Ok, well, the median is 28 (Aghili). I had to correct the average age btw, I had put Ashjari with 28, but figured out he turned 30 two days ago, so although he was 29 at the time of the match, I think it makes more sense to take the current age, so the average makes 27.64. So Median makes gives an even higher number. No motivation to calculate the variance now, any volunteers, maybe someone with a matching profession
Here the starters plus their age today ordered:
Kaebi 23
Shojaei 24
Rahmati 25
Khalatbari 25
Hosseini 26
Aghili 28
Nekounam 28
Kazemi 29
Ashjari 30
Hashemian 32
Bagheri 34 (will be 35 in 4 days)
Here the starters plus their age today ordered:
Kaebi 23
Shojaei 24
Rahmati 25
Khalatbari 25
Hosseini 26
Aghili 28
Nekounam 28
Kazemi 29
Ashjari 30
Hashemian 32
Bagheri 34 (will be 35 in 4 days)