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Analysing the first steps in profesionalism !!!

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    Analysing the first steps in profesionalism !!!

    It seems , what seemed immposible is takeing place...and Government, finaly " Drank, the Jaam e Zahr ", and accepted to pay IFF to become a profetional federation, and have profetional league...or at least appear that way !!!........and consiguently we will have all over 4 teams participating in Asian,and world club tournements.....and more importantly , these will be first steps, in profesional league,games,players,etc,etc.......

    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...................................

    فدراسيون فوتبال به خواسته اش رسيد توزيع 80درصد از قرارداد بين باشگاه ها

    سرانجام و پس از كش و قوسهاي فراوان فدراسيون فوتبال و صدا و سيما براي حق پخش تلويزيوني مسابقات ليگ برتر با يكديگر به توافق رسيدند.
    در جلسه اي كه بين علي كفاشيان، مهدي تاج، عزيز محمدي با حسن تقدس نژاد، معاون اداري و مالي و علي اصغر پورمحمدي مدير شبكه سوم سيما برگزار شد، طرفين به توافق رسيدند تا فدراسيون فوتبال بابت يكسال مبلغ چهار ميليارد تومان دريافت كند: علي كفاشيان با تائيد مطلب فوق در اين خصوص گفت: براساس همان توافقي كه از قبل انجام گرفته بود، قرارداد سه ساله اي ميان فدراسيون فوتبال و سازمان تربيت بدني منعقد خواهد شد كه براساس آن در سال اول 10 ميليارد تومان به حساب فدراسيون واريز خواهد شد.
    وي افزود: طي دو روز آينده قرارداد نهايي ميان سازمان صدا و سيما و فدراسيون فوتبال منعقد خواهد شد و ما اميدواريم تا پيش از پنجم آذر و اجلاس شانگ هاي اين كار انجام گيرد تا بتوانيم نسخه اي از آن را براي AFC ارسال كنيم.
    كفاشيان در پاسخ به اين سؤال كه آيا اين قرارداد هم حق پخش را در برمي گيرد و هم تبليغات محيطي را، گفت: بله، قرارداد به اين صورت است كه از 10ميليارد، شش ميليارد بابت تبليغات محيطي است و چهار ميليارد هم بابت حق پخش كه در نهايت فدراسيون به همان چيزي كه مي خواست، رسيد.
    عزيز محمدي رئيس سازمان ليگ برتر هم درباره فرمول پرداخت حق پخش تلويزيوني به باشگاهها گفت: بر اساس اين فرمول 10درصد سهم فدراسيون فوتبال، 10درصد سهم سازمان ليگ و هيئت هايي كه در ليگ برتر تيم دارند و 80 درصد باقي بين باشگاه ها تقسيم خواهد شد.
    محمدي درباره چگونگي تقسيم 80درصد بين باشگاه هاي حاضر در ليگ برتر گفت: چهل درصد اين پول به صورت مساوي تقسيم مي شود كه ما در نخستين مرحله و زماني كه بخش اول پول را دريافت كرديم اين پول را به صورت مساوي بين 18 تيم تقسيم مي كنيم. اما 40درصد بقيه براساس رتبه باشگاه ها و تعداد پخش مستقيم بازي ها كه در پايان فصل حساب مي شود بين باشگاه ها تقسيم

    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................

    1-Tarbiat badani gives $ 10 million to IFF annualy.
    2-$6 million for Advertising rights.
    3-$4 million for Broadcasting rights.

    Detailed divisions of the money is as such

    4-$1 million is for IFF.
    5-$1 million is for the leagues.
    6-$4 million ,will be divided equaly among 18 teams.( Something like $18,000 /per mounth/per team )
    7-$4 million, will be paid additionaly according to the success of the teams, and number of " live " Braodcasts !

    .................................................. ................................................

    So, apparantly, Rich will stay rich !, but, the poor,will have guranteed minimum money,for its survival,
    and can add to its money by, haveing more " Live " broadcasts !
    More over, the rights all belongs to Government..either advertizings, or Braodcasting.

    So, what happends with;
    Multy million Dollar SS/PP expenses !!??
    Stediums expenses ?
    Building facilities ?
    Forign player hireings ?
    Expensive players ?
    Agents, and player union ?
    Secound leagues ?
    Forign coaches ?

    Well, at least better than nothing. 4 Milliard is pretty low if you ask me, for a year (that is only 4 million dollars right?), but this is the first step and builds a foundation for the football teams. Good first step.
    Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
    It seems , what seemed immposible is takeing place...and Government, finaly " Drank, the Jaam e Zahr ", and accepted to pay IFF to become a profetional federation, and have profetional league...or at least appear that way !!!........and consiguently we will have all over 4 teams participating in Asian,and world club tournements.....and more importantly , these will be first steps, in profesional league,games,players,etc,etc.......
    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...................................
    فدراسيون فوتبال به خواسته اش رسيد توزيع 80درصد از قرارداد بين باشگاه ها
    سرانجام و پس از كش و قوسهاي فراوان فدراسيون فوتبال و صدا و سيما براي حق پخش تلويزيوني مسابقات ليگ برتر با يكديگر به توافق رسيدند.
    در جلسه اي كه بين علي كفاشيان، مهدي تاج، عزيز محمدي با حسن تقدس نژاد، معاون اداري و مالي و علي اصغر پورمحمدي مدير شبكه سوم سيما برگزار شد، طرفين به توافق رسيدند تا فدراسيون فوتبال بابت يكسال مبلغ چهار ميليارد تومان دريافت كند: علي كفاشيان با تائيد مطلب فوق در اين خصوص گفت: براساس همان توافقي كه از قبل انجام گرفته بود، قرارداد سه ساله اي ميان فدراسيون فوتبال و سازمان تربيت بدني منعقد خواهد شد كه براساس آن در سال اول 10 ميليارد تومان به حساب فدراسيون واريز خواهد شد.
    وي افزود: طي دو روز آينده قرارداد نهايي ميان سازمان صدا و سيما و فدراسيون فوتبال منعقد خواهد شد و ما اميدواريم تا پيش از پنجم آذر و اجلاس شانگ هاي اين كار انجام گيرد تا بتوانيم نسخه اي از آن را براي AFC ارسال كنيم.
    كفاشيان در پاسخ به اين سؤال كه آيا اين قرارداد هم حق پخش را در برمي گيرد و هم تبليغات محيطي را، گفت: بله، قرارداد به اين صورت است كه از 10ميليارد، شش ميليارد بابت تبليغات محيطي است و چهار ميليارد هم بابت حق پخش كه در نهايت فدراسيون به همان چيزي كه مي خواست، رسيد.
    عزيز محمدي رئيس سازمان ليگ برتر هم درباره فرمول پرداخت حق پخش تلويزيوني به باشگاهها گفت: بر اساس اين فرمول 10درصد سهم فدراسيون فوتبال، 10درصد سهم سازمان ليگ و هيئت هايي كه در ليگ برتر تيم دارند و 80 درصد باقي بين باشگاه ها تقسيم خواهد شد.
    محمدي درباره چگونگي تقسيم 80درصد بين باشگاه هاي حاضر در ليگ برتر گفت: چهل درصد اين پول به صورت مساوي تقسيم مي شود كه ما در نخستين مرحله و زماني كه بخش اول پول را دريافت كرديم اين پول را به صورت مساوي بين 18 تيم تقسيم مي كنيم. اما 40درصد بقيه براساس رتبه باشگاه ها و تعداد پخش مستقيم بازي ها كه در پايان فصل حساب مي شود بين باشگاه ها تقسيم
    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................
    1-Tarbiat badani gives $ 10 million to IFF annualy.
    2-$6 million for Advertising rights.
    3-$4 million for Broadcasting rights.
    Detailed divisions of the money is as such
    4-$1 million is for IFF.
    5-$1 million is for the leagues.
    6-$4 million ,will be divided equaly among 18 teams.( Something like $18,000 /per mounth/per team )
    7-$4 million, will be paid additionaly according to the success of the teams, and number of " live " Braodcasts !
    .................................................. ................................................
    So, apparantly, Rich will stay rich !, but, the poor,will have guranteed minimum money,for its survival,
    and can add to its money by, haveing more " Live " broadcasts !
    More over, the rights all belongs to Government..either advertizings, or Braodcasting.
    So, what happends with;
    Multy million Dollar SS/PP expenses !!??
    Stediums expenses ?
    Building facilities ?
    Forign player hireings ?
    Expensive players ?
    Agents, and player union ?
    Secound leagues ?
    Forign coaches ?
    "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
    Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

    Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
    Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


      I think they ought to base a part of the prize money ( I assume the last 40% mentioned in bahram's post) on the ranking of the team at the end of season.

      until the last season, the ONLY rank that was worth fighting for was the top rank. and we saw the bulk of the teams in the middle ( say, between 3rd or 4th up to 10th or 11th ) hardly fought in the final few games as they had nothing to gain or lose.

      with ACL quota increased to 3 for the league, that sort of jolted the top teams to fight harder. but in the middle it was the same dulldrum story.

      with prize money distributed based on ranking, it makes each and every game a hard fought battle for ALL teams. and that makes all the game exciting and the league, even more interesting while adding to the quality of football.
      this is what the whole world does. I dont know why we never followed this till date.


      bahram jan, the last set of numbers are all in %, not amount ($).
      so it's 10%, 10%, 40% and 40% ( of the $4 Mill of TV rights )
      which is
      $ 400 K - IFF's loot
      $ 400 K - various League committees
      $ 1.6 Mil - divided among the teams equally
      $ 1.6 Mil - divided among the teams based on TV coverage, ranking, ...

      what I'd like to know is what is the definition of this "TV Coverage" ?
      is it only the central IRIB - tehran?
      or do they include the shahrestaans' broadcasts as well ?
      coz the former would benefit ONLY ss and PP and hardly anyone else, unless those teams are playing these two soosools.
      the latter is more fair as each state run TV can and should broadcast that state's IPL teams' games.


        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
        I think they ought to base a part of the prize money ( I assume the last 40% mentioned in bahram's post) on the ranking of the team at the end of season.

        until the last season, the ONLY rank that was worth fighting for was the top rank. and we saw the bulk of the teams in the middle ( say, between 3rd or 4th up to 10th or 11th ) hardly fought in the final few games as they had nothing to gain or lose.

        with ACL quota increased to 3 for the league, that sort of jolted the top teams to fight harder. but in the middle it was the same dulldrum story.

        with prize money distributed based on ranking, it makes each and every game a hard fought battle for ALL teams. and that makes all the game exciting and the league, even more interesting while adding to the quality of football.
        this is what the whole world does. I dont know why we never followed this till date.


        bahram jan, the last set of numbers are all in %, not amount ($).
        so it's 10%, 10%, 40% and 40% ( of the $4 Mill of TV rights )
        so it is
        $ 400 K - IFF's loot
        $ 400 K - various League committees
        $ 1.6 Mil - divided among the teams equally
        $ 1.6 Mil - divided among the teams based on TV coverage, ranking, ...
        payman jaan, very important point, you brought to add incentives
        for each and all games won , and encouraging teams to fight to the end.
        I wished this could also had been associated with a draft system, just like NFL, as the last teams each year,would get to pick the earliest drafts !!,which would have helped teams get better each year.....
        How ever, what worries me about the whole thing, is that although , IFF may be becomeing more indipendent, yet, it is not becomeing profesional, as still all decisions are made by the governement..and with this new system, it just means IFF gets paid to let Governement make the decisions !!
        As for Money, and % vs $.................
        If the total amount is "100 milliard tooman ", which means " $100 million "....therefore, percentages and the Dollars are the same....that is %10 is 10 million, and 40% is $40 million, etc,etc..............I do not know how did you come up with 1.6 million !!


          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
          ارسال كنيم.
          كفاشيان در پاسخ به اين سؤال كه آيا اين قرارداد هم حق پخش را در برمي گيرد و هم تبليغات محيطي را، گفت: بله، قرارداد به اين صورت است كه از 10ميليارد، شش ميليارد بابت تبليغات محيطي است و چهار ميليارد هم بابت حق پخش كه در نهايت فدراسيون به همان چيزي كه مي خواست، رسيد.

          عزيز محمدي رئيس سازمان ليگ برتر هم درباره فرمول پرداخت حق پخش تلويزيوني به باشگاهها گفت: بر اساس اين فرمول 10درصد سهم فدراسيون فوتبال، 10درصد سهم سازمان ليگ و هيئت هايي كه در ليگ برتر تيم دارند و 80 درصد باقي بين باشگاه ها تقسيم خواهد شد.

          محمدي درباره چگونگي تقسيم 80درصد بين باشگاه هاي حاضر در ليگ برتر گفت: چهل درصد اين پول به صورت مساوي تقسيم مي شود كه ما در نخستين مرحله و زماني كه بخش اول پول را دريافت كرديم اين پول را به صورت مساوي بين 18 تيم تقسيم مي كنيم. اما 40درصد بقيه براساس رتبه باشگاه ها و تعداد پخش مستقيم بازي ها كه در پايان فصل حساب مي شود بين باشگاه ها تقسيم

          the first para here says $4 mil ( out of the 10 ) for TV rights. ( $6 mil for ads )

          second para: divides just the TV rights money ( $4 mil ) - not the whole $10 mil - into 10%, 10% and 80%

          third para : what I wrote earlier , 80% divided into two 40% categories

          so our clubs stand to gain even less than what you thought !!!

          .... unless the reporter ( IV ? Mehr ? ) worded the whole thing wrong.
          he's worded it this way.
          which sounds unfair and a bit confusing. coz he hasnt explained what happens to the other $6 Mil revenues from the peripheral ADS .

          so in reality, your numbers may be right. but the reporter needs to learn farsi !!!
          which speaks volumes about the standard of our sports journalism IN IRAN ( f.f.s.) !!! LOL

          all of which , sadly, points to this fact.
          coz in the beginning the idiot writes the contract was for 3 years with $4 Mil for every year.
          that makes it a total of $12 Mil for all 3 years.
          then he writes, IFF is given $10 Mil now.
          that leaves only a paltry $2 Mil for the next two years !!!

          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post

          در جلسه اي كه بين علي كفاشيان، مهدي تاج، عزيز محمدي با حسن تقدس نژاد، معاون اداري و مالي و علي اصغر پورمحمدي مدير شبكه سوم سيما برگزار شد، طرفين به توافق رسيدند تا فدراسيون فوتبال بابت يكسال مبلغ چهار ميليارد تومان دريافت كند:

          علي كفاشيان با تائيد مطلب فوق در اين خصوص گفت: براساس همان توافقي كه از قبل انجام گرفته بود، قرارداد سه ساله اي ميان فدراسيون فوتبال و سازمان تربيت بدني منعقد خواهد شد كه براساس آن در سال اول 10 ميليارد تومان به حساب فدراسيون واريز خواهد شد.

          the idiot !

          so my bet is not on your mistake, but on the idiocy of the reporter.


            I see your point Payman jaan................
            Always ,with , rial,tooman,million, milliard, and tooman being 10 rials, and Dollar being 100 tumans,and dollar being 10,000 rials and so many zeros.....there are bound to be a mix ups !!,specialy in Iran.

