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Central defense

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    payman jaan.....if ,as you say,offensive game is more natural to our football.......How come we have never ,ever, had any decent much so, Ali Daei, which was not any big deal in Europe, shattered all Iranian records !....How come , no forward can head the ball in our football, never did, never do !.....How come, we Mis goals,and have mis shots while haveing chance to score, with alarming record ?.....why, we have never had any one,who could scare defences ?......why, offensive line, has never been a strong point in our football ?.................
    I on the contrary,believe, we are culturaly depressed,and defensive !....we culturaly,lack " Killer instinct " !, we are culturaly encouraged to " wait " and hasitate !..
    great offenses, need, killer instincts, and players who ,psycologicaly,...want to " take advantage ", and that is " hampered " in our culture !

    just my opinion !



      1- nature of football being offensive does not necessarily mean a nation will have dozens of brilliant forwards. It means the style of football that is practiced and opted from lower levels up, is usually an attacking one where even midfielders and defenders show hunger in coming forward and scoring goals.

      2- and besides, we've had quite a few decent forwards. mohamadkhani, piyus, daei, azizi, rowshan, .... etc
      they've all been more than decent forwards.
      some may even add Marfavi, fath-abadi, ... to the list too.


        Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

        1- nature of football being offensive does not necessarily mean a nation will have dozens of brilliant forwards. It means the style of football that is practiced and opted from lower levels up, is usually an attacking one where even midfielders and defenders show hunger in coming forward and scoring goals.

        2- and besides, we've had quite a few decent forwards. mohamadkhani, piyus, daei, azizi, rowshan, .... etc
        they've all been more than decent forwards.
        some may even add Marfavi, fath-abadi, ... to the list too.
        I agree,with your point,that offensive football does not neccessarly need great forwards......., but lack of great forward for so long, should mean something !................all players you named,includng my idle ,hassan Roshan,....had always had problem , with the last " touch ".....all Iranian players, lose confidence,when they get close to the opposing goal !,as it scares them off !and opposing goal keepers are so intimidating for our players................
        The reason we may have far too many midfilders, could be because, all good players ,in Iran,do not want to be " the finisher ", and want to watch from the back !
        Puting the ball in the Goal fram !, is indeed a psycological " Blind spot ",in our football culture.


          I think playing offensively with a slow and not good defense is a mistake. I think PP, after conceding the first goal in ACL today, is a good example.

          They pushed forward (of course they had to), but apart from Rezaei the defenders are not used to and not able to defend further upfont. And now they get punished. Also only having one DM surely doesn't stabilize this backline.

