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The Bagheri conundrum

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    I'm not so interested in NFL, but from what little I know of the game, I think the playmaker is the "quarterback" or whoever it is that SENDS THE PASS. the guy who finishes is the receiver ( or something like that).

    anyway, never took a shine to this game. perhaps it's becoz they try to call it "FOOTball" !!!! .... when the only instances they touch the ball with their bleeding feet is the kick off and the kick after a touchdown !!! the rest of the time, they're HANDLING the bloody ball, FFS !!
    why cant they call it HANDball ? that'd be more appropriate.

    let them give back the name football to the sport of football, and they can have any of the names below:
    american rugby
    american violent handball
    american handball
    american crush-your-clavicle, burst-ur-groin, dislocate-ur-shoulder ball. ( oh, wait. they have the mutated, freak sport of "ice hockey" to vie for this name too! )
    who care .... as long as they stay away from the name "football"


      Knowing Karim, and how classy of him it was to retire when he did; he should step up and do it again.

      I think it was during Branko's time that Nekounam had turned into a starter and was playing really well for us, and since Bagheri was not doing so well in his club (I think he was even without a club for a while, can ayone confirm this?), he said goodbye.

      Now, after a few years, and after Karimi clowned us when we needed him most, I think Bagheri decided to help out his old friend, and accepted the invitation.

      I highly doubt that Bagheri would've said yes if he knew that he couldn't be useful for the team. So I would expect the same wisedom to help him understand that his presence can be a great asset for the youngsters, but ON THE BENCH. Being on the field in a international World Cup qualifier at his age in his position is more of a liability to me, and I think he knows that himself.

      So, in my opinion, if he can deal with sitting on the bench, then so be it. If he can't, then he should respectfully retre when it's the right time, Otherwise, God forbid that he plays and we don't win against Saudi. Then all of Iran will turn up against him and massacre him like they did with Daei himself after the World Cup.

      Both Daei and Bagheri should use all their experience to make a decision on this matter...

      We thank and support Mr. Kamran Delan for many years of dedication and service to the Iranian Football Community.


        maij jaan, I honestly think Karimi is a huge plus for the team. The guy is only 30 years old and in good shape, anytime that he hasn't played for Persepolis, despite their big-name squad, they have suffered in IPL. He has the play-making abilities which we lack in our midfield. In my opinion Daie should use Borhani and Shojaie as forward (like how he is used in Osasuna) and then play both Karimi and Jabbari behind them. With Nekounam and possibly M. Zare' available, as we all agree there is certainly no place for Bagheri. He recently turned 35, in fact according to some (including our own Human Afazeli) Karim is actually 38 years old now. He should do the honorable thing for the country and retire from the national squad.

