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    metsu resigned from UAE & joined qatar during this qorld cup qualifications itself when UAE had no chance of qualifying but qatar still did...

    the thing is, this is worldcup qualifcations & coaches are dying to prove themselves in such tests.
    iran has a much better chance than qatar has in making it to the worldcup.

    so iran is the new qatar and qatar is the new UAE in regards to metsu...
    Originally posted by siavasharian

    بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
    بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


      Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
      metsu resigned from UAE & joined qatar during this qorld cup qualifications itself when UAE had no chance of qualifying but qatar still did...
      the thing is, this is worldcup qualifcations & coaches are dying to prove themselves in such tests.
      iran has a much better chance than qatar has in making it to the worldcup.
      so iran is the new qatar and qatar is the new UAE in regards to metsu...

      really he resigned?
      I didnt know he resigned. I thought he was fired. ( not very professional tho' )
      then , I stand corrected and say he shd be the top choice for us .... along with MK, of course
      come on, we need a khaleh-khar coach at this juncture.


        there are some contradicting news.
        UAE federation say they fired him, but the thing is, noone had published his termination until he became the qatar coach apparently and then they started saying he was fired (maybe to save their own aberoo??)

        anyways...i really think metsu as headcoach with our own assisstants can be a good combo.

        2 months of intense IPL, ACL and hazfi followed by some assistance, guidance and data from the previous assistants can help metsu turn things around in the remaining 3 games. i firmly believe in this.
        Originally posted by siavasharian

        بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
        بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


          the thing is, no other coach has played this current TM more than metsu!
          in the past 1 or 2 years, i think metsu has played us around 7 or 8 times.

          in other words, this means that he has more than any other coach analysed our TM, its players, its weakenesses and strenghts.
          this itself is a lead start over other candidates in my opinion and he will atleast know some of the problems which already exist in TM and can waste no time in trying to fix them.

          but unfortunately, i doubt this will happen. neither IFF is gonna approach metsu so easily, nor the 2 parties are gonna give into each others demands so easily.
          Originally posted by siavasharian

          بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
          بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


            Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
            there are some contradicting news.
            UAE federation say they fired him, but the thing is, noone had published his termination until he became the qatar coach apparently and then they started saying he was fired (maybe to save their own aberoo??)

            anyways...i really think metsu as headcoach with our own assisstants can be a good combo.

            2 months of intense IPL, ACL and hazfi followed by some assistance, guidance and data from the previous assistants can help metsu turn things around in the remaining 3 games. i firmly believe in this.

            in a regular or general case you'd be absolutely correct that retaining the staff would help the transition.

            But in this case, I see a direct influence of daei's and branko's wrong policies in terms of player selection.
            now, I dont want to accuse ppl of anything especially if they are subordinates who dont have decision making duties.

            but one just cant ignore the direct connection to those matters, especially since we see them DEFEND those decisions.
            not to mention the near fatal lapses in preparing and analyzing the different games & opponents for TM ( SKorea game a vivid example of either lack of analysis or wrong analysis ).


              I must say we certainly HAVE THE ABILITY to get 2 wins ... and therefore keeping us in the running for the third place.
              we absolutely have the ability and the quality of players to get a win in NKorea and certainly against UAE.

              but as they say "there's many a slip between a cup and the lip"
              HOW we use our abilities is also very important and crucial.

              for starters, I dont think we shd bother about "teamwork" all that much.
              if we havent been able to make these 11 individuals into a UNIT in a year, I doubt we can do it in a few weeks !

              so we must concentrate on the INDIVIDUALS.

              here's where we have the upper hand to NKoreans.
              we have superior players almost in every dept and post.

              if we PICK the best.
              if we PLACE them CORRECTLY
              if we START with the correct ones
              if we SUB the right subs , at the right TIME
              if we use ALL the advantages we have in terms of characteristics of players as well as formation, width, ... ,

              ... then we SHOULD BE ABLE to nullify the speed of and then win Nkorea .

              I am very hopeful about this.

              And lets not discount the HUGE IMPACT this win could have on our team’s dynamics and mentality. They will start believing in themselves and will be on a moral high for the next one.


              next is UAE game.
              -- given the number of quality players we have in Iran
              -- seeing as the two games' dynamics are VERY different, we can afford to keep a few star players at HOME ( not put them thru' the rigors of travel to east and back ) and keep them FRESH for the UAE game. those players whose characteristics dont come in handy against the koreans.

              against UAE we need a different game plan, and hence, different style of players.

              and I'm quite certain if we dot all the "i"s and strike all the "t"s , we can get this win also.

              leaving the final SKorea game ( after 6-7 days ) open to us to PUSH for a point or even 3.
              who knows ... with a rejuvenated/revitalized team, high on morale after 2 wins ( god willing ), anything is mathematically possible. even a win in skorea.


                is it me or is anyone else open to recalling ( and suspending the suspension of ) NIKI ?

                1- he's been doing very well these past games at PP .

                2- his physique, heading ability, ball skills, crossing, shooting, ... are all what a decent striker has.
                cant say he's a good "striker" but then we just DONT have good striker anyway.
                I remember bahram and me debating this. and after a while I agreed with bahram. and niki has also underlined this idea.

                -- he has the body of a CENTER FORWARD ( the brain is a diff matter, tho' )
                -- he also has the ability to HOLD the ball ( as a holding striker ) which is important too.
                -- his heading ability , his above average ball skills, his good-enough pace makes him a decent option for us

                his crossing ability also is a bonus, shd he want to play assistant to another striker.

                and in case of the recall, I think his motivation will hit the roof .

                so lets forget his childish crap ( whatever it was. I still dont know !! ) and recall him at such a desperate time.



                I know ppl have done some calculations , but I havent really checked them.
                so here's a brief glance at most probable results assuming we bounce back mentally and somehow be able to use ALL our capabilities in NKorea and also knowing SOUTH Koreans think intelligently ( unlike us ) and like to finish the job ASAP so they dont have to deal with if's & but's

                april 1st games --- KSA wins - reaches 10 points, SKorea wins, reaches 11
                ranking : 1) SKorea-11 , 2) NKorea-10 , 3) KSA-10 , 4) Iran-6

                June 6th ---- Iran & Skorea win
                1) SKorea-14 , 2)NKorea-10 3) KSA-10 , 4) Iran-9

                June 10 --- Iran & SKorea win
                1) SKorea - 17 2) Iran-12 3) KSA-10 4) NKorea-10

                is it possible so far?
                now, here's the kicker :
                in the final game, more important than us playing SKorea, our two other rivals play EACH OTHER, and since BOTH stand a chance to qualify directly and the least is a probable place at third, we can be sure they will go at it hammer & tongs.
                which means there's a huge possibility that there could be a draw.
                which leaves us sitting in second spot even if we dont get any points off a SKorea who is now, assured of qualification ( reward for their intelligent attitude of finishing the job ASAP ).

                if we lose, and either of ksa or NKorea wins, we still go into play-offs
                if we lose and they draw, we'll stay second.

                but that's not all.
                if we somehow get 1 point from SKorea, we are in a position that even if North Korea wins and gets to 13 ( equal to ours ), WE qualify ahead.
                if ksa wins, we qualify for the play-offs anyway
                if the two draw, we qualify second.

                all this means if we gather ourselves and get that crucial away win at NKorea, we stand VERY GOOD chance of going further.

                if ksa game was a do or die game, I think this one has become the MOTHER of do or die matches.


                  I came across this post in general forum and replied to it.

                  and that got me thinking why we are such LOSERS in terms of organization & management ... even in cases where we HAVE THE RIGHT & OPTIONS to legally exercise some advantages !!!


                  Originally posted by Batigol
                  Guys do not be hopeless we still can go as number 2 even. today lost mighty Argentina 6 to 1 to Bolivia
                  and this prove that everything is possible in football and also prove that being a great player ( maradona, Daei) doesn't mean you are a great coach

                  while it IS one of those freaky and improbable scorelines ever ... but we shd research a bit more and see all the hows and whys.

                  if we check we'd see Bolivia is one of the highest ( altitude wise ) countries in the world.
                  it's been a constant controversy in fifa over their hosting int'l games where almost ANY team will find it extremely hard to even compete ... let alone win the games there.

                  Brazil in its peak, a few years back lost 2-0 to bolivia in bolivia (but trounced them in the return leg).

                  so visitors losing isnt really surprsing.
                  however the SIX goals are!


                  btw, this is one of the reasons I've been advocating shifting some of our TM games to TABRIZ instead of tehran.
                  Tabriz's altitude is high enough to cause a bit of problem for teams coming from low altitude like the arab teams. apart from the colder climate.

                  Imagine if our KSA game was conducted in Tabriz instead of tehran.
                  I wouldnt have been surprised if we'd scored a huge victory there

                  if only our stupid IFF has an ounce of brains ........ !!!


                    Daei is History...and we ,as well as the new coach, need to have a fresh look at what TM is and should be !.....
                    There may have beeen some good developements/along with some not so !

                    1- Khalatbari, Rahmati , are the only two players we found during Daei....


                    2- Rezai , on offense is a Joke, .

                    3- Our central defense is , inexperinced, soft,lacks talents in shooting, lacks ability to pass/ heading, lacks offensive abilities...and most importantly , lacks authurity and Muscle !.............It is the area, future coach should work most on.............

                    A- The central defense is too weak to be able to train a new left back ( Ashjari )along.....for the next three games, we need to go with proven talents........, forget the fasination with a left footed left back.

                    B-We should ingore what daei thought of Rahman and Nosrati ...and should get them back......Rahman has it all,and we can forget developeing for future, for the next three games... and we need Nosrati's contribution in central defense.

                    4-Karimi, Madanchi, and Khalatbari should start the game.

                    5- Shjaee, needs to be benched, as playing in Europe is not enough to deserve playing in players must contribute....shojaee is a taller version of Oladi !....

                    ................................Rahmati........... ...............

                    ................Hossaini..................Rahman.. ............

                    .......kabei...................................... ....Nosrati....

                    ...............Kia................Neko............ karimi........

                    .....................Khalatbari...............Mada nchi........

                    ..................................Hashemian....... ...............


                      I wouldnt mind a look at rahman.

                      but for whom? aghili?
                      I dont see much of a difference between them. they basically play the same style of game.
                      but on offense, I think aghili has a slight edge in scoring goals.

                      and at the moment, it is SCORING goals that is far more important than preventing them.


                        Payman jaan.......
                        Your whole suggestion to bring Mayeli-Kohan is based on him winning 7 games in a row with saipa ?................
                        If that is the case, why not Ghalenoee ?
                        And what teams did exactly Saipa beat ?......any South Korean caliber ?
                        The only improvement TM needs in short term, is :

                        1-Better opponanat analysis.
                        2-Better game planning.
                        3-Better preparation.
                        4-Some avangard Defensive/attacking sheems.
                        5-Less Hashieh,better psycology.
                        ( Note, There is no need for better player selection,even our B team may do the Job )

                        What the Portugues coach of saudi Arabia did....and what mayeli-Kohan has no idea about......He is another Daei with a different kinds of Antiques !

                        Our Poor TM, just need a coach to atleast, not prevent them from wining !

                        On the Rahman Issue,

                        Aghili and Hossaini, are TOO nice and gentlemen to scare any body !


                          ^ actually it IS partly based on MK's short term effect on saipa.
                          there is no denying that.

                          but also on other factors like :

                          1- he likes attacking football. and at the moment, we NEED attaking mentality and attitude.

                          2- he is highly disciplined and right now, we NEED discipline

                          3- he doesnt give a crap about the players' name and fame. we need such a strong person to make tough decisions.

                          I wonder why none of you read the link in the signature, explaining why I choose him.

                          and I wonder why nobody gets the TOTAL & ABSOLUTE difference of situations of simply coaching an Int'l team and our current situation. they are like comparing apples and Jupiter!! they're not even on the same plane!

                          if you tell me do I want MK to get TM 2 years before the WCQ's I'd say no. THAT is a general situation.
                          right now, we are NOT having a general situation.
                          lets not forget this important fact.


                          and to all of you who doubt me, let me tell you one thing:
                          I am PRETTY SURE MK's first appointment and call up is going to be SADEGHI !!!

                          so dont think I'm just saying stuff or want to play favoritism.
                          I'm just saying what he brings to the table , AT THE MOMENT & CURRENT TM CIRCUMSTANCES far outweighs his negatives ( like bringing sadeghi back to TM !!! scary stuff !! )


                            We already have had a coach whom , had wins with Saipa, whom have had lot of , " EDDEAA ", and lot of BS !!!...........why would we want another one ? again ?.............

                            why, The saudi's had 180 degree change when thier coach changed ?.....
                            the answer is, thier new coach, knew , newer " Stuffs ", than thier old traditional domestic predictable football coach did !
                            Where and how has mayeli Kohan learned " Stuffs ", he would teach our legioners ?..............
                            TM players, even the local ones, do not take any coach seriously, and will not be impressed easy , just by any " Tough Talks "......
                            I remmeber what PP players used to say about Ghotbi, on his first year...they said he brought new Ideas, and that made them more motivated !, and like wise, the old Ideas, will bring ,predictabilities, unimmaginitive, football...and hence, low productiveity.....and less effort !, and less motivations.

                            Coaches, Like Mayeli-Kohan, and Daei...sound more interesting than what they actualy are in camps.....
                            they would always , lose the secound halves, the coaches' half ,....and there is good reason for that !..and that is because, they just have not seen enough up to date football.


                              ok, I think this is going to be the LAST TIME I'm going to say this:

                              we dont HAVE TIME for "stuff", bahram jan.
                              there's no time for technical revolution.
                              there's no time for inlaying some great masterful strategy
                              there's no time for turning a team of 11 individuals into a unit
                              there's no time for for some master-mind and genius to come and somehow turn an apple into a truck
                              there's no time for for almost anything !!!

                              The ONLY thing we can hope to achieve is to mentally repair and prepare the individuals.
                              boost their confidence, increase their self belief and motivation.
                              feed their drive and induce hunger.

                              for these matters you dont need the likes of LIPPI, or WENGER or HIDDINK or .... .
                              we need someone who can work on this bunch on psychological levels.

                              hala hey shoma ha begin this guy knows less tactics, that guy hasnt had a track record ... as if I'm saying MK is a highly technical mastermind!!!!!!

                              you ppl waste ur time talking about some vague, general scenario and forget our unique situation!
                              this is not like a club or team trying to choose who's the best to lead them in a season or tournament or league or ...har kooft o zahre-mari,

                              this is about THREE GAMES in ELEVEN DAYS.
                              that's all

                              and the BIGGEST IRONY of all is this:
                              had we had another coach screw up our qualifiers ( instead of daei ) and we'd removed him, the ABSOLUTE FIRST CHOICE WOULD HAVE BEEN DAEI HIMSELF !!!
                              not becoz I think he's a master strategist or an experienced coach or ... .

                              but the unique character & needs of our circumstances would suit his character perfectly!!
                              coz with Daei coming in for the FIRST TIME, the players would be motivated, energized and he'd be hungry enough to yet again look like the savior of Iran and TM.
                              and the 3 games would not provide much room for his personal agenda or whatever weaknesses he showed as his coaching wore on!

                              it's just sad how we mismanage our football and use ppl so wrongly that we end up in such mess!


                                Payman jaan...Thanks for your reponds....
                                I do not know how to write with " Bold " alphabetts ,other wise,I am just as seriouse as you are, or even more .

                                The Saudi's did not have enough time either .( Consider this sentence in BOLD colorful letters ) !!!!

                                at this moment the psycology is not our main problem,( the players will be very motivated to win any how )......., the understanding of the game, and half time adjustements ,and avaluating the opponants , before and during the half time, IS !!!!( also in Bold )

                                we would not have hired Daei had we faield with MK.....Daei would have been considered the same way MK is being considered now....,another BSer....because,...the more critical the situation,the less risk we would take... ever since,we lost at the last WC, the IFF and we the fans , wanted to have " TOP " coaching.....remember " Clemente ", and long list of top coaches ? was just through accident, and emmbarresment " Clemente situation caused us to settle with domestic coach, since, our need to a forign coach was challenged !!................
                                Nothing has changed , we still need a forign coach badly, as we just do not have coach who deliver !........and this fact, is even more true, and more felt, for a three game series !!!

                                when " clemente " rejected to come to Iran.....we thought : we do not need him, and all we need is a coach who can motivate our players and let our " talented players " do thier superior thing !!!..............and it did not work........
                                Talent under a untalented coach, is no talent !..............
                                the closeset thing, with practical means right now, for only these three games, is to hire GHOTBI.............
                                The secound choice,would be RutteMuller.

