Originally posted by maij
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You are so right, as so many do not appreciate , not even acknowledge, the amount of hard valenteer work......
I , also,express my admiration for Mansoor, and his work.......and I also admit, there is a certain ,psycologicaly anti-establishment motivations, that appeal to some members, and may like to critisize MODS, more than ordinary members !!! ( I know, it is stupid ).......,
But, There was no need for " kamran "'s interfierance !!, nor was there any reason for Mansoor to come back and explain his point of view, over and over.........nor, mansoor needed anybody's help ...
Majid jaan, ...they say " Reveloution feeds from its own supporters !!!! ".....that means, in reveloutions, those who sacrificed the most, will be killed first !!!
It is nice and fair for those hard workers to be appreciated.....but, they can not and should not expect that !.....that is not how the world works......, your reward will be , when your work is most successful........, and hampering legitimate concerns , ( even though wrong ), does not help the success of PFDC, nor would be a good reward for your, Mansoor,and Kamran's selfless contributions !
I hope, this , " Webmaster friendly warnings ", will not be a norm in future, as it solves nothing, ..I hope we are allowed to solve issues by ourseleves in a civilized manner.
I realy do not think, Hajagha,Ali-chicago,gol-kuchik,and me and some others , were any threat to the foudations of PFDC !.................may be ungreatful, ...but not a threat !!