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Navad & Ferdowsipour …Conduct unbecoming.

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    Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
    I found this interesting:عادل فردوسی*پور به*عنوان یک ژورنالیست انتقادکردن براساس عدله است. همان کاری که همیشه عادل فردوسی*پور کرده است.او آدمی*ست که هرگز، هرگز در فوتبال ایران دچار رانت*خواری نشده است. هرگز یک دلال نبوده است. عادل فردوسی*پور اگر محبوب است به خاطر این است که اگر انتقاد کرده، پشت انتقادش دلیل و مدرک مستدلی داشته است و عادل فردوسی*پور اگر محبوب است در ایران به خاطر صداقتش و اطلاعات کاملش است

    I encourage you to think about the bold phrase a bit more.

    I dont think many will doubt F-poor's "INTENT" and underlying agenda , which is to expose our official' shortcomings and other matters football-related. But his "methods" of going about those issues are something else that really need some polish and finesse.

    the idea is good, but how it is implemented needs an overhaul. As DubX said, he throws "everyone" under the bus. in one way, it is unbiased, but politically very immature and shows lack of foresight. and I'd say his "manner" of throwing ppl under the bus also has a lot to do with his lack of support at the moment.

    If he hadnt made enemies of ALL football personalities, by his immature behavior and creating unnecessary strife and controversy , right now, he'd have the FOOTBALLI fellows ( ie the coaches, players, .... ) behind him, which would pose a major backing against what the govt' and STB are trying to do.

    but his "acts" have ended up alienating one and all, from ALL sides.
    and when you cant have heavy support from anywhere, you'd be like a sitting suck in a shooting gallery.

    I think Majid pointed at the correct thing : all that popularity and power got into F-poor's head and he was "khoda ro bandeh neest". He had something coming for him.
    perhaps nothing so severe. but he needs to get his act cleaned and polished.
    By God all those expose's and technical discussions and ... can be done in a far more intelligent and classy manner, without losing the crux of the issue, than what we're used to see at 90.


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        Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
        Navad is the best show Iran have offered after revolution If the majority still watch this, it means he is still the man. he might not satisfy your taste as you are not "ordinary, average Joe", you demand more, but the society wants this kind of show.
        Bring you another example, there is a big issue in hockey to ban "the fight", but they affraid to lose the audience who are only interested about the fight. How about that?
        With all due respect.

        cant agree more.


          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
          The most controlled enviroment in the islamic republic, is not " The sepah e pasdaran ", it is IRIB !!!!
          So, Ferdosipor, is nothing but a popet !!!....he is exactly the way he is told to be !!!!
          No doubt, IRIB is a conservative and in your words 'controlled' IR entity.

          But remember, in today's right wing IR, IRIB and Sepah (government) are at odds with each other and come from different political lines.


            You know what I find hilarious? That the same people who say Ferdosipoor should start acting/behaving more professionally seem to be the SAME people who say:

            "Daei needs to behave like this in a country like Iran, otherwise they'll eat him alive!"

            Because the irony is that the above logic relates more to Ferdosipoor's situation than it does Daei's.

            As Ali agha implied earlier in the thread, when people's favourites go on 90 and are ripped apart people start having objections. Just last time GN was brought onto 90 after the AC07 purposely to be humiliated...and yet no one thought there was a problem then!

            As others have said: someone like Ferdosipoor is a necessity in our country. Someone who will expose charlatans to THEIR FACE. And considering our homeland is full of conniving weasels, then long-live 90. But he can do it in a much better way if he stays respectful and follows a proper plan to interview.

            I also think Ferdosipoor could be a bit more respectful or professional, I've talked about it a lot...but do I think that is enough to cancel his show? No, that'd be ridiculous. I value freedom of expression much more than mannerisms.


              Originally posted by Hadi View Post
              No doubt, IRIB is a conservative and in your words 'controlled' IR entity.
              But remember, in today's right wing IR, IRIB and Sepah (government) are at odds with each other and come from different political lines.
              It is so true hadi jaan.....But I did not say IRIB is controled by Seppah, ...I said, both Sepaah,and IRIB are controlled by the Islamic system...and IRIB more so than Sepaah..........,But, you are so correct,as not many know that, IRIB has a little diffent agenda than Sepaah.....and one may say....IRIB is more of the Main Streem Islamic Republic, and the Sepaah,is a radical faction !!....................IRIB, sets agendas,and gives "lines " to the whole system........and Ferdosipour is far too small an entity to have any saying in how IRIB should be run !!!...............
              IRIB, is useing programs like 90 to keep organizations on thier toes,and remind every one, they all can be replaced if the system wanted to !!!,and give a false impression to people and millions of fans ,that they have a say....

