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What do you prefer? [Old Thread Revisited]

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    What do you prefer? [Old Thread Revisited]

    After watching Kia mistakeless but highlight-less in German Cup, I started thinking about eg. Kaebi would have done instead. He surely would have made more mistakes than the very experienced but cautious Kia, but he would have had several outstanding scenes as well - decisive scenes, positively as well as negatively.

    Now I wonder what you think is better. 2 players with roughly the same quality, but one solid without any ups and downs, no blunders but no or very little risk, or a player with great scenes but also more blunders at the same time?

    Is one better than the other? Is there a mix needed? And does it depend on the position as well?

    Please share your thoughts. Rather generally and not directly about Kaebi vs. Kia, but you can talk about that as well if you feel the strong urge to do so.

    Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
    After watching Kia mistakeless but highlight-less in German Cup, I started thinking about eg. Kaebi would have done instead. He surely would have made more mistakes than the very experienced but cautious Kia, but he would have had several outstanding scenes as well - decisive scenes, positively as well as negatively.

    Now I wonder what you think is better. 2 players with roughly the same quality, but one solid without any ups and downs, no blunders but no or very little risk, or a player with great scenes but also more blunders at the same time?

    Is one better than the other? Is there a mix needed? And does it depend on the position as well?

    Please share your thoughts. Rather generally and not directly about Kaebi vs. Kia, but you can talk about that as well if you feel the strong urge to do so.

    how do you know Kaabi would have had several Outstanding scenes?

    Two players with roughly the same qualities?? Ok, if you say so..

    when was the last outstanding scene by Kaabi?? The kick in the face of Figo??

    yes, kia isn't doing great, but Let's see where Kaabi will be playing when he is 31.....

    Oh by the way, what position did Kia play today??

    and as to your question as to what I would prefer, well, that's pretty easy.. I take the consistent player, because I know what I get out of him.. and I am not talking about Kia Vs Kaabi here , I am talking about consistency Vs, unpredictability..


      Last 2 lines would have been enough. Don't get so emotional, we all love Kia.


        Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
        Last 2 lines would have been enough. Don't get so emotional, we all love Kia.
        I wasn't talking about love here..

        I was talking about the continuous use of the words Kia and Kaabi in the same sentences and the presumption that Kaabi would have done this or that if he were playing in Frankfurt instead of Kia...


          But Kaebi is a player taking more risks these days. Over the whole 80 minutes Kia played, he actively went into an offensive duel one single time. When was the last time Kaebi, as a rightback, only tried to dribble or get past an opponent only once within 80 minutes?

          On the other hand Kia had about 2 or 3 turnovers (including crosses being headed out by defenders) over the whole match, I guess noone would argue Kaebi would not be able to do that.


            This is a difficult question.

            Obviously, the best of both worlds would be ideal, but I'd personally rather have consistency, especially in the stressful environment of World Cup Qualifying.
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              Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
              But Kaebi is a player taking more risks these days. Over the whole 80 minutes Kia played, he actively went into an offensive duel one single time. When was the last time Kaebi, as a rightback, only tried to dribble or get past an opponent only once within 80 minutes?

              On the other hand Kia had about 2 or 3 turnovers (including crosses being headed out by defenders) over the whole match, I guess noone would argue Kaebi would not be able to do that.

              I didn't watch Kia's game so I can't comment on it, but I am curious, what does "kaabi is taking more chances these days" have to do with professional football?


                Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                After watching Kia mistakeless but highlight-less in German Cup, I started thinking about eg. Kaebi would have done instead. He surely would have made more mistakes than the very experienced but cautious Kia, but he would have had several outstanding scenes as well - decisive scenes, positively as well as negatively.

                Now I wonder what you think is better. 2 players with roughly the same quality, but one solid without any ups and downs, no blunders but no or very little risk, or a player with great scenes but also more blunders at the same time?

                Is one better than the other? Is there a mix needed? And does it depend on the position as well?

                Please share your thoughts. Rather generally and not directly about Kaebi vs. Kia, but you can talk about that as well if you feel the strong urge to do so.
                Very surprized to see this kind of comparisons from you!!?

                cant do would have should have this or that...

                I would like a mobali had he moved to germany and would have played and could have impressed!!

                facts are facts...Kia is Kia and has been playing in one of the respectable leagues of Europe, Kaabi sucked in second diivision EPL, was lacklustre in Arabia, and now we are saying this could have would have ...

                I have one better for you my friend, now that we are dreaming and hypothesizing my choice would have been:
                Ronaldo had he been naturalized

                apples and apples, oranges with oranges..kaabi needs to first show if he can play in Bundesliga then we compare the two
                deerooz, emrooz, farda
                The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                  Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
                  I didn't watch Kia's game so I can't comment on it, but I am curious, what does "kaabi is taking more chances these days" have to do with professional football?

                  Of course in professional football it is important to take risks on the field sometimes, to make a difference, to win the one-on-one. If you only play safe, you will make no difference, but this is what coaches want.

                  Of course you then could also make the difference negatively with a bad turnover or so (which the coaches don't want ), and that was the main question, not directly a duel between Kaebi and Kia, but what is better, a player with many ups and downs or a player with no mistake but nothing special upfront.

                  I didn't know it was blasphemy to compare Kia to Kaebi. No wonder people are going mad when Kia is excluded, when you can't even compare him to one of his successor in TM without being attacked for that, lol.


                    Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post

                    Of course in professional football it is important to take risks on the field sometimes, to make a difference, to win the one-on-one. If you only play safe, you will make no difference, but this is what coaches want.
                    I would understand taking chances in a desperate situations like when a coach pulls a defender out and sends in a third striker.. or when a coach asks one or tow of the defenders to move forward because they have to score..

                    but to use "taking chances" as bench mark, I don't know about that. as you said yourself, taking chances is only good when it works and it costs the team when it doesn't and in my opinion at the end of the day (or season) it's a wash. some go for you and some go against you.

                    A calculated risk (which is coordinated) is fine, but an individual chance taker, I am not sure how that can help a team in a long run. I rather have sound and solid plan and players and only take chances in desperate situation (i.e Saipa today)...

                    about comparing Kaabi and Kia.. I didnt' attack you. You are free to have your opinion and I just expressed mine..

                    comparing Kia to Kaabi is like comparing Ali Parvin and Mohamad Parvin...

                    I think we got lucky he was suspended for KSA game.. I like Gholamnezjad better .. but then again, I like any player better than Kaabi..


                      I'd take the solid player over the erratic one who still hasnt got the grip on his temper.

                      I also would say kaabi is best for RB, while Kia can play any formation's right flank or arm. so we can use BOTH of them together ... as has been done on quite a few successful occasions before.

                      perhaps, kaabi's temper can be tampered with and .... well, "tempered" by kia's experienced presence and guidance. and the two can tremendously trounce and trample on the troubled opponents who will tremble with trepidations in their tummies and call for their mommies, for being targeted and tarnished by the terrible-twin of kia-kaabi.

                      I'd rather see kaabi-kia duo on the right , than the inexperienced and erratic gholamnejad-kaabi duo ( both of whom do get a lot of yellows and reds )


                      btw, where in the world do ppl count crosses getting headed off as "turn-overs" ?
                      now, come on mate. how many did he REALLY have ... EXCLUDING the crossing ?


                        The only time I managed to watch Kia this season , was the friendly against Real Madrid. Unfortunately most of the Frankfurt matches televised in this neck of the wood , Kia was on the bench.

                        Kaebi , however is on a slow downward slide in performance and attitude. I have not seen anything special of him lately which is quite disappointing.

                        Anyway , any comparison of mine will be flawed since I only seen one side only.



                          Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post

                          Of course in professional football it is important to take risks on the field sometimes, to make a difference, to win the one-on-one. If you only play safe, you will make no difference, but this is what coaches want.

                          Of course you then could also make the difference negatively with a bad turnover or so (which the coaches don't want ), and that was the main question, not directly a duel between Kaebi and Kia, but what is better, a player with many ups and downs or a player with no mistake but nothing special upfront.

                          I didn't know it was blasphemy to compare Kia to Kaebi. No wonder people are going mad when Kia is excluded, when you can't even compare him to one of his successor in TM without being attacked for that, lol.
                          lol at the last line.

                          It's an interesting point you raise. For teams with poor counter-attacking skills and of a lower quality, Kaebi would perhaps be more beneficial with his incisive runs. However, against a quality team that punishes mistakes, I would take Mahdavikia.
                          Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                            Kaebi had the best time of his career in TM when playing together with Kia. He hasn't been anything to brag about since. Aside from his temper issue, technically, he's shown a clear regression.
                            The noticable pattern that is repeated over and over again in his games in the past 2 years is:
                            - Defense: Making way too many fouls and ending up in no man's land far too often, having to compensate for it with even more fouls and dangerous, risky tackles!
                            - Offense: Running headlessly with the ball and more than often towards the middle instead of along the lines, either giving turn-overs or if not already having lost the ball, just taking a dive after getting passed a couple of players.

                            I can't comment about Kia, not having seen his games recently but if you say he's at least solid without being flashy, then I'd take him over Kaebi any day of the week, since Kaebi is not even doing the flashy part well enough to be of any benefit for the team.
                            HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
                            you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.


                              Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                              But Kaebi is a player taking more risks these days. Over the whole 80 minutes Kia played, he actively went into an offensive duel one single time. When was the last time Kaebi, as a rightback, only tried to dribble or get past an opponent only once within 80 minutes?

                              On the other hand Kia had about 2 or 3 turnovers (including crosses being headed out by defenders) over the whole match, I guess noone would argue Kaebi would not be able to do that.
                              Yes, but how do you know his coach wanted him to get high more often? These things have to be taken into account.

                              Anyway, I understand your general question and I think a team has to have about 6-7 consistent players where you know what you are going to get from them and a few players that are capable of being unpredictable and making things happen.

                              You can't have all predictable players IMO, it is too easy to play against and you definitely can't have all unpredictable players because frankly it will be a disorganised mess. You also can't have more unpredictable players because at this level too many mistakes will cost you eventually.

                              All Consistent XI > All Inconsistent XI
                              All Consistent XI = Partial Inconsistent XI
                              Partial Consistent XI > All Consistent XI

