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Iran-S.Korea:The game analysis

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    1- yashar jan, we did speak of the very scenario before the game.

    exactly WHAT did VH do ?
    this by no means is degradation of his efforts.
    But technically speaking what did he accomplish in the game in that formation?
    a couple of lay-ups for midfielders who are NOT goal scorers ( except the "occasional" khalatbari )?
    anything more ?

    this is not to say remove VH. But for the coach to PAIR HIM UP with another striker who takes some of the load off him, and provides a proper goal scoring option for VH's lay-ups.


    midfield "controlled" them?

    I wouldnt call it "control" if it is so easily wrested away from them at whim by the koreans.
    we better acknowledge this FACT and not sweep it under the carpet like many other issues.

    a kid holds onto the ball until you decide to take it away from him WHEN YOU WANT ( or plan ) TO.
    if you do it very easily and at whim, the kid cannot say "I was controlling it". You just didnt plan to do it at the moment.

    100% chances:
    watch the game again and you'd see at least 3 100% chances in the first half itself.
    especially the #9 FREE header on the 6 yard line and the mis-kicked tap in on the second post ( our left post ).


    our next games are :
    Iran-ksa .... in Iran
    ( N korea - uae, in korea. this game we can be pretty sure they'd win and become 10 points )

    then we have rest
    ksa- uae ( pretty sure ksa will win and get another 3 points )
    South korea - n korea ( they both are above us and almost anything that happens will push us farther away from direct qualification )

    so by end of April ( BEFORE THE HECTIC 3 GAME MONTH OF JUNE ) if we fail to beat the saudis, we will be the FOURTH team in the group.

    Now, how many ppl are still saying "oh, it's nothing much" or .... ????
    remember, almost all our rivals have got the 3 points in uae, but we failed.
    and both the teams above us have beaten saudi and we have not !
    we have also dropped the HOME GAME points.
    So dont be too relaxed and luxurious with your praise or irrational support.

    But, not to depress you all, I must say if we LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES and win the saudis, and then somehow win in north korea, we'll be in pretty good shape.

    CAN we do it?
    WILL we?
    that's up to the staff, players, .... and luck.


      Originally posted by maij View Post

      ...I am becoming very nervous with Hossein Kaebi....
      Majid jan, you can't get into the water and not getting wet. This guy is a fighter and I agree with you he is and will be the main suspect to be red-carded in any minute.

      From my own expereince, the few minutes of the game, oponents usualy show each other "who's dady". ...and Kaebi is the one rulling any oponent. I think any team needs a "hit-man", like Gusso in Italy.

      Remember, in UAE game? When Esmaeil Matar had a bad tackle on one of our player, it was Kaebi who came and told him "kh'aret Ga--eidas kid".


        Originally posted by maij View Post
        Very valid point Reza Jan and I quite agree with you. In fact Hashemian wasn't doing badly in shielding the ball and distributing it , but runners such as Borhani or Akbarpour could have been a better option.

        I am becoming very nervous with Hossein Kaebi....and I am really dumbfounded by Daei's lack of disciplinary guidance to this young man...he is a liability in any game , even friendlies. While the coaching staff keeps quiet ( at least in public) , I am afraid Kaebi Shoorish dar miaad of these days....and we will be playing with one man short in a crucial stage.

        The goal conceeded was a classic Iranian Defence Dozing Syndrome ..
        Khosro Heydari must be wondering what he has to do to get into TM.


          Originally posted by faraz View Post
          I apologize for the pessimism in advance, but we are in no shape or form 'alive' or 'running'. We are officially OUT, as it stands, of an automatic qualification spot.

          We still have to play, in order:

          -Saudi in Tehran (for them, it's a do or die situation...will NOT be easy)
          -NK in NK (top of the group, comfortable win today, NO pushovers)
          -UAE in Tehran (could be our only 'easy' win, and how 'easy' - well based on the last match we had against the whipping boys of the group, not very..)
          -SK in SK ( need to even comment on this one)

          These four games overall build a TOUGHER path than our previous four games. We have a MIGHTY task. Hopefully we will have automatically qualified before SK, but I'm not sure what the chances of that are either.

          It's time to worry.
          Faraz jan,

          Your assumption is based on if N.Korea can do the same job in return's leg. I don't think they can and they will fall short, and the only thing will be left is their points taken from our bigger opponent, KSA. They only have 4 points and hopefully will remain 4 after their game in Tehran.


            Originally posted by kaz View Post
            Khosro Heydari must be wondering what he has to do to get into TM.
            ... along with MANY other players. MANY !!


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              1- yashar jan, we did speak of the very scenario before the game.

              exactly WHAT did VH do ?
              this by no means is degradation of his efforts.
              But technically speaking what did he accomplish in the game in that formation?
              a couple of lay-ups for midfielders who are NOT goal scorers ( except the "occasional" khalatbari )?
              anything more ?

              this is not to say remove VH. But for the coach to PAIR HIM UP with another striker who takes some of the load off him, and provides a proper goal scoring option for VH's lay-ups.
              hashemian fought today a lot, and thats all he could do.
              when he had someone like bagheri behind him, there wasnt much he could do.

              when the only type of balls he was receiving were long balls from aghili and hosseini, wat else could he do?

              maybe if someone like jabbari, navidkia or even shojaei was playing behind him instead, and aghili and hosseini wouldnt keep kicking aimlessly upront, hashemian could actually utilize some of his energy getting involved in passing combinations with the midfielders behind him.

              i think playing bagheri behind hashemian and those 2 bekesh ziresh machines affected hashemian's game as well and forced him to just keep jumping in the air hoping to win some aerial balls.
              how many passing combos did he have with bagheri? none...
              the penalty scene was also a result of hashemian's own hardwork and intelligence with that quick turn and cross into the penalty area.

              hashemian isnt a young player, and isnt as good as he was before, but he could definitely be more effective with better service from the midfield.

              i still insist that hashemian should play and even start in TM, but please for gods sake,
              1)lets have a play maker behind him. we have so many options that even if some are excluded because of grudges or injury or lack of form or retirement, we still have more decent options, ones that even daei invites, like shojaei and nouri.
              2)aghili and hosseini for the love of god stop kicking under the ball and just pass the ball to the DMs or one of the side midfielders, please? is this too much to ask?

              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              midfield "controlled" them?

              I wouldnt call it "control" if it is so easily wrested away from them at whim by the koreans.
              we better acknowledge this FACT and not sweep it under the carpet like many other issues.

              a kid holds onto the ball until you decide to take it away from him WHEN YOU WANT ( or plan ) TO.
              if you do it very easily and at whim, the kid cannot say "I was controlling it". You just didnt plan to do it at the moment.
              1)first, just because i disagree with u on other issues doesnt mean, im sweeping facts under the carpet.
              2)secondly, so ur saying, the koreans were allowing iranian midfield to hold onto the ball, allowing them to attack and maybe even score and then all of a sudden in the 75th minute changed their mind?

              a kid can also take the ball and run away from u and u will have to wait for the kid to get exhausted and then take it from him. this is wat happened with us today.
              and when we were exhausted upfront, their whole team was able to push forward. it was our fault for not bringing in fresh legs earlier in the game to keep their defense line and hence, the whole team at bay.

              lets acknowldge this fact and not sweep it under the carpet.

              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              our next games are :
              Iran-ksa .... in Iran
              ( N korea - uae, in korea. this game we can be pretty sure they'd win and become 10 points )

              then we have rest
              ksa- uae ( pretty sure ksa will win and get another 3 points )
              South korea - n korea ( they both are above us and almost anything that happens will push us farther away from direct qualification )

              so by end of April ( BEFORE THE HECTIC 3 GAME MONTH OF JUNE ) if we fail to beat the saudis, we will be the FOURTH team in the group.

              Now, how many ppl are still saying "oh, it's nothing much" or .... ????
              remember, almost all our rivals have got the 3 points in uae, but we failed.
              and both the teams above us have beaten saudi and we have not !
              we have also dropped the HOME GAME points.
              So dont be too relaxed and luxurious with your praise or irrational support.
              im not irrationaly supporting the team.
              i have my own criticisms which i have mentioned even in this thread.
              but i dont wanna exaggerate the problem, specially since, we still havent ACTUALLY COME 4TH IN THE GROUP!

              if u wanna go with the "if" and "agar amma" situations, u can also look at the glass half full.....

              i think draw was a fair result, and that byitself should tell u im not being irrationaly supportive otherwise i would say we deserved to win no matter what.
              Last edited by yashar_fasihnia; 02-11-2009, 08:37 PM.
              Originally posted by siavasharian

              بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
              بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


                Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
                hashemian fought today a lot, and thats all he could do.
                when he had someone like bagheri behind him, there wasnt much he could do.
                when the only type of balls he was receiving were long balls from aghili and hosseini, wat else could he do?
                ... and why is that?
                not becoz he was ALONE ?
                becoz we didnt have players who could CROSS from width?

                As I said, this is not demeaning VH, but the idiotic formation and choice of players.

                Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post

                2)secondly, so ur saying, the koreans were allowing iranian midfield to hold onto the ball, allowing them to attack and maybe even score and then all of a sudden in the 75th minute changed their mind?
                a kid can also take the ball and run away from u and u will have to wait for the kid to get exhausted and then take it from him. this is wat happened with us today.
                that is called "game plan".
                Nobody says "lets allow them to score" ... which we didnt during the RUN OF PLAY btw. ( dont trivialize it with "allow opponents to score" coz that happens to best of teams with best of plans)
                Their plan was quite clear and they played it well too. they knew at what periods of each half to exert themselves and apply pressure.
                we've seen this before too.

                If they sat back and kept on merely kicking under the ball whenever it reaches their 18, then you'd have the right to question them this way. ( wait. there WAS a team that did that often. hmmm... wonder which team it was )
                But did they?
                they played football and did their own thing and paced themselves ... and importantly, kept to the plan.


                  Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
                  Doctor joon, jigar tala, although you are one of our best football analysts in this site, I am afraid that I am against your views most of the time because it's not always black or white as you always portrait it.

                  My 2 cents:

                  Just a few points about your posts:

                  1, Please write shorter. Long posts usually dilute your points.

                  2, Assume that the coach has a brain and knows a bit about football.

                  3, Width in todays’ football come from the runner backs and not mid's.

                  4, Every player brings some qualities into the team which means they lack some others. It means when you put a player over another one, you choose specific qualities over others. Just image this for Bagheri, hashemian, ... please and try to rationalize why they are on the pitch.

                  If you consider above points, your posts will be more pleasure to read



                    Originally posted by kaz View Post
                    Khosro Heydari must be wondering what he has to do to get into TM.
                    Ay gofti. Maybe he should start sending off target crosses which all land behind the touchline, let alone the goal area and start performing mixed martial arts and collecting cards to fit the bill.
                    HOMER: Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether
                    you win or lose.... it's how drunk you get.


                      Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                      Doctor joon, jigar tala, although you are one of our best football analysts in this site, I am afraid that I am against your views most of the time because it's not always black or white as you always portrait it.
                      My 2 cents:
                      Just a few points about your posts:
                      1, Please write shorter. Long posts usually dilute your points.
                      2, Assume that the coach has a brain and knows a bit about football.
                      3, Width in todays’ football come from the runner backs and not mid's.
                      4, Every player brings some qualities into the team which means they lack some others. It means when you put a player over another one, you choose specific qualities over others. Just image this for Bagheri, hashemian, ... please and try to rationalize why they are on the pitch.
                      If you consider above points, your posts will be more pleasure to read


                      I could just as easily and immaturely, post :
                      Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
                      ... unnecessary gibberish ....,
                      But I wont do that and will answer u properly.

                      I also dont see where it was "whining".
                      if by "whining" you mean complaints, then give me the right to be disappointed.
                      some can just brush things like this aside. some cant. to each, his own.
                      It is your god given right if after this game, you jump on the table and do a "baba karam".
                      do as you see fit.

                      1- I never said anything about me being an analyst or this or that.
                      I have alwasy said I call what I see.
                      it may suit some ppl, it may not suit some others. That doesnt change anything for me.
                      I call what I SEE ... not what I'd LIKE TO see.

                      2- I really try to write shorter, but that's the flow of my posts and I write as I would talk to mates.
                      That's why I cut off sections, or use colors or ... to avoid & break off the monotony .

                      so forgive me for my inability to write concise and short views. that's just one of my weaknesses.

                      3- yes. the coach has brains. But it is also true that any man can be very lajbaaz and stubborn, any man may not see things properly through a fog of personal matters, any man can be wrong even if his deductions seem sound to him, any man can be restricted and limited , any man .... also.

                      4- "TODAY"'s football.
                      But who said yesterday's football and formations and tactics dont work anymore. reference to another thread "old formations ...."

                      5- yes, any player does have his specific qualities.
                      a FORK also has its specific qualities. But do you use a fork to eat ur soup?
                      I hope I dont have to write more on this

                      cheers back


                        Sorry for off topic.

                        If current IPL Best team SS players play against Korea.

                        Can they won today?
                        My favorite Duo:Karimi & Kavianpour


                          Originally posted by mehdy View Post
                          Sorry for off topic.
                          If current IPL Best team SS players play against Korea.
                          Can they won today?
                          They would have played much better...that's for sure.

                          It wouldn't be a crazy idea to have Rahmati instead of Talebloo, Nekounam instead of Janvario and basically the rest of Esteghlal's team as TM.


                            Originally posted by kaz View Post
                            They would have played much better...that's for sure.
                            It wouldn't be a crazy idea to have Rahmati instead of Talebloo, Nekounam instead of Janvario and basically the rest of Esteghlal's team as TM.
                            Oh,i forget about janvario

                            TM+based SS


                            Or Kazemi for Nekounam,Rezaei for Akbarpour??
                            My favorite Duo:Karimi & Kavianpour


                              Simplified analysis :

                              1- TM only played acceptable during first 25 minutes....and that was mostly due to Korean plans of psycological adjustement and paceing !!,and not TM dictating anything to them...the rest of the game,as the Korean coach said, they played better in our own home.

                              2-There was nothing wrong with player selections, and no other invitee would have made any big difference.

                              3-Again and again, we see TM's engin has , many spark plugs not adjusted , and has no tune-ups !,and the head gaskket is leaking !!,and No steering wheel apparent !

                              4-IRAN and Saudi Arabia, both have chosen wrong coaches,for this WCQ.


                                Well at least we know one thing: its gonna be a typical WC Qualifying campaign for Iran. We will have to at best go thru the playoffs if we want to qualify again

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