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"personal feelings" still rule at TM !!!

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    "personal feelings" still rule at TM !!!

    Is it just coincidence or something beyond it?
    you figure it out.
    But given the trend seen in TM selection, one may not be very wrong to say the matter of Daei's personal feelings and grudges rears its ugly head again!

    a day after PP's coach's remarks on PP's TM players, we see those players dropped from TM roster!

    this, by itself, wouldnt have sounded much of an alarm. But when we look at issues like saipa player's free reign and guaranteed selection, plus the mobaali issue, plus other such "personal" matters, the theory may be reinforced.

    based on what logic should we accept a non selection of the champions ( shiri was ss-A player . just as gholamnejad is from Daei's saipa ), while a bunch of players ( not just one or two ) from 13th or 14th ranked team are almost guaranteed of their place ( some, in the starting line up even ) in TM selections ?

    I dont know about others here. but I dont take football as nuclear physics to be so hard to understand.
    I also dont know about others here, but to me, TM matters more than X or Y or seeing Mr. this or aghaye that feel pleased or satisfied.
    to me, TM represents the BEST we have in Iran and I've been saying that repeatedly.

    such lists are no representatives of "the best we have" !!

    (با مربيگرى دوست ترك تبار سرمربى تيم ملى يعنى انگين فيرات).
    سپاهان و سايپا فرصت خواهند داشت از دوران افت بدنسازى خارج شوند و دوباره به ليگ برگردند.

    براى اين تيم چه مى توان گفت سايپا كه نزديك به ۱۴ ماه است در افت مطلق به سر مى برد ۴ ملى پوش دارد و پرسپوليس فقط يك گزينه!
    اين را نه تيم ملى كه تيم دوستان دايى مى ناميم. آيا امروز تيمى به جز سايپا، ميرزاپور را براى حفاظت از دروازه اش انتخاب مى كرد


    in a seemingly un-related news:

    سايپا، اسپانسر تيم ملى
    ايران ورزشى - شركت سايپا به عنوان حامى مالى تيم ملى فوتبال ايران انتخاب شد.قرار است امروز در مراسمى رسمى اسپانسر تيم هاى ملى فوتبال كشورمان معرفى شود. به گفته يك منبع موثق در فدراسيون فوتبال، شركت سايپا به عنوان حامى مالى تيم ملى برگزيده شده است و قرار است اين شركت خودروساز مبلغى در حدود ۵ ميليارد تومان به تيم هاى ملى فوتبال ايران كمك كند. از نكات جالب اين حمايت مى توان به حضور على دايى در هيات مديره باشگاه سايپا و رأس كادر فنى تيم ملى اشاره كرد. ظاهرا پس از انتخاب دايى به عنوان سرمربى تيم ملى، مسؤولان شركت سايپا به چنين فكرى افتادند كه اسپانسر تيم هاى ملى فوتبال ايران شوند

    Being selected for this squad isn't quite an honor nor is being dropped from this squad a sign for having lost Daei's trust. The absence of fixed players like Hosseini (dammit he's from Saipa), Rahmati, Zare , Kaebi and others shows that Daei wanted an experimental squad.

    Football isn't nuclear physics, but still complex enough that pros are needed for major decisions. Other than nuclear physics many, who don't fully understand it, believe they do like the pros. And then of course different pros will also not always make the same decisions.

    Anyway, in my eyes personal feelings in TM are not the problems but personal feelings and maybe lack of understanding in Latveria might be...
    Last edited by Martin-Reza; 08-05-2008, 04:56 PM.


      Well DD jan, it has been quite obvious for quite some time now. There's some kind of business going on making a 2-way street:

      TM <=====> Saipa

      LOL, many people complained for years about our football being bi-polar with red & blue. In recent years Sepahan has emerged as the 3rd force, through good management and hard work I must add. But it looks like dear Mr. Daei is forcing a forth color, the orange color, by all means possible.
      HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
      you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.


        the list of national team players is always a very sensitive issue for all fans around the world, as it should be.. but I also think that the coach should be allowed to experiment and try things for while at least until he finds his team..

        the fact that he has 5 players from Saipa and 1 from PP (I am counting Khalili), don't bother me at all.. I am a PP fan and I don't think Pp had even one TM caliber player.. I wouldn't have taken Khalili either, but that's my personal opinion. Daie had Niki playing forward against Kuwait and I was like, what the hell is that.. but all of that, right or wrong, is a matter of opinion.

        ultimately we have to give the chef the time to cook first, then judge his food.. I don't believe in judging the grocery much..


          Originally posted by purple_haze View Post
          Well DD jan, it has been quite obvious for quite some time now. There's some kind of business going on making a 2-way street:

          TM <=====> Saipa

          LOL, many people complained for years about our football being bi-polar with red & blue. In recent years Sepahan has emerged as the 3rd force, through good management and hard work I must add. But it looks like dear Mr. Daei is forcing a forth color, the orange color, by all means possible.
          Yet those who refuse to see it, won't; As simple as man, or perhaps maybe a few men, rule our football at the moment, and quite frankly, it has always been that way really, some times more obvious than other times with more direct control, such as now with daie and TM.
          Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


            Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

            we see pretty horrible choices in the roster:
            Zareh is yet again called up, despite his poor & inferior performances.
            we've gone over all the discussions over "Team not conceding, therefore ..." or "personal performances", .... in other threads here. I see no need to waste time on that.
            we see a player whose BEST is not even half of what we see in some other players![/B]
            DD Jan,

            Don't try to find the above quote in your current post, but instead
            in another thread titled "parameters for TM call" in the + forum:

            The members of this forum are selected by the F+ members of this site according to the quality of their posts,their disciplinary measures and relative activities. Members can not apply to be able to post and only admins will add and invite members.

            Now let's say I am Ali Daei, and I highly value your opinion, and I just
            called up couple of leftfooter (young and bright) and took out Sattar Zareh
            who you said I should take out of TM.

            Is this your thank you?


              Daie is the head coach and he has the rigth to call whoever he wants or not, but at the end of course he has to respond and being accountable for his decisions.

              I wish Daie was using the WAFF games as a prepatory game for the WC2010 preparation. Palestine and Qatar and Oman aren't super weak teams but aren't super strong teams either, so he could have used these games so players start getting used to each other and team Melli gel together.

              Iraq used the WAFF two years ago as a pedestal for its TM, they lost to us in final but WAFF games allowed the players to gel together. They saw the fruit of its decision in winning the AFC title that year. Our B team won the WAFF, but our A team wasn't well coordinated in AFC games and they were getting better as they played more games but not enough time. So maybe it would have been a good thing our team plays in WAFF with its full squad, so players play more games and get better coordinated.

              Martin and gol kochick jaan, can you seriously tell me, Daie is still experimenting with one month to our first game against KSA in their turf? If he is still experimenting and doesn't know his players this late, god have merci on us.
              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                Originally posted by BehzadB View Post

                the fact that he has 5 players from Saipa and 1 from PP (I am counting Khalili), don't bother me at all.. I am a PP fan and I don't think Pp had even one TM caliber player.. I wouldn't have taken Khalili either, but that's my personal opinion.

                you all know I'm not a pp fan either. so My views are even less biased than everyone else's.

                secondly, behzad jan, I appreciate your bar in evaluating players kept at such high levels that dont see any of the championship winning team qualify.
                but are you keeping the same measuring stick for other players as well ? players like zareh, sadeghi, mirzapoor, .... ?
                if yes, then please explain how these players qualify but none of pp players do.


                  Originally posted by gol_kuchik View Post
                  DD Jan,
                  Don't try to find the above quote in your current post, but instead
                  in another thread titled "parameters for TM call" in the + forum:
                  The members of this forum are selected by the F+ members of this site according to the quality of their posts,their disciplinary measures and relative activities. Members can not apply to be able to post and only admins will add and invite members.

                  Now let's say I am Ali Daei, and I highly value your opinion, and I just
                  called up couple of leftfooter (young and bright) and took out Sattar Zareh
                  who you said I should take out of TM.
                  Is this your thank you?
                  bro, bi khial-e "gotcha" moment.

                  I dont expect daei to do this or that for ME.
                  hence I dont have to thank anyone for doing X or Y either.
                  he isnt doing it for ME. his duty is towards the WHOLE of Iran. I just point at issues that I , personally, find peculiar.
                  hope you get my drift.

                  I expect the best to be called or at least given chance to prove themselves.
                  I expect the coach to acknowledge a player's lacks or shortcomings and most importantly, try to mend the problem.

                  so the issue is not peyman or zareh or daei even.
                  the issue is TM shd have the very best available and if there are areas that need more scrutiny and work, the coach ( whoever he/she may be ) SHOULD make sure no stone is unturned before settling for a mediocre choice.

                  no thanks needed. no apologies needed. no personal letters needed.
                  just the duty towards TM.


                  I agree with Ali.
                  when we have been having such a difficult run with finding test games and friendlies, the logical thing is to expect the coach to capitalize on each & every opportunity to use such games.
                  while I agree with the theory of "experimentation", there are a lot to be said about that too.
                  I totally back daei on the notion of calling new faces to find the best or correct player for diff posts.
                  absolutely correct.

                  but dropping players like jabbari, who in absence of karimi and shojaei shd have been given a chance to show he's the playmaker we lack at TM
                  or players like amraei, who shd have been there especially when we have a difficult time scoring goals
                  or the whole bunch from uae, who could be very useful, especially in absence of kia, karimi, VH, nekunam, ando, .....
                  all that while we have a GK in poor form ( mirza ) or other players in poor form like sadeghi still remaining in the team. one would think the first ppl to be dropped and alternatives tried would have been these players !
                  once you sum up all the above points, you'd see in the name of "experimentation" some things are done and some are not.
                  wouldnt "experimentation" consist of trying ppl like kazemian, madanchi, nouri, asadi, zarehi, heidari, .......... who HAVE HAD A FAR BETTER SEASON THAN MANY WHO ARE CALLED also?
                  but we all know with more or less strong certainty that come sept 6th, zareh, sadeghi would most probably walk into the pitch with mirza as the GK sub!

                  anyway. my point is I sincerely hope Daei is genuinely looking for the best in each post.
                  and this is not mere "eye wash" or a formality of saying "I called up so many new faces" just to go back to his regular gang in the end ( like calling mobaali for the first 2 games & without giving him a second's playtime, striking him off. no one with average mental health could say maybe mobaali wasnt good enough after his season ) !


                    I agree with Martin-reza, and it is clear this squad is an experimental one....and Daei , in this particular case, should be commended for want to give chances to as many players as possible......
                    In my opinion....Other than " Not being qualified to be the head coach of TM ", he has been atiquate.....
                    I , in general have nothing against what ever he has done......., it is him, himself , I doubt, not his selections.
                    For a coach,whom is not going to surprize any opponants with his startegies, he better look for some new,suprizing talents to surprize opponants with...
                    and that is,what he is trying to do.................He is searching hard, according to his judgement, to find new talents !, and mean while he does not need to crowd the camp with so many old faces !


                      DD Jan,

                      I got your drift, but my response was not really a gotcha or a request for actual thank you
                      from you to Daei. My point was, from an observer 8000 miles away, Daei is doing all
                      he can to correct the shortcomings. I did not see any of the prep matches in Czech.
                      I don't think there were televised. Most of us have very little information other than
                      what we read say in Iran Varzeshi or the rumor mills, if you catch my drift.

                      What we can see, is his attempt to engage a lot of talented players in TM. So I was
                      questioning the fairness of your statement about "person feelings"/


                        Hope Daie doesn't make the same mistake GN did during his reign. GN called up a lot of people and IMHO wasted a lot of time with the so called "Experimentation".

                        This is my pessimist side taking over now, maybe both of these coaches (GN/Daie) were/are trying to please a lot of people for whatever reason.
                        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                          well, there is a very famous saying:

                          "Power mean nothing, without control".

                          a leader has to leave emotions out in every aspect of his/her decison making...
                          CHECK OUT OUR FORUM RULES HERE:

                          Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                            Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                            Hope Daie doesn't make the same mistake GN did during his reign. GN called up a lot of people and IMHO wasted a lot of time with the so called "Experimentation".
                            That is a very valid concern, and I hate to see 8 people get subbed in a friendly. That
                            really says the coach is either not sure of what he is doing, or trying to make some bench
                            players happy or hopeful. In my view, up to the end of WAF games, the team can
                            afford to be in flux, after that the one who take part in the friendly with Uzbekistan or
                            whoever should be at least 60~70 percent of the line up, with subs used only to fine tune
                            the team, or as a way of having good back up for legioners who may miss a
                            friendly due to club comittment.

                            On the other hand, you have the fans who are willing to bash the whole work of the
                            coach due to their favorite player or their selection of players not showing up on the
                            roster. As you said, coach can not and should not try please everyone, it is not possible.


                              Originally posted by gol_kuchik View Post
                              That is a very valid concern, and I hate to see 8 people get subbed in a friendly. That
                              really says the coach is either not sure of what he is doing, or trying to make some bench
                              players happy or hopeful. In my view, up to the end of WAF games, the team can
                              afford to be in flux, after that the one who take part in the friendly with Uzbekistan or
                              whoever should be at least 60~70 percent of the line up, with subs used only to fine tune
                              the team, or as a way of having good back up for legioners who may miss a
                              friendly due to club comittment.

                              On the other hand, you have the fans who are willing to bash the whole work of the
                              coach due to their favorite player or their selection of players not showing up on the
                              roster. As you said, coach can not and should not try please everyone, it is not possible.
                              You see Agha Gol Kuchick, if I see some sense or direction (in a positive direction of course) in a coach's decision, or at least don't see a total zig zag in his decision making, I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and shut my mouth up and give him to him to prove or disprove himself.

                              To be honeest a principaled coach or for that matter person, shouldn't much care about what this or that think. This doesn't mean being stubborn or not listening to valid criticizems, but if he/she is principaled he should be willing to stand by his principal while explaining and communicating his logic to the fans. In this case then, I dont' care if the coach stands against the whole mob mentality of so called fans. Since in the long run fans will realize the coach has a plan after all.

                              At times certain decisions, seems!!! (and I say seems/sounds because I have no proof for now) motivated otherwise or very contraversial. For example in this last list, invitation of Mirzapoor doesn't sound very logical. But since he is the coach, I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and wait to see the logic of Mirzapoor's invtiation in the future (hindsight).
                              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)

