" Sogoly ", as one who is favorite,and more liked !!
there seems to be ,as nothing is the object when it comes to hireing when it comes to PP.
It very much appeares that, although,Mr.Aliabadi, seems to support Esteghlal,and Perspolice the same, and say, they have same amount of money allocated to them.....yet.....we keep seeing, there is far more activities, and limitless budget, when it comes to Perspolice !
1- getting foreign coachces, such as denizeli, and Aary Hunn,Ghotbi,etc,etc,
2-More foerign players.
3-Getting, top Iranian Players, Karim bagheri, Ali karimi,Nosrati, Kabei, etc,etc,etc.....and now, Rahman Rezaee..
One, may say, they have more fans,,,,,but, it certainly does not look as they have same budget, nor if they have same Expectations !!!
Is there a plan by the Government ,to keep the balance in faivor of perspolice ?
there seems to be ,as nothing is the object when it comes to hireing when it comes to PP.
It very much appeares that, although,Mr.Aliabadi, seems to support Esteghlal,and Perspolice the same, and say, they have same amount of money allocated to them.....yet.....we keep seeing, there is far more activities, and limitless budget, when it comes to Perspolice !
1- getting foreign coachces, such as denizeli, and Aary Hunn,Ghotbi,etc,etc,
2-More foerign players.
3-Getting, top Iranian Players, Karim bagheri, Ali karimi,Nosrati, Kabei, etc,etc,etc.....and now, Rahman Rezaee..
One, may say, they have more fans,,,,,but, it certainly does not look as they have same budget, nor if they have same Expectations !!!
Is there a plan by the Government ,to keep the balance in faivor of perspolice ?