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Heshamt Mohajerani's message

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    Heshamt Mohajerani's message

    - حشمت مهاجرانی
    بار اول که نام علی دایی را شنیدم زمانی بود که تیم ملی عمان در مقدماتی جام جهانی 1994 باید با تیم ملی فوتبال ایران بازی می*کرد. فکر می*کنم سال 1992 بود. من آن موقع سرمربی تیم ملی عمان بودم و باید برای بازی به ورزشگاه آزادی می*آمدم که دلم نیامد مقابل تیم ملی کشورم بازی کنم و دستیارانم را که الان تیم ملی سنگاپور را هدایت می*کنند به ورزشگاه فرستادم. هم رئیس فدراسیون (ناصر نوآموز) و هم سرمربی تیم ملی (علی پروین) از دوستانم بودند و تیم حریف ما هم تیم ملی ایران بود. این شد که با همه علاقه*ای که به ورزشگاه آزادی داشتم،* به این ورزشگاه نرفتم.
    پروین، 15 دقیقه آخر بازی با عمان، علی دایی را به زمین فرستاد. علی در 15 دقیقه*ای که مقابل عمان بازی کرد گل نزد ولی خوب و مفید بازی کرد و یک ضربه سر او هم به تیر دروازه عمان خورد. یک روز بعد از بازی به علی پروین زنگ زدم و درباره این بازیکن تازه پرسیدم. او هم گفت که در هیچ رده سنی برای تیم*های ایران بازی نکرده ولی خوب بازی می*کند و به همین خاطر دعوتش کرده. من در همان گفتگوی تلفنی به پروین گفتم این پسر بازیکن بزرگی می*شود.
    هفته بعد باید بازی*های برگشت را در سوریه برگزار می*کردیم. این بار همراه تیم عمان به سوریه رفتم و آنجا بود که علی دایی را دیدم. به او گفتم .
    بعد از آن مسابقات دیگر از دایی خبر نداشتم تا سال 1994 که تیم ملی ایران باید در هیروشیما بازی می*کرد. آن زمان امیر عابدینی رئیس فدراسیون شده بود و استانکو هم تیم ملی ما را هدایت می*کرد. بعد از بازی با بحرین که دروازه*بان بحرین طحال علی را پاره کرد به بیمارستان رفتم و دوباره او را دیدم. آنجا دوباره حرفی را که دو سال پیش به او زده بودم تکرار کردم.
    چند سال بعد تیم ملی به جام جهانی رفت و علی دایی هم راهی اروپا شد. او خیلی خوب پله*های ترقی را طی کرد و در همه موقعیت*های کاری*اش موفق عمل کرد. او در آرمینیا آنقدر خوب بود که به بایرن رفت و به عنوان اولین آسیایی، فینال لیگ قهرمانان اروپا را تجربه کرد. بعد در هرتا برلین به موفقیت*های تازه*ای رسید و در لیگ قهرمانان به چلسی و میلان گل زد. آن موقع بازی کردن مقابل این تیمها هم برای آسیایی*ها رویا بود ولی این پسر به این تیمها گل زد تا نشان دهد چقدر برای رسیدن به افتخار، انگیزه دارد.
    به نظر من علی دایی در زمان بازی به هر چه که می*خواست رسید. او خیلی دیر به تیم ملی رسید ولی با این وجود آنقدر انگیزه داشت که خودش را در این تیم تثبیت کند. شاید اگر 5 سال زودتر به فوتبال ما معرفی می*شد می*توانست کارهای بزرگتری بکند اما من معتقدم این تقدیر فوتبال ما بود تا دایی به جوانان ایران درس بدهد که اگر بخواهند در هر سنی می*توانند کارهای بزرگ بکنند. دایی از این نظر یک استثنا در فوتبال دنیا محسوب می*شود. استثنایی که همه چیز را فقط به دلیل میل بالا برای رسیدن به قله*های دست نیافته به دست آورد.
    او بازیکنی متعصب، با غیرت بالای ملی و بااراده بود که در زمان بازی به هر افتخاری که دلش می*خواست رسید و بهترین گلزن ملی دنیا شد. در زمان مربیگری هم به بزرگترین افتخار یک مربی یعنی سرمربیگری تیم ملی کشورش رسیده. این، افتخار بزرگی برای هر فردی است که بتواند سرمربی تیم ملی کشورش بشود. دایی حالا فقط یک هدف دست نیافته دارد و آن هم رسیدن به جام جهانی با این تیم است که فکر می*کنم به این افتخار بزرگ هم برسد تا کلکسیون افتخارات شخصی*اش را با آن کامل کند.
    من به اینکه برخی مواقع در ورزشگاه*ها به دایی بی*مهری *می*شود کاری ندارم و به خاطر آن متاسفم ولی به طور قطع او شناسنامه این فوتبال است. من در طول سال*های اخیر که به دلیل حضور در کنار تیم*های ملی مختلف باید به کشورهای آسیایی می*رفتم این را حس کردم که همه دنیا ایران را با نام دایی می*شناسند. فرقی نمی*کرد در کدام کشور هستم. فقط کافی بود خودم را به عنوان یک ایرانی معرفی می*کردم. بلافاصله نام دایی به زبان مردم آن کشور می*آمد. دایی یک نام بین*المللی برای فوتبال ماست و حالا به عنوان سرمربی تیم ملی برای حضور ما در جام جهانی تلاش می*کند. تیم ملی حالا متعلق به دایی نیست که افتخارات و شکست*هایش را از خودمان منها کنیم. هم برد تیم ملی متعلق به همه ماست و هم ناکامی*اش.
    اگر تیم ملی موفق شود همه ما در کنار دایی خوشحال می*شویم و امیدوارم این را همه اهالی فوتبال خوب بدانند. البته این حرف را به این دلیل نمی*زنم که نگران بازی با عربستان باشم. من الان فوق*العاده راحتم چون نسبت به این بازی خوشبینم. ما در هر 11 پست زمین و در هر 4 خط از عربستان برتریم و دلیلی ندارد که در ورزشگاه آزادی به این تیم امتیاز بدهیم.
    به عنوان یک ایرانی که قدمی برای فوتبال این کشور برداشته*ام از همه ایرانی*ها می*خواهم تیم ملی را در بازی با عربستان تنها نگذارند.


    I agree with him.
    we have superior players and we can & shd definitely send ksa home without a single point.
    All we have to do is keep our concentration, be at our best and take our chances.

    that'd be the BEST eidi.


      SO what exactly is he saying? He is trying to prove Daie's greatness as a player?
      Is anyone even denying that he was one of the best ever footballers in Asia and Iran's best ever footballer? He is just explaining the obvious.

      And i totally disagree with his last paragraph (where he actually says something relevant and talks about today's national team). It's exactly this sort of arrogance and baseless big talk that hurts.
      He claims we have 11 better players than Saudi and we are better than them in attack, midfield, and defense. What a load of bull. Even the best teams in the world don't make such arrogant claims. How is it that with 11 superior players, we were almost defeated in KSA? With what scientific measure can you prove that we have better individual players? How come we always think we have the best individual players, and the rest of Asia should bow before our greatness. I bet he doesn't even know the names of the 22 Saudi players! And lest just say we have 11 godlike players, and Saudi has 11 weak players, does that guarantee that we will be victorious?

      This is quite a funny sentence : "Dalili Nadare Dar Azadi Emtiyaz Bedim!".
      What does that even mean? What was the "Dalil" we tied with South Korea? Because South Korea is a A class team and despite our good effort, we could only manage a draw. He speaks as if we are playing Guam on Saturday, not Saudi Arabia, who is on par or better than Iran in every footballing achievement.

      If this was a fan's letter, then I would have kept quiet. But for a guy who claims to be Iran's most experienced coach, I think he should speak and analyze like a coach, not like a football spectator.
      Thank god we at least have Daie as a coach and not him.
      Last edited by Hadi; 03-26-2009, 08:25 PM.


        Eyval, Zende bad Mohajerani.


          Originally posted by Hadi View Post
          SO what exactly is he saying? He is trying to prove Daie's greatness as a player?
          Is anyone even denying that he was one of the best ever footballers in Asia and Iran's best ever footballer? He is just explaining the obvious.

          And i totally disagree with his last paragraph (where he actually says something relevant and talks about today's national team). It's exactly this sort of arrogance and baseless big talk that hurts.
          He claims we have 11 better players than Saudi and we are better than them in attack, midfield, and defense. What a load of bull. Even the best teams in the world don't make such arrogant claims. How is it that with 11 superior players, we were almost defeated in KSA? With what scientific measure can you prove that we have better individual players? How come we always think we have the best individual players, and the rest of Asia should bow before our greatness. I bet he doesn't even know the names of the 22 Saudi players! And lest just say we have 11 godlike players, and Saudi has 11 weak players, does that guarantee that we will be victorious?

          This is quite a funny sentence : "Dalili Nadare Dar Azadi Emtiyaz Bedim!".
          What does that even mean? What was the "Dalil" we tied with South Korea? Because South Korea is a A class team and despite our good effort, we could only manage a draw. He speaks as if we are playing Guam on Saturday, not Saudi Arabia, who is on par or better than Iran in every footballing achievement.

          If this was a fan's letter, then I would have kept quiet. But for a guy who claims to be Iran's most experienced coach, I think he should speak and analyze like a coach, not like a football spectator.
          Thank god we at least have Daie as a coach and not him.

          I must admit , I tend to agree with you Hadi Jan ....but not to that extreme.

          I salute Mohajerani for his attempt to induce support and hype the public in this crucial game

          BUT...this is yet another example of the amount of arrogance mixed with complacency that the MAJORITY of Iranian have about their own football teams. If one of the pillars and living legends of Iran's football is stating such claims ( hardly what I call a reasonable impartial analysis) , what chances do we have to hear a normal fan come up with subjective discussion !!??

          In any case .....I have no doubt that Agha Heshmat meant well. He has nothing but good intention , patriotism and passion for a team that he was a major factor in making it popular albeit a few decades ago.....

          Be omid pirouzi........



            yes i agree, his intention is good.

            Its at least not destructive


              Hadi are so correct.

              I believe, Mohajerani is speaking only with " Public relation agenda " in mind, here....
              He left USA long time ago, and has been , kind of begging, to get some " Posts ", in Iranian football.....but, unfortunately he has been ignored !
              I would guess , coaching " Reza Pahlavi ", has been a big negative on his resume'.


                Originally posted by Hadi View Post
                SO what exactly is he saying? He is trying to prove Daie's greatness as a player?
                Is anyone even denying that he was one of the best ever footballers in Asia and Iran's best ever footballer? He is just explaining the obvious.

                And i totally disagree with his last paragraph (where he actually says something relevant and talks about today's national team). It's exactly this sort of arrogance and baseless big talk that hurts.
                He claims we have 11 better players than Saudi and we are better than them in attack, midfield, and defense. What a load of bull. Even the best teams in the world don't make such arrogant claims. How is it that with 11 superior players, we were almost defeated in KSA? With what scientific measure can you prove that we have better individual players? How come we always think we have the best individual players, and the rest of Asia should bow before our greatness. I bet he doesn't even know the names of the 22 Saudi players! And lest just say we have 11 godlike players, and Saudi has 11 weak players, does that guarantee that we will be victorious?

                This is quite a funny sentence : "Dalili Nadare Dar Azadi Emtiyaz Bedim!".
                What does that even mean? What was the "Dalil" we tied with South Korea? Because South Korea is a A class team and despite our good effort, we could only manage a draw. He speaks as if we are playing Guam on Saturday, not Saudi Arabia, who is on par or better than Iran in every footballing achievement.

                If this was a fan's letter, then I would have kept quiet. But for a guy who claims to be Iran's most experienced coach, I think he should speak and analyze like a coach, not like a football spectator.
                Thank god we at least have Daie as a coach and not him.
                Originally posted by maij View Post
                I must admit , I tend to agree with you Hadi Jan ....but not to that extreme.

                I salute Mohajerani for his attempt to induce support and hype the public in this crucial game

                BUT...this is yet another example of the amount of arrogance mixed with complacency that the MAJORITY of Iranian have about their own football teams. If one of the pillars and living legends of Iran's football is stating such claims ( hardly what I call a reasonable impartial analysis) , what chances do we have to hear a normal fan come up with subjective discussion !!??

                In any case .....I have no doubt that Agha Heshmat meant well. He has nothing but good intention , patriotism and passion for a team that he was a major factor in making it popular albeit a few decades ago.....

                Be omid pirouzi........
                I agree with both.
                the whole country is behind TM and we will defeat KSA...I pray for that.
                Salute to anyone who stands against these barbaric, inhumane and irrational laws of ANY religion.


                  Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                  Hadi are so correct.

                  I believe, Mohajerani is speaking only with " Public relation agenda " in mind, here....
                  He left USA long time ago, and has been , kind of begging, to get some " Posts ", in Iranian football.....but, unfortunately he has been ignored !
                  I would guess , coaching " Reza Pahlavi ", has been a big negative on his resume'.

                  King of begging ????? Nah , Bahram Jan...this guy is loaded. He has extensive business in Dubai and wants a job in Iran as much as a bullet in his head.



                    Originally posted by maij View Post
                    King of begging ????? Nah , Bahram Jan...this guy is loaded. He has extensive business in Dubai and wants a job in Iran as much as a bullet in his head.
                    Majid e aziz....good to see you here,after some while..!!
                    No one doubts his I have always wished him to be the head of IFF,or at least involeved in TM some how....,or even TM head coach earlier on.
                    as you know, for such people , there is no substitute to being the head coach of TM or IFF, in his own country....yet, His involvement with the PAHLAVIS' took him out of faivor with the islamic republic....
                    In my opinion, He would have rathered coach " Mes Kerman ", than ,for example , head coaching job for Qatar national team......but, he has been ignored ,and pushed aside by the Mullahs....Why els, he has never been considered for even a lower posts in Iran ?!
                    The reason he is in the persian gulf nations, is because he wants to be around where he is important to I do not think, he is there just because of investments ! he could have done so in USA as well....You are there, and defenetly know more than me,that how well he is doing money wise, but why did he choose to go there in the first place is the main question.....
                    His comments about TM and Ali Daei, is more of a " marketing for himself ", than true " Football opinion " .
                    Just My opinion, nothing more !


                      Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                      Majid e aziz....good to see you here,after some while..!!
                      Thanks Bahram Jan...I have been around , but finding the time to post is getting scarce nowadays.

                      Originally posted by zzgloo View Post
                      No one doubts his I have always wished him to be the head of IFF,or at least involeved in TM some how....,or even TM head coach earlier on.
                      as you know, for such people , there is no substitute to being the head coach of TM or IFF, in his own country....yet, His involvement with the PAHLAVIS' took him out of faivor with the islamic republic....
                      In my opinion, He would have rathered coach " Mes Kerman ", than ,for example , head coaching job for Qatar national team......but, he has been ignored ,and pushed aside by the Mullahs....Why els, he has never been considered for even a lower posts in Iran ?!
                      The reason he is in the persian gulf nations, is because he wants to be around where he is important to I do not think, he is there just because of investments ! he could have done so in USA as well....You are there, and defenetly know more than me,that how well he is doing money wise, but why did he choose to go there in the first place is the main question.....
                      His comments about TM and Ali Daei, is more of a " marketing for himself ", than true " Football opinion " .
                      Just My opinion, nothing more !

                      Mohajerani had a period of uncertainty in the post revolution era. He was afraid to go to Iran fearing some renegade judge will charge him with something !!! Remember the old cliche "Mofsid fil Arz " , that was enough to put the fear in the most powerful men.

                      Later on , he discovered that this fear was unfounded and there was nothing to prevent him going back. He holds a US passport as you know.


