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The Midfield

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    The Midfield

    Against DPR Korea and in UAE Daei actually did what many fans always wanted to see, only 1 DM plus 2 wingers and an OM and I must say I don't think this works well.

    Nekounam was all alone in the crucial area in front of the 2 centerhalves too often and in the build-up there was just a huge hole in front of him so he mostly had to go for some backpass or highball.

    This midfield variant is making our defense shaky and our offense weaker due to many turnovers in the build-up.

    I think we either need a second DM/CM beside Nekounam, for example by adding Teymourian or a similar player instead of an offensive player, or by pulling Bagheri back a bit, or we need to play a real diamond in which the "side" midfielders play a more central (and probably more defensive) role closer to Nekounam.

    I think this shows that adding more offensive players and playing a kind of 4-1-3-2 doesn't really sparkle the offense.

    This is just one of a couple of problems, but I think it's a tactical one which could be well observed yesterday and I'm sure the coaching staff will not play like this again, unless against pushovers like Singapore.

    we don't have good enough defenders to play Second problem with this formation is that it practically takes nekounam out of offense because he is the lone DM..

    I always favored the, but I also realize that our players, and the whole team, need to improve in transition.


      Too depressed and worried and probably this clouds my judgement right now. But this TM is need a total make over. Until when we want to HOPE and bet on Kia, Nekoonam, Hashemian, Shojaii. The last team in the group totally took us to the school yesterday.

      If it wasn't for Rahmati, Iran would have had one of the darkest day for its TM.

      Again, I think with these players u bring Fergusen and we won't get anywhere. Gholamnezhad came in and got lost after 10 minutes I beleive. When was the last time we saw a impact performance from Kia, Nekoonam, Hashemian. Can't blame them really, these guys are mentally not hungry and going downhill.

      As I predicted, we were lucky to come back from UAE with one point and Korea (as I predicted again) did well. We will have a hard time against S.Korea in Tehran and Seoul and N.korea in Peyongyang.

      Something drastic needs to happen in TM (not talking about head coach change at this stage), but something big needs to happen.

      As I said earlier, TM skeletone is still based on players from WC98 and 2002-2004. Since 2004 we haven't really added an impact player to the TM. Next generation of TM players (Kazemian, Mobali, Navidkia, Jabbari, for various reasons (in part Branko not giving them time and spot in the TM) and many other reasons never were able to fill in the shoes of the guys who left.

      Our forward line was pathetic. All of our goals in this round has come from midfielders. Let's pray for the miracle to continue.
      "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
      Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

      Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
      Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


        In both Saudi as well as yesterday game we had a lousy first half. The
        real "adjustment" was by players getting comfortable with each other in
        the back. Even toward the end of first half, you could see this.

        With 4-2-3-1 there has to be a lot of movement and in both games we saw
        players who were essentially not very mobile. Mostly I think due to

        Contrast this with the game against N.Korea, where we hit the ground
        running from minute one. This was a team that played together for
        most part against S.A and prior to that we did the tournament in Iran.

        Both against S.A and U.A.E on a number of occasion players in the
        back were following the ball. You have 4 defenders in one location
        while creating huge hole as a result somewhere else.

        The blown coverage against UAE, where the striker could have passed
        the ball to 2 other open players, shows you this clearly.

        I think our defenders don't trust each other (how many times on the right
        did the U.A.E player fooled Hosseini to take a shot for instance?) or on
        the left Zare was simply left in the dust and Nekou had to cover.

        Since our defense is mostly consisted of domestic player, real friendly game
        against real opponent will only improve this. That's the only way out,
        not to change the system.


          Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
          Against DPR Korea and in UAE Daei actually did what many fans always wanted to see, only 1 DM plus 2 wingers and an OM and I must say I don't think this works well.

          Nekounam was all alone in the crucial area in front of the 2 centerhalves too often and in the build-up there was just a huge hole in front of him so he mostly had to go for some backpass or highball.

          This midfield variant is making our defense shaky and our offense weaker due to many turnovers in the build-up.

          I think we either need a second DM/CM beside Nekounam, for example by adding Teymourian or a similar player instead of an offensive player, or by pulling Bagheri back a bit, or we need to play a real diamond in which the "side" midfielders play a more central (and probably more defensive) role closer to Nekounam.

          I think this shows that adding more offensive players and playing a kind of 4-1-3-2 doesn't really sparkle the offense.

          This is just one of a couple of problems, but I think it's a tactical one which could be well observed yesterday and I'm sure the coaching staff will not play like this again, unless against pushovers like Singapore.
          You are reading my mind Martin Jan

          You could feel the gaps in the midfield although TM probably had the best available players at disposal. Somehow , I was not sure if Bagheri was assigned a DM or not , but whatever his role was , he did not seem too effective in defensive roles. So , like you said , we only had one true DM in Nekounam.

          That will surely make Daei think twice for the next game which is on January 14th against Singapore. This is a great oppertunity for him to amend.



            IMO TM went for the wrong tactic in this game by playing through the wings. I think this was done only to accommodate Hashemian (Crosses -> heading), Kia (right wing), and Bagheri (CM). You could see Kia struggling big time, because UAE closed the wings. Isameil Hammadi was playing up and down the field and many time came back and out muscled Kia. but you could not see Kia dropping and helping the defense. The game changed alot when Kia was subbed out and a more central midfielder was brought in instead.
            we should have gone after UAE through the middle with through balls.

            IMO the 4-2-3-1 was a btter choice here. That means Rezaei would be benched, play Masoud behind Hashemian, and Bagheri Beside Nekounam. Kia on the right wing and Madanchi on the left.

            One other problem we had was Ghorbani, ou could see him struggle big time. He filled the Offside in one scene and UAE got one to one because of that. Many time he recklessly slide tackled and UAE players got around him. he was terrible. The goal was big time his fault. He needs lots more of experience in playing in a 4 man defense line. then what do you expect from a player that might have never played in these kind of situations before. we were very unlucky to get Benger and Aghily both out of the team for this game.


              ey aghaaa . what 4-2-3-2-3-1-4-.... ?

              there is no need to add to the misery.
              we've seen how playing 2 def mids who are identical, can create confusion.
              lets not DIVERT the attention away from the main issues at TM.

              apart from the fact that we dont have any tactics and game-plan ... even after so many months and games, we have to admit poor selections in the midfield has been the major factor in it under-performing.

              the team lacks creativity in the middle.
              we've played with the likes of zandi ( who cant run more than 30-40 minutes ), sadeghi, nekounam, ando, ... and now, bagheri. none of whom are creative playmakers.

              and since the roles and duties are not established in the middle, we see that confusion.
              since bagheri was almost non-existent throughout the game, nekounam had to do the job of 2 ppl and that left the hole behind him.
              and as it is nekounam, recently, has been rather weak in retracting. and somebody HAS TO go on reminding of him. but nobody seems to do that otherwise we'd have seen some differences in his game.

              the second reason for our vulnerability in the middle is how lousy we've been in possessing the ball and giving healthy passes. all those turn-overs become the numerous chances we've given to our opponents.

              third, I must say that our defense hasnt been good at all. testament to this is the UNHEALTHY number of saves rahmati does in each game!

              so it has little to do with adding or subtracting a def mid, and much more to do with :
              1- players knowing their specific duties
              2- players DOING those duties
              3- ability to maintain possession
              4- ability to pass correctly
              5- having the right kind of player for each post
              ( not some patch-up job we've seen in TM games )
              if a player cannot deliver the duties of a certain post, no matter how popular or famous he may be, or where he plays or ..., he shd NOT be placed in that post.
              as simple as that.

              if the right players are not chosen, or if they dont know their duties or if they dont deliver those duties or if they arent able to pass correctly, or ...., then it wouldnt matter if you used 4-2-3-1, or 5-4-1 or 6-3-1 or .... !
              ... then, numbers cease to make any sense .

              talk about numbers when our players pass correctly or can maintain the ball or can run well or are put in the correct posts based on their style and nature of football and not their name or fame.

              cheh !


                ^ I think this is a main issue and I don't think having a "game plan" is something we need. A game plan can easily be read and countered, that is why creative players on the field are needed who improvise. I think we have that, but the basic tactical concept we used in the two recent games is a problem.


                  ^ true. but the ONLY creative player in daei's squad , shojaei, was pushed to the side of the pitch.
                  those in the middle arent exactly known for their creativity to conduct a team's moves, as quality players as they are.

                  but lets face it.
                  even if we had zidane in the middle, the way almost the whole team was losing the balls and mis-passing, it wouldnt have made much of a difference !


                    ^ Right, the overall number of indivdual errors is far too high. I also agree Shjoaei is probably the most creative but he is not the only creative player. Bagheri, Nekounam or Rezaei are too for example, even Kia, but not so much.

                    I think when you have a big hole in the center of your midfield passing optoins are lacked in almost every midfield department and this is one of the (not the only though) reasons why more false passes than usual can be observed.


                      Originally posted by Ali Chicago View Post
                      Something drastic needs to happen in TM (not talking about head coach change at this stage), but something big needs to happen.
                      The drastic change can be the comeback of our most influential players of Aghili, Ando, Jabari and Khalili to TM again!

                      btw I agree, playing 4-1-3-2, with a shaky defender (Ghorbani) and a tired Nekounam was a mistake by Daei.
                      Nekounam is most effective in offensive moves, taking the team forward and sending long balls to the wings(although he did that to shojaei in 2nd half which resulted in a goal but he didn't do it enough).

                      Ishala Our team gets back to winning ways after our players all recover.

                      GRACIAS PEP


                        Originally posted by shayan20 View Post
                        The drastic change can be the comeback of our most influential players of Aghili, Ando, Jabari and Khalili to TM again!

                        btw I agree, playing 4-1-3-2, with a shaky defender (Ghorbani) and a tired Nekounam was a mistake by Daei.
                        Nekounam is most effective in offensive moves, taking the team forward and sending long balls to the wings(although he did that to shojaei in 2nd half which resulted in a goal but he didn't do it enough).

                        Ishala Our team gets back to winning ways after our players all recover.
                        I hope you are right. I don't think, Aghili, Ando Jabbari or Khalili are an impacty players. Last time Ando played well in TM was in WC2006. Jabbari was good but never an IMPACT player. Khalili's impact in PP has been phenomenal but in TM not. How many goals he had in TM. G. Rezai stat in TM is better than him (goals per game).

                        Aghili at best is a defender and won't impact our offense issues at best. To be honest, I realize he is from Sepahan and all, but far from an impact player. AGain, I hope you are right, i heavily doubt it.
                        "When I see the good in you, you get motivated, feel good about yourself and that creates synergy. It creates an environment where everybody can work better together. I think in the Iranian culture it becomes very ordinary to always see the bad in each other."
                        Afshin Ghotbi ( Former TM Head Coach)

                        Nasser Hejazi was the Takhti of our football.
                        Mohammad Panjali (Former PP and TM Captain)


                          what 4-2-3-1 ?
                          what DM ? or OM ?
                          The TM is playing way too elementary for all these issues to matter !!!
                          " AAftabbeh lagan sad dast, ................... "
                          The players are all confused with thier assignments !!, is n;'t that obviouse ?
                          If you bring Ronaldinho, and KaKa...if you bring Zedan,and Del piero....and tell them nothing, and just send them out to play on thier do not get any better......
                          Player selection,line up, 4-2-3-1, MD,OF, all matter when there is a design at work !! Not when no body knows, who is supposed to do what !!

                          We are all, way too much ahead of, Ali Daei's Coupans !

                          Human no one special...he is just some one like one of us here in PFDC !!....some knowledge of English language, some Internet useage knowledge, and some readings from what some other coaches have said in football sites !!!!!!!!!!!
                          Branko wanted his services, because he spoke English, and he was Bran*** connection to Iranian scociety !!
                          But, the reason Daei wanted him for, was because, Daei, does not have knowledge of the elementary football alphabetts.....,.and Afazeli, is a proffesor before becomeing a teacher !!....
                          It is on the job training for all of them !!!.....................
                          There is absolutly only one reason, for the weak preformance of TM, and that has nothing to do, with player selection, or 4-2-3-1,or choice of DM,or OF..........................
                          It is all because, Nobody believes in what TM is doing !


                            Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                            Against DPR Korea and in UAE Daei actually did what many fans always wanted to see, only 1 DM plus 2 wingers and an OM and I must say I don't think this works well.

                            Nekounam was all alone in the crucial area in front of the 2 centerhalves too often and in the build-up there was just a huge hole in front of him so he mostly had to go for some backpass or highball.

                            This midfield variant is making our defense shaky and our offense weaker due to many turnovers in the build-up.

                            I think we either need a second DM/CM beside Nekounam, for example by adding Teymourian or a similar player instead of an offensive player, or by pulling Bagheri back a bit, or we need to play a real diamond in which the "side" midfielders play a more central (and probably more defensive) role closer to Nekounam.

                            I think this shows that adding more offensive players and playing a kind of 4-1-3-2 doesn't really sparkle the offense.

                            This is just one of a couple of problems, but I think it's a tactical one which could be well observed yesterday and I'm sure the coaching staff will not play like this again, unless against pushovers like Singapore.
                            I agree with this. I think though we do not have the diamond players that could do more defensive work yet be able to perform offensively as well... so the choice is clear at least in my mind.
                            deerooz, emrooz, farda
                            The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                            Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                              Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                              Against DPR Korea and in UAE Daei actually did what many fans always wanted to see, only 1 DM plus 2 wingers and an OM and I must say I don't think this works well.

                              Nekounam was all alone in the crucial area in front of the 2 centerhalves too often and in the build-up there was just a huge hole in front of him so he mostly had to go for some backpass or highball.

                              This midfield variant is making our defense shaky and our offense weaker due to many turnovers in the build-up.

                              I think we either need a second DM/CM beside Nekounam, for example by adding Teymourian or a similar player instead of an offensive player, or by pulling Bagheri back a bit, or we need to play a real diamond in which the "side" midfielders play a more central (and probably more defensive) role closer to Nekounam.

                              I think this shows that adding more offensive players and playing a kind of 4-1-3-2 doesn't really sparkle the offense.

                              This is just one of a couple of problems, but I think it's a tactical one which could be well observed yesterday and I'm sure the coaching staff will not play like this again, unless against pushovers like Singapore.

                              The problem, I think, lays in the two central defenders who are not able to play a semi-ball distributer role. This problem showed more in the last game when Aghili, who is much better than Hossini in this quality, replaced with some one new with lack of confidence, however I think Ghorbani doesn't have such a quality to begin with. I hope we can use Nosrati down the line if he can make a good come back.

                              You also mentioned about the diamond shape mid's as well where Kia had little quality in this formation. Don't forget that Shojaei was almost invisible as well in the last game.


