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Club teams' dread : An eventual slump

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    Club teams' dread : An eventual slump

    I have rarely seen a team get a hold of a league and not let go ( even for a short period ) until the end. perhaps Arsenal of a few seasons ago with their unbeaten record in EPL was one. But that's a rarity and an exception.

    Usually you can bet on a team's slump somewhere in their season.
    Now, the crucial thing is at what point in the season they suffer this slump. I'd say I'd like it to hit early on so the team has time to bounce back. a late-season slump may end in disaster & tragedy.

    look at Saba and Mes, who are on the up & up after an early-mid season slump.

    on the other hand look at bargh ( now, this one's an example of catastrophic-mother-flogging-disaster if you could find one in the dictionary!!) where they led the table for a THIRD of the season, beating everyone on sight. Now, they are almost sure of relegation !

    Barca may be going through a late season slump too ( and I fear for them. I hate to see those pansy-arse matadors from madrid get lucky again )

    SS lost the league to saipa on a late-season slump.

    denizli's paas, the same a season before that.

    Peykan's started a few weeks back and now, they're midtable.

    PP may be going through it now.

    did SS have their slump early on? I think so, coz they've been riding high for quite a few weeks.

    anyway, the thing is a slump is almost a guaranteed eventuality for any club. the thing is to hope for it to arrive early on. But is there a remedy for it, if it arrives late?
    what can a club ( from management down to players ) do to reduce its effects ( I doubt they could avoid it )

    Slump ,payman jaan, always happen,as you said.......and so does its opposite, which we may call " Being in a Row " !!
    there may be many elements as why they may happen and why particularly more so in Iranian league...
    Or even, the fluctuations, as going back and forth from one to another..and wishing or planning to end the season with being in a row....
    following considerations may be influential as their existance and lack of it will define the slump or not:

    1-Great draft.
    2-Good budget.
    3-Good club plannings.
    4-Good training camp.
    5-Motivating coach,who understands the psycology of the game.
    6-Avoiding " hasheieh "
    7-Good and well defined plans of actions by the coach.
    8-Good fans.
    9-Good chemistry by team mates, ( As also not to have " bad apple " )
    10-Intangebles !!!( As some times some particular "thing",happends during a season or in a particular game,that unites or disunites players for the rest of the season).These intangebles can be accidental,or planned by a good coach !
    11-And finaly, " being Good ", which may the most important one.


      But bahram jan, if we're to put IPL aside for reason of lack of professionalism and defective development and ... , how do we explain the same thing happening to ultra-pro teams ?

      all your 10 points are valid in preparing a good campaign for a club/team. But even after overseeing all these points, giants like barca, milan, chelsea, inter, arsenal, man-ure, madrid, ... fall prey to the very same slump!!

      so we may have to look elsewhere for reasons.

      I'd say one of the reasons could be playing in MULTIPLE tournaments: the league championship, the cup, then the international games like european/asian club champs, uefa cup, .... etc.
      lesser teams with not adequate squads fall rather easily ( osasuna's uefa campagin which hurt their domestic season badly. or saba's or foolad's ACL games which really hurt them. or ... ). But even the giants are not immune to this ( but to a lesser degree ), despite having massive squads !

      any other reasons? coz not ALL clubs play in so many tourneys. what happens to them ?


      btw, bahram jan, this "being in a row" .. is that yet another NFL phrase ?
      does that mean putting in a string of wins?
      ( k0shti ma ro ba een NFL-et !! "NeFLamoon kardi, barar !!)


        Begzar yek kam digar neflat konam !!
        Why not ? Payman jaan...,( Even Klinsman,uses NFL experince in German football )... we can learn from any situations, specialy a league " NFL ",which is extremely advanced,and all things are considered...
        Tom landury,( Ex coach of the Dallas ),used to say, being good gives you wins, but in order to win the championship, you need to have a psycological Gimmik !!
        and more , the coaches beside knowing the football need to be great motivatores and use any , technique , to keep the players on the edge,and makeing them believe,each game is the do or die situation !
        The teams,that do not go to slump, and get in the row, are those, whose coaches had been keeping things fresh !,and had been takeing advantage of psycology in a consistant manner.
        By alternating psycological stimulants, a coach keep things fresh, and takes the team " Over a Wave ",as in a " Wave Riding ", and the team " SAVAR E MOAJ MISHE " !
        In order to be good " MOAJ SAVAR ",one needs to know how to use the waves,and how to transfer from one to another as to " keep Riding " to the championship !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          I like this:

          Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
          being good gives you wins, but in order to win the championship, you need to have a psycological Gimmik !!

          But the players' psychology is only ONE PART of the whole. There are other factors involved in a club's slump.

          btw, you mean in NFL no team goes through a slupm period, no matter if for a few games even ?
          that's strange!
          perhaps the fact that ONLY UAE and their sissy neighbors play "american violent rugby" ( I did make my stance clear in the name "football" ) has a lot to do with it, coz they dont have league games plau cup games plus international games plus national team games, .... etc .

          ( much like their "BORE-fest", baseball ( another mutation of another BORING english game, cricket. at least they didnt try to take a name like "volleyball" for this one ! thank god ), where only a handful of countries play it ! LOLL I've seen ppl fall asleep during a game! I mean what kind of a statement it makes for that sport ???? )


            Payman jaan.....
            Yes,they do also, go through slumps,but very seldom,and they are immideatly handled, and either solved or they would immideatly have whole sale changes....
            If you do not like American football, it is your choice....( as it was they way I felt about it before I got to know it better )......but,we can learn some points from different sports...either chess, Rugby,or even American football.

            The Idea is that, these issues have all been analysed and disected long time ago, and preparation, and remedies have been figured,because of huge Money ramifications..., as each team has more than 30 assistant coaches, and each team has more budget , for just one year, than the whole Iranian federation has for 10 years .

            I agree with you on baseball, as it is not only boring but alsdo it is for kids.
            I also agree they should choose another name, and leave football name alone.


              ^ Of course I'm joking , bro.

              I find the sport of "american soccer" ( from now on I'm giving them the term soccer and taking football away from them ) quite entertaining ( if we take out many of those stops-starts-stops-... during the game ). a bit neanderthal, if you ask me. but I'd take that over the crappy baseball anyday.

              I also agree we can take a lot from their style of "team management". they run things like ultra pros.

              In fact I have always liked their delegation & division of labor with regards to "defense" and "offense".
              with a coach and assistants specifically dealing with each category under the head coach.
              I find that very specific and useful. that's why I've always wanted to see something like that in football too.


              on the topic:
              perhaps it is becoz they have a large roster for each team?
              I dont know the exact number, but I guess the pool of players is much larger than in a football club.
              isnt it ?

              so that allows for more change and variety in a very limited season of a single tournament ( with no other side tourneys to divert their attention and resources ).

