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Iran - Saudi Post match comments

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    Iran - Saudi Post match comments

    First of all in the football forum there seems to be alot of members who just love to complain and be negative. You would think they are seriously depressed the way they write.

    In my opinion, I actually didn't see any surprises today except that Shojaei was able to handle things alot better than I expected. His speed, dribbling and passing was done well and he opened up the game and created alot of space. Some are criticizing him for the over-dribbling in the box and while its true that he should have shot the ball earlier, he was creating those chances pretty much with his own skill and was moving the ball up forward really well.

    The defensive failure today was not surprising. Aghili and Hosseini are good but they are best in the air. If TM plays a team that relies on crosses and play in the air, Aghili and Hosseini will shine. Gholamnejad was ok but he is very weak physically and he was too inexperienced for that post. Kia would have been much better in that position or even Nosrati, but I doubt either will start the next match as Kaabi will be back.
    Zare was terrible. I like to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, and he seems to be a good person and all but he simply makes too many mistakes. He's very average and when he is bad, he is bad.
    Teymourian's job was to shadow players like Shalhoub and he did a good job. To those of who are surprised about his passing, why are you surpised? Even in WC 2006 Ando's strengths were running and tackling. He was really slow in transition and had terrible passes even then. He's not a playmaker, he's more of a game destroyer like Makalele.
    Nekounam was not that great, but his goal saved us. Even his bad games are ordinary and maybe if the defense hadn't been so shaky he could have helped out more in the offensive process.
    Zandi was not fit. I think at some minute 30 or so in the first half he was crouching over, gasping for air and was short of breath. He needs to find a better club and league quick. His brain is great for our football but unless he is in peak physical condition he can not play well.
    Rezaei was not effective this game. In my opinion Rezaei was similar to most of the other Saudi players. Short, quick trying to pressure the opponent into making a mistake. He is not effective against teams like Saudi who are focused on the ground.
    Hashemian I liked. He was running and creating some chances out of nothing. He was not fed well at all and at certain points he was coming into TM's last third to help the D and to start a play. He will get better as the games go on and he will be very useful against East Asian teams. I don't know why more crosses were not sent in to the box? The Saudis had problems every time TM did that and players like Hashemian, Shojaei and Nekounam are dominant in the air.

    Shojaei as I said was great and is IMHO a good replacement for Karimi. I shouldn't forget Rahmati who was top notch and (knock on wood) is turning out to be a good number 1.

    As for the subs, Madanchi he didn't do much. Jabbari was impressive in the few minutes he was on. He was very much like Shojaei creating lots of space and making passes that cut into the Saudi defense.
    Khatibi is horrible and every minute he plays confirms my belief that his super agent and friends in high up places are forcing Daei and any coach to play this punk. Get him out of TM and let him stay in UAE.

    Overall, the first half was absolutely terrible. Nothing positive to note there. 2nd half TM started attacking much better and lasted physically way better than I would have expected. Kudos to the players and staff for having enough mental strength to keep fighting back and score a goal in minute 83. Too many times we had seen the same thing happen to TM as Saudis would often score last minute goals to beat or tie Iran.

    For the next games (when are they by the way) I would like to see Kia in there. He needs to be given his chances again, not as a right back but as a right midfielder.
    Karimi if he gets back in should be invited as well, but Shojaei was impressive and I think many will start criticizing Shojaei as Karimi presumably gets in better shape as time passes on in Persepolis.

    Finally, a good point for TM and lets hope the performances improve and that TM wins the remaining games and allow us to watch them in WC 2010.

    Sorry for the long post.

    PART 1 -

    1- I am happy with the point and I think we can give credit to the team and bench for the point, for not giving up and fighting till the end of the game.

    So for fighting spirit, they get good marks. Most probably a direct influence of Daei and his natural characteristic.

    2- But that does not mean the players played WELL. In fact I think apart from Rahmati, Gholamnejad , and Nekunam, the rest played a poor game.
    More on the players later. First, the TEAM and TEAM TACTICS:

    3- I didn’t see much teamwork or strategy in the team. Now, I don’t know exactly WHEN it is ok to demand such things, but I know we need to show them in this stage or else …. !
    Daei has to work more with the lads on team moves and different strategies.

    4- thank god the ref didn’t call gholamnejad’s foul early in the game. I shudder to think some refs DO call these fouls. Anyway, gheser darr rafteem.

    5- As promised, I did have an eye on the right midfield. And I think it is safe to say it failed to deliver. First half, daei put one of the expected fellows, ando, there hoping he would do the needful. Not to say “I told you so” , but I think we all knew before-hand ando was NOT going to be able to deliver anything. Apart from his aweful passing , he could hardly cross the ball. And lets not talk about sprints down that side !

    then, rezaei appeared once in a while down there, but even he could not cross well and lost quite a few duels down the line.

    Next, shojaei was brought to the right and apart from ONE cross, and a couple of dribbles ( that hardly led to anywhere ) he didn’t fare well. Not as well as when he played a central role ! BIG f**king surprise there !

    So effectively, with such aweful selection , ali daei annihilated our right midfield and wing !!! job well done !!
    Not that the left was stellar. But at least with madanchi coming in, it was revitalized.

    Now, can we ask why KIA or KAZEMIAN were not invited ?
    No one can say this is “hind-sight 20-20”, coz this was predicted well before the game. Well, lo and behold. It all came true. Our strongest zone for years, was reduced to almost a ZERO ! why? Why shd we not use players who are specialists for the post?
    Why shd we try tom, dick or harry when none of them are suited for the role … all the while, keeping two of the best players for the post, outside the team?

    I know we did a good job of getting a point off the game. But that shd NOT cover the many faults and mistakes and deficiencies of the team. Otherwise it’ll be the same old story. Much like how some ppl bloated matters with useless scores against piss poor teams of waff and … .


      PART 2 -
      Now, to the players

      Strikers and midfield:

      I cant blame VH for much simply becoz he was left alone up front with hardly any serious support from rezaei or zandi … forget about shojaei or ando! And one man among 2-3 defenders will never be able to do much.

      The poorest player was Teymoorian who couldn’t pass right, neither cross or … when he was placed in right or a more central role, switching with shojaei. At this point, I think K. RAHMATI would do far better job than ando, if we want to persist with two def-mids in the team.

      I believe even shojaei didn’t have a good game, although when he played a more central attacking role, he did have a few dangerous moments. But his insistence on dribbling and his refusal to partake in defense reduces his marks drastically.

      Jabbari entered too late and had only 12-15 minutes to do his thing. But in his few minutes, he delivered two great corners , one of which led to the goal. And his passing was 10 times more effective and in line with the team’s momentum than shojaei’s. I think had we started with Jabbari, we would have seen a different TM.

      Rezaei was a disappointment, as he never was able to repeat his performances of the past 2-3 months. But then again, we never faced any strong team in the caliber of ksa in the past 2-3 months for us to find the TRUE capabilities of our team & players.

      Zandi was another disappointment. He neither gave any width to the team, nor did he have any incisive moves penetrating the defense. His inefficiency was contrasted with Madanchi’s entrance which vitalized the left side and we saw some pace and fighting on the wing there.

      With Madanchi, we saw more crosses and dangerous passing from the left wing which goes to PROVE ( to all those in denial ) that ANY team needs WIDTH to be effective and create some chances for itself.

      Khatibi was given yet another chance ( don’t ask me why. Coz I cant seem to find any reason, especially when we have others who could have been invited like kazemian ) and true to form he didn’t deliver.

      All in all, daei made 2 ( out of 3 ) good substitutions, albeit a bit late. Jabbari and Madanchi brought life into the team when their fixed comrades failed.
      Good job daei. But lets make it better by picking the STARTING line up a bit better.

      Defense and Keeper:

      Rahmati saved our skin, once again. He was the difference between a 3 goal margin today. Without any doubt our best player today.

      Aghili and Hosseini had too much space between themselves and that allowed a lot of attacks. They better shape up.
      We didn’t see their vulnerabilities simply becoz ( again ) we did NOT face any strong teams in the run up. So all those who want to look at score-boards and nothing else, better WAKE UP and smell the countless through-balls that exposed our defense and the whole team in fact.
      ( It isnt a bad idea to try new central def's if they have pace. How is Sepehr Heidari's pace? or Omranzadeh ? if they are quick enough, I'd like to see them tried in a couple of test games for either of aghili or hosseini )

      Gholamnejad played well in my opinion. He is no kaabi, mind you. He has some years to get equal to what kaabi is capable of. But given his age and being a recent addition to TM, he played well and showed potential.

      Aaaaand finally to our favorite post, LB:
      Zareh, …. Oh zareh ! what can I say?
      Actually he surprised me in the first 15-20 minutes of the game. He intercepted, passed, blocked, … very well. So much that I had to check if it is zareh or someone else. A pleasant surprise I said to myself.

      But as the saying goes “nothing good is meant to last” or “it was too good to be true”. After the minute 20, the same old zareh was back !! and with him, numerous turn-overs, missing in action, wrong positioning, …. !
      His stats read :
      1- negatives – turn overs, missing in post, being dribbled, … = 21
      2- positives – correct block, correct forward pass and cross = 10


      The bench :
      I believe the bench could have been stronger. And this lack of depth in the bench is a direct consequence of daei bringing in his personal issues to the TM.

      ================================================== =====================

      This 1 point is a precious one.
      I think if we get 4 more points from our next 2 games, we will have done quite well and the team can be more relaxed and composed for the remainder of the campaign.

      I commend daei for his subbing and his hunger and spirit, which has been infectious. But he still has to get a few things right.
      team tactics, which I hope with Muller's addition, would satisfy a lot of the needs, and player selection , which is a direct connection to Daei. he ought to put aside his personal issues and see that the TEAM is more important.
      our right midfield is in desperate shape and needs MAJOR MAJOR rethinking.

      Plz Mr. daei. do it for the country and all Iranians. not for anything else.

      I also thinl having seen the vast chasm between the piss-poor teams we faced in our preparation and the quality of our opponents, daei and IFF start thinking about SERIOUS test games against WORTHY teams.
      it doesnt matter if we play big teams or tough games. it brings our weaknesses to surface so we dont repeat them when it matters the most.
      plz think big.


        Payman Jaan;

        You many not like what I write, but to be honest one reason, Zare looks so bad is Zandis' lack fo particpation in defense. Shayan20 posted the screen shot of the KSA goal, on the overlap where Zare had to pick one guy, Zandi 3 yards for our 18 yard box walks off and doesn't chase the number 7 of KSA. I can't beleive a professional player in an away home be so indifferent toward defensive duties.

        The man is a left footed player but be khoda ghasam he is a not left mid. He is a fantasy player, who has no interest to get down and dirty (tackle, hassel).

        To me it was a draw between Ando and Zandi. But to be hoenst both of these player are being used out of their own position in the TM and that is why, the underperform so bad. Ando second half comapred to first half was a bit better, because he was in the center.

        Good subs by mr. Daie, excpet he should have pulled Ando faster and keep Rezai IMO for what it worth.

        For the life of me, I don't undrestand why our team has to fall behind to start to play. Maybe our team should start the game 1-0 before the starting whistle.

        This KSA team probably won't go far agaisnt N. Korea or south Korea. They aren't that fit and have a really poor coach. They for 50 minutes pressured the ball carrier and press us hard and I guess after that, they just died down (it is either their lack of fitness or bad mental attitude or poor coaching by Jowhar or all of the above).

        Jowhars' sub to pull Alshoob and bringing number 6 (a defensiev move) and then subbing 11 with Yasar Ghahtani didn't make any sense. If it is a defenisve subs, one expect pulling 7 or 11 out and addition of a defensive player. Alshaloob was their play maker when he was out, KSA team died.

        Our defense did a really poor job. Huge spaces between lb and rb and centeral defenders. Defense did'nt push forward on attack, so there was a huge gap between the mids and forwards.

        We are really lucky ref didn't call the PK.

        One thing I give the Coachign staff a very good mark is change of tactic and subs in the second half. Note even before subs, Shojai went to the RM and actually pushed forward quite a bit almost same level as Hashemian. Ando came to the middle.

        Not sure we were playing 4-1-3-2 or 4-1-4-1 or 4-4-2 or a combination of.

        Important thing is we got one point and cograts to every player, coaching staff and fans.
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          ali jan, why shd I not like if it is the truth?
          in today's game, and especially the goal, you are correct. zandi screwed up far more than zareh in leaving his mark. ( that's why although the goal came off the left side, I did not blame zareh for it ).
          so I'm fair, buddy.

          but let me ask you this Q :
          has zandi been playing all the TM games in the past 2-3 months as well ?
          so while zareh gets a "free pass" in today's goal, on the whole, he was, once again, a very poor player in the squad and had far more negatives than positives .... as usual.
          He was only saved just becoz ando REALLY SUCKED today and gets the worst player award.

          I wonder exactly how many games shd a player under-perform for the coach to bench him?
          what is the magic number?
          3 ?
          5 ?
          7 ?
          more ? how many ?


            I was not pleased with the performance of our team. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, Iran needs to develop the ability to maintain possession of the ball. This is a fundamental aspect of quality football; perhaps the most basic starting point. It is one which we have failed to master.

            Saudi Arabia, although a decent Asian side, is nothing compared to European heavyweights like Portugal and Spain. When we play strong sides like this(see the WC),a and continue to concede so many turnovers, it is difficult to probe the opposition's defence, to exhibit their weaknesses.

            Although I am reluctant to name individuals(as it is, largely, a problem with our football system) Andranik Teymourian's performance was especially disappointing in this regard. Although he is supremely fit, his inaccurate and haphazard passing are a hindrance. Sitting on the bench for such a lengthy period at the club level is, rather obviously, the major cause of his poor decision-making.

            Daei's performances against Kuwait and Syria, in the last two WCQ impressed me, as he seemed to be developing a system of possession football. Unfortunately, today, TM was unable to achieve this important first step. Daei must go back to the drawing board and pinpoint the reasons for this.
            Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              ali jan, why shd I not like if it is the truth?
              in today's game, and especially the goal, you are correct. zandi screwed up far more than zareh in leaving his mark. ( that's why although the goal came off the left side, I did not blame zareh for it ).
              so I'm fair, buddy.
              but let me ask you this Q :
              has zandi been playing all the TM games in the past 2-3 months as well ?
              so while zareh gets a "free pass" in today's goal, on the whole, he was, once again, a very poor player in the squad and had far more negatives than positives .... as usual.
              He was only saved just becoz ando REALLY SUCKED today and gets the worst player award.
              I wonder exactly how many games shd a player under-perform for the coach to bench him?
              what is the magic number?
              3 ?
              5 ?
              7 ?
              more ? how many ?
              I know Payman Jaan, it was a rhethorical comment on my behalf. Zaree today IMO was one of our better players to be honest. Much better than Gholamnezhad. Do you recall when Gholamnezhad peneterated in the second half and lost the ball next to the corner flag of KSA team. KSA team had a counter, right from our right flank (his position) created a danger on our goal, our defense partially cleared the ball, Nekoo lost the ball again and they attacked agian and Still no sign of him. Zaree runs back and forth badbakht. I know it is comparing between bad and worse and worst maybe. But compared to our other defender (Bengar, Hosseini, Aghili, Gholamnezhad and even Kaabi), zaree is at the same level.

              I wish he used his brain more often. He has the potential. Maybe we really need to give Ale Nemeh a chance. Don't get me wrong, not saying Zare is great but relatively to other defenders he is the same "gol"!!!
              "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
              Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

              Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
              Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                Originally posted by RaginG Inferno View Post
                I was not pleased with the performance of our team. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, Iran needs to develop the ability to maintain possession of the ball. This is a fundamental aspect of quality football; perhaps the most basic starting point. It is one which we have failed to master.
                Saudi Arabia, although a decent Asian side, is nothing compared to European heavyweights like Portugal and Spain. When we play strong sides like this(see the WC),a and continue to concede so many turnovers, it is difficult to probe the opposition's defence, to exhibit their weaknesses.
                Although I am reluctant to name individuals(as it is, largely, a problem with our football system) Andranik Teymourian's performance was especially disappointing in this regard. Although he is supremely fit, his inaccurate and haphazard passing are a hindrance. Sitting on the bench for such a lengthy period at the club level is, rather obviously, the major cause of his poor decision-making.
                Daei's performances against Kuwait and Syria, in the last two WCQ impressed me, as he seemed to be developing a system of possession football. Unfortunately, today, TM was unable to achieve this important first step. Daei must go back to the drawing board and pinpoint the reasons for this.
                Regina Jaan;

                When you plays against weaker teams, everybody plays great and none of the ugly points shows up. Remember what a wake up was when our TM played in the WC 2006.

                What was a heart break, was the fact that our TM can't maintain ball possesion as soon as the opponent start pressing our team. I am so worried how we will do against North and South Korea, those guys run like hell for the 90 minutes not like Saudis for only 50-60 minutes.
                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  Going off topic a bit, I would never rule out Saudi Arabia. Remember in 2001 after Iran beat Saudi 2-0, they fired their head coach and were looking in terrible shape. They bought in Al-Johar who in the end got them into WC 2002. Even whey the play bad they get the results they need. To them its not about playing good or bad, its about winning.
                  And I think they will beat South Korea. Saudi Arabia has consistently had South Korean's number in Asia. For WC 2006 qualification they absolutely walked over South Korea.

                  And Dr. Doom, please go back and watch the game again, Shojaei played great. He was the only one in the attack (until Jabbari came in) who was getting good passes in, holding the ball well,...
                  I know some of us maybe want to see Karimi in that position, but watch the game again and you'll see that maybe you are a bit harsh on Shojaei.

                  Also Ali Chicago, you are right about Zandi. Although I don't believe that he doesn't defend because he doesn't know how to, but rather because he is not in good shape and simply can't keep up with the rest. I would rather have him play in the Persian Gulf Cup than Cyprus.


                    Thank god we have F+ forum for times like this.

                    I have to admit, we ESCAPED with 1 point from Arabia. We were on our way to come home with 0 points and it certainly looked that way, until we scored a purely incidental goal from a corner kick.

                    As i said in the previous thread, as expected, TM played an unorganized and disappointing match. In order to delve deep and find the reasons behind this, I would like to categorize our problems in to two categories:
                    * Problems directly related to Daie and coaching staff
                    * Problems beyond the control of Daie

                    Problems directly related to Daie and coaching staff

                    1- Tactics: When Ali Daie sat the throne of TM, he repeatedly said that he is going to make many changes, he has his own style, he will not give guaranteed spots to big names, etc etc etc etc....
                    But what we saw yesterday, went against all that he claimed. That TM, looked and played like any other TM in the past two years with no changes at all. The team played with the same old players (except for Gholamnejad who only played because Kaebi was out). The tactics was also exactly the same.

                    2-Game Plan
                    What was our game plan? can anyone say? I don't think so. Why? because there were no game plans. Do you remember how we played against Mexico? How we played Japan in 2006 WCQ? in each one, we had a game plan. This time, it was as if our team was playing a friendly with no instructions at all!
                    Our game plan should have been simple. Pressure pressure pressure in the first half. clearing the ball fast from our own half. Organized and tight man to man defense. Sending long balls to one or two quick players upfront for a few counter attacks. basically Daie could have called any top coach and asked:
                    "excuse me, what game plan does your team have when they are playing in a critical match, away from home, with a strong opponent, and are looking for just 1 point?"

                    3- Player selection:
                    Ali Daie was supposedly playing with a 4-5-1 or a 4-4-1-1 system which changed to 4-4-2 in the end. But did he select the right tools for this tactic??? certainly not. Any football fan knows that a 4-4 system relies HEAVILY on wingers and wing backs. these players should have certain attributes: fast, good crossing ability, good stamina, ability to run with ball and continuously overlap the wing and send crosses into the box from the corners.
                    Which Iranian (TM level) players fit that description well these days?
                    -Nikbakht (at least he used to)
                    so as you can see we don't have that many options to start with. Still, Daie refused to use ANY of those players and went with Zandi and Teymorian instead. Teymorian is so awful that he deserves a TM bench spot at most. Zandi is simply not built for the wing position...simple as that.
                    as a result our attacking power, from the wings was ZERO. without strong wings in a 4-4-2 system, you literally lose your ability to plan any attacks.
                    Daie did well to partially solve this problem with his substitutions but that was not enough. For those who say we don't need Mahdavikia on our right, think again.

                    4-Psychological readiness:
                    Daie has played Saudi Arabia numerous times. He has also played in many critical WCQ matches. Still, I was surprised to see our players affected by the atmosphere and psychologically lost. Our players were nervous. they didn't know what they wanted. It was as if they didn't expect such pressure and such atmosphere!! Daie should have addressed this issue. He should have explained to them that Saudi would come in with guns blazing, and our job is just to act like a levee against a hurricane-Coolly hold and deflect the pressure.

                    * Problems beyond the control of Daie
                    1-Lack of friendlies: Lack of preparation is so obvious in this team, that a blind old man can see it from miles away. It is a HELL for an unprepared team to suddenly play Saudi at their own home. Was anyone able to count more than 2 passes by our players in the first half?? the way Nekonam, Teymorian, Aghili, Zare, Zandi and Gholamnejad gave away the ball was pathetic. Individually, our players were also affected by lack of preparation. Their ball control, vision, technique and defending had gone down to a 3rd class Asian team.
                    Saudi on the other hand, had come in prepared. Their players could have found each other with blindfolds on. Their passing was crisp, their technique was superior to us and they eventually got their goal. The only thing was that I felt Saudi was a bit afraid of our name and was very very cautious. And in the second half, they turned off their engines completely letting us a degree of control over the match. They also had some fitness issues. Had the game gone on for another 20 minutes, their players would have collapsed on the pitch

                    2-Surprisingly weak performance by few key players. Namely, Nekonam, Zandi and Hashemian. Nekonam wasn't the general he used to be. His play making was minimal and even in defending, he looked lost! Zandi was not in shape physically. Hashemian tried hard as usual but he was all alone upfront. He missed one 100% chance which proves why he is in a goalscoring drought.
                    I can only name Shojaie and Rahmati as those who did relatively well. Notice that both players rely heavily on individual skill.

                    What now?
                    we got a golden result. Just like in 2006 WCQ , we started with a draw away from home and just like in 2002 WCQ, we ran away with a draw from Saudi.
                    All that remains is for us to win all our home games and take a couple of draws away from home. But this is easier said than done. Ali Daie needs to seriosuly rethink his player selection. I am not saying he HAS TO use Karimi or Kia. NO. he can use whoever he wants. But he has to decide NOW. no point in inviting 50 players but then playing with the same old players when the big day comes.
                    Is he going to use Teymorian just because he plays in Engalnd? is he going to stubbornly select Saipa players in his rooster? How is he planning on making full use of Nekonam and Shojaie in his team? what are his plans for the wings? how about our strikers? Is Khatibi even good enough for IPL level? are strikers like Meydavoodi or Rafkhahi able to play at international level?
                    Is Aghili good enough for TM (I don't think so). Isn't it time to give Nosrati. Shakouri, or others a chance? Will he go on searching for a few motivated, talented and in-from footballers in our league (like GR Rezaie)? How is he going to prepare the team psychologically? Will he change his attitude towards the press, fans, and critics and admit that there is work to be done and there are changes to be made...or is he going to come back, more stubborn and proud than ever and boast about the performance and the result???

                    And most importantly:
                    HOW IS HE PLANNING TO GET THE 3 POINTS IN AZADI? Is he going to rely on luck and incidents? or does he actually have a plan to get the 3 points with minimum risk (the way Branko did it)


                      Originally posted by Hadi View Post
                      Thank god we have F+ forum for times like this.
                      I have to admit, we ESCAPED with 1 point from Arabia. We were on our way to come home with 0 points and it certainly looked that way, until we scored a purely incidental goal from a corner kick.
                      As i said in the previous thread, as expected, TM played an unorganized and disappointing match. In order to delve deep and find the reasons behind this, I would like to categorize our problems in to two categories:
                      * Problems directly related to Daie and coaching staff
                      * Problems beyond the control of Daie
                      Problems directly related to Daie and coaching staff
                      1- Tactics: When Ali Daie sat the throne of TM, he repeatedly said that he is going to make many changes, he has his own style, he will not give guaranteed spots to big names, etc etc etc etc....
                      But what we saw yesterday, went against all that he claimed. That TM, looked and played like any other TM in the past two years with no changes at all. The team played with the same old players (except for Gholamnejad who only played because Kaebi was out). The tactics was also exactly the same.
                      2-Game Plan
                      What was our game plan? can anyone say? I don't think so. Why? because there were no game plans. Do you remember how we played against Mexico? How we played Japan in 2006 WCQ? in each one, we had a game plan. This time, it was as if our team was playing a friendly with no instructions at all!
                      Our game plan should have been simple. Pressure pressure pressure in the first half. clearing the ball fast from our own half. Organized and tight man to man defense. Sending long balls to one or two quick players upfront for a few counter attacks. basically Daie could have called any top coach and asked:
                      "excuse me, what game plan does your team have when they are playing in a critical match, away from home, with a strong opponent, and are looking for just 1 point?"
                      3- Player selection:
                      Ali Daie was supposedly playing with a 4-5-1 or a 4-4-1-1 system which changed to 4-4-2 in the end. But did he select the right tools for this tactic??? certainly not. Any football fan knows that a 4-4 system relies HEAVILY on wingers and wing backs. these players should have certain attributes: fast, good crossing ability, good stamina, ability to run with ball and continuously overlap the wing and send crosses into the box from the corners.
                      Which Iranian (TM level) players fit that description well these days?
                      -Nikbakht (at least he used to)
                      so as you can see we don't have that many options to start with. Still, Daie refused to use ANY of those players and went with Zandi and Teymorian instead. Teymorian is so awful that he deserves a TM bench spot at most. Zandi is simply not built for the wing position...simple as that.
                      as a result our attacking power, from the wings was ZERO. without strong wings in a 4-4-2 system, you literally lose your ability to plan any attacks.
                      Daie did well to partially solve this problem with his substitutions but that was not enough. For those who say we don't need Mahdavikia on our right, think again.
                      4-Psychological readiness:
                      Daie has played Saudi Arabia numerous times. He has also played in many critical WCQ matches. Still, I was surprised to see our players affected by the atmosphere and psychologically lost. Our players were nervous. they didn't know what they wanted. It was as if they didn't expect such pressure and such atmosphere!! Daie should have addressed this issue. He should have explained to them that Saudi would come in with guns blazing, and our job is just to act like a levy against a hurricane-Coolly hold and deflect the pressure.
                      * Problems beyond the control of Daie
                      1-Lack of friendlies: Lack of preparation is so obvious in this team, that a blind old man can see it from miles away. It is a HELL for an unprepared team to suddenly play Saudi at their own home. Was anyone able to count more than 2 passes by our players in the first half?? the way Nekonam, Teymorian, Aghili, Zare, Zandi and Gholamnejad gave away the ball was pathetic. Individually, our players were also affected by lack of preparation. Their ball control, vision, technique and defending had gone down to a 3rd class Asian team.
                      Saudi on the other hand, had come in prepared. Their players could have found each other with blindfolds on. Their passing was crisp, their technique was superior to us and they eventually got their goal. The only thing was that I felt Saudi was a bit afraid of our name and was very very cautious. And in the second half, they turned off their engines completely letting us a degree of control over the match. They also had some fitness issues. Had the game gone on for another 20 minutes, their players would have collapsed on the pitch
                      2-Surprisingly weak performance by few key players. Namely, Nekonam, Zandi and Hashemian. Nekonam wasn't the general he used to be. His play making was minimal and even in defending, he looked lost! Zandi was not in shape physically. Hashemian tried hard as usual but he was all alone upfront. He missed one 100% chance which proves why he is in a goalscoring drought.
                      I can only name Shojaie and Rahmati was those who did relatively well. Notice that both players rely heavily on individual skill.
                      What now?
                      we got a golden result. Just like in 2006 WCQ , we started with a draw away from home and just like in 2002 WCQ, we ran away with a draw from Saudi.
                      All that remains is for us to win all our home games and take a couple of draws away from home. But this is easier said than done. Ali Daie needs to seriosuly rethink his player selection. I am not saying he HAS no use Karimi or Kia. NO. he can use whoever he wants. But he has to decide NOW. no point in inviting 50 players but then playing with the same old players when the big day comes.
                      Is he going to use Teymorian just because he plays in Engalnd? is he going to stubbornly select Saipa players in his rooster? How is he planning on making full use of Nekonam and Shojaie in his team? what are his plans for the wings? how about our strikers? Is Khatibi even good enough for IPL level? are strikers like Meydavoodi or Rafkhahi able to play at international level?
                      Is Aghili good enough for TM (I don't think so). Isn't it time to give Nosrati. Shakouri, or others a chance? Will he go on searching for a few motivated, talented and in-from footballers in our league (like GR Rezaie)? How is he going to prepare the team psychologically? Will he change his attitude towards the press, fans, and critics and admit that there is work to be done and there are changes to be made...or is he going to come back, more stubborn and proud than ever and boast about the performance and the result???
                      And most importantly:
                      HOW IS HE PLANNING TO GET THE 3 POINTS IN AZADI? Is he going to rely on luck and incidents? or does he actually have a plan to get the 3 points with minimum risk (the way Branko did it)
                      I think you've mad some good observations and have put some good thoughts into your analysis...unlike others who use a lot of emotions.

                      However, respectfully I disagree with some of your comments, especially # 4, as I think our boys were not really intense and stressed today, solely because of ALI DAEI being the boss. I think they all looked pretty confident and fought till the end. I've seen far worse games from TM, when you can totally see fear in players' faces.

                      Also, for your point# 3, I think the only player who might be worth calling up to TM is Kazemian (RIGHT NOW) ........yes, of course Mahdavikia was amazing, but now he lacks the speed he used to have...the only position he can play is right defender and we got Kaebi and Gholamnezhad for that. Nikbakht can be pretty good, but he's got weight and fitness problem too and thus not that fast at all......that said, I honestly think he is not any worse than other playes, perhaps he can be used as a super sub, instead of crabby Khatibi
                      When there is a will, there is a way


                        Originally posted by RaginG Inferno View Post
                        I was not pleased with the performance of our team. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, Iran needs to develop the ability to maintain possession of the ball. This is a fundamental aspect of quality football; perhaps the most basic starting point. It is one which we have failed to master.
                        Saudi Arabia, although a decent Asian side, is nothing compared to European heavyweights like Portugal and Spain. When we play strong sides like this(see the WC),a and continue to concede so many turnovers, it is difficult to probe the opposition's defence, to exhibit their weaknesses.
                        Although I am reluctant to name individuals(as it is, largely, a problem with our football system) Andranik Teymourian's performance was especially disappointing in this regard. Although he is supremely fit, his inaccurate and haphazard passing are a hindrance. Sitting on the bench for such a lengthy period at the club level is, rather obviously, the major cause of his poor decision-making.
                        Daei's performances against Kuwait and Syria, in the last two WCQ impressed me, as he seemed to be developing a system of possession football. Unfortunately, today, TM was unable to achieve this important first step. Daei must go back to the drawing board and pinpoint the reasons for this.
                        I agree with you on the possession of ball thing......Especially in our defense line and in transition to midfield and forward, there was no game plan whatsoever.......a problem we've had for a very long time.

                        I can't count how many times Aghili, Hossein lost the ball and/or just aimlessly sent the ball to other half...quite annoying!!
                        When there is a will, there is a way


                          Originally posted by avicenna 18 View Post
                          I think you've mad some good observations and have put some good thoughts into your analysis...unlike others who use a lot of emotions.
                          However, respectfully I disagree with some of your comments, especially # 4, as I think our boys were not really intense and stressed today, solely because of ALI DAEI being the boss. I think they all looked pretty confident and fought till the end. I've seen far worse games from TM, when you can totally see fear in players' faces.
                          Also, for your point# 3, I think the only player who might be worth calling up to TM is Kazemian (RIGHT NOW) ........yes, of course Mahdavikia was amazing, but now he lacks the speed he used to have...the only position he can play is right defender and we got Kaebi and Gholamnezhad for that. Nikbakht can be pretty good, but he's got weight and fitness problem too and thus not that fast at all......that said, I honestly think he is not any worse than other playes, perhaps he can be used as a super sub, instead of crabby Khatibi
                          Thanks for the reply.

                          what i mean by unpreparedness, i mean they were not psychologically prepared to withstand the first 30 minutes of Saudi pressure. it was as if they didn't expect it! the number of times they gave away the ball was evidence to this. when you are under huge pressure, you try to escape by either clearing the ball long or playing a few quick passes to tire the opponent or find a free player. All our players did were either to dribble and lose the ball, make bad passes or pass the ball to another player under pressure!

                          about Kazemian, I think calling up Kazemian and others is not the issue. ACTUALLY using them is the issue. I don't want to see kazemian or any other player called up but when it comes to the match itself, players like Teymorian get to play again.


                            Nokhodi Jan, I agree with all of your post. Reading some of the comments
                            I think some people were watching a different game.

                            But here is several points from me:

                            1-First, the engine of our team is Kaebi. I think until 3 days before the
                            game, it was not certain that he is suspended. If you saw slowlness on
                            the right that's pretty much due to his absence. NO ONE can play the role
                            of the back on the right that transitions to attack in a 4-2-3-1 like Kaebi in Iran period.

                            2-Unlike Gholamnejad, a player like Zareh who has had sooooo many chances
                            playing in that position, was not very sharp and failed to even press.
                            Zandi did not do much either, but we all agree he is not playing his position,
                            but what was Zares excuse? Let's not forget he was presuing the player
                            that actually created the assisst for the goal, and got tricked by him several

                            3-I do think there was significant difference on how players tried to clear
                            the ball in the box and the back field. Unlike many times in the past rather
                            than just kicking the ball there were short passes, which appeared to be
                            by design and generally worked a lot better than when the just kicked the
                            the ball to the middle of the field only to see the opposing team return with
                            the ball.

                            4-Yes our left side is worse than I imagined. Let's not forget the other
                            attack from the left that was very nicely saved by Rahmati, Zare blew that
                            cover as well. I think Daei did not want to experiment with replacing both
                            left and right back and once Kaebi returns hopefully Zareh will be replaced.

                            5-I have no idea why Khatebee was there, apparently Daei had made a joke
                            about Tabriz which was picked up by reporters and as a concession he
                            put him in. (Daei is from Aradbil and the East-West Azarbaijans don't exactly
                            see eye to eye) That is my only explanation, although frankly we are really
                            weak in that position and poor Vahid is left all by himself.

                            6.Was it me thinking this or did we actually gave soooo much space in the
                            middle field? Saudi's went unchallenged often after 2 or 3 touches! It
                            got much better in second half, but still room for a lot of improvment.

                            7.Rezai did not play well and had a number of weak passes in the SAs box.
                            Still he did the same in the first Syria games but recovered nicely later so
                            he may need more time.

                            8.Our players fitness was very good, At least compared to Saudi's. This
                            reminded me of the game against Jordan where we won 2-0 and scored
                            both goals after 75 min once they ran out of energy.

                            9.Our defence can really really benefit from a quality friendly game against a
                            worthy opponent. We just seem to have too much lack of communication or
                            misunderstanding between Jalali and Aghili and the other two backs.

                            My player rating:

                            Rahmati: Very nice saves, good composure nice initial kicks. Once again
                            the best we got.

                            Gholamnejad: 4.0 With little experience with TM he did ok, but since Kaebi
                            is very yello card prone, someone more solid is needed in this position.

                            Jalali: 3 good performance needs to sync up more with Aghili.

                            Aghili: 3 first save by Rahmati was partially his blown coverage (I think)

                            Zareh: 4.5 He ain't getting better time to think about alternatives

                            Ando: 4.0 Not as effective runner as we know he can be, Fulham is not
                            doing him good

                            Nekou: 3.0 some bad passes by overall who can argue with goal scorer.

                            Shojaei: 3.0 Common he is becoming Karimi but runs a lot more

                            Zandi: 4.0 Needs to change something about his prep. Nekou should have
                            let him take the shot though and that could have changed his fortune.

                            Rezai: 4.0 Not very effective, bad passes but I think he will get better in
                            this round just like last round. Is anyone teaching these players how to
                            take a shot?

                            Speaking of which, we had no shot taken from 15 meter + (except for that
                            Khatibi thing), why is that? This can really open defences but I guess we
                            don't have any shot takers like Bagheri. Nekou did not even try or had
                            no chance to try.

                            Vaheed: 3.0 He particpated in defence and in offence there was not much
                            coming his way, still he tried to create opportunity, and perhaps after his
                            header he drew too many saudi defenders on him later which helped Nekou score.

                            I really like Jabbari's contribution as well as Madanchis, they both get 3.0
                            and Khatibi makes me speechless.

                            I just hope we will see well constructed goal like the Saudis in one of our games.

                            I think Saudis have a record of no loss at home that spans several years.
                            The 1-1 draw was a good result for TM and coach Daei. We did get lucky
                            in my mind but still the result matters. The next game against N.Korea
                            will be key on how we can move forward. As we saw today,
                            7 of our 14 players are legioners, so it is very hard to get a TEAM ready when
                            you have 50% of the team only 72 hours prior to a game.


                              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                              PART 1 -
                              I never answered any of your criticisms toward TM up to now, because I wanted to wait for a tough match, now that we have played KSA, criticisms can be considered more valid.

                              Anyway, I donno how you watched our right midfield, but from what you wrote there is a paradox here, you say our right side didnt do anything, while you say Gholamnejad had a great game, you seem to ignore his penetrating runs into Saudi's def in second half, or his one-twos with Rezaei or Shojaei?

                              I mean how should a right side or right midfield performance be evaluated? just the performance of an individual in a strict spot which is seen on the paper?
                              In today's football its not like we put in a player in the right midfield spot and ask him to do right midfield stuff, spots are merely just names as any player on the right side or central midfield can start attacks and moves i.e Gholamnejad cooperations with Rezaei and Shojaei or even when Vahid came a little bit back on right pressure the Saudi's defense or get passes from Shojaei or Rezaei.

                              All in all rejecting all the work our right side did yesterday because you didnt like Shojaei is absurd, please try to cover up your bias in some more logical reasons because as we all know this is F+

