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Who is worse than animal Mr. Ghotbi? (An open letter to a fake emperor)

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    چراغپور: قطبي وزير هم باشد، قبولش ندارم/ علي عالی

    يكسري پراگماتيسم تيم دارد، به*خوبي مي*تواند آدم*ها را مديريت كند، جاذبه دارد و نوع حرف*زدن*ها و مصاحبه*هايش جذاب است، اما همه اينها فقط در فصل اول بود و امسال ممكن است تبديل به نكات منفي شود. او سابقه سرمربيگري را جز با تيم بانوان نداشت و مطمئنم كه هيچ*چيز دست خودش نبود



      For all those who think of Ghotbi as an angel , here is an interesting piece to expose the man

      خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران - تهران
      سرويس: ورزشي - فوتبال

      " افشين قطبي عجيب*ترين قرارداد مربي*گري در تاريخ فوتبال ايران را با مديران باشگاه پرسپوليس بسته است".
      آيا اين جمله را با شناخت نسبي كه از قطبي به عنوان يك مربي حرفه*يي داريم و يا با حضور افراد باتجربه*اي در زمينه ورزش و اقتصاد، نظير داريوش مصطفوي و حسين هدايتي در راس هدايت باشگاه پرسپوليس، مي*توان باور كرد؟
      به گزارش خبرگزاري دانشجويان ايران (ايسنا)، رفتن يك*باره افشين قطبي، سرمربي سابق تيم* فوتبال پرسپوليس از اين تيم، پيامدها و واكنش*هاي مختلفي را در روزهاي اخير به همراه داشته است. اما نكته*اي كه در اين روزها بيشتر به آن* پرداخته مي*شود، موضوع قرارداد مالي قطبي با پرسپوليس است. اين موضوع با اعلام مديران باشگاه پرسپوليس مبني بر بازگرداندن بخشي از مبالغ گرفته شده از سوي قطبي، قوت بيشتري به خود گرفت. اما در اين ميان بايد به قرارداد شگفت انگيز سرمربي سابق، با پرسپوليس اشاره و برخي از بند*هاي آن را بازخواني كرد تا ببينيم واقعيت ماجرا از چه قرار بوده است.

      *** مبلغ قرارداد، يك ميليون و هشتصد هزار دلار
      مبلغ قرارداد دوساله قطبي، يك ميليون و هشتصد هزار دلار است كه هشتصد هزار دلار آن براي سال اول و يك ميليون دلار ديگر براي سال دوم حضورش به عنوان سرمربي در تيم فوتبال پرسپوليس است.

      ***بندهايي از يك قرارداد شگفت*انگيز
      در يكي از بندهاي قرارداد قطبي با پرسپوليس آمده است: "سرمربي تيم مي*تواند از ابتداي مسابقات تا پايان ليگ هر زمان مشكلات و كمبودهايي به لحاظ امكانات لازم در تيم مشاهده كرد، آنها را رسما به مديران باشگاه اعلام كند، اما در صورتي كه چهارده روز از اعلام سرمربي گذشت و مشكلات برطرف نشد، قطبي مي*تواند استعفا دهد و تمامي مبلغ آن سال را بدون چون و چرا دريافت كند."
      در بندي ديگر از اين قرارداد آمده است: "هر زمان مديران باشگاه بخاطر كسب نتايج ضعيف احتمالي تيم پرسپوليس، قصد بركناري قطبي را داشتند، موظف هستند كل مبلغ قرارداد دوساله او يعني يك ميليون و هشتصد هزار دلار را به سرمربي پرداخت كنند."

      حال كه قطبي هفتاد درصد از مبلغ قرارداد سال اول خود را دريافت كرده است (كه اين هم جاي سوال دارد!) بنابر مشاهده مشكلاتي در تيم،* آنها را اعلام و پس از گذشت چهارده روز، استعفا داده است و در شرايطي كه تنها 14 هفته از 34 هفته يك فصل را روي نيمكت پرسپوليس نشست، اين تيم را به مقصد دبي ترك كرد!
      قطبي اكنون مي*تواند 30 درصد باقي*مانده از قراردادش را هم بخواهد و تازه اگر هم نخواهد، حدود نيمي از مبلغ دريافتي*اش را طبق بندهاي آمده در قرارداد، اضافه گرفته است اما مديران پرسپوليس همچنان از يك موضع* قدرتمندانه به دنبال احقاق حق بيت*المال هستند.

      *** و سئوال*هاي بي پاسخ
      در حال حاضر مشخص نيست كه به چه علتي چنين قراردادي با سرمربي مستعفي پرسپوليس بسته شده است؟! آيا مديران بيش از اندازه نسبت به توافقات انجام شده بي*اطلاع بودند؟ آيا افشين قطبي برخلاف تصورات، بسيار انسان زيركي است؟ آيا اين مربي ارزش بستن چنين قراردادي را داشته است؟ آيا "حسين هدايتي" رييس هيات مديره باشگاه كه فاتحانه براي عقد قرارداد با قطبي به دبي رفت و قرارداد را امضا كرد، متوجه بندهاي قرارداد نبوده است؟ آيا هدايتي و پرسپوليس، سرشان كلاه رفته است؟ آيا هدايتي كه پيش از آمدن به جمع پرسپوليسي*ها مي*گفت تنها براي خريد اين باشگاه آمده وعضويت در هيات مديره فايده*اي برايش ندارد توافقات ديگري با قطبي داشته است؟!

      در مجموع اينها سوالاتي است كه شايد طي اتفاقات هفته پيش*رو، پاسخش داده شود، شايد هم بنابر مصلحت*انديشي*هاي مختلف، هيچ وقت پاسخ واقعي آن را نشنويم.

      *** هنوز از قطبي دعوت رسمي نشده
      از آنجايي كه در فوتبال ايران اكثر مربياني كه كارشان را در تيم*هاي باشگاهي در نهايت دوستي و حسن*ظن شروع مي*كنند و مسوولان تيم*ها هم حتي تا ثانيه*هايي پيش از قطع همكاري، با تمام وجود از مربيان حمايت مي*كنند اما بلافاصله پس از جدايي دشمن ديرينه*اي با آنها مي*شوند؛ اينك پرونده "افشين قطبي" سرمربي مستعفي تيم فوتبال پرسپوليس نيز وضعيت چنين پيدا كرده است.

      شايد كمتر كسي تصور *كند قطبي با آن رفتار خاص*اش دچار كوچكترين مشكلي با مسوولان باشگاه پرسپوليس يا هر تيم ديگر شود اما اكنون كه او مدتي است از پرسپوليس جدا شده و ايران را ترك كرده، مديران اين تيم از عمل نكردن اين مربي به تعهداتش در قبال باشگاه صحبت مي*كنند؛ آنها مدعي هستند قطبي كه هفتاد درصد از مبلغ سال اول قراردادش را گرفته مي*بايست حدود نيمي از دريافتي*هايش را به باشگاه برگرداند.

      داريوش مصطفوي مديرعامل باشگاه پرسپوليس مي*گويد: " طي هفته جاري مردم را در جريان پي*گيري*هاي مطالبات باشگاه از قطبي قرار مي*دهد" او در عين حال مي*گويد كاملا به امور حقوقي فيفا آشناست و موضوع را از طريق فيفا پي*گيري خواهد كرد اما در وهله اول سعي مي*كند قضيه را به شكلي مسالمت*آميز حل كند.

      اين اظهارات مصطفوي گويي اعلام هشداري براي قطبي و مديربرنامه*هايش در خصوص برگرداندن بخشي از پول*هاي دريافتي است؛ آنها صحبت از مذاكره و حل*فصل دوستانه مي*كنند اما اين پرونده پي*گيري*هاي حقوقي مقدماتي*اش را سپري مي*كند و انگار بغض ايجاد شده ناشي از رفتن قطبي در شرايط حساس كنوني، جز با شكايت و جريانات حقوقي نمي*خواهد بتركد!

      از سويي افشين قطبي هم فعلا سياست سكوت را اختيار كرده است و با آرامش در كنار خانواده*اش در دبي بسر مي*برد. "مهدي حاج*باقر" مدير برنامه*هاي وي به ايسنا گفت: "هنوز هيچ دعوت رسمي از سوي باشگاه پرسپوليس براي نشستن پاي ميز مذاكره جهت حل*و فصل پرونده فوق صورت نگرفته است."

      حاج*باقر كه در جريان اين مساله خود و قطبي را تابع هيات مديره و باشگاه پرسپوليس و همچنين حركت در چارچوب مفاد قرارداد پيش*رو مي*داند، در عين حال نسبت به اين رويكرد مديرعامل پرسپوليس واكنشي خفيف دارد و سعي مي*كند حتي*الامكان مساله با مذاكره حل شود اما مي*گويد: " بهتر است اين مساله از طريق مذاكره حل شود اما اگر خداي نكرده كار به فيفا كشيده شود، قطبي هم استنادات و وكلايي دارد كه بطور جدي از خود دفاع كند. اگر قرار باشد طبق شرايط قرارداد عمل كنيم، مفادي در آن وجود دارد كه صحبت*هاي كنوني مديران پرسپوليس مبني بر بازگرداندن بخشي از مطالبات دريافت قطبي به باشگاه پرسپوليس را نقض مي*كند."

      وي با تاييد اين بند در قرارداد قطبي كه " سرمربي مي*تواند چهارده روز پس از حل نشدن موارد و مشكلاتي در بحث امكانات تيم كه آن را بصورت مكتوب به مديرعامل باشگاه اعلام كرده است، استعفا دهد و باشگاه موظف به پرداخت كليه مبلغ قرارداد سال اول اوست" به ايسنا مي*گويد: "طبق اتفاقات پيش* آمده و مفاد قرارداد قطبي، او مي*تواند حتي ادعاي دريافت 30درصد ديگر مبلغ قرارداد سال اول خود را داشته باشد اما مشاهده مي*كنيد قطبي اكنون تنها 70 درصد از قراردادش را گرفته و از ايران رفته است."

      حاج*باقر در پاسخ به اين سوال كه چرا قطبي براي تسويه حساب اقدام نكرده است، گفت: " صبر كرديم تا ديدارهاي پرسپوليس مقابل پيكان و استقلال اهواز تمام شود و اكنون معتقدم تمامي اين موارد با مذاكره و صحبت حل خواهد شد".

      مدير برنامه*هاي قطبي در تهران همچنين در رابطه با مشكلاتي كه قطبي با استناد به آنها استعفا داده نيز مي*گويد: " مشكلات از ديد قطبي وجود داشته است اما مصطفوي مديرعامل باشگاه گفته است اين مشكلات تنها موارد بسيار ناچيزي است كه قطبي نبايد آنها را بزرگ جلوه دهد ولي سوال اينجاست كه آيا همين موارد ناچيز حل شده است؟ "
      از قرار معلوم تنها موردي كه پرسپوليسي*ها مي*توانند از آن به عنوان راه نجات و بازگرداندن پول هدر رفته به بيت*المال، استفاده كننده همين مشكلات كوچك*شمرده*شده باشد اما بعيد است در قراردادي كه مباحث كلانش چنين بندهاي باورنكردني وعجيبي دارد، نامي از مشكلات مهم يا ناچيز در آن برده يا حتي*الامكان تفكيكي بين آنها ايجاد شده باشد.

      *** و نماي نهايي
      البته مديران پرسپوليس با توجه به بند عجيب ديگري در قرارداد قطبي و تاييد آن از سوي حاج*باقر مبني بر اينكه " مديران پرسپوليس موظف هستند هر زمان كه افشين قطبي را از سمتش بركنار كردند، كليه مبلغ قرارداد دو ساله او كه حدود يك ميليون و هشتصد هزار دلار است را به او پرداخت كنند" شانس آوردند كه قطبي اكنون رفته و آنها مجبور نشدند پس از نتايج احتمالي ضعيف اين تيم در مسابقات آتي، اعتراضات هواداران و به دنبال آن اخراج سرمربي، يك ميليون دلار بابت فصلي كه شروع نشده و مربي كه قرار نيست روي نيمكت بنشيند را از " جيب بيت*المال " بپردازند!

      با اين تفاسير بعيد به نظر مي*رسد كه افشين قطبي يك*دلار هم از مبلغ دريافتي*اش را به پرسپوليسي*ها بازگرداند،* شايد در خوش*بينانه*ترين حالت تنها بخواهد بخاطر به حاشيه* نرفتن تيمي كه فصل پيش آن را قهرمان كرده و يا مسايل فانتزي از اين دست، قيد 30درصد باقي*مانده از قراردادش كه اصلا هم شبيه يك*مشت دلار نيست را بزند، وگرنه دست*وپا زدن پي*گيران مسايل حقوقي پرسپوليس و طبل شكايت آنها از قطبي، دردي را دوا نمي*كند و باز هم شاهد برگ پيدا شده ديگري از عهدنامه به اصطلاح "تركمانچاي" به ظاهر بي*پايان اين*بار بين مديران پرسپوليس و افشين قطبي باشيم.

      البته ممكن است همين*روزها شاهد انتشار خبرهايي با اين عناوين كه " طبق توافقات انجام شده مديران پرسپوليس با قطبي، بخشي از پول*هاي دريافتي اين مربي به صندوق باشگاه بازگشت!" يا اينكه "رييس متمول هيات مديره باشگاه اين هزينه را تقبل كرده است!" باشيم و ماجرا براي به حاشيه نرفتن اين تيم بزرگ پرحاشيه، ختم* به خير شود.

      در همين راستا محمد علي*آبادي رييس سازمان تربيت بدني هم كه متوجه مفاد قرارداد قطبي شده طي روزهاي گذشته يك جلسه با مصطفوي و جلسه ديگري را با كليه اعضاي هيات مديره باشگاه برگزار كرده و صحبت*هاي لازم را با آنها انجام داده است.



        ^^ lol yeah, that piece by ISNA really exposes Ghotbi.
        getting a contract that lets him out without losing any money...
        Ghotbi was really bad.. really bad..

        P.S, besides you and Ala, I have never seen anyone else use the word Angel in the same sentence with Ghotbi..


          Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
          ^^ lol yeah, that piece by ISNA really exposes Ghotbi.
          getting a contract that lets him out without losing any money...
          Ghotbi was really bad.. really bad..

          P.S, besides you and Ala, I have never seen anyone else use the word Angel in the same sentence with Ghotbi..
          LOL ..ISNA bad , IFF bad , Perspolis Bad , Hame bad...Afshin Ghotbi Very good.

          Frankly , with such mentality , you deserve a guy like Ghotbi. Somehow I doubt that you would have the same impression and see the funny or clever side of it if that if that money came from your bank account instead of the public money.

          I still fail to understand your admiration for a man who manipulated the system so cleverly by getting maximum financial advantage without completing his task.
          Last edited by maij; 11-28-2008, 08:52 AM.



            Part three: Regarding is it personal for me (!?)

            It is interesting that the question of bias and fairness in this topic is raised often by those who have been a fan of Ghotbi, and have been persistent in the past year or so to express strong opinion about him.

            It’s amazing how far the mentality of “If I said so, it will be so regardless” can go. Even as far as protecting a “questionable” character in expense of someone’s integrity and devotion, someone that provides free service to a community simply due to a passion. This “regardless” often goes beyond imagination and acceptable excuses, in this case dismissing a year long work on observing and documenting a circus like show.

            Once again, was it personal? The answer depends on the question. Have I taken it personal to make sure the matter is presented from different perspective? You bet I have and my work shows it. Is it in personal level with Mr. Ghotbi? I have never met this man, and the chances are I will never meet him nor would I gain any financial benefit from this work. To me it has simply been a matter of principle and passion, and that is principle I believe in, not necessarily what others have tried to enforce into my work!?

            My first work

            I basically got concern with his show when the campaign targeted national team “too quick, too soon”. I invite people to read my first article on Ghotbi. It basically predicted that the “supporting cast” are advertising him for national team, and the article presents his half season review that does not justify a first year coach with no professional coaching or playing experience to take over national team.

            First article:

            Where was I wrong in that article? The prediction that soon they will force him into national team coaching job which they did (unsuccessfully but nevertheless aggressively through their connection in IFF)? That we should not get “over excited” about his early results as his coaching staff, and the superiority of his players in comparison to the teams they competed against does not give us enough reason to blow it out of proportion? I compared the players of each team, and also the results he got against slightly better of those teams and how it compared.

            This season, without the same staff and management that I credited then, and without those players that I also credited in that article, Ghotbi showed how dependent he was on facts I presented. I invite people again to read the very first article and see where I was wrong voicing my opinion about Ghotbi while the motto of Emperor Emperor could be heard from each corner of this universe; from the fans in the stand all the way to US and cyber space.

            Did I take the stones thrown at me afterward, personal? Yes I did. I could see what was coming to us and I was warning people while being mistreated. I warned about the events that eventually took place in Perspolis this year instead of national team, and about questionable dallals involved along with poor display of coaching that would have happened to national team instead, had it been succeeded.

            My second work

            I continued my work with second article short time later where I documented an exaggerated claims of being part of three world cup staff. Through named officials in international football federations, I presented facts and lists. While he had repeated claimed that he was part of US national team in 1998 world cup, his name was no where to be found in any part of the “official staff” in US national team staff.

            Second article:

            I faced the same treatment with this second work. My documentation had no effect to that “regardless” mentality, and the mistreatment continued by the same people that still persist to question me rather than the issue in hand. Once again I invite people to read my second article presented and tell me if I was wrong and I should have paid the expensive price of “balance and fair”(!?) and not to bring up those important issues.

            I also want everyone to note that by the time I published the second article that probably was the ONLY two articles in the whole world that had dared to point out problems against Mr. Ghotbi, there were arguably hundreds of articles in Iranian papers and cyber space praising him, often with Emperor titles.

            Two articles against hundreds! And even that was not acceptable by fanatics. I received notes, Private messages, Emails, condemning me with even foul languages, but I stood by my principle. I knew time will tell that I have nothing but good intention and the matter would sooner or later be obvious to many, at least those with open mind.

            My third work

            After his unsuccessful campaign to take over national team, he failed to advertise himself any where else, and returned to Perspolis. Then, I published my third article revealing parts of behind the scenes events that let to his re-installation during the summer. In fact, that article at the end “tried” to help Ghotbi by giving suggestions, and even that was not taken well by fanatics. Obviously in their world, Mansoor Ansari had no right to give advice to their emperor to “reconsider wrong path that it will eventually destroy you”.

            Third article:

            He took that wrong path and even went as far as calling those questioning his role in transfer of players, including myself, not human and worst than animal.

            I knew a lot about his character and I did not take such strong and ridiculous claim by a questionable character himself, lightly. I decided to stay quiet to avoid helping his “mazloom namaei” campaign while working and using excuses like “look people these worst than animals don’t let me work otherwise I can bring you international football”.

            This recent writing

            I decided to wait for his dismissal which I had predicted after disastrous result in ACL to voice my respond. But his escape from what was coming to him with a note belonging to children’s book brought the matter sooner than I thought and so was my fourth writing.

            Yep, four writings, compared to hundreds of romantic writings …

            Little bit of this and that

            At the end, there are still some strange demands and questions in this subject that I rather answer quickly with a few facts.

            1. I am not a professional journalist. I do not get paid to do what I do. My type of work that does not have money as the motivation or requirement to voice opinion is among the most honest types of writings you can find, as no money is effecting the content. Pure honest work driven by passion.

            2. I do not write to satisfy anyone in particular. Particularly, I do not care if my writing is not what someone “likes” to read. For the reason mentioned in 1, I write what I think and believe is right to write. Is that hard to understand? Honestly, not my concern.

            3. I don’t choose topics based on others wishes as my free spirit writing can not function driven by others desire or motivation. I choose what I like to write about, and I choose how long or how often I continue to write about it. That is the luxury of having the free journalism that I provide, and is “not for hire”. I am not sure how difficult this trivial concept is for some that without paying me nor without me getting paid expect my time to be spent to their wishes!? I think we have a proper saying in our language about this …

            4. Obviously, there are more topics that interest me to write, for example about our national team’s poor display recently. I wish I could dedicate my time more than I could to new dimensions in my work, but my involvement in multiple affairs outside the scope of this hobby of mine simply doesn’t let me to do more than I really like to. I rather complete the dimensions I have worked on than compromising it to quick touch of this and that. My in depth coverage of Ghotbi and his supporting cast is a dimension that I chose to complete (due to luxury of free journalism). Every one has every right to find interest on the same topic or move on to topics that interest them. What they don’t have the right is to carry me in their journey to their topic of interest as well.

            I do have one more thing to say in this topic that I will leave for a new thread soon ….
            Last edited by Mansoor; 11-28-2008, 12:03 PM.
            We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
            Go IRAN!


              Great Job Mansoor Agha.

              Damet Garm.



                Originally posted by maij View Post
                LOL ..ISNA bad , IFF bad , Perspolis Bad , Hame bad...Afshin Ghotbi Very good.
                Agha majeed, where did I say those things that you claim i said??

                lol, best one is the " perspolis bad" part...

                Originally posted by maij View Post
                Frankly , with such mentality , you deserve a guy like Ghotbi. Somehow I doubt that you would have the same impression and see the funny or clever side of it if that if that money came from your bank account instead of the public money.

                I still fail to understand your admiration for a man who manipulated the system so cleverly by getting maximum financial advantage without completing his task.
                Now you sound like someone that has no idea what a CONTRACT is or means. Ghotbi manipulated a system so cleverly, by signing a contract that PERSPOLIS management gave him? after he had already left perspolis, and it was perspolis management that went after him sucking up to him to come back??

                baba, ye kassee ya ye nakasee een ghardado dadeh be een amoo emza kardeh.. az khodesh ke dar nayovordeh boodeh.

                Instead of stating the problem , you are bashing ghotbi for taking more than what YOU think he is worth?

                Ok, when your employer gives you an offer/contract that favors you, tell him no, you don't deserve that much money,..
                Last edited by BehzadB; 11-28-2008, 05:54 PM.


                  Originally posted by maij View Post
                  چراغپور: قطبي وزير هم باشد، قبولش ندارم/ علي عالی

                  يكسري پراگماتيسم تيم دارد، به*خوبي مي*تواند آدم*ها را مديريت كند، جاذبه دارد و نوع حرف*زدن*ها و مصاحبه*هايش جذاب است، اما همه اينها فقط در فصل اول بود و امسال ممكن است تبديل به نكات منفي شود. او سابقه سرمربيگري را جز با تيم بانوان نداشت و مطمئنم كه هيچ*چيز دست خودش نبودمثلا نصرتي تا آخرين روز پا به توپ سرش را پايين مي*انداخت و 90 متر با توپ مي*رفت و توپ را لو مي*داد، اما هيچ*وقت حركتش اصلاح نشد.

                  Somebody has to INFORM Mr. cheraghpour, that Nosrati was coached by mr. Jalali (cheraghpours's ostaad, if I am not mistaking), Dnizli, and Branko for much longer time than he was with ghotbi...

                  they couldn't teach him how to hold his head up? why blame it all on ghotbi?? Typical iranian mentaly.. "man eeno ghabool nadarm, oono ghabool nadaram" .. .. hala masalan khodesh ta hala che ghalatee kardeh..

                  where was Cheraghpour when PP players pick up the trophy last year?..
                  he had it ZIPPED..
                  Last edited by BehzadB; 11-28-2008, 11:38 PM.


                    Originally posted by Mansoor View Post
                    ^ While back I realized we are "miles" apart in many aspects such as culture, logic, perspective and decided not to reason with you anymore. So, there is no hope for me to explain your emperor used the word animal not me, and called people like me questioning him "not human and worse than animal" and I am asking him "who is worse than animal" Mr Ghotbi. Does that make sense to you? perhaps not ... Any how, please assume you have won a thrash talk debate and move on. Thanks.
                    I am not sure the you here meant me, but I certainly hope so!
                    I sure believe that there is familial, cultural, perspective, logic, the gray matter between our ears...AND ABOVE ALL CONCIENCE! differences between us

                    ...I for one am exceptionally happy about that. I personally need say, a bit more of logical, evidence based commentary than just say... karimis picture in the water shouldering another player as proof for ...!

                    The judicial system in civilized world rules that you must have evidence based accusation or you are exposed if just speculating. At best that makes the difference between say BILD paper and say kicker!!

                    In a country called I.R. Iran that mollas call the people retards that need valiye fagheeh I personally do not believe in any fair judicial process nor judgments ( in general and as a matter of fact, that does not mean exceptions do not happen).
                    I certainly do not believe in the journalistic codes of iranians inside and out of Iran. In my opinion they are all personal agenda driven! At best they are money driven to like or dislike a coach or a player...again that does not rule out the exceptions in our country and outside of it, but that has been the norm.. news that squeezes out of it as we have seen numerous times.

                    That said you either have valid witnesses for your passage or you dont.
                    Lets say you do!
                    for one without a proper reference to the source the passage is void, speculative and asks for basically wwhat? the same maturity and weight that ALA 's posts from ... frankly i do many more important things in life for me and others to waste time on ....let me not repeat it again...

                    for two, points that you have raised about ghotbi asking for money for her girlfriend , her pictures, etc. is totally unbased, he could and can ask not only for that but for his bathroom to be cleaned by hedayati !! this is a buis negotiation so what !!!? on top of all of that WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE AS TO WHO HAS PAID WHAT AND WHAT THE DEAL IS. I mean do we even know lets say what hedayatis deal directly or indirectly with karimis deal was and plenty of others....theres all speculation and nothing in ink to be proven.

                    for three,
                    I have said that many times to you and the likes of you( read this as the people that are so strong to defend or offend anything based on as little as possible of evidence, or the so cultof support or destroy at any cost):
                    so one more time hope this gets to where it should:

                    I kneel for no emperor! nobody is my soltan , emperor this or that!
                    I kneel for knowledge, logic, decency and conscience. People of this board who know me and my family personally would vouch for that.
                    If i do not have proof I give the benefit of doubt. Simple as that. I put no blind fold....and I throw no blanket judgements..

                    Ghotbi has not called anyone animal u speculate that he has based on what ? but whats for sure is that you call him one and based on...?!
                    how come ali daei when smacks little kids for the same reason does not get your open letter...after all smacking a kid...

                    and standing ovation for people that as mentioned in this thread "pick up their battle" journalistic battle personal battle or " I write whats right" to ruin someone based on best speculation...let that be your legacy! or journalistic thrash talk as you may.
                    to a jury boz I could easily prove that what you have written is all and pure speculation and just what you think!
                    that said I dont go about belittling people just based on what i think and without solodid evidence...I guess you are right we are million miles apart! I have no talk with people that could stab based on what you have at hand!
                    Last edited by perspolees; 11-28-2008, 09:42 PM.
                    deerooz, emrooz, farda
                    The only dynasty of iranian football. ( At least three back to back championships define dynasty, we had moreTeam of the people by the people for the people that fills up 100k stadium like its nothing.
                    Future of true professional football if any in Iran!


                      Originally posted by maij View Post
                      For all those who think of Ghotbi as an angel , here is an interesting piece to expose the man
                      Everything in PP and with a lower extend in SS with huge fan bases is exaggerated. If a player plays a few good games he should also be selected for TM at any cost. If a coach leads the team to just an IPL championship, he can also fool the management to offer him such Torkamanchai contracts for himself and his Brazilian buddy and his buddy's buddy!, and he is also the "victim" for missing out on the TM job. Some fans forget that PP actually missed on championship the previous year with just 3 points and has 50000+ supporters in his home and some of the away games, so it does not really take an "Emperor" to lead such a team to just an IPL championship. If a coach acts as a nice person for a few months because he is new to the environment, he is teaching "professionalism" to Iran's football, eventhough he acts exactly the same as other coaches after he feels he has passed the uncertain period. If someone questions the coach's credentials and skills, he has committed a cardinal sin, has hidden motives and should be punished.

                      And the unfit and incapable management accepts the unfair contract to show to the public that they are the heroes who brought back the "Emperor" to the team. Everybody looks happy, but things are clearly wrong.

                      And it is interesting that after all these events, some fans say "pool nooshe joonesh" like they are donating from Kiseye Khalifeh! This, IMO, is the result of having a league with two poles.
                      2, 9, 10, 11 and 14


                        Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
                        where was Cheraghpour when PP players pick up the trophy last year?..
                        he had it ZIPPED..

                        this is what sometimes really irritates me about us, Iranians ( and a whole lot of other ppl in the world ).
                        for all the respect I have for Cheraghpoor ( technically & theoretically a very sound coach and expert ), such comments are low down and dirty.

                        when someone's riding high we keep quiet and some even jump on the band wagon.
                        but the moment those ppl fall from the grace, we pile on them and start bashing them, saying "I knew this and that" !!!
                        nobody asks: "where were you when he/she was doing all those foul things? why didnt you say all this at that time?"

                        absurd !


                          Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
                          Somebody has to INFORM Mr. cheraghpour, that Nosrati was coached by mr. Jalali (cheraghpours's ostaad, if I am not mistaking), Dnizli, and Branko for much longer time than he was with ghotbi...

                          they couldn't teach him how to hold his head up? why blame it all on ghotbi?? Typical iranian mentaly.. "man eeno ghabool nadarm, oono ghabool nadaram" .. .. hala masalan khodesh ta hala che ghalatee kardeh..

                          where was Cheraghpour when PP players pick up the trophy last year?..
                          he had it ZIPPED..

                          Well , Behzad jan...I must say that I agree with you on this Cheraghpour character...He has as big a mouth as Moby Dick !!

                          But whether we like him or not , he is entitled to his opinion and as an experienced coach ....his views carries a bit more weight than an average fan.



                            Originally posted by maij View Post
                            Great Job Mansoor Agha.

                            Damet Garm.
                            Mokhlesim. It is an honor to be able to cross message to people like you who have dedicated a lot of their time to Iranian football.
                            We thank and support Mr.Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to Iranian Football Community.
                            Go IRAN!


                              Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
                              Now you sound like someone that has no idea what a CONTRACT is or means.
                              Before someone passes such comment on my credentials and professional career , it only prudent for that person to at least know me and know something about my professional career , else such comment is slanderous defamatory and downright insulting and not to mention that such comment does not belong to a forum where supposedly informed adults and mature people exchange ideas and discussion.

                              You Mr. Behzad , acted as such and without any prior knowledge of my background , falsely and ignorantly suggested that I have no idea what a contract is!

                              For your information , the last big CONTRACT I was in charge of was worth US$ 9,549,578.06 to be exact , prepared by me , approved by the legal dept. , cleared by Internal Audit , counter signed by yours truly, counter signed by the CEO and signed by the Chairman of the board.

                              I think after such ignorant comment from you , it is useless to continue any meaningful discussion....



                                Mansoor Jan I read your answers and "attempts" to clarify the obvious open letter. I feel sorry you gave up your time repeating yourself for some, as I remember you said some of those things in that PFTV editorial which is still up on the site.

                                Again Thanks.

                                GRACIAS PEP

