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Who says "old" formations dont work ?

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    Who says "old" formations dont work ?

    For a few years, GN has been ridiculed and put down by many for using an "old" formation of 3-5-2. He applied it to TM as well, in the beginning of his tenure
    It's just a sad, tragic thing that he lost his nerves at the AC07 and reverted to the crappy 4-2-3-1 ... and we know how that turned out anyway.

    I remember how much hoopla this created in these very forum with people denouncing 3-5-2 as defunct and useless. But look at what he's done for SS and Mes, in previous year. SS is on their way to the championship on the back of GN-revolution.

    I guess it all comes back to the old argument: do you pick your system based on the players you have, or pick players based on a set system.
    and GN has shown "players" are more important to consider in this matter, than the system. Even if it is deemed as an old, defunct one.


    The second thing GN has done is revitalized Borhani.
    I mean this was the guy who was the poster boy for "missing 100% goal mouth chances". LOL We've seen video compilations ( some quite long ) made on his misses.
    But this year, under GN, he's turned into a scoring machine at the club level. So what's happened?


    The third matter is GN has put enough hunger and drive into SS that they just dont quit or get satisfied with scoring the winning goal. They push for more and we've seen quite a few high scoring games from them.
    Another positive.

    I wonder how many who were against GN a year back, are still repeating their arguments?
    In fact I see a few who jump on the band wagon also and have become supporters suddenly!!!

    Giving TM to GN after WC06 was wrong. we all said it, whether we were pro or anti GN. It was premature and that hurt his prospects. I think this year, he's finally gotten that done with and swept aside.

    All he has to do is learn how to speak properly, be less abrasive and accusatory and be a bit more refined.
    TOUGH task! straightening a club is far easier , I guess

    Well, his formation is more 5-3-2 than 3-5-2.... with Montazeri being a bit forward than the other two defenders, he is playing 4-4-2. Of course not diamond as he doesn't have any one right behind his forwards (Borhani and Akbari).
    What's his magic? He pumps good spirit in the team, knows Iranian style and gives freedom to the player to be themselves.
    Did you see how Taleb-loo went and apologized from every single player in the team personally? This is rare in Iran. ESES is a "TEAM" with no superstar but trust among each other.
    ...and Ghalenoei is one of the smartest coach we have ever had.


      GN's the best coach Iran has - better than Dr. Z, Daei, Ghotbi, Jalali...whoever. Probably one of the best we've ever had.

      If Iran dares to give it's team to a countryman after Daei; it has to be GN.


        Originally posted by kaz View Post
        If Iran dares to give it's team to a countryman after Daei; it has to be GN.
        the question is, will GN continue to play 3-5-2 in TM as well? will the media and critics allow him to do that or not?
        Originally posted by siavasharian

        بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
        بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


          Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
          the question is, will GN continue to play 3-5-2 in TM as well? will the media and critics allow him to do that or not?
          Hopefully, after this success...they'll shut the hell up and let him do what he wants. GN's problem last time was that he tried to please too many people. He ended up trying too many players and systems just to keep people quiet instead of doing it how he wanted. He is a better speaker nowadays as well. Hopefully, it'd be better if they gave it to him again.


            It was just a case of bad timing that he got TM back then, but then again with IFF, if there's something you can be sure about , it's their disastrous timing. They gave it to GN too soon and went ahead and repeated the exact same thing with Daei.
            GN, to me has matured as a person too compared to 2-3 years ago. He was a smart coach back then too, but his personality and manners always left a lot to be desired. He behaved quite bad back then, I guess some of it could have to do with his sudden success getting to his own head too, but the GN I see nowdays is a much calmer person who doesn't resort to blaming hidden hands, the earth and the skies and everything in between. I don't see him shouting, arguing and terrorizing the refs along the sidelines that much anymore either. All in all I see a much more silent, harmonic coach who is doing a tremendous job with his team.
            HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
            you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.


              old formations do work.

              In a Khar to Khar league like IPL that is.
              Last edited by Hadi; 02-05-2009, 07:50 AM.


                Originally posted by Hadi View Post
                old formations to work.

                In a Khar to Khar league like IPL that is.
                afarin, i wanted to write exactly the same thing!

                e.g. I saw Rahahan vs Esteghlal on TV, and everyone praised Ghalenoi and Esteghlal vali bebakshid, Rahahan played worse than an Austrian fourth division team!
                Ghalenoi has built a team with good players. But it is littlebit confusing why e.g. Borhani scores 17 times (I guess so) in IPL matches and what about Team Melli? rimdadadidam rimdadadidam!

                I want to see Esteghlal and Ghalenoi's 3-5-2 on international stage in AFC Champions League...
                TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                  1- GN's outbursts have reduced .... to my reckoning, it has a lot to do with his repeated success and wins.
                  I'd like to test him & his attitude in a couple of LOSING scenarios, to see if he's indeed departed from his old thug-like ways.

                  2- GN and SS play the same teams that, say, malavan and PP and .... play.
                  We ARE talking about Iranian teams and coaches and players here. By the same token, if someone used a modern 4-2-3-1, he shd be sweeping all competition aside with bundles of goals.
                  ..... right?
                  But we dont see that.

                  so I dont see why we shd bring in european football into this at all.

                  In fact I think if europeans had as abysmal levels of player development and professionalism that is in Iran, even they would have to think twice before trying to pick a system first and then players.
                  The thing is in europe, players are developed in a pro way, which makes them adaptable to different systems.
                  That isnt so in Iran. and until we reach that level, we MUST adhere to the principle of adapting the system to a chosen set of players and not vice versa.


                    at least he lost my confidence by taking out roudbarian and bringing Talebloo as penalty killer in the last minute of extra time in Asien Cup quarterfinals.....

                    Doctorjan, actually all teams in IPL suffer bad coaching. See what Peyrovani has done with Perspolis within a short period..... perspolis always played like a average iranian team. and after ghotbi took over the responsibility, they changed their playing style, it was like an eye-catcher. where was GN's baby?
                    Last edited by persianallstars; 02-05-2009, 09:58 AM.
                    TEAM MELLI UNTIL THE END


                      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                      1- GN's outbursts have reduced .... to my reckoning, it has a lot to do with his repeated success and wins.
                      I'd like to test him & his attitude in a couple of LOSING scenarios, to see if he's indeed departed from his old thug-like ways.

                      2- GN and SS play the same teams that, say, malavan and PP and .... play.
                      We ARE talking about Iranian teams and coaches and players here. By the same token, if someone used a modern 4-2-3-1, he shd be sweeping all competition aside with bundles of goals.
                      ..... right?
                      But we dont see that.

                      so I dont see why we shd bring in european football into this at all.

                      In fact I think if europeans had as abysmal levels of player development and professionalism that is in Iran, even they would have to think twice before trying to pick a system first and then players.
                      The thing is in europe, players are developed in a pro way, which makes them adaptable to different systems.
                      That isnt so in Iran. and until we reach that level, we MUST adhere to the principle of adapting the system to a chosen set of players and not vice versa.

                      He is not yet there
                      GN is among very few Iranian coach who actually learns from mistakes and improves on it... He is among few rare Iranian coach with ability to standup after falling. Despite his lack of schooling and relative young age he has shown ability to change environment around himself favorably and still remain true to himself and his believe and vision.

                      Today one of his best appeals is his much improved public relation, dealing with opponents, friends & foes thanks to his new personal advisor and trainings.

                      Esteghlal this season is a better team mainly because of him and his policy, improving relationship with higher ups and keeping distance from annoyances of Naserioun & Mansourion…..
                      He has reestablished his authority and style in his team with no mutiny as before.
                      GN has his known enemies, some who has no faith on him and his coaching ability; some hate his guts and characters, and those who hate him his religious belives.

                      This season as it stand may become one of his best record, even more may be IPL record even if unable to continue with same winning streak. Esteghlal is not yet safe and capable of losing 3 games although highly improbable.
                      He is among the good guys and will get better. He is not yet there


                        I agree his public relations have improved. But as they say "you'll find who ur TRUE friends are only in times of trouble, not when you're on the up", by the same token, one can find out about GN's state of mind and maturity only when he is in a bad situation, not when everything's going his way.

                        I sincerely hope he's worked on this.


                        as for ghotbi-GN matter, well, I think ghotbi had a fantastic roster with majority of fans behind him, while GN had Mes, a new club with scant popularity in its province, let alone Iran. And still GN did acceptably.
                        says a lot about the guy.


                          GN , deserves another chance at TM coaching.....


                            also one thing we have to remember is that coaching a national team you have the team and your palyers for a limited time in the year, but as a club team coach, you live and breath with your players for most of the year, and as much as I do agree that GN deserves another spot with TM, he does need a few more years of experience under his belt before being considered, of course, I would surely choose him over Daie and the current staff, both style of play and experience-wise.
                            Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                              Originally posted by persianallstars View Post
                              at least he lost my confidence by taking out roudbarian and bringing Talebloo as penalty killer in the last minute of extra time in Asien Cup quarterfinals.....
                              Doctorjan, actually all teams in IPL suffer bad coaching. See what Peyrovani has done with Perspolis within a short period..... perspolis always played like a average iranian team. and after ghotbi took over the responsibility, they changed their playing style, it was like an eye-catcher. where was GN's baby?
                              For me the heartbreaking mistake was not to play for the win versus South Korea in the normal time by pushing for an attacking football. Looks like at one point he got his mind settled on thinking "Okay we just want to go to the PKs". But in hindsight, South Korea if I recall correctly, managed to get three 0-0 ties reaching the semifinals of AC 2007 (but losing to Iraq on PKs.). My point being they were themselves playing a very defensive style of soccer.


