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Who says "old" formations dont work ?

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    Unless we learn that there is a huge difference between IPL and international football, we wont be able to have proper discussions.

    Sure, GN's 3-5-2 works like a charm in IPL but why is it dead in world football??
    It works in IPL because he goes against coaches such as Parviz Mazloomi, Mayeli Kohan, Yavari, Peyrovani, Jalali etc etc. If you put these names together, you still will not be able to get a decent coach.

    The fact that a has-been such as Mayeli Kohan is doing a great job with Saipa does prove that. Prettty much anything goes in IPL. When the football played there is miles from international standards, then you might even be able play with the Hunegerian 4-2-4 model and still make it..........

    When or rather IF GN implements this system successfully in the ACL against teams from Saudi, Japan, Korea etc, then we can talk about success.

    Sure, GN's sytem works in IPL but so does a team like Malavan who plays in mud and plays like Scottish football from the 80s. Straight long ball to strikers. In IPL, GN is a start coach and Nikbakht is David Beckham........Reality is something different.
    In my Sunday league, I am a well respected offensive right back with quite a few assists and goals to my name but considering the standard of the league, it hardly makes me the rebirth of Cafu.....

