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What does it realy take, to succeed , in Sports ?

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    What does it realy take, to succeed , in Sports ?

    The Olympics just started....but it seems like same old bunch of rich countries are going to take all the spot lights !!

    Just noticed, in Filed Hocky, Pakistan and India , are not among the invited countries as they were not qualified .....

    In Wrestleing, either , the papers say, Russia, has won the last 6 world championships, and Iran other than occational silver-here, or a gold there, in small tourenements, way behind......and Russia, USA,Cuba, even previouse soviet states are all ahead of Iran.......

    It seems, the huge, investements , and work Islamic Republic , as spent in Sport industry has not paid off, as our players in variouse sports keep getting eliminated, or were not even qualified......

    In Football.....we have worked, real, real hard !!!, but, it seems, not only we have not achived any higher goals, but we have actualy lost ground to some new comers !!in Asia.................

    .................................................. ..........
    1- What pakistani eliminations in field Hocky,and our wrestling eliminations , tell that,.....Higher techniques,and better coaching is not the answer, nither our wresteing nor pakistani's hocky need better techniques....

    2-Money seems to not be the all the answer, Islamic republic has quadropoled its sport budgets,in recent years....though we did get some good results, but not in a consistant and relaible manner.....

    3-there were many , Not so rich, Countries ( such as : Cuba,coretia, Serbia,etc...) who had good results, which may indicate, programmings, may give as much a good results as , money , would !
    .................................................. .............

    What , does it , realy take, to get out of Medicrocy, and join the Big Clubs ?

    Organization, talent, good coaching Good sport management, decent life standared within the country, no double digit inflation in economy, economic security, investment (not throwing away 115 dollar oil per barrel like IRI does in IPL).....

    And the most ultimate one, getting rid of these pashme sheyshe's is I am afraid the first step in acheiveing all of the above.
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)




        Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
        And the most ultimate one, getting rid of these pashme sheyshe's is I am afraid the first step in acheiveing all of the above.
        Indeed, it is the single most important step, for any positivity !!

        But, I wonder...why, countries like Croatia, or Serbia, and Cuba....even after the Commonism is gone are doing so well !!
        Thier governements, are not any good !
        They are not neccessarly rich !
        .............................................I can conclud,.....that Long term planning , may be very important, (after getting rid of the Mullahs, ofcourse ) !!


          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
          Indeed, it is the single most important step, for any positivity !!
          But, I wonder...why, countries like Croatia, or Serbia, and Cuba....even after the Commonism is gone are doing so well !!
          Thier governements, are not any good !
          They are not neccessarly rich !
          .............................................I can conclud,.....that Long term planning , may be very important, (after getting rid of the Mullahs, ofcourse ) !!
          Several factors. First of all it is the "morghe hamsayeh Gazeh",
          "Geopolitical tough luck of where we are located",
          They didn't go through whole bunch of bastards in turn came and destroyed the country, in order of historical order, Alexander, Arabs, Turkish tribes from Saljooks all the way to Ghaznavis, then Gingiz and Taymoor, then the whole Shaia Sunnies by Safavids, Mogols, and then French, British and Russian Czars and our own bastard dictators "
          "lack of genuine democratic traditions in Asian lands in part due to a need to a strong central government to run the irrigation system"

          I can go on and on but probably bore the other F+ members, if you want we can continue in PM. Above list isn't complete or necessarily exhaustive.
          "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
          Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

          Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
          Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


            Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
            Several factors. First of all it is the "morghe hamsayeh Gazeh",
            "Geopolitical tough luck of where we are located",
            They didn't go through whole bunch of bastards in turn came and destroyed the country, in order of historical order, Alexander, Arabs, Turkish tribes from Saljooks all the way to Ghaznavis, then Gingiz and Taymoor, then the whole Shaia Sunnies by Safavids, Mogols, and then French, British and Russian Czars and our own bastard dictators "
            "lack of genuine democratic traditions in Asian lands in part due to a need to a strong central government to run the irrigation system"
            I can go on and on but probably bore the other F+ members, if you want we can continue in PM. Above list isn't complete or necessarily exhaustive.
            There is no reason, to go I ,F +, is a place for these kinds of issues.
            During the Olympics openning ceremony...when the different countries where walking under thier flags...I was noticeing the , ratio of any countries' papulations to number of players they had sent to the Olympics.....
            here is what stood out to my eyes :

            1- India, was the worst country...with 1.3 billion..they had 18 invitees !

            2-All these famouse countries in Europe, are so "little ", as they have so few papulations....." Hungry = 4 million " Finland = 2 millions, etc.....
            90% european countries had less than 16 million papulation..and just two or three with 40 million.......and the majority between 3 to 6 million.

            3-East European were most successful compaire to thier papultions.

            4-South American, also were represented they had high ratio of participation.

            5-Australia, had also an unusual high ratio.

            6-Australia,USA,Britain,Germany,Russia,China, japan,South Korea,france,Italy.had the most.

            7-Among Arab, countries..Eygpt had high ratio.....

            8- Iran...had low ratio.....similar to Thailand ( about 70 million/ to about 55 entrees ).


              Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
              There is no reason, to go I ,F +, is a place for these kinds of issues.
              During the Olympics openning ceremony...when the different countries where walking under thier flags...I was noticeing the , ratio of any countries' papulations to number of players they had sent to the Olympics.....
              here is what stood out to my eyes :
              1- India, was the worst country...with 1.3 billion..they had 18 invitees !
              2-All these famouse countries in Europe, are so "little ", as they have so few papulations....." Hungry = 4 million " Finland = 2 millions, etc.....
              90% european countries had less than 16 million papulation..and just two or three with 40 million.......and the majority between 3 to 6 million.
              3-East European were most successful compaire to thier papultions.
              4-South American, also were represented they had high ratio of participation.
              5-Australia, had also an unusual high ratio.
              6-Australia,USA,Britain,Germany,Russia,China, japan,South Korea,france,Italy.had the most.
              7-Among Arab, countries..Eygpt had high ratio.....
              8- Iran...had low ratio.....similar to Thailand ( about 70 million/ to about 55 entrees ).
              19th and 20th century was the European centuries. 21st can potentially be the Asia time. As China and India the sleepy giants are waking up. What you observed reflect the past 200-300 years of progress in Europe and to some degree in South America, whereas Asia was sleep for the most part. Even in Asia, it seems East Asia is going full throttle whereas West Asia is and middle East in particular staying behind in large part the unfortunate conswquece of having oil and Isreal-Palestine issue (which is a result of Oil in part).
              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                19th and 20th century was the European centuries. 21st can potentially be the Asia time. As China and India the sleepy giants are waking up. What you observed reflect the past 200-300 years of progress in Europe and to some degree in South America, whereas Asia was sleep for the most part. Even in Asia, it seems East Asia is going full throttle whereas West Asia is and middle East in particular staying behind in large part the unfortunate conswquece of having oil and Isreal-Palestine issue (which is a result of Oil in part).
                There are many reasons, why " South Africa ",has many participants in Olympics, and why " India " does not !
                I chose these two countries, because, they were both ex-colonies of Britain !
                but, one thing that has worked against " India" is , its rich culture !
                In Iran, we have had two major issues,that has not allowed us to prosper as we should have !
                Islam,and Persia .
                Both ,our non-compromising religon, and, proud kingdomship !...has made us not to want to copy anybody, .........what made Europe and most advanced countries to prosper..has been to copy !


                  Total Embarresment for Iranian Sports !
                  All our Athelets have been loseing !!.................
                  We have not had olympic medal in farangi ,greco roman, in 36 years...we, the supposedly wrestling power !..
                  as of other sports, after so much investements from IR...we have been a BUST !in this olympics !
                  Please view the most up-dated result of Iranian participant in the 2008 olympic. Please notice the #5 up-date.!LOL.

                  نتايج بدست آمده ايران
                  در ادامه بازی های المپيک
                  -1 کاوه محرابی، در رشته بدمينتون در اولين مسابقه خود شکست خورد و از دور رقابت ها حذف شد.
                  -2 هما حسينی، پاروزن 19 ساله ايرانی و يکی از سه ورزشکار زن ايرانی حاضر در المپيک، در گروه خود جا ماند و حذف
                  شد. او در گروه پنجم مقدماتی روئينگ (پاروزنی) تک نفره در مسافت 200 متر در رقابت با گابريل باسکلی (يازدهم جهان از
                  ايتاليا)، پيپا سوج (استراليا) و کاميلا وارگاس (استراليا) توان برابری نداشت و از ابتدای مسابقه از رقيبان خود عقب افتاد. او
                  بطور متوسط در هر 500 متر 20 ثانيه از رقبای خود عقب افتاد. (شايد اگر لباس معمول اين ورزش را به تن داشت توفيقی
                  پيدا می کرد)
                  -3 جميله آبتين، يکی از سه ورزشکار زن ايران در المپيک که در رشته تير و کمان شرکت دارد، در مرحله مقدماتی شصتم شد.
                  -4 مسعود حاجی آخوندزاده، در رشته جودو در مسابقات گروه بازنده ها در وزن زير 60 کيلو اوت شد!
                  -5 محمد عليرضايی دردور اول شنای 100 متر قورباغه مردان در دست هخود شرکت نکرد، زيرا يک شناگر اسرائيلی هم در
                  همان استخر، همان موقع، البته در يک باند ديگر می خواست قورباغه شنا کند.
                  همزمان با ادامه مسابقات المپيک در پکن و نتايجی که ورزشکاران ايرانی، بويژه چند زن ايرانی که در معدود رشته هائی مثل
                  تير و کمان و قايق رانی با حجاب شرکت کرده و نتايج بالا را بدست آوردند، در شهر کرج هم يک تصميم انقلابی گرفته شد. در
                  ادامه طرح ارتقاء امنيت اجتماعی سازمان پارک های کرج دوچرخه سواری زنان در يکی از پارک های اين شهر را ممنوع
                  اعلام کرد. بموجب اين تصميم، از اين پس زنان حق ندارند در پارک خانواده واقع در منطقه جهانشهر کرج دوچرخه سواری



                    Bahram Jaan;

                    The comment (maybe if she had proper uniform in your post) is added by you or was in the original post that you got from Iranian papers? That was really funny.
                    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                      well, in our defense, ***hti farangi has been european style and we have never really been a powerhouse in ***hti farangi.

                      we have always been a major contender in ***hti azad however..
                      Originally posted by siavasharian

                      بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
                      بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                        Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
                        well, in our defense, ***hti farangi has been european style and we have never really been a powerhouse in ***hti farangi.
                        we have always been a major contender in ***hti azad however..
                        you are right, but I think we won one medal in Greco Roman in Athen, as far as I remember. But that could have been an exception.
                        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                          well, there is nice thread in General Sports Forum that IMO answer the question of this thread:

                          CHECK OUT OUR FORUM RULES HERE:

                          Don't Select Players That Suit Your Tactics; Select A Tactic That Suits Your Players !!!


                            OK..............It is official !
                            During the 2008 baijing Olympics,The Iranian Olympic delegation...with 55 atheliets...and 150 supporting cast !..was able to win a grand total of " ONE " bronze medal !
                            There are so many questions that may come about in near future ,on reasons for such failier.....but, ones that stands up the most....and related to us in this forum:

                            1-Although,tarbiat badani had spent the most money in Iranian history,for our sports,in recent years....the result was the worst in last 60 years......does that mean, what ever the reasons for failier may be ,..could they be inter-connected to our poletical system, and hence we will have no real hope,till major changes happen ?

                            2- Should we ,as football fans,also not expect any improvements within this system ?

                            Total Medals By Nation
                            NATION TOTAL MEDALS GOLD SILVER BRONZE
                            United States 95 29 34 32
                            China 83 46 15 22
                            Russia 51 16 16 19
                            Great Britain 40 17 12 11
                            Australia 38 11 13 14
                            Germany 31 11 8 12
                            France 30 4 12 14
                            South Korea 26 10 10 6
                            Japan 24 9 6 9
                            Italy 21 6 7 8
                            Ukraine 19 5 5 9
                            Netherlands 15 6 5 4
                            Canada 15 3 7 5
                            Cuba 14 2 6 6
                            Belarus 13 2 3 8
                            Spain 11 4 5 2
                            Kazakhstan 10 1 4 5
                            Jamaica 9 5 3 1
                            New Zealand 9 3 1 5
                            Romania 8 4 1 3
                            Poland 8 3 4 1
                            Kenya 8 2 4 2
                            Brazil 8 1 2 5
                            Czech Republic 6 3 3 0
                            Georgia 6 3 0 3
                            Denmark 6 2 1 3
                            North Korea 6 2 1 3
                            Norway 6 1 3 2
                            Turkey 6 1 3 2
                            Azerbaijan 6 1 2 3
                            Uzbekistan 6 1 2 3
                            Slovakia 5 3 1 1
                            Switzerland 5 2 0 3
                            Slovenia 5 1 2 2
                            Bulgaria 5 1 1 3
                            Indonesia 5 1 1 3
                            Hungary 5 0 4 1
                            Sweden 5 0 4 1
                            Lithuania 5 0 2 3
                            Armenia 5 0 0 5
                            Zimbabwe 4 1 3 0
                            Chinese Taipei 4 0 0 4
                            Ethiopia 3 2 1 0
                            Finland 3 1 1 1
                            Argentina 3 1 0 2
                            Austria 3 0 1 2
                            Croatia 3 0 1 2
                            Greece 3 0 1 2
                            Estonia 2 1 1 0
                            Mongolia 2 1 1 0
                            Portugal 2 1 1 0
                            Thailand 2 1 1 0
                            India 2 1 0 1
                            Mexico 2 1 0 1
                            Algeria 2 0 1 1
                            Colombia 2 0 1 1
                            Kyrgyzstan 2 0 1 1
                            Serbia 2 0 1 1
                            Tajikistan 2 0 1 1
                            Bahrain 1 1 0 0
                            Cameroon 1 1 0 0
                            Panama 1 1 0 0
                            Tunisia 1 1 0 0
                            Chile 1 0 1 0
                            Dominican Republic 1 0 1 0
                            Ecuador 1 0 1 0
                            Malaysia 1 0 1 0
                            Singapore 1 0 1 0
                            South Africa 1 0 1 0
                            Trinidad and Tobago 1 0 1 0
                            Viet Nam 1 0 1 0
                            Afghanistan 1 0 0 1
                            Bahamas 1 0 0 1
                            Egypt 1 0 0 1
                            Iran 1 0 0 1
                            Israel 1 0 0 1
                            Latvia 1 0 0 1
                            Morocco 1 0 0 1
                            Togo 1 0 0 1
                            Venezuela 1 0 0 1

