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Vingada on Nikbakhat

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    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
    when u'r fighting for your life ANYTHING that comes to ur hand can be a weapon, even if it's a blunt and old pocket knife. None of you will put up ur arms and give in just becoz you didnt have a machine gun available to you at that moment!
    No one fights for his life in that situation. If you think you can cross all the lines in your profession in the sense of urgency, you are wrong docy joon. Specially, when you spell when it's urgent. In that situation, what will happen? They fire him, so what?

    I said doctor, think about your profession as a dentist and tell me what you don't do even you lose a buissness?


      Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
      But, giveing up, on bringing quality coaches to Iran, would not a correct understanding , of the situation.
      You know, in Iran situation, I am not very positive about "quality coaches" wishing to give a try in Iran. That's why I am testing their quality with smallest signs, Nikki's fittness was one of them.


        Originally posted by BehzadB View Post
        Even in his best shape he is a waste of roster spot...
        Unlike me who like him very much when he was fit.


          Originally posted by The-Red View Post
          Let's see what happens this coming Friday in Isfahan, and if Vingada starts Nikki or not...if he does Haji jan, I will agree with your point.
          Good point, he may learn his lesson and act as a quality coach. After all, we paid him to bring some thing on the table that we don't have. Otherwise, we knew Nikki is fat and Peyrovani is not big enough to cross his name off the 18 players.

          Oh, remember, if he is in the list of 18, it is still a bad sign regardless of his playing time.


            Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
            No one fights for his life in that situation. If you think you can cross all the lines in your profession in the sense of urgency, you are wrong docy joon. Specially, when you spell when it's urgent. In that situation, what will happen? They fire him, so what?
            I said doctor, think about your profession as a dentist and tell me what you don't do even you lose a buissness?

            1- the "urgency" is winning the championship or at least qualifying for the next ACL.
            I believe that is "urgent" and "important" enough.
            these last few games are all "do or die"games.

            if it was near the beginning of the league, one would be forgiven to demand strict discipline and harsh reprimands on khikis and ... . or if PP was a midtable team with hardly anything to lose or gain. But when they are fighting for the trophy or an ACL spot ( against very tough teams like sepahan, ss, zob, ... ) with only a handful of games remaining, then one can get desperate and resort to such things.
            perfectly understandable imo.

            2- "cross all the lines"?
            He hasnt done anything ILLEGAL by playing an idiot khiki. has he?
            as long as we've established it is NOT illegal, then it becomes something else.

            this is called "improvisation".
            and I'm afraid you picked the wrong profession as analogy, to make your point , bro.
            In orthodontics, we are encouraged to "improvise" and suit our mechanics and RX plan based on the needs of the moment. So I kind of sympathize with Vingada for resorting to playing khiki if he didnt have any option at hand.

            perhaps if I were a mathematician, I'd have been more weary of improvisations.


              Originally posted by Hajagha View Post
              You know, in Iran situation, I am not very positive about "quality coaches" wishing to give a try in Iran. That's why I am testing their quality with smallest signs, Nikki's fittness was one of them.
              You do have a valid working and liveing in Iran is just too much .
              But,there are too many coaches in the world, and too few jobs available !, and Islamic republic pays in American Dollar !


                Nikbakht really messed up bigtime. He played an important role in PP's championship and he was even about to become TM's first choice striker after we had huge problems with goalscoring and he scored a cracker against Kuwait to end our goaldrought. A year later I cannot even imagine that he will ever have a cap again and with the form he has he won't be a keyplayer in PP's plans much longer. For me he is the loser of 2008. He was a good player, but he always lacked a professional attitude.


                  well, getting banned from TM for a year doesnt exactly make one highly motivated to keep fit or strive for more or push oneself harder.
                  who knows ....


                    ^ Well, alone the fact that he was banned for disciplinary issues plus his already increasing bodyweight before that also indicate he wasn't taking his profession too seriously before that already.


                      Some how, he lost some weight. He looked thinner, still fat though. Not embarrassing fat.

