گره خورده و فوتبال هم بدتر از همه گرفتار سياست شده است. همه*ي ما تا يك حد مي*توانيم از دخالت سياست در فوتبال جلوگيري كنيم و بيشتر از اين نمي*شود كاري انجام داد. من هم به عنوان عضوي از اعضاي كادرفني تيم ملي تنها مي*توانم كارم را انجام دهم و سياست*گذاري با افراد ديگري است.


                            This is where IFF's incompetence directly hurts TM.

                            Now due to their severe mis-management, and sudden cancelation of the Egypt friendly, we will not have a full friendly with our A-squad including legionarres before our huge clash vs KSA.

                            That type of preperation will get us no where, fast.


                              It is not IFF's fault this time around....
                              .................................................. .................................................. ....
                              No body wants to associate with us.....
                              We can not have " AZZ hole system of government" and expect others not to notice that...
                              If you stink, people avoid you.

