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"personal feelings" still rule at TM !!!

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    Too bad that we need to communicate in English, but try to share my points and keeping in short. Without Khayeh Malee (excuse the language but I use it on purpose to show my seriousness), I really respect you despite all the difference we have. If I am insisting on this, is because I believe people like you who (unfortunately there aren't many in Iran), are an asset and I hope in their own thinking come to a different conclusion and point of view when it comes to tolerance.

    This issue of Tolerance is such an important issue for our country.Even for its survival as an independent and integral country next 30-40 years. I am referring to the tolerance of religious and national minorities within the borders of Iran. I hope you see the relevance.

    Originally posted by maij View Post
    OK....Ali Jan , somehow again , the post was "Lost in Translation"

    You keep reminding me about USA , but the fact is that Iran is not USA and our culture is NOT the western culture. In the US gay marriages is legal , in Iran they hang people for that! I don't need to go into political or social discussion about it , it has nothing to do with football , it is about cultural differences though.
    Majid Jaan, Einstein has a famous sentence that says, the problems can't be solved in the same plane that they were created or something like that.
    If we Iranian don't change the way we do things and change our standards, it will be the same Ash and same Kaseh.
    We can keep saying this isn't' our culture or whatever, but either we choose to get on with the rest of the world and respect individual rights and stop suppressing individualism or we keep falling behind more.

    Originally posted by maij View Post

    I have said , and will say that you are entitled to your criticism and I am entitled to challenge the ones that I see inappropriate. Isn't that a fair game ?

    Do you want the negatives , or call it criticism to prevail without challenge? In that case the concept of freedom of speech that you are demanding is lost because you don't allow the other party to express his own views about the criticism. Every person is entitled for defense even the murders , why do you want to deprive it from some people who do not even have chance to defend themselves?

    Majid Jaan, when did I say dint' challenge, I say dint' use sarcasm. Please don't' think I have a pedar ***hteghi with Daie, or Payman or X or Y has an agenda. We have our opinion, you may don't' agree, but don't' come and ridicule and say Daie has to consult on line source for the team selection.

    I am not saying ba panbeh sar beboor and just use nice words. I am asking for a different paradigm. Truly believe and "TOLERATE", X or Y's opinion even if you believe it is wrong.

    Challenge it, but don't' condemn it, don't' be sarcastic. It is not just a niceties and hospitality issue majid jaan. It is much more than this. It is the fact that we all know only part of the truth and the other person may have a point, that you may not be able to see due to different reasons. It again comes to the magic word "TOLERANCE".
    Originally posted by maij View Post

    To make it absolutely clear, it is this orchestrated and systematical critiques that is a concern to me , not the fact that Daei is doing something wrong here or there.
    Majid Jaan, khahesh meekonam, what "orchestrated and systematical critiques ". What systematic issue Payman or I or X or Y can have? We are just bunch of fans chatting here and expressing our opinions (for what it worth). This "orchestrated and systematical critiques" really worries me. It remind me of the Savak and Savama in IR that they see a conspiracy behind everything. It is very normal, that every coach has ambitions, greed, etc. etc. So some of their criticisms of Daie can be motivated by other reasons. But it is quite normal. Daie doesn't have the same issues. Even you and I don't have the same issues?
    Originally posted by maij View Post

    Slander : No I am not an expert in law , but this is what Webster Dictionary defines it. Compare it to what is said in this forum against Daei , Sadeghi and Zare

    1.defamation; calumny: rumors full of slander. 2.a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report: a slander against his good name. 3.Law. defamation by oral utterance rather than by writing, pictures, etc. –verb (used with object) utter slander against; defame. –verb (used without object) utter or circulate slander.
    Make your own judgment.
    How can one defame or slander Daie if he/she says his selection isn't right. Defamation or slander is if I come and say, Daie got money, if he selected Sadeghi. I can say in US, I hate ipod,and it is my right. I don't' have the right to go and say ipod is faulty and blows up after working 5 hours (unless I can prove it). Hating or liking ipod is a personal opinion. Defamation or slander isn't extended to the area of personal opinions. Plus please show me from the F+ threads where anybody slandered Daie for the selection of Sadeghi or Zandi or Zareh?

    Originally posted by maij View Post

    You don't get offended if I say Daei is great , is your own choice and basic right , but Ali Agha , people are different in their tolerance level and what they find acceptable or not.
    Of course it is your right. But Majid jaan, there is an external reality besides what you and I like. There is an standard norm in the civilized world for tolerance, I simply request for a member of your caliber to consider extending and increasing your level of TOLERANCE.

    Originally posted by maij View Post
    As an example , after the revolution I was hyper critical of the leaders there and a split in my own family existed. I curtailed my sharp tongues against the regime , in respect for those people who supported them. It is called respect for the people whom I associate with and members of my family, despite my own belief that they are supporting the wrong side.
    No disrespect to you or your family, but in general the same fascist like style of thinking and lack of respect to the human rights and individualism led us to the disaster of Islamic Republic that we see today. How sad and Ironic that People in Iran, say Shah regime was better, because it never killed as many as Mullahs did. Do you see the Irony. Our poor people have to choose between the lesser of two murderers.

    Originally posted by maij View Post
    You keep bringing up Ghotbi and Ghalnoei. I have said it hundreds of times that I have respect for their achievements and their work, I DID not say I worship them. Neither do I have any hatred for them.

    Sorry ..It is getting a bit late and the fingers is not steady in typing...Will continue tomorrow...pleasant dreams.
    Majid in all honesty can you say, I worship or even less blindly GN or Ghotbi? See the SS thread and my post criticizing GN for Alizadeh issue. I can be wrong about Alizadeh and GN is right, but the whole worship thing is definitely nothing that fits Payman or I for that matter.

    I again request you to compare how I respond to your posts about Ghotbi for example Do I blame you for being negative. Do I use Sarcasm when I reply to your post about Ghotbi. Do I believe you are part of "orchestrated and systematical critiques" against Ghotbi? I earlier posted two of your posts about Ghotbi in this thread for your reference. Hell I even don't' say anything to Ala as an official hate monger against PP, Ghotbi, SS , etc. etc.

    Hope you had a good rest.
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


      Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
      i already did but u seemed to ignore it.
      so, again i repeat my question and this time, i let u try again amd come up with a valid answer:

      raul vs guiza incase u still dont get my question
      OK I like to get an attempt. We are talking about picking Torres with 30 something goal in EPL vs. Raul. How many goals Raul scored in La Liga? Guiza was the top scorer in La Liga if I am not mistaken right. Plus before Guiza get injured, Torres was subbed in every game. Actually he did get subbed even in the final. As a side note compare that to players in our team that regardless of their performance (Zandi/Sadeghi/Ando) start each game (back to the topic).
      So it wasn't like choosing a player who isn't starting in EPL vs. a player who is playing at a lower level league. EPL is best league in the world, and Liverpool is one of the best teams in the world. So the selection was between the best and much better in this case.

      Plus it was for only 2-3 players. Not a whole bunch. People aren't just brainless. Other coaches and football criticis all praised Torres as a valuable and goal getter. So while it is true that coach has the final decision and it is his choice, it isn't like Aragunes can go and pick an average player instead of both Torres or Raul and says, oh well that is my opinion.

      Plus when Aragones picked Torress, people, fans did criticize him. It doesn't mean people need to be bombarded with lables as negative and this and that, if they criticize aragones for not picking Raul? Can you say for sure, had the Aragones picked Raul, Spain wouldnt' have won Euro 2008? Coaches are given the right to choose players and no one can get the right away from them. Please dont' try to take the right to judge, discuss, or even criticize player selection with a lable "coach knows better". If that is the case, let's close ACE and all the football magazines and praise and kiss the feet of the soccer coaches then. How many soccer coaches get fired each month, that by itself shows that even the best soccer coach, at times can be wrong with his decisions. So please stop using (in a wrong way) the argument of coach knows best. Coach knows better than you and I for sure. But he still can be wrong. Even if he is not wrong, You, I, X or Y as fans have the right to evaluate, discuss or criticize his decisions. What is wrogn with that?
      "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
      Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

      Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
      Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)





          Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
          I respectfully beg, whoever thinks Daie is doign great, average whatever, come and post yourslef. Open a thread. Dont' just wait, someone post soemthing and you come and say, "your post is negative and my pathriothic duty (see Siavashes post in the main forum) to so called "challenge" your post. I as a consumer have the right to choose which one I want to read. . Let the differing or even opposing view points expressed without one side attacking or labeling the other side, this and that, use sarcasem and let the PFDC members and events in our football shows which view was closer (notice I said closer) to the truth..
          Ali jaan, .. charactor assasination is bad.....even,when it is done, with good intentions.
          We,talk about issuess......they talk about us !
          we talk about situation...they talk about seperation !
          we talk about, " WE "....they talk about , " US,& them "!
          We advocate expressing opinions......they want to shot up opinions !

          Ali far as I am concerned, is you,who is " Closer to the truth " !!!!


            Majid jaan,

            If TM under Daie plays decent even and make it to the WC and plays decent (I dont' expect even make it to the next stage just play decent like WC98) team, I will be the first one who congradulate him on his success, even if the result is destruction of Ali Karimi or Kia.

            As far as your comment about Iranian defended against Iraq, I dont' want to show off, but overall around 3 years I fought. I still have Iraqi shrapnel in my left elbow and another time got shell shocked. Been in Mehran, Sosangard, Koush, Jofair, even Majnoon Island, Abadan and even Peeranshahr and many other parts of Iran. So I am not one of those who fled Iran. As soon as we drove Iraqi's back out of Khoramshahr, I also didn't agree with Iran exporting its Islamic revolution and officially declared my disagreement during the Ramadan offensive operations and got into trouble with it. I dont' share this to brag or anything, I just wanted you to know to me principals are very improtant and so far paid dearly for it (with a 23 years self imposed exile).

            I hope you realize that what I think, is nothing compared to the national interest of Iran. If there are concerns, in my own way, I see worrying sings and try to express my concerns.

            Please go to the main forum and see the thread about Daie's interview in Navad. The man is paranoid, period. Then you say how anyone knows if he didn't invite X or Y out of grudge?

            A simple question by Ferdoosipoor about league interuption with a simple answer that it is the Federation and League management decision, and see how Daie reacts. I can't beleive an university educated man who played pro football in Europe can get so emotional on National TV.

            Once again, Good luck to TM and its head coach, Mr Daie. From the bottom of my heart despite all the reservations I have I wish for his success which will be the success of TM. If that means I have to eat my words so be it. What am I when it comes to Iran. It will worth it, if I see my zajrdeedeh people can celebrat promotion to the WC2010 and once again dance in the streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities.
            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


              Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
              Ali jaan, .. charactor assasination is bad.....even,when it is done, with good intentions.
              We,talk about issuess......they talk about us !
              we talk about situation...they talk about seperation !
              we talk about, " WE "....they talk about , " US,& them "!
              We advocate expressing opinions......they want to shot up opinions !
              Ali far as I am concerned, is you,who is " Closer to the truth " !!!!
              Thanks for your kind words Bahram Jaan. I hope I deserve your good will and trust. IMHO opinion there isn't a WE and THEY, we all are Iranians and are on this never ending journey or making ourselves better and learn from each other. It is a never ending quest for finding the truth or getting closer to it. I would love to see, I have people like you Majid, and rest are my companions.

              Recently when I read Hafez, I start to get him. I read him when I was younger but it seemed I never got him. Tonigth I read this before checking PFDC.

              Be rah badeyeh raftan beh az neshastan be vadi batel
              Ke ghar morad nayabam be ghadr jahd bekoosham.

              Found it very appropriate.
              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)





                  Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                  still no biscuit.
                  wasnt guiza la liga's TOP SCORER ?

                  you see.
                  you are trying to match up super-stars and top performers with sadeghi, who at best, had a very average season at IPL. ( meaning raul was side-lined for the TOP SCORER of arguably the best league in the world. not by some mediocre, average player from la liga )
                  sorry buddy. you dont get to match them up, unfortunately.

                  try once more.

                  let me help you along.

                  if you prove to me that raul was struck off in favor of say ossasuna's ( or any other average-to-low team's average player ) striker , then I'd accept your argument.
                  was he ?
                  that happened because raul and guiza are strikers and so, its much easier to compare 2 forwards by their number of goals scored. the comparison is easier because its quantifiable to an extent.

                  but sadeghi is a midfielder and comparing midfielders or defenders isnt so easily quantifiable.


                  u still dont get the point.

                  1)its just UR PERSONAL OPINION that sadeghi had at best an average season in IPL!! im 100% sure u havent followed saipa except for a few games broadcasted on TV like the rest of us. just like the rest of us "FANS" who neither have analysers nor scouts to send to different cities and games to watch the players.

                  if saipa ended 11th, that doesnt mean sadeghi had an average season!
                  mes kerman ended 10th last season but mehdy rahmati had an excellent season!

                  2)again, the determination of the maximum potential of a team is something subjective.
                  just like noone till today can say whether the spanish national team which won the euro cup without raul is THE STRONGEST or a spain WITH RAUL but no guarantee of euro championship!

                  so u cant say TM isnt at its maximum potential just because sadeghi is part of the squad! if sadeghi is making it to TM under different coaches (ghalenoi himself preferred sadeghi over his own player kazemi), then u have to realize that this is wat IPL can offer to TM! spain can afford the luxury of having lots of superstars because LA LIGA can offer her superstars.
                  but TM doesnt have that luxury because IPL can only offer players at the level of sadeghi, some a bit better, some a bit worse!
                  Originally posted by siavasharian

                  بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                  بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                    Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                    I am glad you posted this. I like to stipulate on this. Football is subjective and so is player selection but Performance evaluation isn't. At the end of the game or tournament there is a final score and people in general ( a big majority) judge the team's performance (played well but lost by an accident for example).
                    i used to think the same until i came across members over here who said TM is winning games but not playing "attractive football" or "good football".
                    there were even members who said they did rather see TM play attractive football and lose rather than palying boring football and win.

                    im not saying wat is right and wat is wrong, but clearly, even performance evaluation is subjective!

                    Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                    Everyone here accepts that it final decision of Mr. Daie that matters. I can type till I get blue and it wont' matter. What I don't understand why is there an insistence of forcing people to dont' evaluate, criticize, support, or whatever head coache's decision. Why are we so sensetive if Payman doesn't like Zare or Sadeghi and trying to force him to join the rest of the choros?
                    You, Majid or wheover else come and post 10 posts about how great/Average or whatever Daie's work in the TM has been, that is fair. But coming and saying Payman, Ali, this or that is negative is unfair.
                    sorry ali agha, bur ur TOTALLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYY WRONG on this one.
                    in the past few months, u can search PFDC posts and i can safely say about 75% of all of peymans posts and atleast 90% of his TM posts are blaming sadeghi and zare and basically saying everything negative that is about zare, sadeghi and ultimately daei with his selection of these 2 players.

                    this is the first time i am replying to his post after a long time simply because i dont have the hosele for such long discussions.
                    at the same time, i dont like many things daei does but u dont see me putting him down and 2 3 players continuosuly in every post of mine.
                    i admire some things daei does at the same, but u dont see me coming and posting those stuff continuously in every post either.
                    when u overdo it, it resembles an "Agenda" and frankly, irritates many members.
                    harchizi hadi dare ali agha, che tu shargh, che tu gharb.

                    noone here forced u or peyman or anyone else to not "criticize" zare or sadeghi (if u can call it that ), so please dont over react and immediately put this innocent tone one. im sure u remember ur previous experience with mansoor....

                    wat is unfair ali agha is that as soon as someone disagrees with peyman or u or someone else who shares a viewpoint similar to urs, u think u guys are being victims and supressed and forced not to say ur opinion. peyman, u and some others have been putting down a few players and daei for a long time now and noone stopped u. i just made 1 post, and u come up with this reply??? now that is unfair and uncalled for...

                    as for the rest of ur post, its not relevant to me. so i will let someone else who it is relevant to answer it.
                    Originally posted by siavasharian

                    بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                    بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                      Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post

                      sorry ali agha, bur ur TOTALLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYY WRONG on this one.
                      in the past few months, u can search PFDC posts and i can safely say about 75% of all of peymans posts and atleast 90% of his TM posts are blaming sadeghi and zare and basically saying everything negative that is about zare, sadeghi and ultimately daei with his selection of these 2 players.

                      If you read my initial post, I didn't mean that you have 10 posts in favor of Mr. Daie. I guess I didnt' write it well. What I meant to write, was you or Agha Majid or whoever that wants to fully support Daie can come here and post in favor of him (which as you mentioned you haven't). I didn't mean to imply that you have done. So I just wanted to clarify. I was trying to say, that instead of attacking posts that are criticial of Daie, why you guys don't start pro Daie posts and take a more active role that way. See my example of different magazines in the US.

                      At the end of the day, usually those people who criticize usually are more vocal. Today, in the US the richest and strongest country, if you read the papers, it is full of criticizem and gloom and doom, I think it is how it is.
                      "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                      Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                      Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                      Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                        OK I like to get an attempt. We are talking about picking Torres with 30 something goal in EPL vs. Raul. How many goals Raul scored in La Liga? Guiza was the top scorer in La Liga if I am not mistaken right. Plus before Guiza get injured, Torres was subbed in every game. Actually he did get subbed even in the final. As a side note compare that to players in our team that regardless of their performance (Zandi/Sadeghi/Ando) start each game (back to the topic).
                        So it wasn't like choosing a player who isn't starting in EPL vs. a player who is playing at a lower level league. EPL is best league in the world, and Liverpool is one of the best teams in the world. So the selection was between the best and much better in this case.
                        i already replied to this part to doctor doom.

                        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                        Plus it was for only 2-3 players. Not a whole bunch. People aren't just brainless. Other coaches and football criticis all praised Torres as a valuable and goal getter. So while it is true that coach has the final decision and it is his choice, it isn't like Aragunes can go and pick an average player instead of both Torres or Raul and says, oh well that is my opinion.
                        thats because spain has the luxury of picking from so many superstars that the coach wont have to hesitate to leave a few superstars and find replacements for them!

                        but iran doesnt have this luxury. we have 1 or 2 superstars like nekounam, that too, not superstars by international levels but asian level and the rest of the team is just made of IPL best players which itself is a below average league by world standards!
                        wat do u expect???

                        we can leave out sadeghi, but who do u wanna call instead? kazemi? zare? rahmati?? how much difference will it make really??
                        the same amir ghalenoi preferred ebrahim sadeghi over his own player hossein kazemi. in the dubai tournament, he praised ebrahim sadeghi as a role model for other IPL players because he is a player who is intelligent, has good football skills and has a professional personality.

                        let me put it this way, if sadeghi is one of the good players IPL can produce, then this is the pool of players TM can select from. so the remaining TM players from IPL will be more or less on the same level.

                        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                        Plus when Aragones picked Torress, people, fans did criticize him. It doesn't mean people need to be bombarded with lables as negative and this and that, if they criticize aragones for not picking Raul?
                        please tell me where did i bombard members here with being negative and other labels??
                        i just made a 50 word post and u reached to all these conclusions and read all these things u have been mentioning in ur 2 posts in my 1 post???

                        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post

                        Can you say for sure, had the Aragones picked Raul, Spain wouldnt' have won Euro 2008?
                        exactly my point. no i cant, and neither can u nor peyman nor anyone else.
                        so to make a claim like, TM ISNT AT 100% MAXIMUM POTENTIAL doesnt hold water.
                        thats the only reason i made that post.

                        i didnt ask him, u or anyone else to keep quiet, to dont criticize, to support daei blindly or to do watever ur saying im doing.....

                        so again, i request u to dont over react and dont accuse me of victimizing u or peyman or anyone else who says anything negative about daei, sadeghi, zare or whoever.

                        many members are saying negative things about them on both football forum and football+ forum. where did u see me shutting them down, asking them to blindly and support daei or do any of those things u said im doing?

                        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                        Coaches are given the right to choose players and no one can get the right away from them. Please dont' try to take the right to judge, discuss, or even criticize player selection with a lable "coach knows better".
                        again this "taking away the right" excuse??
                        ok, now this is getting really annoying. u need to stop these accusations and stop putting on this innocent tone.

                        for the last time, noone stopped, blocked, censored, urs, peymans or any other members posts regarding player selections.
                        but its my very right to object to ur, peymans or anyone elses posts and say, the coach is in a MUCHHHHHHHH BETTER POSITION to choose the players and whether u like it or not, its the truth and u know it.

                        i myself dont like the fact that so many saipa players are there in TM and i dont think some of them deserve to be in TM but I DONT GO PUTTING DOWN DAEI, ZARE, SADEGHI LEFT AND RIGHT IN EVERY POST!
                        harchizi hadi dare. az had ke begzare, mishe ziyade ravi and that is not good. it looks like an agenda and it becomes irritating.

                        im sure u urself find certain members very irritating(whom i dont wanna name) with constant negative posts about esteghlal and perspolis. this is exactly the same situation, noone is stopping anyone from posting their opinion, but seriously, people should stop overdoing it!

                        again, the rest of ur post is irrelevant to me and i dont find any necessity to answer it.
                        Originally posted by siavasharian

                        بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                        بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                          Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                          If you read my initial post, I didn't mean that you have 10 posts in favor of Mr. Daie. I guess I didnt' write it well. What I meant to write, was you or Agha Majid or whoever that wants to fully support Daie can come here and post in favor of him (which as you mentioned you haven't). I didn't mean to imply that you have done. So I just wanted to clarify. I was trying to say, that instead of attacking posts that are criticial of Daie, why you guys don't start pro Daie posts and take a more active role that way. See my example of different magazines in the US.
                          At the end of the day, usually those people who criticize usually are more vocal. Today, in the US the richest and strongest country, if you read the papers, it is full of criticizem and gloom and doom, I think it is how it is.
                          thankyou for your clarification.
                          Originally posted by siavasharian

                          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                            Originally posted by maij View Post
                            [FONT=Georgia]Khaily manoon Ali Jan and I truly admire you for fighting against the invaders and protecting the motherland.
                            Thanks for the kind words. I think all I did is the duty of every Iranian and what I did doesn't elevate me to anything special. I just wanted to clarify, I wasn't among the ones who fled the country as soon as thing got tough.

                            Originally posted by maij View Post
                            We all know that Daei has his limitations, some of his acts does not appeal to everyone's "Salighe" , statements or outbursts that seems inappropriate , focusing on side issues , and whatever shortcomings one can think of.

                            From my point, I like to look at the bigger picture. I don't think that the coach should be accountable to the press, media and the fans. He is accountable to the football federation ONLY. You said it somewhere else; coaches are sacked on regular basis and even the best of them. If he does not achieve his goal, then he will be sacked. Then why not leave it to the natural process?

                            Many fans and journalist think that it is their God given right to question the National Coach on players selection or tactics on the pretext of their love for the country or for the interest of the national team. Some of the journalists get so obsessed by their own views and abilities that it is no more than a silly joke. I have experienced this practically and in person. One or two even told me that they can do much better than Ghalenoei if they were the coach !!!!!

                   of those who claimed that , has a grand experience of playing for "Rah Ahan" youth team and a was graduate of university majoring in literature , and yet he can do a better job that Ghalenoei!!!

                            What would you say to this type of person and his claims? But most importantly what kind of logic can you expect from him in his newspaper column or TV show?
                            I totally agree with everything you said. In US they call that phenomenon, Monday Morning Quarter Backing (QB is football americayee is the guy who throws the ball to the receivers or do other things with the ball). Games are played on Sunday. So Monday morning everyone can get a change to criticize the QB or the head coach.

                            My point is, everywhere in the world this exists. A mix of passion, emotions, even I say ignorance and maybe a small dose of good/constructive criticism is all mixed up toward marki players and coach's. It is all mixed up. A smart coach/player can keep his cool (it is part of the job dealing with all this). A professional isn't just about getting paid money for his services. It is about how he conducts himself.

                            Hate to make this too long, but the reason it is crucial for the coach to be able to control himself in front of the media and against the criticisms isn't just for moralistic reason (which in its own are important). The more important reason, is that a coach during the game needs to be able to maintain calmness, resist getting too emotional in order to observe his team and opponent in a calm, cool logical manner and be able to make real-time decisions. When a coach is too emotional during the game, he has shot himself in the foot since he has taken that objectiveness to a large degree away from himself. I know it is easy to say and hard to do. I myself in my early days of coaching (at a very low level) did some stuff that today make my own body cringe when I think about it. So that is the reason that a coach has to progress step by steps. Be able to make his mistakes in a smaller arena and his mistakes (getting too emotional)> You may ask what are not real-time decisions? They are with subs, subs against subs of the other team, or changing the team tactic during the game when he sees the current game plan doesnt' work out, observing the body language of his own and opponent players,....etc. etc. Please watch Iran Ireland game return leg, around 70th minute there is a shot of Blazvitch on Iran's bench, look at his face. It was quite clear, how much he wasn't in control of himself. Again, I know how difficult it is and not trying to trivialize the fact of how hard it is. But that twenty minutes to the end of the game of Iran Ireland in Tehran was life of death of the future of Blaz coaching in Iran. At that crucial 20 minutes, he wasn't in charge of himself in a logical manner. Compare that to Wenger, or Fergusen or most Pro coaches when their team get hammered (Ricard in Barca last year). My expectation from Daie is to look at those guys and emulate them rather than typical vatani coach.

                            Again if he isn't able to conduct himself under the pressure (during the game or limelight of TV cameras), Daie will do a dis service to himself (from purely personal point of view to himself), forget about its implication of that on the TM.
                            "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                            Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                            Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                            Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                              Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post

                              Hate to make this too long, but the reason it is crucial for the coach to be able to control himself in front of the media and against the criticisms isn't just for moralistic reason (which in its own are important). The more important reason, is that a coach during the game needs to be able to maintain calmness, resist getting too emotional in order to observe his team and opponent in a calm, cool logical manner and be able to make real-time decisions. When a coach is too emotional during the game, he has shot himself in the foot since he has taken that objectiveness to a large degree away from himself. I know it is easy to say and hard to do. I myself in my early days of coaching (at a very low level) did some stuff that today make my own body cringe when I think about it. So that is the reason that a coach has to progress step by steps. Be able to make his mistakes in a smaller arena and his mistakes (getting too emotional)> You may ask what are not real-time decisions? They are with subs, subs against subs of the other team, or changing the team tactic during the game when he sees the current game plan doesnt' work out, observing the body language of his own and opponent players,....etc. etc. Please watch Iran Ireland game return leg, around 70th minute there is a shot of Blazvitch on Iran's bench, look at his face. It was quite clear, how much he wasn't in control of himself. Again, I know how difficult it is and not trying to trivialize the fact of how hard it is. But that twenty minutes to the end of the game of Iran Ireland in Tehran was life of death of the future of Blaz coaching in Iran. At that crucial 20 minutes, he wasn't in charge of himself in a logical manner. Compare that to Wenger, or Fergusen or most Pro coaches when their team get hammered (Ricard in Barca last year). My expectation from Daie is to look at those guys and emulate them rather than typical vatani coach.

                              Again if he isn't able to conduct himself under the pressure (during the game or limelight of TV cameras), Daie will do a dis service to himself (from purely personal point of view to himself), forget about its implication of that on the TM.
                              Very valid points, But Ali you mentioned when you were a coach and post event review of you actions , made you cringe ( perhaps sometimes being even more self critical than ought to be) , I tend to think that Daei is the same. After all , we all suffer from this syndrome.

                              Personally , I experienced this during the time I was a trainer , be it in the flight Simulator or the real aircraft. After the event , sometime I was angry with myself because the training session that I conducted or words that I uttered could have been done better.

                              Daei is a hot tempered guy and has short fuse so to speak. Even during his days as a player , he displayed low tolernace for bad performances by his teammates and little tolerance for people in the media , who in his mind were looking for Hashiye and igniting difference by aiming at side issues.

                              I was with him once when an Arabic reporter asked him such a silly irritationg question, that I thought Daei will surely punch him. But since we were in a cool relaxed hotel lobby , Daei just smiled and excused himslef from answering further questions, without any sign of hostility towrds the reporter.

                              So, there is two side to the man......
                              Last edited by maij; 08-28-2008, 04:04 AM.



                                I see there are some who actually think zareh and sadeghi have been doing well and dont deserve to be picked on. well, that is just a matter of opinion.

                                but what strengthens my argument is that the majority of ppl are saying that too. therefore it cant be that I have an agenda and unfairly targeting 2 good performers.
                                yes, it is anyone prerogative to deny that or claim the contrary. much as I can claim Maldives is stronger than brazil. but when you find a large majority of ppl saying brazil is stronger, then it makes it hard to sell that idea to ppl.

                                secondly, I'm afraid yashar is just sidestepping the issue here. what shd it matter if sadeghi performs like ronaldinho at saipa ( which he certainly doesnt ) if at TM he is proving to be the weakest ( or among the weakest 2 ) player GAME AFTER GAME AFTER GAME ?

                                remember enayati who used to rip into oppositions at IPL? what did he do at TM? so we do know what shd matter is TM performance and sadeghi has been given plenty of opportunities ( some say, way too much to be warranted ) and in almost 95% of those games, he has been ineffectual or the weak link.
                                and you want me or anyone else NOT to pick on the issue after every weak performance? what shd one talk about then? how X's new hairstyle fits him? how Y's socks were pulled up?

                                Much like other times when some say "in training X must have done better than Y, hence we see X in the game". ok. X may play like messi for all I care. But if he plays weak in the game, then the coach must take note. if he does it again in the next game, the coach shd be worried and has to pay extra attention to the matter. if he plays the same in the next games, then the coach shd bench the fellow.
                                coz buddy, somewhere between training ground and the football pitch, the guy is losing it and nobody gives points to what the team does in training ground. at least not in this reality.

                                yes. sadeghi and zareh have been the topic , SIMPLY BECOZ THEY HAVE BEEN UNDER-PERFORMING CONSISTENTLY . yes, in a game here or a game there we do see hosseini, aghili, hajsafi, ... play below par. but ( now pay attention ) THAT IS NOT CONSISTENT. so it'd be unfair to pick on one or two games and say the player is weak. but when it is CONSISTENT , then we have diff ball game here.
                                for club level football, I couldnt care less what they do. but when a player is picked for my national team, he better be the best we have and he better perform like there's no better. these 2 dont. you can deny it. cool with me. but at the same breath, you cant deny my objections of how such inferior players play and start game after game in my national team.

                                unless you expect the peculiar scenario of these two CONTINUING their abysmal performances and us coming and praising them every other game, to make it more pleasant for you to read.
                                you cant expect that.
                                you put your hand in the trap, it will clamps down on it EVERY TIME.
                                you cant say I'd like to put my hand there and the clamp shd NOT come down!
                                bad performance will beget bad review. each and every time.

                                now, it becomes ridiculous and absurd if there are SERIES of such bad or sub-par performances and nobody does anything about it.

