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Shooting at TM

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    Shooting at TM

    Dont worry. nobody's shooting at TM. In fact we're talking about lack of it!!

    I was just watching the champs league highlights and one thing that really hit me hard and made me sad was the number of shots these teams take in their games. I saw shots from all angles and heights ( most on target or very close to it ) taken from outside the opponents’ 18.
    And I felt sad becoz we hardly see 1 or 2 of these at TM !!!
    I felt even more sad, coz I watched the asian WCQ’s also and even there we can see some really great shooting by many teams.

    Come on Daei. Teams WIN games and championships based on such shooting. Why don’t we use our shooting? When we have zareh, nekounam, bagheri, kazemi, hajsafi, kia, hopefully madanchi …. Why cant we get better stats on shooting?
    Oft he few shots we see from TM, half are of so low quality and poor that don’t deserve to be mentioned!

    And if someone wants to defend them and say “well they don’t get a chance and there are many bodies in front of … ”, all I’ll have to say to them is one word: “width”. ( You knew it was coming. You shd have expected it )
    Yes, when a team doesn’t have width up front, the opponent’s defenders crowd in front of the goal and obviously we don’t get many clear opportunities or gaps to take shots.

    Anyone still wants to defend the lack of width in daei’s team?


    and just a side note on euro champs league:
    Ever heard of "football-e Kargari" ?
    watch liverpool's ( and even chelsea's ) games this week.
    Those are what I'd call football-e kargari. all running and hustling and pushing and bumping but no flair, no skills, no finesse !!!
    absolutely horrible style of football that unfortunately is prevalent in one of the world's best leagues!!!
    pace, strength, stamina and physicality... and nothing else !!!!
    it may not be boring ( only becoz of its pace), but by God it was a torture to watch those games! especially liverpool's kargari style... quite fitting of their city, I'd say. pitiful !
    yes, I dare say so, even when they won their games.



      ^ funny when you say : "we have a few players who can shoot well, but they are pretty weak in many other departments and therefore can't really be considered for the first team" ... that applies to the same players you bring up in "another" category: g-nejad and khalatbari.

      one may be forgiven to think the first set of players ( mobaali and M Zareh ) are one-legged horses who know only ONE thing which is shooting (!!!!!!), while the second set, g-nejad and khalatbari are perfect players who excel in both offensive ( g-nejad ??? ) and defensive ( khalatbari ??? ) and playmaking ( both ??? ) and free-kicks ( both ??? ) and ......... duties !

      very interesting

      we cant have one specific set of rules for a specific set of players, while we give a whole set of relaxed & loose rules for another set.
      we shd measure EVERYONE by the SAME rules.


      back to topic:
      I dont see it as a difficult thing.
      we just have to practice more. and shooting is not some mad skills that really need inherent talent or ... .
      It's just taking what a lot of these guys do and fine-tune it.
      nekounam shoots well, but not frequently.
      same with kazemi or zareh or khalatbari or madanchi or kazemian or .... etc etc etc.
      all they need is fine-tuning and the ORDER to shoot more ( providing we create chances for them, with reference to the width remarks ).
      they shd make shooting practice a SERIOUS matter at training. not just some task or chore to be done so they can get the hell back to the hotel.
      SERIOUSLY which means observation and advise on weak and strong points of each player. serious analysis with repeated practice.


        Indeed Khalatbari and Gholamnejad are more complete players than Mobali. That's why they are in TM and Mobali won't be ever again .

        Anyway, shooting is something you can practice, but you learn the necessary shooting technique at young age and can't make up the deficits later. This is something which comes from our bad youth work.


          TM players,and in general our league players, cann't shoot !
          More over, if they do, they have no control in the direction !
          And the most important thing, is they have very little understanding of " CUT ",or shooting with curve !!,...
          Shooting with inside or out side not meant to be " shick ", nor is it neccessarly the means to curve the ball , as when there is little angle,they " Curve " the shots .
          The real reason, that they should use curved shots, is , our players should use cyrved balls,specialy " harder" curved balls, " To manipulate the direction ",and " Hit the target with more presiseaon ".. as the ball can be far more easyly manipulated by cuts , in comparison to regular shots.
          You do not curve the ball, because you want it to have curve, you do it mostly, because,it will go exactly where you want it to go,by the trojectory you want it to have.
          with curved ball !
          1- One can manipulate getting to exact target.
          2-One can, by pass tall defenders ,by proper trojectory.
          3-One can reach to the closed angles.
          4-One can , use softer or harder curved balls to cyncronize the timeing of the pass, either to beat ,off-sides, or to give time to the players we are passing to to get there.

          Nekounam's free kick against Korea...had all above qualities...but we do need those kinds of kicks, not just in free kicks, but through out the game.


            Originally posted by Martin-Reza View Post
            Indeed Khalatbari and Gholamnejad are more complete players than Mobali. That's why they are in TM and Mobali won't be ever again .

            ey baba ... dadash, we both know presence/absence in TM does not automatically mean a X is better/worse than Y.

            So keep this line of argument for general forum

            "daei not calling mobaali" is far Closer to a subjective opinion than an objective or a factual reasoning.
            but Facts and records show mobaali is light years more productive and valuable than khalatbari, g-nejad and ... all COMBINED.
            fact - 2 MVP's of 2 different leagues, testifying his leadership and value as a team's general
            fact - his shooting has resulted in more goals and dangerous moments
            fact - his set pieces have far more precision and results than anyone in TM
            fact - 2 league championships with absolutely mediocre and average clubs ( compared to all-star-cast and popular ones )
            ... and much more.

            apart from the "subjective" opinion of daei not picking him and picking X or Y, what do they have over him?
            NOT A THING !
            ... except they never got a chance to play against daei in club games where they were SUPPOSED to do their duty and tackle the man w the ball, be it daei or their uncle or khaje nasroddin! so perhaps they were more fortunate in this issue!!


            Bahram jan, you are correct in electing the curved shots are more dangerous.
            But I'd say let our lads learn to hit the shots ON TARGET first. after they get this, then they can go for the more advanced forms of shooting as you mentioned.

            They ought to learn to take as many shots as possible. I'd even say in a game we MUST see at least 7-8 shots ON TARGET from outside the box. we MUST.
            anything below that is underperforming.

            Martin is right that footballing education mst start at the young age. But what's done is done. now, we have players in their 20's. that doesnt mean we shd give up on them just becoz we cant have the ideal situation.
            as they say "practice makes perfect".
            spending half an hour or so on only shooting ( while moving/running w the ball ) is a MUST.
            especially for a team like ours which finds scoring goals so difficult ! we HAVE to make sure we have other venues to reach goals.
            we cant always depend on luck and set pieces or ... .


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              Dont worry. nobody's shooting at widthfootball-e Kargari" ?
              watch liverpool's ( and even chelsea's ) games this week.
              Those are what I'd call football-e kargari. all running and hustling and pushing and bumping but no flair, no skills, no finesse !!!
              absolutely horrible style of football that unfortunately is prevalent in one of the world's best leagues!!!
              pace, strength, stamina and physicality... and nothing else !!!!
              it may not be boring ( only becoz of its pace), but by God it was a torture to watch those games! especially liverpool's kargari style... quite fitting of their city, I'd say. pitiful !
              yes, I dare say so, even when they won their games.
              Dr Doom maybe we should relay this post to Human Afazeli. He must have an input on Daie, given his position as a TM technical analyst.



                Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post

                Martin is right that footballing education mst start at the young age. But what's done is done. now, we have players in their 20's. that doesnt mean we shd give up on them just becoz we cant have the ideal situation.
                as they say "practice makes perfect".
                spending half an hour or so on only shooting ( while moving/running w the ball ) is a MUST.
                especially for a team like ours which finds scoring goals so difficult ! we HAVE to make sure we have other venues to reach goals.
                we cant always depend on luck and set pieces or ... .
                I agree Payman Jaan, that a player does not neccessarly need to be born with the talent..and thats why there are coaches, and that is why there is teaching !!!....and here what can be done.

                1- Hireing a Assistant coach from Europe,perhaps Germany,with appropreate back ground, only for " Shooting "!!

                2-To teach and practice in;

                A= Free kicks close to the BOX and in center.
                B= Free Kicks close to the BOX but aside from it.
                C= Free kicks away from the opponant's BOX.
                D= Kicking on the run.
                E= Penalty Kicks.( ajusting the best abilities of any particular player....psycology of penalty kicks....the importance of order....modern ideas in kicking penalties...etc,etc.. )
                F= Corner kicks.
                G= Long distance kicks.
                H= Off-side beating kicks.( Curved, or slow inside the BOX ).
                I = Understanding trojectories.
                K= Penetrating passes inside, or from long distant.
                L = " The control of the Rest " as our players have very little control to the " Moche Paa ",which dictates most accurecies.
                M= Curved balls, or cuts...
                O= Shooting strong balls , by different means , ( 1-useing the Big upper muscle...2- useing dischambering the knee....3- useing the speed of the kicking,useing a combination of two or all of the above...etc,etc )
                P = Shooting " SAR ZARB ", as redircting the balls recieved immidiatly with a shoot.
                .................................................. .............
                In conclusion, the Job of the coach, as many forget, even our own TM coach, " Is to teach " !!!
                And, TM waists too much time, and too much talent, mostly by not haveing enough Specialized assistant coaches !! one of which could be for Shooting !
                .................................................. .............


                  I agree bahram jan.
                  while coaches are there to get the individuals to work together and become a single unit and learn team tactics and ... there are other aspects that need to be worked on as well.
                  individuals also may need to be worked on, with each individual's specific task or characteristic kept in mind.

                  yes, most of the individual work has to be done in developing years and in clubs. alas, it is Iran we're talking about and such organized, disciplined efficiency is just unheard of.

                  But at least some stuff can be worked out at TM with reference to a bunch of selected players ( perhaps about 6-7 ) and some specific tasks can be practiced specifically with them.
                  tasks such as shooting, set pieces, heading, crossing, .... etc.

                  not ideal, true. But we cant just accept anything that's thrown at us by fate.

