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MOM Committee ~~~ Vote Here ~~~

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    MOM Committee ~~~ Vote Here ~~~

    please vote (pick3, 4 or even 5!)

    2 members didn't wish to participate and have been omitted. Also the-red is not eligible as he been picked for the VIP committee.

    3 members with most votes will be the new committee members
    Mr Good
    Dr Shark
    Gol Kuchik
    Ali Chicago

    The poll is expired.

    Blue print for MOM Award;

    -VIPs nominate one member
    -F+ members nominate a second member
    -Staff nominate third one
    (staff not eligible, F+ & Vip are eligible)

    The 3 nominees will be announced in the football forum and members will pick the MOM.

    Each group will create a "MOM committee". Approx every 6 months the members of committees will change. The Committee members will discuss nominees via pm and then they shall nominate 3 moms to their group (within 5 days of the beginning of the month) of which one is picked by the entire group (these polls shall stay open for 5 days only).
    The nomination winners will then be included in the main MOM poll in the football forum, and that poll shall stay open for 7 days.

    [Committees may consist of permanent members; it is up to each group to decide how to handle their own committees & the number of people in the committee which cannot be less than 3. Each member can be a member of one committee only (etiher staff, VIP or F+). The committee can’t nominate one of their own current members to the MOM award].


      congrats, F+ poll is finally done

      Committee members shall be:
      Gol kuchick
      Ali Chicago

      if a member is unavailable any given month than the other 2 can decide the nominations on their own. please pm each other to decide the 3 nominees and post a poll in the F+ forum



        Originally posted by Under Lahaf View Post
        congrats, F+ poll is finally done

        Committee members shall be:
        Gol kuchick
        Ali Chicago

        if a member is unavailable any given month than the other 2 can decide the nominations on their own. please pm each other to decide the 3 nominees and post a poll in the F+ forum

        Merci aziz (sorry don't know your first name and under Lahaf jaan is a bit awkward!)
        First of all thanks for the trust that F+ members expressed in my judgement. Secondly; I am only checking the football and Football+ forum ( no general or international and others), so is that a problem?

        In other words MOM is based on the activities in football and Football+ or other threads (General, international, etc.) in PFDC?
        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


          Wow, I would like to thank everyone, for making me feel like Obama
          This has been a good week (or I hope). I would like to thank my wife for
          giving me dirty looks everytime she catches me on PFDC reading or writing
          a long post but turning away without further hasheyeh.

          Like Ali Agha, I don't visit other forums much (very infrequent visits
          to general forum). But mostly here and the football forum. If that's an
          issue please reconsider.

          God Bless TM and you all

          p.s what are the chances the 6 months period can be changed to life long monarchy?
          (I may have coup design in mind)


            you can nominate anyone for any reason from any forum. its up to you guys to come up with 3 names and post them in a poll. then the F+ members will vote one as their candidate for the main MOM award poll which will be held in the football forum.

            so feel free

            Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
            Merci aziz (sorry don't know your first name and under Lahaf jaan is a bit awkward!)
            yes i am getting a "little too old" for the nickname but what to do... everyone now knows me with this name...

            Ali jan my real name is sherwin


              I would guess, F+ ers, are not cool enough ! to get the vote in the whole PFDC .....nor are they in majority.........
              So, F+ ers , may be inconsiquential !


                Originally posted by Under Lahaf View Post
                you can nominate anyone for any reason from any forum. its up to you guys to come up with 3 names and post them in a poll. then the F+ members will vote one as their candidate for the main MOM award poll which will be held in the football forum.

                so feel free

                yes i am getting a "little too old" for the nickname but what to do... everyone now knows me with this name...

                Ali jan my real name is sherwin
                Merci Sherwin Jaan. thanks for the explanation.
                "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                  Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                  Merci aziz (sorry don't know your first name and under Lahaf jaan is a bit awkward!)
                  Boro zeer-e patoo ta behet begeh


                  hamid speaking of "dirty looks" makes me envy him.
                  my case is faaaaar gone past those "dirty looks".
                  I'd settle for "dirty looks" anyday


                  and finally, congrats to all the members of PFDC's "majles-e khebregaan".
                  from now on, you are all officially among and in the company of some of the most "hated and vilified" mullahs in Iran.

                  cheers "clink"


                    Originally posted by gol_kuchik View Post

                    I would like to thank my wife for
                    giving me dirty looks everytime she catches me on PFDC reading or writing
                    a long post but turning away without further hasheyeh. ....
                    Probably it wasn't PFDC aziz that got her to turn away shaytoon. But we let the sleepy dog lay down.
                    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)

