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Vingada on Nikbakhat

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    Vingada on Nikbakhat

    Maybe, it is too soon to cross on mr. Vingada's name and call him "another fraud" who just came to Iran by smelling easy money. But, certainly he showed he has no class and, in some degree, no dignity by bringing an obvious over-weighted player to rescue him.

    Seriously, have we opened a charity in our IPL by paying millions of millions to these people to do nothing? Are we helping miserable people believing on themselves? Last time I checked, even for becoming a doorman, you need to wear tuxedo. How come we let a football player to be that fat? Don't we need to have BMI test and let players entering the field if they are less than 25 in BMI scale? Kick these miserable people out of our football, it’s embarrassing.

    Here is my prediction for you Mr. Vingada: "Bye Bye".

    what was he supposed to do in 1 week?

    its not healthy to lose like 5 kilos in a week.
    & he had no other option up front with khalili eing injured.

    but i really don't know why denizli,ghotbi and peyrovani also didn't do anything about nikki's weight...also daei invited him to tm.
    they should bench him (for pp as soon as khalili is back) until he gets in shape! really shamefull for a pro to have such a body


      Originally posted by ardi11 View Post
      what was he supposed to do in 1 week?
      Act like a pro. Not being in the 18 squad. Show to the others that you mean business.

      You know why he is fat? Easy, he doesn't do any thing in practices, probably never even show up.

      By letting him play, the coach already bended and waiting for the gang to screw him as they wish. Of course, this is my prediction and I have my own measurement.



        Any pictures of Nikbakht?
        Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


          my theory behind all foreign IPL coaches and players is:

          They are here because of DALAL BAZI, unless proven otherwise.

          I think Vingada is no exception. His presence and his huge salary bill is a result of DALALS in Perspolis club and its management. But if he can prove that he is indeed an effective coach, at least the money hasnt gone to waste.
          example, Denizli was paid huge money by Pas and Perspolis but he was the best coach to work in IPL.

          Plus, You cant really blame Vingada for subbing in Nikbakht.
          His bench is VERY empty of quality players, and he has no choice but to do some sort of attacking sub for a final push for the 3 points.

          Removing Nikbakht or disciplining him for extra weight will also create a huge HASHIYEH at this point of the season, and any huge change he wants to make must be left for after the IPL.

          Perspolis is in dire need of a Renaissance. They need to lay off around 5-6 players, go through an intense off season fitness training.
          Last edited by Hadi; 02-22-2009, 10:31 PM.


            too early to judge him, even with regards to bringing in the fat-ali belly khan in,,,to be honest the fact that Vingada decided to start two young and unknown players instead of Nikki was a good move on his part....he brought him the 2nd half and relied on his experience and all....besides, I think, Peyravani still making a huge impact in these decisions, since Vingada has not had enough time to know his players, his team.

            Vingada has to prove himself in many aspects, I'll say let's give a few more weeks and then we can surely question him if he makes the same mistakes.
            Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


              Originally posted by RaginG Inferno View Post
              Any pictures of Nikbakht?
              thanks to abiete.

              GRACIAS PEP


                The question is, why is a fat guy better than most other options. I think this is the worrying part. I agree a player in this shape should be suspended immediately and fired if he doesn't regain physical shape within a few weeks. But that he is among PP's top 15 players really shows a rather sorry state of our league.


                  In response to our dear members, Hadi khan and The RED aziz, who justify his move because of empty bench:

                  He lost the game and principale. Game is game, you lose and win. But when you lose the principale, you never win it back. That's why I predicted his exit door will come too. This is not Peyrovani to draw Vingada's red lines in his career.

                  Giving him a little credit, The RED aziz is right, he started with two young players. But ...



                    Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
                    The question is, why is a fat guy better than most other options.
                    Is he? Or the coach knows there are some people in Media support the guy and .... you know the end of story.


                      Regarding NIKI.....
                      Stili,while commenting during the Derby's broadcasting,said what we all knew for long time.....
                      he said, Niki,has psycological problem, but he is very talented.

                      I do not think he has not been told by his coaches to get fit .....I also think, he does not give a shit !!as he did not ,with the TM !
                      They way he sees it....if you do not play me, I will go some where they do !

                      As for coaches and principles :
                      It is one thing to critisize,lack of immagination and budget, and bad schedualing, and the shortsidedness of all decision makers in Iran.

                      But, giveing up, on bringing quality coaches to Iran, would not a correct understanding , of the situation.


                        "no class" ?
                        "no dignity"?

                        these are the last weeks of the league, and ur team is still within mathematic chance of winning it. or at least, you have to do whatever you can to maintain an ACL spot. wouldnt you use ANYTHING AVAILABLE to you to get you through these last hurdles?

                        playing Khiki is wrong. But then when you dont have anyone else, you're excused. but to say "class & dignity" is lost is not correct at all. afterall there is truth to the saying " Desperate times require desperate measures" ... even if it means using an overweight idiot.

                        when u'r fighting for your life ANYTHING that comes to ur hand can be a weapon, even if it's a blunt and old pocket knife. None of you will put up ur arms and give in just becoz you didnt have a machine gun available to you at that moment!


                          I have never disliked a Perspolis player in my 35 years of following the team.. But I really dislike Niki as a football player and as a person.... Even in his best shape he is a waste of roster spot... and his personality is nothing close to the personality of a Perspolisee.. in fact, he is the exact opposite of the very ideology which perspolis (Shaheen) was founded on..

                          I know some of my fellow perspolisi friends here won't like what I just said, but I am the type that says what's on his mind.. (and believe me, I had to delete some other things that wanted to say..)

                          If it were up to me, I would force Niki to get in top physical shape, then I would WAVE him off the team roster.


                            It is already too late for he is waisted now....
                            But, there must be an organization to help youth talents to get thier heads strieght......before it is too late !!
                            players such as :

                            1- Nikbakht.
                            2- Oladi .
                            or even karimi
                            The was a poem by the poet , Nosrat Rahmani....
                            "Bar sange ghabre man benevisid : Jang jooyee ke najangid,vali shekast khord "...which very much explains such players as Nikbakht and Oladi !


                              Interesting btw is that I read a short article in one of the papers yesterday that Vingada was very pissed at Nikki after Bargh game and has told him to "get his act together" after the game in the lockerroom..of course God knows how much of that really happened, but I am sure that the coach knows how to communicate to his player so that he is either getting it together, or benched, sold for good.
                              Let's see what happens this coming Friday in Isfahan, and if Vingada starts Nikki or not...if he does Haji jan, I will agree with your point.
                              Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.

