according to the TM staff, this is a preview of the ksa game and the roster will be selected from the present players.
in one word, khoda be dademoon bereseh.
I dont know if we shd acknowledge the opponents pitiful 138 ranking or not. in a friendly, ranking doesnt matter. but when I see how a 138th ranked team, comes to AZADI and pushes us around and in some periods, plays far better than us, I start to worry.
granted we were missing some high profile players and legionnaires like shojaei, nekunam, kia, karimi, ando, ... .
but wait a sec .... we know kia and karimi arent going to be there anyway. and shojaei has just been inducted as a euro legionnaire. so all we are left with is neku and ando.
given ando's level of performances, I dont really see much of a difference between him and kiyanous Rahmati, who has been doing very well.
also given the fact that this team has been playing under daei for months now, makes one saying this IS NOT our TM a bit more difficult.
now, I think we have given the staff enough time and games to start expecting TEAMWORK and STRATEGIES from the team.
did we have teamwork ?
to what level?
it sure as hell wasnt a fluid team, even if they've been playing together for quite a series of games.
did we see much of a strategy and tactics ?
apart from long lobs from defense which has been the persistant tactics at TM, I struggled to see much planning in attacks.
when are we going to be "mofakhar" and actually witness the needed teamwork and tactical display that an international team shd show?
3- just as predicted, playing shiri and alnemeh in WAFF was mere "eye wash" and a rouse to keep the fans and media off their backs for their consistently wrong choices in selection and line ups.
yes, sattar zareh was dropped for the meaningless waff games and both shiri and alnemeh were given some games. ..... which to my pleasant surprise, they did FAR BETTER than our sattar zero. But as we get close to the crucial WCQ games, we see the old faces back into the fold !!!!
did dropping zareh have its required effect on fans and media?
maybe some bought it. some didnt.
did dropping zareh have its required effect on zareh and his efficiency ?
here's his stats for this game:
1- TURN-OVERS - 12
2- getting dribbled, out-run and missing in position - 15
TOTAL - 27
1- Correct forward passes - 10-11
It took Beti Vogts only 12-13 minutes to find out which zone is the weakest and concentrated his attacks on that zone. that's why we saw the majority of their attacks down zareh's side and majority of corners taken from our left side is another proof for this.
now, this is not only this game.
the guy has been playing this bad, especially with high number of turn overs IN EACH AND EVERY GAME he's played.
( yet, some ppl in denial or in their zeal to toe the official line here, keep turning a blind eye to such horrible stats and deny the truth. well, I wish them luck. I just hope such character doesnt rear its head in their normal lives as well )
while we are delving on failures , lets not forget the ever-present Sadeghi.
I wish I had counted HIS turn-overs too ... coz boy, there were quite a few of them too !
what about his constant fouling ?
as the right mid would his numerous turn-overs and fouls be good or even average stats ?
this is why I asked some of you why you accept such a terrible choice for such a crucial post when we clearly have far better than him ( even in IPL, there are countless players who can do as much as sadeghi and quite a few who do better .... and yet, arent called ! )
WHAT exactly keeps sadeghi and zareh in daei's starting line ups ( I'm asking all you "defenders of the policy" here ) ??
it certainly cant be their technical performances.
what is it? plz enlighten us so we also will know the reason why a couple of CONSISTENTLY ( key word here ) inferior players always get the call and worse, start games ?
all you, who defend , must know something the rest of us dont.
plz enlighten us.
share the secret.
I also dont understand this obssession with saipa.
( while you ppl are enlightening us about sadeghi's and zareh's cases, plz do so about this unhealthy obssession with saipa players as well )
when a saipa player is subbed out, more often than not, another saipa player (or recent saipa favorite - gholamnejad ) takes his place !!!
someone ought to make a huge banner and keep it in front of the bench so daei can see :
"agha, ghorbaan, we got it now. you made truck-load of magnificent and fantastic and extraordinary players at saipa when you were there. we got the point. we give credit also. so, from now on, lets make TM priority. ok ? "
Are we to understand in all of Iran and outside it, there are NO right midfield players that our dear coach is FORCED to play a defensive mid ( sadeghi ) there ? and if this fellow is to be subbed, a right DEFENDER is to take that post ?
really ?
in all of IPL and lower league and uae and europe we dont have a RIGHT MIDFIELDER ?
is that even possible?
then why the f**k MAHDAVIKIA is dropped ?
oh wait. becoz he is a sub?
( isnt ando ? isnt ahmadi ? .... aaahhh forget it . no use
I'm even more intrigued and amused by the choice of subs as well.
we saw Jabbari, who had some great passing and forways and assists get subbed with Nouri ... while sadeghi was kept in to continue his .... whatever you want to call his turn-overs and fouls and mistakes ?????
where is the sense in that ?
jabbari played worse than sadeghi ?
really ?
in which dimension ?
on a positive note:
I think Kyanoush Rahmati deserves to stay at TM.
the guy is proving to be a very good investment ( surprisingly from saipa ... although he was this good at Paas also ).
I'd even say if ando isnt in top form and if we are DOOMED to use two defnsive minded mids, I'd rather see the nekunam-rahmati duo than ando-neku one.
I'm also encouraged by the return of Madanchi.
he was active and fighting.
he seems to have built good upper body physique as well which is helpful in sprints and tussles.
some very nice crosses came off him and that's promising ( UNLIKE the right side where we have pathetic crossing - nonexistant in long periods - due to the horrible choice for the right mid
. a zone that with kia was our STRONGEST point !!! thank you very much TM staff
in one word, khoda be dademoon bereseh.
I dont know if we shd acknowledge the opponents pitiful 138 ranking or not. in a friendly, ranking doesnt matter. but when I see how a 138th ranked team, comes to AZADI and pushes us around and in some periods, plays far better than us, I start to worry.
granted we were missing some high profile players and legionnaires like shojaei, nekunam, kia, karimi, ando, ... .
but wait a sec .... we know kia and karimi arent going to be there anyway. and shojaei has just been inducted as a euro legionnaire. so all we are left with is neku and ando.
given ando's level of performances, I dont really see much of a difference between him and kiyanous Rahmati, who has been doing very well.
also given the fact that this team has been playing under daei for months now, makes one saying this IS NOT our TM a bit more difficult.
now, I think we have given the staff enough time and games to start expecting TEAMWORK and STRATEGIES from the team.
did we have teamwork ?
to what level?
it sure as hell wasnt a fluid team, even if they've been playing together for quite a series of games.
did we see much of a strategy and tactics ?
apart from long lobs from defense which has been the persistant tactics at TM, I struggled to see much planning in attacks.
when are we going to be "mofakhar" and actually witness the needed teamwork and tactical display that an international team shd show?
3- just as predicted, playing shiri and alnemeh in WAFF was mere "eye wash" and a rouse to keep the fans and media off their backs for their consistently wrong choices in selection and line ups.
yes, sattar zareh was dropped for the meaningless waff games and both shiri and alnemeh were given some games. ..... which to my pleasant surprise, they did FAR BETTER than our sattar zero. But as we get close to the crucial WCQ games, we see the old faces back into the fold !!!!
did dropping zareh have its required effect on fans and media?
maybe some bought it. some didnt.
did dropping zareh have its required effect on zareh and his efficiency ?
here's his stats for this game:
1- TURN-OVERS - 12
2- getting dribbled, out-run and missing in position - 15
TOTAL - 27
1- Correct forward passes - 10-11
It took Beti Vogts only 12-13 minutes to find out which zone is the weakest and concentrated his attacks on that zone. that's why we saw the majority of their attacks down zareh's side and majority of corners taken from our left side is another proof for this.
now, this is not only this game.
the guy has been playing this bad, especially with high number of turn overs IN EACH AND EVERY GAME he's played.
( yet, some ppl in denial or in their zeal to toe the official line here, keep turning a blind eye to such horrible stats and deny the truth. well, I wish them luck. I just hope such character doesnt rear its head in their normal lives as well )
while we are delving on failures , lets not forget the ever-present Sadeghi.
I wish I had counted HIS turn-overs too ... coz boy, there were quite a few of them too !
what about his constant fouling ?
as the right mid would his numerous turn-overs and fouls be good or even average stats ?
this is why I asked some of you why you accept such a terrible choice for such a crucial post when we clearly have far better than him ( even in IPL, there are countless players who can do as much as sadeghi and quite a few who do better .... and yet, arent called ! )
WHAT exactly keeps sadeghi and zareh in daei's starting line ups ( I'm asking all you "defenders of the policy" here ) ??
it certainly cant be their technical performances.
what is it? plz enlighten us so we also will know the reason why a couple of CONSISTENTLY ( key word here ) inferior players always get the call and worse, start games ?
all you, who defend , must know something the rest of us dont.
plz enlighten us.
share the secret.
I also dont understand this obssession with saipa.
( while you ppl are enlightening us about sadeghi's and zareh's cases, plz do so about this unhealthy obssession with saipa players as well )
when a saipa player is subbed out, more often than not, another saipa player (or recent saipa favorite - gholamnejad ) takes his place !!!
someone ought to make a huge banner and keep it in front of the bench so daei can see :
"agha, ghorbaan, we got it now. you made truck-load of magnificent and fantastic and extraordinary players at saipa when you were there. we got the point. we give credit also. so, from now on, lets make TM priority. ok ? "
Are we to understand in all of Iran and outside it, there are NO right midfield players that our dear coach is FORCED to play a defensive mid ( sadeghi ) there ? and if this fellow is to be subbed, a right DEFENDER is to take that post ?
really ?
in all of IPL and lower league and uae and europe we dont have a RIGHT MIDFIELDER ?
is that even possible?
then why the f**k MAHDAVIKIA is dropped ?
oh wait. becoz he is a sub?
( isnt ando ? isnt ahmadi ? .... aaahhh forget it . no use
I'm even more intrigued and amused by the choice of subs as well.
we saw Jabbari, who had some great passing and forways and assists get subbed with Nouri ... while sadeghi was kept in to continue his .... whatever you want to call his turn-overs and fouls and mistakes ?????
where is the sense in that ?
jabbari played worse than sadeghi ?
really ?
in which dimension ?
on a positive note:
I think Kyanoush Rahmati deserves to stay at TM.
the guy is proving to be a very good investment ( surprisingly from saipa ... although he was this good at Paas also ).
I'd even say if ando isnt in top form and if we are DOOMED to use two defnsive minded mids, I'd rather see the nekunam-rahmati duo than ando-neku one.
I'm also encouraged by the return of Madanchi.
he was active and fighting.
he seems to have built good upper body physique as well which is helpful in sprints and tussles.
some very nice crosses came off him and that's promising ( UNLIKE the right side where we have pathetic crossing - nonexistant in long periods - due to the horrible choice for the right mid