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Daei will use young team in World Cup Qualifiers, Thoughts??

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    Daei will use young team in World Cup Qualifiers, Thoughts??

    Kaffashian said that the Vahid, and Kia specifically will be invited for the 2nd round of WCQ.

    But Daei refuted his statement after the Slavia Prague friendly and claimed that he will use this same young team in the first match at KSA.

    We were all afraid of this, now this is reality.

    It must be said, that Daei is an incompetent and stubborn coach for not inviting our 3 most expeirenced players just because of his past grudges. Kia, Vahid, and Karimi are not old by any means. They are the 3 most recognizable Iranian players, and crossing them off the list will have severe consequences when we are watching 2010 South Africa from TV and not be participating.

    No Karimi, but Ebrahim Sadeghi instead. Its like not driving a Mercedes but going for the Kia Optima instead. This is sheer insanity.

    Who is Daei going to start at striker without Vahid and an injured Khalili? He has nobody. This is so dumb, Im so mad. He should get fired and we should bring in a coach who is ready to use the best players available. Kia and Vahid have WC experience, WCQ expereince, and its not like snubbing them we get players who fill their place that are close to their quality.

    Instead of using players that are established in the Bundesliga, we will be using players who have had 1-2 good seasons in the IPL. This is a HUGE gap in quality. From a Bundesliga veteran, to an IPL un-established and unproven commodity.

    And not to mention Kia, who has devoted his career serving TM now Daei snubs him like this, that is very dirty and sneaky on Daei's part.

    Now all the Daei defenders have no way in hell of defending this move, their is no way anybody can tell me that this is a GOOD move by Daei. Who cares Vahid has played in the Bundesliga for 6 years now? We dont need him according to Coach Daei.

    As DD said, if this isnt the definition of irony, I don't know what is.

    the whole issue on Daei being TM coach, the way he talks to media, and yet alone his decisions on the players in TM, talking about their ages etc etc.......
    is an irony....

    Gold bless TM.

    Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


      I don't get it,
      Daei said he will be using a young team, similar to the current one including European based players, he did not say he will not invite Kia and Vahid.
      If he invite these two, is TM suddenly becoming old? Did he specifically said that he will not invite the trio?
      why are we jumping on his throat for something that might be not true, given the credibility of our Media.


        Originally posted by Mr.Good View Post
        I don't get it,
        Daei said he will be using a young team, similar to the current one including European based players, he did not say he will not invite Kia and Vahid.
        If he invite these two, is TM suddenly becoming old? Did he specifically said that he will not invite the trio?
        why are we jumping on his throat for something that might be not true, given the credibility of our Media.
        Mr. Good jan,

        As in inviting the European Legionnares, he will invite Ando, Nekounam, and Shojaei. So techinically he is inviting some legionarres.

        You are right about the credibility of our media, but I am not optimistic in this case. It has been clearly evident all along that Daei has no intention of using the trio. Sooner or later, it will be official. Karimi is 100% off in my opinion, which is a sad reality that our most talented player is not with the team.


          Originally posted by KasraKhan View Post

          It must be said, that Daei is an incompetent and stubborn coach for not inviting our 3 most expeirenced players just because of his past grudges.

          Great.... we have an incompetent coach , yet we managed to easily top a tough group and make it to the next round of the WC2010 competition using incompetent young players !!!!!!

          You never know , this incompetent coach with his incompetent players might actually lead us to South Africa.



            Ando, Nekou and Shojaei will certainly be there
            I believe hash and kia will be added as well ultimately. Daei can't ignore Kia's experience, at least.
            I still hope that Karimi will come back, but Daei doesn't seem to be showing any interest in him.


              Kasra Jaan,
              go read the interview again, Daei said "except five or six legionares playing in Europe, the team is young", now Ando, Shojaei, and nekou make three, add to them Zandi also. now who is the other 1 or two players that daei was taking about?


                Originally posted by KasraKhan View Post
                No Karimi, but Ebrahim Sadeghi instead. Its like not driving a Mercedes but going for the Kia Optima instead.

                a "punctured" optima at that .


                but seriously, I think maybe kia and VH will be invited later on.

                I'd certainly like to see karimi, madanchi, mobaali and kazemian in this roster.
                I'd take karimi & mobaali over sadeghi anyday ( we have neku and ando as defensive minded mids anyway )

                I'd take madanchi over khalatbari anyday

                I'd take kia and kazemian over any choice he has for the right side anyday

                VH is a good option for replacing khalili

                I'd also take nouri or asadi over zareh anyday


                  Originally posted by maij View Post
                  Great.... we have an incompetent coach , yet we managed to easily top a tough group and make it to the next round of the WC2010 competition using incompetent young players !!!!!!
                  Since when has toping a group consisting of UAE, Syria and Kuwait be measured as a success for Team Melli?

                  You never know , this incompetent coach with his incompetent players might actually lead us to South Africa.
                  The key word you used here Maij jan, is might

                  We qualified in 2006 using a core of these 3 players, so if it isnt broken, why fix it?


                    Read Daei's sentence again. He said besides 5 or 6 legionnaires who play in Europe everyone who will participate in the qualifications is here. This same team will participate in the next rounds.
                    What he means is these guys + 5 legionnaires will be invited. And I think he means Kia, Hash, Nekouna, Shojaei and Teymourian as his legionnaires. I would not count on Karimi coming back though.


                      Originally posted by Mr.Good View Post
                      Kasra Jaan,
                      go read the interview again, Daei said "except five or six legionares playing in Europe, the team is young", now Ando, Shojaei, and nekou make three, add to them Zandi also. now who is the other 1 or two players that daei was taking about?
                      I'd consider Nekounam, Shojaei, and Teymourian young, no? So Kia + Hash


                        I have read and studied every single interview of Daei, either with foreign media or fifa,or local media.......papers or Tv, etc................
                        Based on my gathering......

                        Daei , likes to believe,he is an Iranian Klinsman !,who brought many new faces and youth to the National team.....Daei will not listen to any body,and is convinced about his path.

                        It is obviouse,that Daei,with his very limited experince,will be out-coached in the next round..........but the questions remains.....

                        Is our player's skills superior to the next round opponanats as well ?..Suprior enough ,to bale-out a 'coach in tranining',and less than best player selection ?


                          Originally posted by KasraKhan View Post
                          Since when has toping a group consisting of UAE, Syria and Kuwait be measured as a success for Team Melli?
                          What do I know about success ,Kasrakhan? Every Tom , Dick and Harry in this forum has his own rules and criteria for measuring success and failure.

                          It seems that topping a group in the most prestigious competition in the globe where your opponents spend millions and put all their resources trying to qualify , while Team Melli with a rookie coach and a bunch of young prospects , makes it with ease , is considered a failure in your opinion. So , what is the point of argument?

                          Originally posted by KasraKhan View Post
                          The key word you used here Maij jan, is might

                          We qualified in 2006 using a core of these 3 players, so if it isnt broken, why fix it?
                          Of course I say might. What do you think this competetion is ? Do you seriouselu think that qualifying for the World Cup is a God given right of Team Melli?
                          All you need is couple of poor performances in the next round and you are out. If great Teams like England , probably one of the best teams in the world and arguably the best league in the world , cannot make it to the European Championship , what makes you think that Iran HAS to qualify?



                            Originally posted by maij View Post

                            It seems that topping a group in the most prestigious competition in the globe where your opponents spend millions and put all their resources trying to qualify , while Team Melli with a rookie coach and a bunch of young prospects , makes it with ease , is considered a failure in your opinion. So , what is the point of argument??

                            No Maij jan, I never said it was a failure. But can we really be proud at Daei for topping us in that group? Should we not top the group? Do we not, in our recent history, beat those teams convincengly? Team Melli should, and did top that group. But its nothing to applaud. Its like saying kudos to Brazil in beating Singapore. what? They are supposed to beat Singapore. Just as we are supposed to beat UAE. Syria and Kuwait. Right? If cant beat them, then we dont belong anywhere near the WC.

                            All the issues aside, if Daei will use the 3 veterans in the team or not, can we at least agree on, that if Daei chooses NOT to use them, that he is wrong and badly mistaken? Do you agree with that Maij?

                            Daei tries to make it seem that Vahid and Kia are too old to be effective. Vahid and Kia are un-arguably the 2 most successful Iranian players in Europe in our history. Its not even close. They have been the 2 best players for us in Europe.

                            Kia is 31
                            Vahid is 32

                            Thats too old? Being 37 is not too old for Daei, but being 31 and 32 is for Kia and Vahid? It doesnt make any sense. That is the classic definition of irony as DD says.

                            Instead of Vahid Hashemian, former ex-Bayern Munich player, Daei will be using Milad Meydavoodi. Is that a wise coaching decision?

                            Instead of Mehdi Mahdavikia, Asian Player of the year 2003 (only 5 years ago,) Daei will be using the likes of Ebrahim Sadeghi and Gholamnejad. Is that a wise coaching decision? Former HSV great vs. two Saipa players. Hmm....let me think which one is better.


                              Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                              Based on my gathering......
                              Daei , likes to believe,he is an Iranian Klinsman !,who brought many new faces and youth to the National team.....Daei will not listen to any body,and is convinced about his path.
                              Yes I agree completely.

                              But there is one big difference. Klinsmann coached Germany, one of the best footballing nations in the world. While Daei coaches......Iran.

                              Leaving off our expereinced veteran players that have played in the Bundesliga for years in order to use "youth" that are un-proven, inexpereinced, and extremely inconsistent.

                              Klinsmann left off aging players in favor of a new wave of young German talent such as Podolski, Lahm, Gomez, etc. All the players are proven in the Bundesliga and ready for the next level. But are our youth? I really dont think so.

                              And if Daei really wanted to inject a new youth movement, thats fine. But he doesnt even use the best youth available, snubbing one of our most talented midfielders in Iman Mobali. This shows that Daei really does not want to inject the team with youth, but rather he holds on to grudges he had as a player when he decided to curse our beloved Team Melli while playing as an immobile 37 year old striker. He just wants to use players that are new and did not give him a hard time when he couldnt move on the pitch in the World Cup.

                              Even if he wants to inject youth, ok great, but......we need a little expereince in the team to guide the youth. As it has been proven, a team full of young players does not work. Just as a team full of old players does not work. There has to be a perfect harmonous balance. And fielding a team that does not have 1 player over the age of 30 is just too young and inexpeierneced.

