Originally posted by maij
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A good coach in order to be able to make quick logical (as much as humanly possible that is under pressure) decision, needs to be able to control his emotions IMO. Daie seems to need to work on this area quite a bit.
As for your last comment about how he was able to control himself in that incident, I am so glad to hear that. So he definitly has potential. He just needs to elevate his tolerance (even at Bull Shit) at times.
The expectation I have from Daie as an universtity educated man and international player is far higher than the one I have from someone like Akbar Meesagheeyan or even Gholamhossein Payroovani or Parviz mazloomi. To me higher education doesn't just bring the title of Dr. Engineer, Lawyer, it brings much more responsiblity, expectation as well. So, while overall I think I have (overall remaind) supportive of Mr. Daie, I demand and expect higher standards from Mr. Daie. It isn't because I have an agenda against him, it is preceisely because I think he has far more potentials (to really impact Iranian football in ways no one can due to his international stature), than he might have realized.